Infinite script kill

Chapter 710 Zifeng Mountain

Chapter 710 Zifeng Mountain
Gu Xibai, who merged with the little golden man, had a huge change in the temperament of the primordial spirit in an instant, his martial arts will was vigorous, and his eyes shone with a faint golden light. If you look carefully, two golden rings appeared in Gu Xibai's pupils.

Budo Golden Eyes
This is the treasure that Gu Xibai comprehended.

More importantly, he has comprehended a set of boxing techniques. This boxing technique looks simple, but it is infinitely varied. It can be said to be of great significance to Gu Xibai that it can forge martial arts will.

Seeing that Gu Xibai has obtained the treasure technique, Chang Wuzhi who is on the sidelines can still fall behind, holding the treasure bottle and drinking heavily, the result is the same as Xu Tong, the effect of the treasure liquid is limited, it can only make his primordial spirit more condensed, There is no such thing as Gu Xibai's comprehension of boxing and treasures.

This can't help but often curse unluckily.

Xu Tong speculates that this should have something to do with their practice, not luck.

Otherwise, the luck of the two of them would be a bit too unlucky.

"Let's go, let's continue to go up, there should be many opportunities on it."

Xu Tong called them to jump on the blue sparrow.

In fact, the seat on Qingque's body is very comfortable for two people, but it will inevitably seem a bit crowded for three people.

Gu Xibai couldn't help asking Xiang Chang Wuzhi: "Don't you have a spirit beast to help you?"

When this question was mentioned, Chang Wuzhi curled his lips: "Spirit beast?? I think it's a businessman!!"

It turned out that after Chang Wuzhi broke into the Tianmen, he encountered spirit beasts three times, but all these spirit beasts said that they would only help him with tribute, and that was all, but when he asked the price, Chang Wuzhi almost bit his tongue.

People calculate money according to time, ordinary gold, silver and jewelry, people don't want it, what they want are scarce pills, treasures and other things, Chang Wuzhi tried to use the script to divide it, but people didn't understand it.

So he could only take out an item card, and he took a look at it, with contempt on his face, and counted two hours for Chang Wuju.

When the time comes, you have to pay more.

Not to mention how uncomfortable Chang Wuzhi heard, so after rejecting the first place, he met two spirit beasts, a tortoise and a white crane. The prices offered by these two were even more difficult for Chang Wuzhi to accept.

The first spirit beast was given two hours at least, one of the latter two was only willing to give him half an hour, and the other was even more excessive, only having time for a cup of tea.

Such a gap made Chang Wuzhi vomit blood so depressed that he simply ran all the way here in a fit of anger.

Thanks to his good luck, he somehow fell into the wind tunnel and was blown by a strong wind, otherwise the ghost knows when he will run.

Hearing Chang Wuzhi's complaints, Xu Tong and Gu Xibai looked at each other, and squinted at the blue bird at their feet. For some reason, Xu Tong suddenly felt that he had given too much...

Qingque also seemed to notice the gaze behind her, and hurriedly uttered a sharp cry, quickly flapped its wings and rushed to the sky, coughed twice at the same time, and explained;

"The tortoise you met should be a divine tortoise. They can take you to escape into the Tianhe River. If it is a white crane, it may be a spirit beast raised by a certain great god, and they can take you back to the great god's cave."

I don't know whether Qingque's words are true or not, Chang Wuzhi was startled when he heard the words, and felt a little regretful in his heart.

"What about you? Is there any special place that you can take us to??"

Xu Tong sat on Qingque's neck and joked.


Qing Que's eyeballs swiveled, and at the moment of hesitation, he suddenly heard a crashing sound behind him, and when he turned around, he saw Qing Que's eyeballs almost popping out.

I saw a thick stack of brand new money in Xu Tong's hand, at least as thick as a brick, and the sound of clattering in his hand made the wings of the blue sparrow go numb.

"Hey, forget it if you don't have one, I'm just asking."

Xu Tong played with the Ming note in his hand, with a regretful expression.


The feathers on Qingque's body fluttered, and the voice instantly rose eight scales: "Yes, we Qingque clan, but the descendants of Qingluan, can enter Zifeng Mountain, which is the former residence of Qingluan clan. Outsiders want to go in..."

Having said that, Qing Que stared eagerly at the note in Xu Tong's hand.

"Haha, I understand the rules, just add money."

Xu Tong took out a Ming note and handed it to Qing Que: "This is a deposit, and I will pay you the full amount after the matter is completed."

Looking at the Ming note handed over, Qing Que's eyes lit up: "Boss is generous, our Qingluan clan is the most hospitable, I guarantee you will have a good time, Boss."

Seeing this, Chang Wuzhi twitched the corner of his mouth, and cursed secretly: "It's amazing to be rich, this idiot doesn't know what to buy, didn't you see that he was holding Ming money?"

Chang Wuju didn't know that the Ming note in Xu Tong's hand was not ordinary, it contained a lot of incense merits.

Although they are spirit beasts of the heavens, there are so many resources in the heavens, gold sands, silver trees, precious jades, and treasures of heaven and earth can be seen everywhere, which is not surprising to them at all.

Only the incense merit is the rarest treasure for these celestial spirit beasts.

After all, incense merits and virtues are tributes that only the great gods can enjoy exclusively.

