Chapter 666
"Boom rumble!!"

There was a dull thunder, and a little raindrops began to float in the air from time to time.

The strong wind blew the colorful flags in front of the Ming Hall, making a flapping sound.

"Finally done!!"

In front of the Buddha statue in the Mingtang Hall, Yuan Shoushi painted the last stroke, and the solemn Buddha in front of him was already presented to everyone. , The eyes of every character are cautious and awe-inspiring.

Then he jumped down from the Buddha statue, put his hands together, and knelt in front of the Buddha.

"you are leaving."

The voice of inquiry coming from behind was the graceful figure in a gorgeous dress.

"Yes! The Buddha statue has been repaired, and my task has been completed. Naturally, I can't stay in the palace any longer."

Yuan Shoushi raised his head slowly, and saw Wanrong kneeling in front of the Buddha, clasping his hands together, and praying with his eyes closed.

I don't know why, seeing this scene, Yuan Shoushi's face showed a bit of annoyance, and he grabbed Wanrong's wrist: "Don't worship, what is there to worship with a pile of rotten wood and stones, come with me, we Find a place to live in seclusion, and from now on, no one will find us!"

Yuan Shoushi's eyes were fiery, but no joy or anger could be seen on Wanrong's face.

Wanrong took out a package from behind and handed it to Yuan Shoushi.

"Here are some clothes I made for you. Summer is coming and autumn is coming."


Yuan Shoushi looked at the package, his face turned cold, he stood up suddenly, his face flickered for a while, and he turned his head to look at the gloomy sky outside the hall.

"You know, a lot of people will die today."

Wanrong was stunned for a moment, but then shook her head, stood up and walked to the main hall door, letting the strong wind mess her hair.

"Someone dies every day, fame and wealth, if you don't bring it with you, you don't take it with you when you die, even if you leave a name in history, it's just a stroke of ink in the history books, but the strong save themselves, the sage saves others, Brother Yuan, do you understand me? ?”

Yuan Shoushi was at a loss for words at Wanrong's words.

The sweet and lovely girl in front of her suddenly became strange at this moment.

Wanrong picked up the package and put it in Yuan Shoushi's hand.


Yuan Shoushi took two steps back, looked at the package in his hand, raised his head suddenly, and stared at the Buddha statue in the main hall, his eyes were full of hatred.

Gritting his teeth: "I'll wait for you under the Drum Tower in the east of the city. I don't believe it. You will leave the palace one day. I will wait every day until you leave the palace!!"

After all, he hugged the package and walked out of the palace gate.

Looking at the distant figure, Wanrong's eye sockets gradually blurred.

At this time, an eunuch guarding the door bowed and walked forward, seeing this, he whispered: "Miss Shangguan, why bother, our family knows a secluded place..."

Wan Rong frowned slightly when she heard this, and squinted at the eunuch: "What do you mean?"

"Hey, of course it's the friendship between Miss Chengquan and Mr. Yuan."

The eunuch grinned.

He didn't see the murderous look in the eyes of the girl standing in front of him, and patted the eunuch's shoulder: "Okay, okay, come!"


Two Shenwu guards with knives and axes walked forward with a cold face.

"Plug it in, cut it off!"


The eunuch was startled, his expression changed drastically, and he quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately: "Miss Shangguan, no no no, Zhaorong, Zhaorong, please forgive me, I am kind, Zhaorong please forgive me, please forgive me, please..."

But the Shenwuwei who took the order didn't wait for him, he inserted one left and one right to drag him away.

Not long after, he heard the sound of a knife being drawn and piercing the air, and the screams of His Royal Highness, and it fell silent instantly. Along with the sound of footsteps, the Shenwuwei who had just left walked forward holding the eunuch's head.

"The order continues. From then on, there is no such person as Yuan Shoushi in the palace, and all records about him will be erased. I don't want to hear anyone mention this name again."


Wanrong's voice fell, and with a flash of lightning piercing the sky, the big raindrops began to fall.


The rain splashed down.

For a while, passers-by on the street covered their foreheads with their sleeves and ran home quickly. After a while, the huge street was empty.

"Tick tick tick tick..."

Water droplets hit the ground along the wall tiles, and the damp cold wind blew on the face, and the wind was rustling, carrying a cold murderous aura.

On the official road leading to Ziwei Palace, there was a chilly piano sound.

Xu Tong glanced away, and the dark shadows were quickly gathering towards Xu Tong.

It's hard to imagine that besides bad people, there are so many strange people in Luoyang City.

"Three are Daoists, seven are Grand Masters, wait, when did Grand Masters become so worthless!"

Xu Tong curled his lips, and suddenly stopped walking.

Looking up, I saw two women standing on the official road, one holding an umbrella and the other playing the piano.

Under the sound of the woman's piano, the rain seems to have begun to slow down with the rhythm of her playing.

"This road is blocked, my son might as well change another road."

The woman playing the piano raised her head, her naturally charming face and her big watery eyes scanned Xu Tong's body up and down.

"Huh?? I've been in Tanhualou for so many days, why haven't I seen you so stunning?"

Xu Tong grinned and asked the woman with a smile.

"It's not that all women in the world have to devote themselves to Tanhualou. A lowly concubine doesn't have that kind of blessing. I can win the world's talented people to paint for my poems. It's just for the few taels of silver every day, so I can live in peace and keep myself safe."

The woman's voice was as clear as a bell, and it seemed to have a sense of rhythm in the heavy rain.

Entering the Tao with sound, although the woman in front of me is a qin teacher, she has the fruit of the Tao, which shows that the qin art is already at its peak.

"That's easy, I'll give you 500 taels, can you get out of the way!"

Xu Tong asked with a smile.

