Infinite script kill

Chapter 724 Registration

Chapter 724 Registration
"This is the City of Death!!"

The four raised their heads and looked at the majestic city in front of them, their eyes straightened for a while.

I always feel that this city seems to be endless.

While the four were watching.

I saw a gap in the gate of the dead city slowly opening.

Accompanied by the misty white mist, I saw a group of Yin soldiers coming out of it. The ghost general at the head was a big man with a black face.

The big man is nearly three meters tall, with a round face with tiger eyes and a beard all over his face. He has a fierce appearance, and he gives people a sense of oppression like a mountain before he gets close, which is daunting.

The big man glanced at Xu Tong, and finally fixed on Xu Tong, then stepped forward, and knelt down on one knee towards Xu Tong like a golden mountain and jade pillars, apologizing with both hands: "The last general, Dou Yong, is the guard of the city gate. Goodbye, superior!"

Dou Yong's voice was like thunder, even though Xu Tong and the other four were not bad in strength, their eardrums hurt from the shock.

This is the treatment of having a god position. Although this ghost general is a general guarding the dead city, his strength is terrifying.

Xu Tong felt that the four of them might not be opponents together, but the opponent did not have a god position, and seeing that he was one level shorter.

"Get up and talk."

Xu Tong was also an official, so he didn't stop when he saw this, and waved his hand to signal the other party to stand up.

To be honest, when Dou Yong stood up, Xu Tong and the others could still feel the tremendous pressure on them.

"What's the use of coming here on business!"

Dou Yong's voice was still loud, which made Xu Tong and the others uncomfortable.

Just as Xu Tong was about to explain his intentions, the prompt from the item book had already sounded.

"Main task 1: job report.

Mission description: Report to the Yincao Division in the City of Death.

Task time: 3 hours.

Mission failure: the punishment is extremely severe! ! "

Seeing the task prompt, Xu Tong frowned slightly, and said to Dou Yong in front of him: "We are going to the Yincao Division, please send a ghost messenger to lead us."

"Follow the orders of the superiors!"

Dou Yong stood up, glanced back, and selected one of his personal guards: "It's just you, so you can lead the way, and there will be no mistakes!"


After the personal guard responded, he said to Xu Tong and the others: "Please come with me on the mission."

As they spoke, they walked ahead to lead the way. After Xu Tong and the others bid farewell to the big man in front of them, they followed the guards and entered the city of vain death.

As soon as he entered the gate, the surroundings suddenly became lively.

The spacious streets are full of pedestrians, and they wear all kinds of clothes, including those from the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, and even the Ming Dynasty.

Gao Zhuo looked around and saw many modern people.

Ordinarily, these costumes and appearances do not seem to be weird alone. After all, they are all the changes passed down from the Chinese civilization.

But when they are all put together, it is inevitable that people will have a sense of time and space disorder.

"Are these ghosts?"

Gao Zhuo whispered in Xu Tong's ear.

His voice was already very low, but the guards walking in front could still hear him clearly, turned to Gao Zhuo and said:
"In this city of vain death, as long as it is not a big treacherous and evil, there are mostly ghosts who have committed the crime of killing, and most of these people died in vain, and they are not allowed to reincarnate. meet."

"Oh, so that's the case, what's the name of the little brother."

Xu Tong and the others nodded and asked casually.

"Don't dare, just call me Yulang."

Yulang said hastily.

"Yulang, what a name."

Xu Tong praised, and at the same time reminded in the team channel:
"If you have anything to say, try to say it in the team channel. Any soldier here may not be much weaker than us."

The four of them followed Yulang all the way forward, and Xu Tong and the others saw a lot of interesting things on the way.

For example, several people dressed in Ming Dynasty costumes are teaming up to beat a ghost dressed in Qing Dynasty.

Or a few young people wearing modern clothes gathered together and peddled new clothes on the side of the road.

Yulang explained this: "Because there are many hatreds between dynasties and dynasties, this kind of thing happens from time to time, but as long as nothing out of the ordinary happens, we will turn a blind eye."

