Infinite script kill

Chapter 688 [9 Immortal Cauldron]

Chapter 688 [Nine Immortal Cauldron]

"Oh, it hurts me to death!"

In the manor, Taoist Lingxu and the others had already left, and the old man of the Mei family had brought them down the mountain early.

There are only Xu Tong, Gao Zhuo and Mei Du in Zhuangzi.

Xu Tong and Mei Du were alright, Gao Zhuo was really beaten a bit badly, Zhang Haisheng's slap was him, if it was another great master, he probably would have died.

In addition, Taoist Lingxu helped him heal his injuries, and Xu Tong gave him the Wuling Pill of Transforming Injuries, and his injuries were no longer serious.

In contrast, Da Ya and the others were seriously injured.

This is what really made Xu Tong angry. In order to protect herself, Da Ya forcibly cut off her tail to become a Taoist. In the end, not only was she beaten back to her original shape, but only three of the original six tails remained.

It may not be easy to recover.

As for fortune and auspiciousness, the injury is not so serious, but it is not optimistic.

Fortunately, he had refined enough elixirs, and it was not time to endanger his life, but Xu Tong promised that he would make the entire Qingcheng Mountain repay the debt doubled.

"Damn, this son of a bitch, we don't owe him anything, he just bites as soon as he opens his mouth!"

Gao Zhuo greeted Zhang Haisheng in his mouth, and he felt bad luck in his heart.

Mei Du looked at Xu Tong from the side: "Brother Xu, you really want to participate in the Luo Tian Da Zhan."

Although he was very clear about Xu Tong's strength, he was a supreme master who hadn't appeared again for hundreds of years.

What's more, Luo Tianda Zhan is the site of Tianshi Cave, if Xu Tong goes in like this, I'm afraid...

"I'm afraid of a bird, I'm in a hurry, my master, I will go home and invite my ancestors out!"

Gao Zhuo looked desperate, wishing he could eat Zhang Haisheng alive.

It's just that Xu Tong didn't express his position on this issue, because there was no need to express his position. Now that he had already made a decision, he could just do it, and it would be useless to talk more.

Doesn't Zhang Haisheng like to fight, so he will fight to the end with him until he is trampled under his feet, and win back today's tone.

"Meidu, let your grandpa bring someone back for the wine in the wine cellar, just keep some for me."

"No, Brother Xu, since you are the owner of the manor, everything in it is yours. It has been clearly stated in the ancestral precepts that our Mei family can afford it. As for my father and my uncles, They dare not raise any objections to it.”

Mei Du waved his hands again and again to express that there is no need to do so.

Xu Tong didn't force it when he heard the words: "We still have to rest here for a whole day, you go back first, and pick us up early tomorrow morning."

"Oh well!"

Mei Du didn't know what Xu Tong was going to do, but he didn't ask too much. After making an appointment with Xu Tong to meet tomorrow, he hurried down the mountain.

After Mei Du left, Gao Zhuo looked at Xu Tong: "Head, what shall we do next!"


"Waiting for what??"

Gao Zhuo scratched his head, wondering what Xu Tong was waiting for.

In fact, they are quite short of time now, Luo Tian Dazhan's ceremony will be completed in seven days, and every minute of the seven days is precious to them.

"Wait for Master to come back."

As Xu Tong said, he lay down on the chair, casually called out the item book, and began to check the item cards he had obtained in this script one by one.

In fact, this should have been the first thing to do after the comeback.

Who would have thought that so many things would happen after just sleeping.

His eyes swept over these prop cards.

Xu Tong was somewhat relieved, because the reason for the forced arrival, he did not get many item cards this time, but fortunately, the quality of each item card was very high.

【Vajra Demon Hand】

The carrier is proficient in the Buddhist secret art of Vajra Subduing Demon Hand.

Active Skill 1: Fallen Demons

Consumes 300 script points, after activation, the palm technique will gain the [Armor Piercing] effect.

Duration: 30 minutes
Cooling time: 20 minutes.

Active Skill 2: Demon Elimination

Consumes 300 script points, after activation, the palm technique will gain the effect of [Breaking Technique].

Duration: 30 minutes
Cooling time: 20 minutes.

Passive Skill: Fudo Mingo
When performing the palm technique, there is a 30% chance to summon Fudo Myoka's form.

Fudo Mingwang Dharma Aspect, centered on itself, radiates within a radius of 20 meters, and the power of all Taoism, magic, and demon spells is reduced by 30%.

(Note: My Buddha is merciful, but I also have the wrath of Fudo Myoko!)

This item card came very well, and besides, I really lack Buddhist and melee skills. It is obviously not enough to rely on close combat and grappling hands now.

With this item card, his melee strength will be greatly improved again.

Then look down again.


Passive Skill 1: Overlord Physique

For the bearer, physical fitness increases by 14%, strength increases by 14%, and agility decreases by 14%
Active Skill 1: Overlord's Wrath

Consumes 300 script points, after activation, body size increases by 20%, strength increases by 30%, and agility decreases by 20%
During the duration of the Overlord's Wrath, immune to all physical control, immune to mental control below level 6, and jumping ability increased by 50%
This item card made Xu Tong feel tasteless. Although the improvement was very high, the decline was also very severe for him, so he directly traded it to Gao Zhuo.

On the one hand, his defense is already strong enough, and the improvement brought by this item card is limited; on the other hand, for Gao Zhuo, the improvement effect is very obvious.