"Hehe, Shizi is really an interesting person, but how does Shizi know that a poem by you in Tanhualou is worth thousands of gold, and 500 taels may not be enough."

"Then shall I make you a poem too?"

Hearing this, the woman's eyes finally revealed a bright light: "Is it specially written for me??"

"Yes, as talented as a girl, if there is a poem to match, it would be the best."

As Xu Tong said, he took two steps forward, as if he wanted to see more clearly through the rain.

Apparently the woman also noticed this, her willow-leaf eyebrows moved slightly: "Your Majesty needs seven steps to compose a poem!"

"That's for vulgar people, for girls, why do poor monks need seven steps, three steps are enough!"

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he took another step forward, staring at the girl's face, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter and brighter.

"A flower in the rain, and a toad at a close look. People are ugly and their mouths are not sweet, and they don't give money when they are scary. They have big round heads and shrimp eyes. Although people are ugly, they are ugly at first glance. When you look closely, hehe, it's even uglier!"

Hearing Xu Tong's doggerel, even the killer hiding in the dark almost couldn't help laughing.

The woman's almond eyes were like bells, and the sound of the piano played with her fingers became chaotic for a while.

It's fine if it's someone else, but it's Li Zheng, a love monk, who is described by him in this way, and if it spreads, he is ugly even if he is not ugly.

"court death!!"

The desperate woman hooked her fingertips on the strings, and saw that the strings were pulled by the woman for half a moon like a bow string. When she loosened her fingers, there was a deafening roar, and the surrounding space condensed, and then the heavy rain unexpectedly Like densely packed bullets, they shot towards the surroundings.

Xu Tong's pupils tightened, and under the gaze of the sky eye, he saw countless invisible voice lines blasting towards him densely.

"Xuan Yuan Shield!"

Seeing that there was no way to hide, Xu Tong waved his hand, and a blue light appeared in front of him. The moment the sound line touched, a terrifying frost erupted, and countless sharp icicles shot towards the woman.

Facing the frost piercing in front of her eyes, the woman just played the piano, her fingers were like dancing butterflies on the strings, just listening to the sound of the piano was like a tide, stirring the surrounding void and trembling. This ray of moonlight is intoxicating. , the entire void has ripples.Everything is so beautiful, so fascinating.

It's just that behind this beauty lies a terrifying murderous intent.

Ripples visible to the naked eye trembled in the void, like raging waves, hitting the Xuanyuan Shield one after another. Even Xu Tong's Xuanyuan Shield was blessed with Hagana, and it didn't take a moment for a spider web-like crack to appear.

Obviously, this woman's piano sound is soft like water, but it is invisible and invisible, with needles hidden in the cotton, and she specializes in restraining the world's horizontal refining skills. I am afraid that after the last battle at the Six Art Museum, she knows that she is good at defense, and her body is comparable to gold. Iron, that's why I asked this woman to be the killer.

Realizing that the Xuanyuan Shield would not last long, Xu Tong simply stopped defending passively and called out the Pure Yang Sword. The blade waved like a long dragon, and an unrivaled sword energy, Pure Yang Sword Energy, cut down, as if to tear the space in front of him. crack.

But just at the moment when Xu Tong drew his sword, two afterimages struck in the darkness, one on the left and one on the right, both hands struck out, and the entire void in front of him twisted and layered like a shock wave.It was the other two Daoist killers lurking in the dark,
The two Xu Tong recognized, they were the two teammates following Ashina.

For a moment, the three of them formed an angle and launched a fatal blow to Xu Tong.

At the time of life and death, he didn't know that Xu Tong's body suddenly burst into light, and the blue dragon scales covered his whole body. At the same time, the Taiji swordsmanship was twisting and turning in his hands.

"Fire Slash!!"

Consumes 30 script points, centering on itself, causing bursting flames within a diameter of 20 meters.

Targets around the area have a 60% chance of being knocked back.

Accompanied by a bang, the hot and bright red flame exploded with Xu Tong as the center, and the terrible high temperature mixed with the shock wave rolled towards all directions.

This sword seemed to catch the three of them by surprise, the woman's complexion changed drastically, she picked up the guqin in her hand and flew back, but the woman who held the umbrella for her was not so lucky, even struggling in the flames had no time to turn into ashes in an instant.

One of the other two shadow players was triggered by the shock effect, and his body flew upside down. At the same time, a golden mask was formed on the other's body, and he was invincible for a short second. Childlike mouth.

"Pfft!!!" Hot blood spattered on the ground.

I saw that the dagger ignored the scale armor on Xu Tong's palm that was blessed by the Vajra Seal, and pierced through Xu Tong's palm, only one inch away from piercing Xu Tong's heart.

This dagger is obviously not an ordinary item, it can ignore his scale armor and diamond seal, at least it is a high-level item card.

Seeing that he missed the blow, the other party's face became ruthless, and he even gave up the dagger, and hit Xu Tong's chest with both fists like a hammer. The pain came, and the Chunyang sword in Xu Tong's hand was like lightning, and the sword struck down. The opponent didn't have time to dodge, so he could only block with his arms, and the golden light shone on his body again.

"Hey! The time is just right!"

However, the expected slash did not land, making the opponent startled, and hastily lowered his arm to see that Xu Tong had already put away the Chunyang sword in his hand, cupped his fists, and bowed heavily to him.

"He begged for mercy??"

Looking at such a strange posture, anyone would think so, but this is precisely where Baishankou's despicableness lies.

The moment the other party was distracted, there was a huge pain in his head, as if he had been hit by a sledgehammer inexplicably, his brain was about to split open, and the golden light on his body disappeared in an instant.


At this moment, something extra appeared in Xu Tong's hand, a bronze mirror. The mirror pointed at him, and saw the reflection of the other party on the mirror surface, and the prompt sound of the successful immobilization...

(End of this chapter)

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