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Chapter 727 Here Comes

Chapter 727 Here Comes
Looking at the woman's gaze towards him, Xu Tong not only did not feel the warmth of family affection at all, but felt icy cold all over his body.

The other party seemed to be talking to himself at this moment through a distant time and space.

This is too unbelievable.

When he wanted to see more clearly, the woman in the mirror disappeared.

The empty mirror doesn't even have its own existence.

Immediately Xu Tong wanted to continue searching from other pictures, but at this moment, the river in front of him suddenly began to churn.

The blurred picture seems to be about to disappear.

"how so!!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong immediately became anxious, but when he was about to continue looking down, a hand had already ruthlessly grabbed his collar and dragged him out.

"If you want to die, it's better to let me suck it dry!"

As soon as he looked up, he saw the eldest princess looking down at him.

"Boss, you were crazy just now, and you poked your head into the river. We pulled you madly and couldn't hold you back. If it wasn't for the eldest princess, you would have sunk to the bottom of the river now."

Gao Zhuo shook Xu Tong's shoulder, fearing that Xu Tong's mind was still unclear.

Hearing Gao Zhuo's words, Xu Tong looked down, only to realize that his clothes were already half wet, and his heart skipped a beat, unexpectedly, he also felt a strong sense of dread.

The danger of the Wangchuan River really wasn't blown out, I thought that my concentration was super strong and there would be no problems, but I didn't want to almost drown myself in the river.

"Sorry, I was careless."

Xu Tong stood up and thanked the eldest princess: "It seems that my blood is quite worthwhile."

"Humph! Virtue!"

The eldest princess rolled her eyes, turned around and jumped into the carriage, glanced back at Xu Tong: "If you really think it's a good deal, we can have a yearly contract next time. It's enough for me to smoke once a month. I promise it will be more cost-effective."

Xu Tong refused this proposal. He is not in danger every day, and it is enough to pay a monthly subscription once in a while.

After Xu Tong changed into clean clothes, the team continued to move forward.

After crossing the Wangchuan River, a short walk ahead is the Forest of No Return.

Xu Tong half leaned on the shaft of the car, taking out new snacks for the idiot to taste from time to time.

After eating for a long time, the old Taoist said: "Say it, what's bothering you?"

It turned out that the old Taoist saw Xu Tong sitting on the shaft of the car, and knew that the kid might not know what problems he was thinking and was waiting to ask himself.

Seeing that the old man took the initiative to speak, Xu Tong had no choice but to express his doubts reluctantly.

"Is there anyone in the world who can talk to people in the future through a specific time?"

Xu Tong pondered for a long time before he figured out how to express his doubts.

Because what I saw was so unbelievable.

If the woman I saw was really my mother, then how did she communicate with herself at this moment through a certain fragment in her memory? ?

Also, be careful of old A, why did he mention a dying old man in a madhouse? ?

Could it be that he planned to go back to celebrate the old man's birthday, so he reminded himself specially? ?

If that's the case, wouldn't it be even more terrifying, what kind of strength is it that can achieve this level? ?

As for these things, Xu Tong couldn't tell directly. After all, Wuzhi was on the sidelines. It wasn't that he deliberately concealed them, but he felt that it was better not to let people know about these things until they were investigated clearly.

The question Xu Tong raised really surprised the old man.

After thinking for a moment, he nodded, "Yes!"

"What way??" Xu Tong asked with wide-eyed eyes.

The old man was silent for a while, stuffed the spicy strips in his hand into his mouth and chewed fiercely, then met Xu Tong's gaze, and said two words: "Chengxian!"


Xu Tong's eyes widened. He thought that the old Taoist, who was pedantic about heaven and man, could give a scientific explanation, but he didn't expect the old Taoist to draw such a big cake for himself.

Seeing the shocked expression on Xu Tong's face, the old Taoist could only explain: "It's not that I'm talking big to you, but that there is only one answer to your question."

After the old Taoist finished speaking, he asked Xu Tong with a correct expression: "Time, this kind of thing, is defined by human self-cognition, but for gods, it is not fixed."

The old Taoist told Xu Tong a story about the myth of the gods.

It's just very different from traditional fairy tales.

It is rumored that the Queen Mother of the West of Kunlun once hosted a banquet, and thousands of gods came to congratulate her, but these gods did not come from one time, some from the past, some from the present, and some from the distant future.

Some of these gods are born innately, and some are the protagonists who lead the trend of a certain era.

With the blessing of destiny, you can win the luck of heaven and earth, and once you achieve immortality, you will become immortal immediately.