What Yulang said is to avoid the important and ignore the trivial, not just enmity. The dynasties and dynasties are basically the great hatred between the country and the family. In addition, there are always a few powerful bosses in each era, who are doing well in the underworld. All parties The forces are intertwined, and occasionally there are several large-scale fighting.

Therefore, in the city of death in vain, it may not be such a peaceful and prosperous world.

Fortunately, all the heroic souls who died in battle were taken away by the five ghost emperors early on, otherwise those heroic souls would be even more out of control when they fought.

Xu Tong asked many questions on the way.

For example about Yin Cao.

Yulang knows everything about these issues.

As for the official organization of Yincao, the leader is naturally the one on Youshan, but that one never cares about these things, and basically nothing major can disturb him.

Next is Emperor Fengdu of Beiyin, who manages almost all appointments and transfers of ghosts and gods.

If Fujun is the chairman, then Emperor Fengdu is the CEO.

Down there are five department managers and five ghost emperors, nine in total.

Under the Wufang Ghost Emperor, there is another place called Luofeng Liutian, but it belongs to the department directly under Fengdu Great Emperor, and has great power, and other people outside Fengdu Great Emperor can't control it.

Further down are the Ten Halls of Hades, Liu'an Gongcao, the Ten Great Yin Shuai and so on.

These are all official. Besides, there are many ancient gods. These gods have no positions, but their status is no less than that of the Wufang Ghost Emperor.

For example, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Great Emperor Zongzi, the Patriarch of the Sea of ​​Blood, and even the legendary Empress Houtu, etc., are all well known to people.

As for those that are so old that people can't name them, there are even more.

For example, the five-day great devil and the like, there are as many as a cow's hair.

This is not counting some special forces.

For example, those emperors' homes, they all have their own fiefdoms in Netherland.

In short, the underworld is vast, but how many gods hide here, even Yulang sometimes can't tell.

If I really need to talk about it in detail, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it in three days and three nights.

Xu Tong and the others also heard that their heads were as big as a fight. They knew that the underworld was big, and there were many big bosses hidden in it. After listening carefully, they realized that it was not just big shots. This place was a veritable hell circle. It is an ancient god.

"Sure enough, it's better to be alive."

Gao Zhuo patted his chest and sighed.

While speaking, Xu Tong and the others had already arrived in front of Yincao Division.

According to Yulang's introduction, the Department of Yincao is one of the subordinate departments of the Six Departments of Gongcao, mainly connecting with the City God.

The task of receiving the Western envoys this time is the responsibility of the Yincao Division, so Xu Tong needs to do the docking task first when he comes here.

"Going to work, this is the Yincao Division, I will resign from my humble position!"

After Yulang finished his introduction neatly, he bowed his hand to Xu Tong, turned and left. Such a quick style was enough to see that the people under Dou Yong were also considered to be strict in military discipline.

After Yulang left, Xu Tong signaled Gao Zhuo and the others to wait for him here, and then strode to the gate of Yincao Division.

Because of the god's status, the little ghost in front of Yincao's gate didn't dare to make things difficult, and after asking what he came for, he quickly led Xu Tong in.

As soon as I entered the gate, I saw several desks in the courtroom, full of Yin officials, big and small, busy left and right.

Although the Yincao Division only connects with the City God, every month the City God will report the information from Yangjian and sort it out to the Yincao Division.

Speaking of it, Yincao Division is more like an intelligence agency targeting Yangjian.


At this time, a Yin official with a black veil on his head and an ashen complexion came out from behind.

This yin official is Yang Yu, the head of the Yincao Division. Yang Yu, like Xu Tong, also enjoys a small god position. He can be regarded as a well-known official in the Yincao. Strictly speaking, Xu Tong is still his subordinate.

Well... at least for now.

However, Yang Yu was very enthusiastic about Xu Tong's arrival, and kindly took Xu Tong's arm and sat down in the back hall.

"Look at the tea!"

Not long after, two cups of tea were served.

Xu Tong picked up the tea and took a sip lightly, only to feel that the taste of the tea was very astringent, and he knew it was not a good tea once he tasted it.

