Infinite script kill

Chapter 659 Chapter 73: Magical Vision

Chapter 659 Chapter 73: Magical Vision

Deep between reality and reality, in the small courtyard with a single door, before Xu Tong walked in, he heard the laughter of the old man.

"Hahahaha, my landlord this round, wait until you lose your pants!"

I saw that the old Taoist was holding big and small kings, four kings, four aces, and a set of straights.

On the other hand, Xue Gui and Song Lao, who were sitting in front of them, looked at the cards in their hands, and their expressions fell into deep solemnity.

"Master, Master, I'm back!!"

At this time, Xu Tong pushed open the courtyard door and came in, holding the meat pie made by Sanniang and a pot of old wine in his hand.

Seeing Xu Tong enter the door, the master's eyes lit up, and he threw the cards in his hand on the table: "Stop playing, the grandson is back."

"Hey, hey, my king bomb, my king bomb!!"

The old Taoist stared at him, while Elder Song said helplessly, "It's important, let's play the cards next time."

The old Taoist twitched his mouth when he heard the words, he blew his beard and stared at him angrily, and looked at Xu Tong angrily: "You came here at the right time, you messed up all the cards you have been waiting for all night."

Xu Tong grinned and grinned, holding the meat pie in his hand: "Don't be angry, Daoist, I'm here to deliver meat pies to you."

Speaking of which, Xu Tong sat at the table, put down his things, and looked at his master Song Lao: "Master, the merits of this month..."

"I know that you kid didn't come thinking of us when you came to the door."

Elder Song pouted, and handed over a ball of golden merit to Xu Tong.

Xu Tong stretched out his hand to take it, and almost smashed his hand. The heavy weight made even him feel a little struggling.

"During this time, the people of Yuyang are living a good life. Jiang Zhen was dishonest some time ago, and I taught him a lesson."

Master Song unhurriedly opened the old wine brought by Xu Tong, poured it into the wine glass and took a sip, as if he was talking about an unimportant matter.

But it is not so simple to let the master say it, I am afraid it is a lesson from the master's mouth.

Xu Tong collected the merits well, such a heavy weight must be able to regenerate a magical power from the bamboo of merits.

"How are you doing recently? You can have a clue about the matter of the Moduo Sect."

The master picked up the meatloaf brought by Xu Tong and tasted it in his mouth. Not to mention, although it looked bad, it tasted pretty good.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Xu Tong could only put on a bitter face, and once again sued the master for Lu Zhi's trickery.

By the way, he briefly talked about his affairs in Luoyang City.

The three listened intently, and after Xu Tong explained the matter clearly, they fell silent to each other.

"Zhang Haisheng... Zhang Sheng cooks the sea and goes against the sky!" For a moment, master Xue Gui spoke first, but he was talking to himself, as if he was thinking about something.

The old Taoist on the side wrenched his fingers and asked after a while: "That Tu Feiyuan you mentioned once said that Zhang Haisheng is his predestined relationship?"

Master's focus is relatively simple: "This meatloaf, bring some next time."

Seeing that the three people had different concerns, Xu Tong blinked, ignored Master's proposal to drop the meatloaf, and looked at Master: "Master, what's the problem?"

Xue Gui wanted to explain, but after thinking for a while, he turned his gaze to the old Taoist aside: "You speak first."

The old man pulled his fingers, and then confirmed a few questions with Xu Tong.

For example, could Doi Yuan have said anything about the predestined person, or more information about this person.

Including whether Xu Tong saw his body with his own eyes and so on.

After asking these questions clearly, the old Taoist slapped his thigh: "You have been fooled!"


Xu Tong opened his mouth wide and looked at the old man.

The old Taoist did not go around in circles anymore, and directly stated the problem: "As you said, since he has found a destined person, how can he be willing to die? If my prediction is not bad, this person must have planted a prophecy on Zhang Haisheng. Word."

"suspended animation?"

Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, and he was already thinking about digging the fat round grave.

The old Taoist drank a glass of wine: "Maybe it's true death, but it's just that he didn't die completely. If an enlightened person wants to take another step, he must cut the Tao.

How to cut the road?Everyone's way is different. As far as I know, if this person is good at prophecy, he must set different prophecies on three people.

These three prophecies are all very difficult, and not everyone selected can be chosen at will.

Moreover, every prophecy is almost against the common sense of people. If it is fulfilled, it will have a chance to kill the Dao. If it misses a move, it will be the end. "

As a half-enlightened Taoist, Lao Dao is also a master of Yi Xue. If he is allowed to return his soul, the strength of this old guy will never be inferior to that of Gu Pei Yuan.

So just listening to Xu Tong's description, the old Taoist had already guessed that it was almost inseparable.

"No wonder!!"

Xu Tong felt relieved when he heard the words, no wonder Gu Peiyuan was so kind to Zhang Haisheng.

Nine out of ten prophecies about Zhang Haisheng are related to his enlightenment.

What about the remaining two prophecies? ?

In an instant, Xu Tong thought of Nie Haitang, and remembered that there were three layers of calamity in this woman's luck, one link after another, and he could see it all. How could Gu Peiyuan not know.

