Chapter 700

Behind the crematorium, there is indeed such a separate small villa.

The three-storey small western-style building, the bright red exterior wall, and the white glass, looks very foreign, but people passing by see this building, needless to say, they all hide away.

why? ?

First, this location is not good, behind the crematorium, according to Feng Shui, this location is the back door of the crematorium, such a building is a place for the temporary "guests" of the crematorium to rest.

Second, this building is fake at first glance.

What is a false eye?Have you ever seen the small western-style building that was burned when I went to the grave? ?The shape and paint color of this building is exactly the same as that of the burnt paper building. It has edges and corners, a triangular roof, and round pillars. At first glance, it looks like an enlarged version. Anyone who looks at it will panic.

It has been standing behind the crematorium for many years, and the outside is overgrown with weeds, and no one has ever been seen inside.

Today, it's very lively here.

Xu Tong pushed open the door, swept the dust in front of him, and looked around, it was not bad. Although the building looked dirty, the quality of the building was not bad, and the windows had glass.

There is no water and electricity, but this is not a problem for Xu Tong.

He has dark vision, and it doesn't matter whether he has electricity or not. When he came, he had purchased all the food and drink supplies in the supermarket in the town.

"Brother Xu, this place is very secluded, you are retreating here, and no one dares to disturb you!"

Xu Tong rolled his eyes, thinking that this is nonsense, who is full and ran to this place to do something.

"Then if Brother Gao comes back, I..."

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about Gao Zhuo's side, I'll just send him a message later, just go back if you have nothing to do."

"Then... let's go..."

In fact, Meidu originally wanted to stay here to help out as a protector, but after thinking about it, he was afraid that he would disturb Xu Tong, so he nodded and said that he would come to see Xu Tong tomorrow.

After Mei Du left, Xu Tong pushed open the door of the basement, and suddenly a gust of damp cold air rushed in. The dark basement exuded a smell of earth, which made Xu Tong frown.

But it's just this kind of place, no one is around, and if there is a commotion, no one will care.

Otherwise, although the environment in Rumei's house is very good, there are too many people, and it will be troublesome if someone who shouldn't see anything sees it.

Walking into the basement, he took a look with his eyes, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, Xu Tong called out Big Fatty and patted the guy's chubby belly.

"If you succeed today, you should be able to eat hot pot tonight."

Thinking of this, Xu Tong took a deep breath, took out the incense burner from the props book, lit the yellow incense, and used the cloud of yellow incense to make his soul go out of his body.

According to the method Taoist Lingxu told him, it is actually not difficult to train the second soul.

You only need to separate a part of your soul, turn it into a ray of soul fire, refine the fat man, and completely integrate with his soul to succeed.

In theory, this method is very simple, but since ancient times few people have been able to succeed.

The reason why the second soul is difficult is that it is difficult to find spiritual talents.

It is rumored that there is a Taoist in Longhu Mountain who got a tiger skin by chance, and found that the tiger's soul was still trapped in the tiger skin, so he used this method to turn him into a second soul, and he called himself a tiger Taoist. .

The current situation of Big Fatty is the same as that of the tiger skin. Xu Tong only needs to separate a part of the primordial spirit, and slowly sacrifice it with the fire of the primordial spirit.

But Xu Tong didn't want to simply make Fatty his own vassal, so before turning Fatty into a second soul, Xu Tong planned to perform some minor operations on Fatty.

I saw Xu Tong's soul flickering, and he patted Fatty's head lightly with his palm: "Hey, trust me, I'm a professional in surgery..."


Blood splattered on the wall, and with the sound of churning flesh and blood, a pair of bloody hands stretched out the window.

After the misalignment of the neon lights outside and the darkness in the room, a stern face was reflected on the glass, which was Xu Tong's good brother Chang Wuzhi.

"Let me go...I was wrong...I will give you whatever you want..."

Half of the man's body on the ground had been torn off, and his flesh and blood stained the walls, the sofa, and even the TV.

Chang Wuzhi squatted down, caressing the man's face, feeling the prickly beard on the man's lips, he couldn't help closing his eyes: "Look at my face clearly, remember, my name is Chang Wuzhi!"

While speaking, Chang Wuzhi's hands suddenly twisted on the man's head.


Immediately, after the man's head rotated 180 degrees around his neck, the man's pupils gradually dilated, and he lost his breath completely.

After finishing off this man, Chang Wuzhi casually grabbed the item book on the other's body, glanced at it quickly, and couldn't help ridiculing: "It's all rubbish!"

As he said that, he chose to inherit all the script points of the man.

Chang Wuju felt a strong sense of satisfaction in his heart after taking a look at his property book, which had already reached a six-figure script score.

"Ding ding..."

At this time, the phone in Chang Wushou's pocket rang, and when he picked it up, he heard a woman's voice from inside.

