Infinite script kill

Chapter 712 Dong Xuan Xia Sheng

Chapter 712 Dong Xuan Xia Sheng
"nice one!"

Xu Tong picked up the sleeve blade and looked at it carefully, he saw the fierce light glaring on the blade, and the murderous aura lingering on the blade for a long time, it is indeed a fierce soldier.

Then without waiting for Gu Xibai and Chang Wuju to take a second look, they put all these things into the team warehouse.

Xu Tong is not a stingy person either. He used to play tricks on Elder Bai Yu because the old guy looked down on others. Now that he has corrected his attitude, he is willing to take out so many treasures. He picked up a stack of Ming notes and placed them in Elder Bai Yu's hand.

This made Elder Bai Yu very excited, who knew that before Elder Bai Yu could be happy for a while, Xu Tong twitched his hand, and split the thick stack of ghost notes into two, and took half of it back.

Just like cutting a poker card, the thickness has been reduced by more than half in an instant.


Elder Bai Yu looked at some Ming notes that had lost more than half of their thickness, and his eyes widened for a moment.

However, Xu Tong did not immediately put away the other half of the money, but put it on the table: "I am dissatisfied with the elders, it is not easy for us to come here once, and we plan to bring some souvenirs back. Our family is poor, and we have never seen it." Such a big rice, look..."

The corner of Elder Bai Yu's mouth twitched a few times, and he had already started to quickly calculate in his heart whether he would lose or gain from this transaction.

This half-thick Ming note, in exchange for his four treasures, does not seem to be a good deal.

But there is still half of the money on the table...

However, just as Elder Bai Yu started to figure out the taste, Xu Tong had already picked up the other half of the Ming note on the table and put it in his hand: "Don't worry, we only need some dragon rice, which are all local specialties. I don't think you will be stingy, after all, we are very sincere."

This time, Elder Bai Yu held the note tightly, for fear that Xu Tong would withdraw it again, until Xu Tong let go of his hand, the entanglement in the elder's heart disappeared immediately.

It’s just that the words have come to this point, and it’s really hard for Elder Bai Yu to refuse Longdao, so he thought for a moment: “How much do you want?”

"Not many, 1000!"

Xu Tong opened his mouth wide, almost making Elder Bai Yu's eyes pop out: "So many?? That's dragon rice. There is a fixed number of offerings to Yulong every year, 1000, too much, too much."

"Then how much can you give?"

Xu Tong frowned and asked.

"100, I won't be able to explain any more."

Elder Bai Yu said in a deep voice.

"300, is it possible that the price I exchanged for four treasures is not enough for 300 dragon rice??"

The corner of Elder Bai Yu's mouth twitched, and he said in his heart: "If I know you, I will only give you half, and the devil will give you four treasures."

He was also blinded by lard, and was led by Xu Tong, following the rhythm all the way, without asking a price in a daze.

"200, this thing is rare, the difference is too much, and our family will be punished."

Elder Bai Yu gritted his teeth and gave Xu Tong a number.

Seeing that the old bird could no longer squeeze out any oil, Xu Tong could only reluctantly agree, but asked him to send a few jars of wine along the way.

After completing the transaction, Elder Bai Yu completely lost his original patience with Xu Tong and the others. After ordering Xu Tong to go down and give Xu Tong [-] pieces of dragon rice and add a few jars of wine, he got up and left in a hurry.

"It's earned, it's earned, head, we really earned it this time."

Gu Xibai's mouth was almost laughing to the back of his head, this is really a bloody profit.


Xu Tong gave this guy an angry look: "That's half of my family property, enough for Black and White Wuchang to dance me a square dance!"

The value of the Ming note is not limited to the merits of the incense and incense above, it is the spiritual money blessed by the Great Seal of the Lord of Mount Tai, and an asset recognized by the Heaven and Earth Bank.

I didn't even have time to warm it up, half of it was gone.

Thinking about Xu Tong, he doesn't feel profitable.

Taking advantage of the fact that the dragon rice hadn't been delivered yet, Xu Tong divided the four items into one on the team channel.

This sleeve blade is too powerful, they are not suitable for them, besides, they already have the Chunyang sword, so they don't need it, so they must have given it to Gao Zhuo.

The Wuqing Yin-Yang hook is a pair of Wu hooks, which Gu Xibai knows how to use.

Xu Tong unceremoniously gave Liu Guangshuo to himself.

As for Qingluan Immortal Clothes, with the special ability of invisibility, combined with Chang Wuzhi's space ability, it is like adding wings to a tiger, so naturally it belongs to Chang Wuzhi.

But things are not given for nothing.

Even if it is a team, brothers have to settle accounts clearly. Gu Xibai took Wu Gou and consciously handed over [-] scripts to Xu Tong.

Gao Zhuo took out [-] script points, which was the least, because he was responsible for guarding the body, and Baoye didn't have his share, so the loss of [-] script points was a kind of compensation.

Chang Wuzhi was [-] yuan, who told him to join the team halfway, and if he didn't contribute, he could only pay obediently.

After each of the four got a treasure, Xu Tong threw the time shuttle into the item book.

【Streaming Cloud Weaving Shuttle】

A special item, bound to the Primordial Spirit.

It is rumored that this object is the Shenshuo weaving the clouds in Yunnv's hands, and it has the ability to penetrate the barrier of all things.

Active Skill 1: Streamer

Consuming 30 script points, the primordial spirit is entrusted in the Flowing Cloud Weaving Shuttle after activation, and travels through it at an extremely fast speed, traveling thousands of miles in an instant.

