Infinite script kill

Chapter 722 3 Great Treasures

Chapter 722 Three Great Treasures
"Special background world?? Underworld??"

On the sofa, Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai were also taken aback when they heard Xu Tong's words.

Xu Tong showed the god order to the two of them.

【Decree of the Underworld God】

Hold this order to honor God's grace.

Holders, the next script world will be designated as a special background, and the background of this script world is mandatory and cannot be changed.

Entry time: After 48 hours, the holder and team members will automatically enter the underworld.

Passive Skill 1: Divine Order

The holder will have a special status, will not be actively harmed by ghosts and ghosts in the underworld, and will enjoy the treatment of a small god.

"Hiss... So, we're going to go to hell this time!!"

After Gao Zhuo saw the entry of the Underworld Order, instead of feeling scary, he was eagerly looking forward to it.

The same is true for Gu Xibai.

After death, the soul will fall into the underworld, accept the trial of the Ten Temples of Yama, and finally be sent to reincarnation after atonement in hell. This is the story that every Chinese has heard since childhood.

It sounds good, but no one wants to go in, because going in means death.

However, it is exciting to think about such a good thing as having the opportunity to enter the Yincao world as a living person and to be able to come back afterwards.

"It's cool! It's the first time I've been to the underworld in such a big life. I've heard since I was a child that there is a kind of witch who can enter the underworld by virtue of the ability to walk through the underworld. I have always been yearning for it."

Gao Zhuo said excitedly.

The witches he talks about are also called psychic women, and most of them are in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

And this business can only be done by women.

Through them, many people can invite their dead relatives to come up and have a dialogue with their relatives.

People in the Jianghu called them... people who walk in the shadows.

They claimed to be descendants of Meng Po, and named Meng Po as their patriarch, but no one knew whether it was true or not.

Except for them, there are very few people who can freely enter the underworld, of course, except for my master.

"Then what should we prepare?"

While Gu Xibai was excited, he was also a little nervous, just like a child's mood when he went on a long trip for the first time, with a little bit of confusion in anticipation.

"Normal preparations are fine. It's nothing more than food and drink. I don't think you've thought about the following. Go eat what's in the vagina."

As soon as Xu Tong said this, Gu Xibai and Gao Zhuo immediately shook their heads.

Although I have never been there, I have seen those ghosts like to turn toads, poisonous snakes, and insects into food every day in TV dramas since I was a child, and I have a shadow in my heart.

So after Xu Tong's words fell, the two immediately realized what they should do, and got up to go shopping.

At least enough food must be prepared.

"Oh, yes! Remember to bring some thick clothes, we may have to go up the mountain then."

At this time, Xu Tong suddenly remembered that the master had mentioned that the environment in Youshan seems to be very cold. I have a cold iron gourd and a strong physique, so I may be able to resist it. As for Gu Xibai and Gao Zhuo understood.

After ordering the two of them, Xu Tong didn't forget to call Chang Wuju on the team channel, and told Chang Wuju about the matter again.

"Damn Cao??"

Chang Wuzhi hugged the bowl, quickly ate up the hot beef soup and pancakes in the bowl, then stood up contentedly patting his stomach.

Walking out of the gate of the soup restaurant, squinting, squinting, I saw a birthday material shop by the side of the road. I couldn't help but think of this time in the heaven, Xu Tong pretending to be an uncle with a Ming note, and suddenly raised his brows slightly.

I already knew in my heart what I should prepare this time.

I saw him striding into the longevity shop: "Boss, bring me a box, no, five boxes of large money..."


On the other side, after Xu Tong instructed Gao Zhuo and the others, he locked himself in the door.

Close your eyes and let your mind go.

After a while, a golden talisman appeared in his consciousness.

This talisman is exactly the treasure talisman I got in the Cliff of Enlightenment in the Heaven Realm, even if it is only a few fragments, but even so, this treasure talisman is still powerful and exudes a mysterious atmosphere.

Ordinarily, I used Yanshu, and the Taishang Oven took this talisman into my bag, so this talisman should be transformed into my own spells, just like the thunder talisman and the black ice talisman, it should be able to be swung into my arm to use.

But the strange thing is that this talisman appeared in the Taishang Furnace, like a lifeless boulder, motionless and unresponsive.

This made Xu Tong very uncomfortable.

It's like on the wedding night, when I took off my pants, only to find out that the bride wanted to guard her body like a jade, the kind who forced herself to break her legs, and couldn't even break her legs.

It is conceivable that the inner depression and lustful anxiety make people crazy.

"Is this thing useless? Broken??"

Thinking of Xu Tongxin's unwillingness to take such a big risk, he pried a piece of treasure out of the hands of those two perverted human-shaped talismans. If there is no use for birds, then he will suffer a blood loss.

So Xu Tong began to try, using Yanshu Taishang Furnace to try to refine it.

Driven by Xu Tong's will, the Taishang Furnace also began to rotate slowly, and began to try to decompose it and refine it again.

However, not long after the beginning, Xu Tong's temples suddenly tingled.

The Taishang furnace in his consciousness suddenly began to make a "boom, boom, boom..." sound.

Every sound made Xu Tong's head buzz, as if a small hammer was hitting his forehead.

It was the talisman that was actually resisting, not only resisting, but even feeling like breaking through the shackles of Xu Tongtai's melting furnace and breaking free.