But Yang Yu drank with relish, Yang Yu tasted a few mouthfuls, and raised his brow slightly: "This time, the western mission called for Brother Xu to be the reception envoy, and the above meaning is the same. The western hell and our place have always been the same , This time at the Shangsi Festival, they suddenly want to pay homage to the Fujun, the matter is very important, there are a few things that I still need to explain to Brother Xu."

The little ghosts who were serving at the side couldn't help muttering in their hearts when they heard that Yang Yu said brother on the left and brother on the right.

I thought: "When did my lord be so polite to a subordinate??"

"Sir, please order."

Xu Tong didn't know Yang Yu's character, but he could tell by looking at the demeanor of the little ghosts serving him. The master in front of him might not be a good person.

"It's actually very simple. You just need to pay close attention to whether the Western envoys have contact with people from the Netherland this time. Of course, if you hear or see anything, you only need to record it."

Xu Tong understood immediately when he heard the words, and he couldn't help but secretly speculate that this Yincao Division is indeed the intelligence agency of the Underworld, cooperating with his work, and needs to monitor whether anyone in the Underworld has any business collusion with the West.

Seeing Xu Tong's silence, Yang Yu immediately changed his voice: "Of course, I won't make things difficult for Brother Xu. Just do it boldly. If anything goes wrong, I will advance and retreat with you, and everything will come true." Afterwards, I will certainly be able to benefit from my brothers."


Xu Tong smiled disdainfully in his heart, this kind of painting big pie is too low-level.

I have listened to Yulang's introduction along the way, and I know very well that this Netherland is so big that there are many ancient gods hidden, as well as the forces of various clans. The complexity is much worse than in reality.

Lu'an Gongcao is a fart. If there is any collusion with the West involved, I guess Lord Yan would not dare to mess with it easily. This man surnamed Yang is clearly bullying himself from outsiders and wants to use himself as a gun.

Xu Tong knew it in his heart, but he still used the necessary skills in the workplace on his face. He nodded and agreed, anyway, you are the leader, and everything you say in front of you is right. As for how to do it, that is another matter.

Seeing Xu Tong nodding his head repeatedly, Yang Yu took out a token and handed it to Xu Tong: "This is a customs clearance order, you can take this to wait for the Western envoys outside the forest of no return. Stepping into the Forest of No Return, I have sent someone to wait outside, to guide you along the way and help you with reception matters."

After Xu Tong took the token, he received a task reminder from the item book, reminding him that the main task 1 was completed.

Seeing Yang Yu serving tea to see off the guests, Xu Tong got up and left consciously.

As soon as Xu Tong left, several flattering little ghosts rushed forward, pinched Yang Yu's shoulders and beat his legs, and one of the little ghosts said cautiously: "My lord, why should you be so polite? He is just an ordinary person, and you can only do what you want. Forgive him, he won't dare." breach."

Hearing this, Yang Yu splashed the tea on the kid's face, and his blue face sank: "Idiot, do you think there is no backer behind this person? Luo Fushan sent a message asking me to take care of him before he was born. A person who even the ghost emperor knows is an ordinary person."

"Yes Yes Yes."

The little ghost was too frightened to say anything, so he hurriedly took the teacup and replaced it with a cup of high-quality new tea.

Yang Yu took a few sips, and then changed his voice: "But I'm not afraid even if he has something to do with that person from Luofu Mountain. I got the news that Luo Feng Liutian seems to have some kind of deal with Xixi, and let this kid go find out the truth. This is throwing stones to ask the way, let’s see how deep it is.”

"My lord is wise..." Immediately, all the brats flattered me.

At the same time, Xu Tong has already walked out of the gate of Yincao Division.

"Head, how's it going?"

Gao Zhuo leaned forward and asked.

"Hey, someone wants to use us as gunmen, but it's a pity that my gun may not be stuck outside." Xu Tong smiled coldly, and when he was about to explain something to them, he suddenly heard a burst of familiar laughter.

"Hey, it's you."

The familiar silly laughter made Xu Tong's eyes widen immediately, and he looked back. When he saw the figure standing outside the gate, Xu Tong's eyes instantly became moist...

(End of this chapter)

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