I'm afraid that the second prophecy will fall on Nie Haitang.

As for the third prophecy, Xu Tong couldn't guess it.

This is also normal, this kind of thing is related to one's own luck, and must not be easily let outsiders know.

After the old Taoist finished speaking, Xu Tong looked at the master.

"There is nothing to say. Zhang Haisheng has a different fate. Be careful. If you notice a change...kill him!"

Although the master didn't show any expression on his face, there was a very dangerous breath in his calm eyes.

Xu Tong is very familiar with this kind of look. At the foot of Beimang Mountain, the master used this expression when he killed someone.

Xu Tong wanted to ask clearly, but the master reached out his hand in advance to stop him from continuing to ask: "Let's stop here. If you see someone with the surname Zhang in the future, you must be more careful."

Seeing that the master refused to speak, Xu Tong also shut his mouth in a sensible manner, and did not press the question any further.

But I still keep this matter firmly in my heart. If the master doesn't say anything, it's hard to guarantee that others don't know, just check it out by yourself.

"By the way, where is the princess?? Why didn't I see her today??"

Xu Tong looked around and changed the topic.

"She asked your master for a vacation, and took the mountain ghost and the zombies of the Mei family to Wushi City to find relatives."

The old man took a sip of the wine and said to Xu Tong.

"Looking for relatives?"

"That's right! Although the descendants of the emperor of the old Zhu's family are rough, the princes of the old Zhu's family are more productive than one another. It is normal to have some relatives in the underworld."

The old man said jokingly.

These words aroused the smiles of the master and the master, and the luck of the old Zhu family emperor is also rare and strange in a thousand years.

Except for Zhu Chongba himself, the other emperors were either short-lived or childless.

On the contrary, those princes who were entrusted out were as terrifying as planting machines.

After the old man made fun of him, the serious atmosphere disappeared immediately.

Seeing that it was rare for Xu Tong to come back, Mr. Song dragged him to the side to endorse.

It was not until late at night that Xu Tong came back from the void.

After returning, Xu Tong saw that it was already late at night, so he simply lit the yellow incense, and guided the way by the incense cloud, the soul came out of the body and came to the entrance of the hall.

"Meet the Headmaster!"

As soon as Xu Tong came back, the big girls immediately gathered around and saluted Xu Tong.

"This is your incense merit!"

Xu Tong took out some of the incense merits and distributed them to Da Ya and the others. Because of the five black mesons, Xu Tong also specially allocated a part of it to Da Ya, who was responsible for feeding the fur balls.

Then he led the crowd and walked quickly outside the hall entrance, in front of the Seven Treasure Bamboo, and saw that the upper and lower sections of this crystal clear bamboo were already shining golden, with the imprint of Vajra flashing.

In the Six Arts Hall, the reason why he was lucky enough to survive from Lu Zhi's hand was due to the Diamond Seal.

It's just that with the Vajra Seal, the next time I meet Lu Zhi, this means of my own may not be enough.

At this moment, there is only a rapid increase in strength.

It's just that entering the Tao is difficult, and it may not be easy for me to improve my practice, so I can only start with shortcuts, such as the Qibaozhu in front of me, and the souls of the masters of the Motuo Sect.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong had already started to look forward to it, and weighed in his hands the merits of the incense that the master gave him.

This is the merit accumulated in two months, counting in the tens of thousands.

And the quality is extremely high, even with the blessing of faith, which is much higher than the quality of the merits obtained by Fuxian.

As soon as Xu Tong gritted his teeth, he threw half of it into the Qibao Bamboo of Merit and Virtue in front of him.


As soon as the golden incense merits touched the transparent bamboo on the ground, there was a burst of golden light, and there were bursts of bells echoing in the ears.

"The headmaster has appeared!!"

Da Ya and the others surrounded Xu Tong, staring at the shining golden light in front of them with wide eyes, anticipating the appearance of the next magical power in their hearts.


I saw that the bamboo trembled slightly, as if it had grown an inch taller. At the position of the second bamboo joint, strands of gold threads were connected to form a strange golden rune, emitting a blazing light.


That seemingly familiar voice echoed in my ears again.

Da Ya's eyes lit up, thinking that this time she must ask the monk to understand.

For a moment, the sound of the Buddha sounded loudly in front of him, incomparably sacred. In the eyes of everyone, the handsome monk from last time appeared in front of him. He was dressed in red and cassock, with white hair growing on his forehead, like a reborn immortal monk, illuminating the world.

"Great monk!!"

Although each of them can see the monk, the monk treats everyone differently.

In front of Xu Tong, the monk just raised his head, stretched out his hands, and grabbed the sky. Suddenly, the sky became dark, and the monk caught two shining golden stars in his palms.

Xu Tong looked at the monk's palm involuntarily, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in front of his eyes, and two stars pierced directly into his eyes.

The sudden pain made Xu Tong tremble all over, but after having the experience of the Vajra Seal for the first time, he no longer frowned, but let go of his mind and carefully felt what was in his eyes.

Gradually, the name of this supernatural power emerged in my mind: "Miraculous powers!!"

(End of this chapter)

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