"Go to your uncle, toast and not eat or drink fine wine!"

Now Xu Tong was also annoyed, the treasure he had worked so hard to get back actually wanted to run away, since you are not willing to use it for me, then I will completely crush you, tear you apart and reassemble.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong gritted his teeth and smashed the Taishang Furnace with all his strength, and suddenly saw the furnace emitting a brilliant golden light.

The Taishang Furnace was transformed from the Yanshu Dao fruit he obtained by prying Qingcheng Mountain, which itself is a strange technique that surpasses the world.

Now under the full blow of Xu Tong, the body of the furnace in Xu Tong's sea of ​​consciousness has rapidly grown in size from one inch high, towering under the sky in the blink of an eye, reaching a height of [-] meters, and the flames soared into the sky.


The furnace was shaken, and a tsunami-like sound suddenly came out, so loud that it made people's ears buzz.

The cover is shining with brilliance, almost transparent like multicolored glass, and the raging fire inside is clearly visible.

"Boom blah blah!!"

But the treasure talisman in the furnace seemed to have sensed the danger, and it started to move wildly. I saw the treasure talisman began to twist, and then, like a human figure, it burst out with a golden light and bombarded the furnace wall.

Immediately, Xu Tong felt that his energy was being consumed rapidly, and he knew something was wrong, so he gritted his teeth, took out a dagger and stabbed hard at his thigh.

The dagger was shaped like a crescent moon, and a silver-gray cold light burst out from Xu Tong's hand, piercing directly through his thigh.

【Black Water Dragon Tooth】

This pair of daggers is exactly the spoils captured in the script world last time. (From Chapter 81 of Volume [-])
This dagger is a pair, and when used alone, it can activate the accompanying skill, Dragon's Breath.

Active Skill 1: Dragon Breath

(Single) Consumes 300 script points. After activation, the next attack will ignore the opponent's defense and armor.

The great pain caused by the dagger piercing through the thigh instantly stimulated the passive skill of the item card [God's Imperial Pain Priest].

Passive Skill 1: Priest of Pain
The stronger the physical pain of the holder, the faster it can make up for its mental loss.

"If you want to compare ruthlessness, it depends on who of us can beat the other to death!"

Xu Tong gritted his teeth, his expression became ferocious, and the other hand twisted the dagger from time to time, which doubled the pain.

The more painful his physical body was, the faster his energy recovered, and when he went to the furnace, the flames surged, as if it was about to turn into a fireball.

A little bit of golden light began to overflow from the treasure talisman. After the golden light scattered, it turned into tiny talismans. The talismans were re-collected and combined by the Supreme Furnace, and gradually began to manifest a brand new talisman.

As soon as Xu Tong's consciousness moved, he took it out of the stove. After the treasure talisman resonated with Xu Tong's consciousness for a while, Xu Tong had a clear understanding of this treasure talisman.

【Qi Explosion Talisman】Although the name is weird, this talisman has an ability to self-explode.

It seems that the power of the explosion is not small.

Moreover, this talisman belongs to the innate talisman. As the saying goes, a little spiritual light is a talisman, and the world is wasting ink and Zhu in vain.

What I'm talking about is the innate talisman, which can be achieved in one go, and the talisman can be followed by the law.

As for the Houtian Talisman, we should pay attention to it. The Thunder Talisman is an example. The process of drawing the Talisman is quite complicated. Xu Tong needs to draw the Talisman with his fingers before releasing it. Compared with the Qi Explosion Talisman, it is not only slower, but also slightly more powerful. Inferior.

But each has its own advantages. Both the Thunder Talisman and the Xuanbing Talisman can be carved on any object by oneself with Yanjutsu to bless it with power.

But the Qi Explosion Talisman cannot do this.

"Haha, I see that you are really toasting and don't eat fine wine. Continue to practice and see how many treasures you can squeeze out of you."

Seeing that he had gained something, Xu Tong immediately lifted his spirits, knowing that there must be all kinds of strange talismans in this treasure talisman, but he refused to use it for himself.

Since it was not allowed to be used, I tried my best to disassemble it until I could use it. I don't know how many spells I can squeeze out.

With this in mind, Xu Tong took out a bottle of Shangqing Tianquan and drank it to recover from the exhaustion of energy, and at the same time increased his will to destroy the Supreme Forge.


At this time, the treasure talisman in the Taishang Furnace seemed to be unbearable. After shaking the body and throwing out three talismans, the treasure talisman was automatically retracted and completely shrunk into a big golden ball. No matter how Xu Tong refined it, he would not move. , completely enter the defensive state.

Seeing this, Xu Tong was also tired, so he pulled out his dagger, took a Huashang Pill, and after a simple bandage on his thigh, he brought these three talismans into his consciousness.

After closing his eyes and resting his mind for a moment, Xu Tong stared suddenly, and his expression suddenly became strange.

These three kinds of treasures are also innate talismans, but compared with [Qi Explosion Talisman], they are simply more exotic than each other.

【Wrestling】【Night Peeing】

As the name suggests, so does the effect.

Xu Tong could endure these two kinds of techniques, but the last one really made Xu Tong smile knowingly.

So Xu Tong gave this technique a new name that is more recognizable...

[Weapon Boost 99]

(End of this chapter)

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