Duration: None
Consumes 10 script point per minute.

Cooling time: 10 minutes.

Active Skill 2: Boundary Breakthrough

Consuming 300 script points, the primordial spirit can penetrate all enchantment formations, hide from the invisible, and make gods and ghosts unpredictable.

Cooling time: 30 minutes.

Looking at the information of Liu Guangshuo, Xu Tong thought about it and thought it was not bad. After all, Yuanshen did not have a physical body to protect him, so it would be good to have one more means to save his life.

Just this time, a group of blue sparrows flew over and dropped grains of crystal clear dragon rice from mid-air.

"It's so big, this porridge should be enough for at least a hundred people."

Gu Xibai looked at the huge rice grains in front of him, and immediately opened his mouth wide. They didn't see it clearly enough in mid-air before, but now when the dragon rice was placed in front of them, they realized that these rice grains were so huge.

Each one is [-] meters in size, crystal clear, exuding a unique rice fragrance.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be hard to believe that it turned out to be rice.

No wonder it was Yulong's ration.

Xu Tong threw a dragon rice into the item book.

【Long Rice】

It is rumored that it is a ration prepared for the imperial dragon of the Qing Dynasty. Ordinary people can eat it for a hundred days without eating, nourish the body, and have inexhaustible strength.

(Note: It is rumored that those who eat dragon rice frequently can make themselves enter a state of no scale.)
Looking at the entries given in the item book, Xu Tong was already a little greedy. Isn't this the long-term dry food specially prepared for them, big eaters.

It's just that the number of these dragon rice is too large, and it is not easy for the three of them to get half-empty.

Fortunately, Elder Bai Yu was a kind person and gave Xu Tong a rice bag. This rice bag was specially designed to hold dragon rice, and it could hold as many dragon rice as he wanted.

This had to make Xu Tong sigh from the heart, this elder is a fastidious person.

As everyone knows, Elder Bai Yu was not so kind, he was afraid that Xu Tong and the others would run out with so many dragon rice and be seen by others.

With the rice bag, the rest of the work is much easier. After Xu Tong put all the dragon rice into the rice bag, he threw it into the item book, and then he rode on the back of Qingque and set off to leave Zifeng Mountain.

In fact, Qingque originally planned to let Xu Tong go to the depths of Zifeng Mountain to have a look. If he was lucky, he might not be able to meet Qingluan.

But in this case, I don't know how long it will take to go back and forth. After discussing with each other, the three of them decided to go to Qiongtian Yuding first to see what the hell Zhang Haisheng was up to.

At the same time, Xu Tong did not forget the Heavenly Heart Grass that Taoist Lingxu and the others were asking for.

Therefore, it is inconvenient to continue to stay, and it is better to start early.

At this moment, it was already the second day on Mount Qingcheng, and the sun ring in the sky was getting bigger and bigger, which attracted many news reports.

On the Dharma altar, Taoist Dongxuan in a yellow robe sat upright in the middle, and four elders from Mount Qingcheng sat beside Taoist Dongxuan, each of them held a very strange knot seal in their hands, motionless, as if they had already settled down .

The sun at noon became more and more poisonous, and many tourists were reluctant to approach the altar for fear of being exposed to the sun.

"Strange, it's been a day, Dongxuan, why are you still doing this?"

On Laojun Pavilion, Taoist Lingxu looked at the sky outside, and felt something was wrong in his heart.

With Taoist Dongxuan's physical condition, it should be withdrawn at this time.

After Taoist Lingxu said this, everyone felt something was wrong.

"Go, go down and have a look!"

Master Huaigu walked downstairs as he said that, other Taoist priests also went downstairs one after another when they saw this, and came to the Dharma altar in front of Tianshi Cave to have a look, and saw Taoist Dongxuan and others sitting on the Dharma altar In the middle, one hand is in mudra, the other is holding the dust whisk, looking at it in the sun with a ruddy complexion.

Seeing this, Taoist Lingxu looked at each other, but he didn't see anything wrong after careful inspection.

At this moment, the Taoist priests around the altar were chanting and singing scriptures, and the ceremony was still going on, so they couldn't step forward to interfere. They just felt strange, and pulled a little Taoist priest who was serving tea at the side: "Really Dongxuan, did you ever drinking water?"

The little Taoist was taken aback, and stammered: ", the head teacher and the four elders have already entered meditation after they got on the altar, and we dare not disturb them."

"Not right!"

Hearing this, Taoist Lingxu's face immediately changed. Taoism has its own technique of bigu, which can go without food for many days, but bigu is not a hunger strike, and you still need to drink clean water every day.

In such a hot day, how could Taoist Dongxuan's physical condition hold up.

Immediately, Taoist Lingxu didn't care about that much, he quickly stepped onto the altar, walked up to Taoist Dongxuan and the others: "Fellow Taoist Dongxuan, fellow Taoist Dongxuan..."

He called out twice, but seeing no response, Taoist Lingxu stretched out two fingers and lightly tapped Taoist Dongxuan's wrist, his expression instantly became weird.

Immediately let go of his finger, and then checked the pulse of the other four elders, and the result was even more shocking in Taoist Lingxu's heart.

After thinking for a moment, he let go of his palm, turned around and walked down the altar.

"How about it!!"

Seeing him coming down, a group of Taoists hurriedly asked.

Taoist Lingxu looked left and right, walked back with a group of people, avoided those tourists, and then sighed and said: "Wuliang Tianzun, fellow Taoist Dongxuan and others have already ascended..."

(End of this chapter)

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