"Oh, my lord, your speed after completing the certification makes me clench my legs every time I think of you..."

The woman's voice is very charming, with the temptation of a mature woman.

But Chang Wuzhi just responded coldly: "I only care about when my commission will be credited. If it's overtime this time, the next time we meet... I can't help but pull your skin off and make it into a lantern!"

"Damn, you are such a cold-blooded guy! The commission has been paid to you this time, and it will be credited in about 5 minutes. In addition, the leader asked me to ask you, do you really plan to join the group? At present, there are only less than seven teams in the gold-level team. If you miss this opportunity, next time you want to...beep..."

Before the woman could finish speaking, Chang Wuzhi had already hung up the phone.

Just as he was about to leave the scene of the crime, the phone called again. Seeing that it was still a woman's number, Chang pressed the answer button expressionlessly.

Soon I heard a woman's roar from the other end of the phone: "You bastard, don't always hang up on my phone!! I haven't finished talking yet, there is another mission here, the bounty is very high, and I will There are some fun things, are you interested in participating in it?"

After the woman finished speaking, Chang Wuzhi's phone vibrated a few times, and then saw a message from a software called Shark APP.

After Chang Wushou clicked on the information sheet, what came into view was a face he was all too familiar with.

"This mission is very challenging, and it seems that you can participate in a very ancient ceremony and get ancient strange props. If you are interested, you can consider it, but you'd better disguise yourself. This mission requires Do it in the way of the primordial spirit under the eyes of everyone, you must never..."

"I took it!"

Talking without waiting for the woman to respond, he hung up the phone, and Chang Wuzhi raised his head with excitement that could not be concealed: "This is a good task!"

As he spoke, he turned and turned on the speaker on the side.

Regardless of whether it would disturb the neighbors who were still sleeping, the volume was turned up to the maximum.

Then, holding the bloody corpse on the ground, he stood in the living room and danced.

Elegant dancing poses form a strong visual impact with the blood.

While dancing, Chang Wuzhi was as happy as a child who couldn't wait to share his happiness, and said to himself: "Great, I already miss him, tell me, when he falls into my hands this time When he was in bed, can I also perform a small operation on him, um!! Yes, the very small one!!”

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and suddenly he hugged the corpse and rushed towards the window.


Accompanied by the sound of shattering glass, two figures quickly fell from the 36-story building, but the strange thing is that when the black shadows landed on the ground, there was only one body that was smashed to pieces.

On the other side, Xu Tong's primordial spirit sat cross-legged on top of his physical body.

At this moment, his primordial spirit bloomed with a soft light, and the fiery pure yang energy radiated from his primordial spirit.

If Taoist Lingxu and the others saw this scene, they might be so surprised that their jaws would drop.

Pure Yang Yuanshen.

If the people of Quanzhen Sect saw this, they would definitely go crazy. Looking at the entire history of Quanzhen Sect, there are very few people who can cultivate into a pure Yang Yuanshen.

Once the pure yang soul is cultivated, it means that the physical body has also turned into a pure yang body.

At this moment, in front of Xu Tong was a huge ball of fire, which illuminated the entire basement.

Through the white firelight, one can see that Fatty's body is constantly shrinking, but there is a trace of lightning flashing on its body from time to time. Looking carefully at the source of the lightning, it turns out to be those densely packed strange symbols on Fatty's body. pattern.

These runes are exactly the same as the runes branded on Xu Tong's Xuanyuan shield.

It turned out that when Xu Tong was refining his primordial spirit, he used the power of no phase to transform himself into a pure Yang physique.

He intends to use the power of the pure yang primordial spirit to turn the second primordial spirit, Big Fatty, into a pure yang body.

This will not only increase the strength of Fatty, but also exert even greater power when combined with the Heavenly Thunder Talisman that I branded on Fatty.

In fact, he originally planned to imprint the Xuanbing Talisman on Fatty's body, but found that this would cause great damage to Fatty's body, so he simply changed it to the Heavenly Thunder Talisman.

Now everything is ready, and the rest can only be left to time.

"Head, something went wrong!!"

At this time, Gu Xibai's voice and a visual screenshot suddenly came from the team channel.

Xu Tong called out this screenshot and took a closer look, and was startled: "Huh?? What is this guy going to do?"

"Wow, I'm afraid Zhang Haisheng is crazy! Such a big commotion?"

Gao Zhuo also saw Gu Xibai's message through the team channel, and couldn't help being surprised.

In the message, as a player, Zhang Haisheng posted a message in the exhibition area, inviting all players who can get out of their bodies to participate in the Qingcheng Mountain Luotian Dipping, and listed the various benefits of the Luotian Dipping.

Among them was the Chuangtian Gate mentioned by Taoist Lingxu before.

The condition for joining is that after Yuanshen breaks into Tianmen, he must kill Xu Tong with all his strength...

(End of this chapter)

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