Qingque took the money and didn't talk nonsense, knowing that Xu Tong's time in heaven was limited, so he flapped his wings and headed straight to the east.

The scenery along the way was like a dream, and the three of Xu Tong were also eye-opening. Qingque received the money, not only flew hard, but also stopped in an orchard for a while, allowing Xu Tong and the others to pick a few fruits.

This fruit has no name, but it tastes refreshing and crispy. After eating it, the three of them received a reminder from the item book, and each of them increased their lifespan by 15 years.

This is quite a windfall.

It's a pity that the orchard seems to be protected by some kind of formation. Xu Tong wanted to pick more, but was bounced back by a force, otherwise he would have to push two fruit trees back.

"Three bosses, Zifeng Mountain is in front of you."

The three raised their heads and watched, and found that the Zifeng Mountain that Qingque mentioned was completely different from what they had imagined. A giant tree reaching to the sky, like Atlas in mythology, turned a huge round crow The nest, held high in the sky.

The outside is shaped like a black nest, but I don't know what kind of material it is made of. From a distance, the black nest is covered with a layer of purple brilliance.

From time to time, many blue sparrows flew in and out of the black nest, occasionally casting curious eyes at Xu Tong and the three of them.


Before approaching the entrance of this black nest, a green bird with white feathers on its head blocked the way.

After the three of Xu Tong glanced up and down, they stared sharply at the Qing Que seated by the three of Xu Tong and asked, "This is Zifeng Mountain, why did you bring them here?"

"Elder, these three people are distinguished guests, I specially invite them to be guests."

Qing Que hurriedly explained, feeling terrible in her heart, the elder Bai Yu around was the most stern and selfless, and difficult to accommodate, why was it so unfortunate that I met him today.

"Distinguished guest??"

Elder Bai Yu couldn't help sneering when he heard the words: "It's just a mortal who broke into the gate of heaven, but he dares to call himself a distinguished guest."

The old bird's words were full of disdain. From their point of view, it was a great luck for these mortals to get this opportunity. As for the distinguished guests, they were far from being able to afford it.

It's no wonder that he is so proud. As a descendant of Qingluan, he is also a divine bird in the heavens, so he should be proud of it.

Not to mention mortals, it is not so easy for some Moliu Xianjia to enter Zifeng Mountain.

As soon as this Elder Baiyu finished speaking, Gu Xibai and Chang Wuzhi's expressions immediately darkened.

When Qingque saw this, he wanted to explain, but he didn't want to. At this time, Xu Tong, who was sitting on its back, suddenly stood up and jumped to the elder in front of him.


Elder Bai Yu was startled, and was about to scold Xu Tong for backing away, but suddenly Xu Tong slapped the old bird on the face.

The crisp applause echoed in the air, and in an instant, the green birds flying around stopped involuntarily.


Qing Que was even more startled, Elder Bai Yu has a bad temper.


Being slapped with a big mouth by a mortal, although it is not painful or itchy to it, it is simply... "Huh?? What is this??"

When looking at the Ming note stuck to his face, the eyes of this old Qingque, who is over hundreds of years old, couldn't help but widen.

Looking back, I saw Xu Tong standing on the back of the blue bird, and there were two glittering gold notes in his hand, the sun was shining on them, and there was a smell of incense on the edge of the notes.

But after a while, the old Qingque came back to his senses and glared at Xu Tong: "Presumptuous, I am..."


Before he finished speaking, Xu Tong slapped the money on the face again.

Seeing the money slipping down from his face, Old Qingque hurriedly opened his mouth to pick it up, and seeing the golden imprint on it, Elder Baiyu's face instantly slowed down: "Although your Excellency is very sincere, this is Fairy Qingluan former residence of..."


This time it wasn't a slap, but two Ming notes, which were slapped on the old green bird's peck.

Seeing the bird pecking at the bright Ming note, Elder Bai Yu's eyes were almost cross-eyed, and his voice changed: "But the three honored guests came from afar, and although I am in the way of the rules, it is not impossible for me to be lenient... ..."

This time Xu Tong casually took out two Ming notes and put them on the old Qingque's long peck.

"It's the old man who is confused. The three distinguished guests came to the door and were not greeted far away. It is really rude and rude."

Seeing the attitude of his elders changing again and again, the other green birds around were almost dumbfounded.

Is this the Elder Bai Yu they knew? ?
Xu Tong didn't open his mouth, but continued to put two golden notes on the bird's peck of elder Baiyu, feeling the weight of the notes on the bird's peck, the grumpy elder Baiyu couldn't help swallowing :
"No, not so much."

Not only did Xu Tong not stop when he heard the words, but he continued to take out two Ming notes. This time, the feathers on the elder Bai Yu's body trembled: "Your guest is coming, please let me take you in personally."

Another two shiny gold bills landed on the bird's peck.

In Xu Tong's sleeve, there seemed to be a steady stream of ghost notes, and with a flick of his hand, two ghost notes fell down.

This is not a distinguished guest, this is simply the God of Wealth.

Elder Bai Yu saw the bird pecking at the money that fell on him, and he was about to fly with excitement. He wished he could sing a song to Xu Tong and the others right now.

Seeing the more excited Elder Bai Yu, Xu Tong's mouth gradually raised into a smile, and suddenly he stretched out his hand and hugged the Ming note on the bird's peck: "Sorry, I'm not going!"

(End of this chapter)

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