In particular, the 50% increase in jumping ability is simply tailor-made for a zombie like him.

【Hussar order】

Special item card, which consumes 500 script points, can force an army (maximum number 300) to be upgraded by one or two ranks, and the maximum limit is Shenwu Hussars.


Cooldown: 30 days

Seeing this item card, Xu Tong's first thought was to upgrade his Yin soldiers.

In fact, there are not a few Yin soldiers in captivity, but the quality is so poor that in the second section of Baishankou, there should be thousands of Yin soldiers forming a square formation to charge, but the power has dropped a lot.

So Xu Tong is often in the second stage, followed by the third stage. Now that he has this item card, he just fills in the vacancy in this regard.

The last thing left is the 【Silver Rank Team Building Order】

This is the treasure I have been thinking about. Although I don't know what benefits the silver-level team has, I think it should not be much worse than the William team.

At least the internal channels of the team should always be available.

Thinking of this, he was eager to try it out, but he always had to eat one bite at a time. There was no rush to build a team. It would not be too late to build a team after entering the exhibition tomorrow night.


Xu Tong stood up and looked at Gao Zhuo aside: "Idiot, let's go!"


Gao Zhuo looked up and thought he was about to go down the mountain, but Xu Tong reached out and grabbed his ear: "This way!"

As Xu Tong said, he let go of Gao Zhuo's ears, and moved forward with both hands to worship the mountain buckle, calling out all the ghost soldiers in his space.

I checked the quantity, and it was quite a lot, there were 280 five.

But quality...

Looking at the broken copper and rotten iron worn by these Yin soldiers, and even the rusted state of the spears, the combat effectiveness can be imagined.

Seeing this, Xu Tong took out the [Hussar Order] and held up the token high. Following the prompt of 500 script points consumption, a gray light flashed on the token, covering the line of dark soldiers in front of him.

Under the gray light, a layer of metallic luster appeared on these Yin soldiers. When the light dissipated, the Yin soldiers in front of Xu Tong suddenly took on a new look. They had already put on a brand new layer of mail armor, and the spears in their hands had already disappeared. It was replaced with an all-in-one horse-cutting knife, and it was also equipped with a bow and arrow.

"Ding! You used the item card [Hussar Order] and your troops have been upgraded two levels in a row, reaching Iron Cavalry."

Hearing the prompt, Xu Tong pondered in his heart that the level of iron cavalry does not sound high. Although he didn't know how many levels away from hussars, but he also knew that there was a huge difference between iron cavalry and hussars. Not a star.

The so-called hussars are definitely the highest honor among all cavalry.

Hussars are like clouds flying.

Ever since Huo Qubing led the hussars and sealed the wolves to Xuxu, this is the glory that all cavalry longed for in their hearts.

You can only wait 30 days for the next upgrade.

"Move it for me!!"

Xu Tong's first order after upgrading the team was to let the team rush into the wine cellar to act as porters.

There are countless fine wines, food, and all kinds of messy ironware in the wine cellar of the Mei family.

Since I don't plan to stay here, I have to take all these things away. It doesn't matter if I don't have enough props, I will move them all into the virtual and real room. They are all century-old cellars, so I should respect my master and master up.

Just as Xu Tong was directing these Yin soldiers to carry them, he suddenly moved his ears and heard a rustling sound.

Looking back, I saw five fluffy little guys coming out of the bushes with a small tripod on their shoulders.

"Hey! You are here."

Seeing these five furry black mesons, Xu Tong remembered them. There is no way that the sense of existence of these five little guys is too low, and they are too easy to be ignored by him.


The five little guys gathered around, making weird noises. Under their fluffy hair, they opened a pair of big eyes, staring at him blinking, and then, like presenting a treasure, they sent a small cauldron to Xu in front of the child.

"Hey, where did you pick up the junk??"

Xu Tong reached out to pick up Xiao Ding and asked with a smile.

It's no wonder Xu Tong didn't like this thing. This small tripod looks no bigger than an adult's palm. It's square and full of dark green patina. There is actually a hole the size of a thumb.

But the black mesons immediately objected to Xu Tong's words, and saw them chattering around Xu Tong, and then seeing that it didn't make sense, they simply started pushing Xu Tong with their chubby bodies.

It's a pity that their fluffy bodies have too little strength, so instead of knocking down Xu Tong, they hit themselves on the ground, rolling and bouncing away.

Seeing that they were so excited, Xu Tong put the tripod into the props book with an attitude of giving it a try. Xu Tong, who had no hope at first, gradually became dull in his eyes, and even began to breathe a little shortly after a while.

"Head, is it a baby??"

Seeing Xu Tong's expression was not right, Gao Zhuo hurriedly asked.

After Xu Tong was dazed for a few seconds, he silently showed Gao Zhuo the entries given in the item book.

Gao Zhuo took a closer look, and was immediately dumbfounded.

On this item card, there are nine figures standing tall in the sea of ​​clouds like nine mountains.

The figures of the nine people are constantly changing, as if they are dancing, and they seem to be singing. It is a bit like the movements of the Northeast Dancing Immortal, constantly changing their postures.

Dynamic cover! !

Gao Zhuo's breathing suddenly became rapid. The dynamic cover alone already showed the quality of this thing.

Taking a quick look, I saw [Nine Immortal Cauldron] written in big characters on the entry.

(End of this chapter)

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