Infinite script kill

Chapter 714 Divine Art

Chapter 714 Divine Art
Thoughts are like a big net, and the cliff of enlightenment in front of you is a pool of deep springs.

As Xu Tong's thoughts merged into it, countless broken textures appeared in front of him.

Countless shattered textures formed a huge storm in front of Xu Tong. Black and red lightning surrounded the storm, making a deafening buzzing sound.

Many fragments of incomplete spells seemed to be aware of Xu Tong's thoughts, and they were spliced ​​together in sequence, and there were billions of golden rays of light at once. Tong Lai.

"Am I so popular??"

Seeing the overwhelming ancient arts falling on him, Xu Tong was not surprised but delighted, his fingers formed seals, and his mind turned into a big hand, grabbing the ancient arts in front of him.

All the spells in the world come from Yanshu, and the essence of Yanshu itself lies in the word Duo.

Compete with heaven and earth, compete with all things.

Now that he's here, he doesn't intend to go back empty-handed.

With a slap of his big hand, he shattered the ancient technique in front of him, and immediately grabbed it in the palm of his hand, intending to absorb it into the primordial spirit.

Xu Tong's move immediately seemed to provoke a hornet's nest. Countless ancient techniques turned into galloping war horses, galloping from the center of the vortex, mighty and mighty like a huge wave of the ocean.

This time Xu Tong didn't dare to force it anymore. He pinched the seal with his fingers and drew the thunder talisman. Suddenly, thunder and lightning flashed among the horses. , Xu Tong took the opportunity to quickly collect it into Yuanshen.

Just wait for these peculiar veins to recondense and turn into a talisman.

Xu Tong tried to call it out, but the talisman turned into a war horse as well.

"Hahaha, interesting, very interesting."

Immediately jumped on the horse, staring at the huge storm, vaguely felt that there seemed to be a more powerful treasure inside: "Drive!!"


The war horse let out a deep neigh, jumped up, and rushed up against the storm.

"Look, why is this guy's primordial spirit shining!!"

Outside the Cliff of Enlightenment, many people cast their eyes on Xu Tong, and many of them were planning to take the opportunity to sneak attack.

It's just that Gu Xibai and Chang Wujuan are protecting the Dharma, so they dare not act rashly.

But I didn't want to, after a while, something strange happened to Xu Tong.

Strange brilliance surrounded Xu Tong's primordial spirit, constantly flickering, and these rays of light shrouded his primordial spirit, exuding a strange power.

Even from time to time, the rumbling of thunder and lightning can be heard.


At this time, several people who were enlightening were awakened one after another. They were lucky, and they sensed something soon before the cliff of enlightenment, but before they could comprehend it, they were suddenly interrupted by a force.

Because it was forcibly interrupted, some people were not only depressed to death, but also suffered backlash, almost losing their souls.

When these people looked at Xu Tong and found that Xu Tong's primordial spirit was shining with a strange light, they couldn't help wondering if it was the kid's fault.

"Something's wrong, be careful!"

Chang Wuzhi noticed the unfriendly eyes around him, his heart sank, and he became cautious.

Gu Xibai's five senses are the strongest, how could he not feel the change, he immediately took a step forward and stopped in front of Xu Tong, a golden light rippling from his body, it was exactly the boxing technique he had comprehended after drinking the precious liquid.

"Everyone go together. There are only two of them. After passing through this village, there will be no such shop."

Someone shouted, that is, they took the initiative to step forward to cause chaos.

Gu Xibai realized the other party's intentions, his eyes turned cold, he raised his hands and punched out together, the angry shout was still echoing in the air, he directly lowered his body, and rushed forward to the other party.

Since the opponent dared to be the first bird, how could he have no support, afterimages appeared under his feet, and the figure was divided into twelve in an instant, countless leg shadows fell like a rainstorm, and collided with Gu Xibai's fists.

"Bang bang bang bang!!"

In just a short moment, the rain-like leg shadows collided with the fists, making a dull collision sound.

The opponent's attack strength is not high, but it is dazzled, the speed is extremely fast, and more and more afterimages are added, it is overwhelming. This is a determined plan. As long as they persist for a few seconds, everyone will see Gu Xibai and they are no match for four punches with both hands When the time comes, they will rush forward.

But he obviously made a wrong idea, and saw two pairs of golden rings appear in Gu Xi's white eyes.

Baoshu, Martial Arts Golden Eyes

As soon as this technique is activated, he can see through the confusion immediately, and lock the opponent's real body at a glance.

Gu Xibai let out a deep shout, his martial arts will penetrated into his fist, his figure suddenly accelerated, like a lightning flash, he ignored the opponent's afterimage attack for an instant, and appeared in front of the opponent's real body.

Grabbing the opponent's neckline with one hand, he hit the opponent's chest with a flying knee. In an instant, a powerful, tyrannical and terrifying force exploded, directly hitting the opponent's soul, and his body retreated involuntarily. Following Gu Xibai raising his hands, and Bai Hou Xiantao hit the opponent's chin hard.


Without the protection of the physical body, how could the primordial spirit withstand such a collision, and was beaten to death in just an instant.

"Who else wants to go, come together!"

Gu Xi's body was like a white crane, standing on one knee, looking around at everyone, his sharp eyes made everyone fearful.

At this moment, the colorful light on Xu Tong's body became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, his consciousness has rushed into the storm, and the war horse neighed, charging along the direction of the storm, and he forcibly captured a large number of magical veins.

This kind of action undoubtedly further stimulated the fragments in the vortex. They actually combined with each other, turned into two humanoid ancient arts, and killed Xu Tong.

These two figures, after gathering countless magic fragments, picked up the leftovers and made up for the gaps, and gradually became perfect, showing powerful magic skills with every gesture.

A figure in the middle raised his hands and formed a strange seal. Behind him was a brilliant golden light, and countless swords, guns, swords and halberds fell like a rainstorm.

Another figure opened its mouth wide, and there was nothingness in the mouth, swallowing everything, getting bigger and bigger, and swallowing it on the top of Xu Tong's head.

Realizing that these two guys were terrifying, Xu Tong didn't dare to confront them head-on, galloping his horse and collecting a large number of debris in the storm at the same time.

Most of these fragments of spells are incomplete, kneaded together by Xu Tong at will, forming all kinds of weird spells, he treats them as cannonballs, regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones, he just throws them at the two humanoid dao patterns.

Suddenly, in the storm, the sound of explosions continued, and large pieces of spell fragments were completely shattered in the bang, and disappeared without a trace.

And Xu Tong rushed all the way to the center of the storm. He had a strong intuition that there must be something big in the center of the storm.

Just waiting for the consciousness to penetrate the huge dark clouds of the storm, the eyes suddenly lit up, and a strange golden talisman was suspended in the middle of the eye of the storm.

The shape of the talisman is like a tripod, and it emits a blazing strong light, and the boundless phoenix cry resounds before it gets close.

This is a complete magic talisman, a divine magic that is a collection of thousands of magic spells.

It's just that this technique is too big, as huge as a mountain. Standing in front of him, he is as small as an ant.

This is the real Kui Bao, Xu Tong's eyeballs almost popped out, his own consciousness, I am afraid it is impossible to completely take away this technique, and it is even difficult to pry it a little bit.

Just as Xu Tong was scratching his head, two figures chasing him had already struck.

Two silhouettes, four hands together, one is Yang, the other is Yin, Yin and Yang combined to hatch a picture of Taiji in their palms, and then the surrounding time seemed to stand still, and the void also solidified, a ray of light from the beginning of time , like a falling comet, shines out from the Tai Chi diagram.

Xu Tong suddenly felt bad, and resolutely abandoned the horse and jumped up, and then the war horse transformed by the spell disappeared quietly under the light of the Taiji diagram.

No, it should be obliterated, completely erased from the world, and no longer exists.

Even if Xu Tong's consciousness returns to the primordial spirit at this moment, this technique will no longer exist.

Seeing this scene, Xu Tong's heart shuddered. This power was too terrifying. If his consciousness was hit, his primordial spirit would disappear and be completely wiped out.

Seeing that the blow was missed, the two figures turned their Tai Chi diagrams to look at Xu Tong.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's face changed slightly, and he squinted at the huge talisman behind him, and his heart moved: "This way!!"

As he spoke, he flew towards the talisman in front of him.

The two figures didn't care about 21, they just wanted to erase this unruly guy, a gray light beam shot out from the Tai Chi mirror, chasing after Xu Tong and sweeping away.

Xu Tong hurriedly dodged sideways, but the light beam hit the talisman behind Xu Tong impartially.

The rune made a harsh cracking sound, and a large piece of shattered golden rune fell down.

It's as big as a rockery, but for the overall talisman, it's just a drop in the bucket.

Seeing this, Xu Tong jumped on it. Before he could be happy, he suddenly became alert. He saw the talisman trembling slightly behind him, and then a deafening rumbling sound erupted. A brilliant golden light surged out of the talisman, overwhelming The momentum swept in all directions.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Xu Tong simply blocked the golden talisman fragments in front of him.

Perhaps because of the same root and origin, the golden light shone on it, like mud entering the sea and dissipating into the invisible, Xu Tong was naturally safe and sound hiding behind.

But the figures transformed by those two thousands of spells were miserable, they were instantly crushed ruthlessly in the tide of golden light: with a "boom", they exploded completely, and turned into countless shattered spells again, being involved in the storm.

"Hey, two big brothers, thank you very much!"

Xu Tong poked his head out to have a look, and grinned grinningly, then with a thought, he uttered the hagan technique comprehended by the third fruit: "Taishang Furnace"

Consciousness turned into a melting pot, forcibly taking this huge fragment of the rune into it.


I saw the golden shards gradually dissolving in the furnace, turning into a strange golden talisman.

Compared with the talisman behind him, this talisman has only a few similarities. Before Xu Tong could observe it carefully, the talisman in the eye of the storm behind him began to tremble, as if he had found a mouse that had stolen him. A part of it, even if it is only the size of a fingernail.

Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't dare to wait any longer, so he quickly gathered his consciousness until he returned to his primordial spirit, and saw the Wudao Cliff in front of him making a rumbling sound, and a dazzling golden light burst out from the blue cliff, making everyone open their eyes. Do not open your eyes.

After the golden light dissipated, everyone took another look, only to find that the huge Cliff of Enlightenment had disappeared in front of them strangely...

(End of this chapter)

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