Speaking of this, the old Taoist looked at Xu Tong: "Think about how rare the opportunity to become a fairy is. If you put these heroes and gods together to compete, I am afraid that there will be no myths you have seen.

So time is just a unit of measurement. After becoming a fairy, this unit has no meaning. "

The old man's words really opened Xu Tong's eyes.

But what followed was a huge question mark? ?
Could it be that my own mother is a fairy? ? ?

Thinking of this, Xu Tong couldn't help thinking of a bloody old stalk, and raised his arms.

I don't pretend anymore, it's a showdown.

My father is a god, my mother is a fairy, and I am still a bullshit player, and my mother and I will go to the sky to be a fairy.

Of course, this is also YY's idea, Xu Tong didn't dare to think about it, it was too bloody after all.

"It's here, it's here!!"

At this time, the fool suddenly pointed to the front and said.

Xu Tong could only put this question aside temporarily, and when he took a look, he saw a black jungle in the distance.

The jungle was covered by thick fog, and even with his supernatural powers, he couldn't see clearly what the depths of the jungle looked like.

But it can be seen that the ancient trees in this jungle are tall and vertical, at least as huge as a 30-meter-high building, and their pale bark is as smooth as the bones of some kind of creature.

In front of the jungle, there is a huge stone with three large characters written on one side of the stone [No Return to the Forest]

On the other side is a line of small characters, which Xu Tong read out along the way.

"This forest is three thousand miles deep. There is no distinction between the left and the right in the forest. The east and west are reversed. It is connected to the outside world. Those who go can't return, and those who come can't return."

From this line of writing, it is not difficult to see how big this forest of no return is. Xu Tong is just curious, if it is according to the text.

Since those who come cannot return, how can this Western envoy come back from here? ?

But after thinking about this question, Xu Tong didn't think there was any problem.

Netherland is vast and boundless, if they don't go from here, it is not difficult to turn back after going out from other places.

The reason why I came from here may be because this road is relatively close.

"Let's take a rest, it seems that the other party should not have arrived yet."

Xu Tong signaled everyone to get off their horses and rest.

However, just as everyone got off their horses, suddenly the old Taoist and the eldest princess looked at the target in front of them at the same time, not returning to the forest.


The old man said.

In the jungle, the sound of dull footsteps gradually sounded, and the ancient trees in the sky collapsed in the distance.

In the depths of the Forest of No Return, a giant red-haired elephant slowly moved forward. The giant elephant was ten meters high. Six pairs of huge tusks, like the buckets of a bulldozer, knocked down a large area of ​​old trees in front of it. Plow out a clearing.

Behind the giant elephant, the legion stepped on in neat steps, like a torrent of steel.

The skins of these people were as rough as lizards, and they wore heavy battle armor. Even the big sword in their hands was about to catch up with the door panels of ordinary people.

The legion's orderly pace approached step by step, accompanied by a powerful aura that was suffocating.

Even though they were still far apart, the old man and the eldest princess couldn't help but frowned, feeling unprecedented pressure.


Behind the legion, a huge carriage moved slowly, and eight hell horses stomped on the ground, emitting blue flames, and from time to time spit out a cloud of hellfire.

The luxurious carriage is as huge as a moving building.

And when the team walked through the deep forest, ancient trees as tall as the sky quickly grew on the flattened land. These ancient trees seemed to rise from the soil in the blink of an eye. The traces are completely erased.

"It's coming out!!"

Gao Zhuo and the others watched the collapsed ancient trees getting closer and closer, and faint sweat was already appearing on their foreheads.

After all, they are envoys from the West, and they knew they had a big background, but they didn't expect that they would feel tremendous pressure before they appeared.

At this time, the fool seemed to remember something, groped for a long time from his arms, took out a golden flag, and stuck the flag on the front of the car.

Immediately, there was no wind on the flag, and there was nothing on the flag, but it was bright red.

As soon as the flag was hoisted, the sense of oppression on Xu Tong and the others dissipated immediately, and a strong sense of security and confidence arose in their hearts.

"Heroic soul flag."

The fool pointed to the flag, called out the name of the flag, stood below and applauded.

A heroic spirit flag, one hundred thousand soldiers.

All demons and evil spirits should be avoided.

Xu Tong and the others could feel the fiery power on this flag, and they couldn't help but feel awe from the bottom of their hearts.

Perhaps time can erase everything, but it cannot erase this bright red.


At this time, the forest in front of him suddenly exploded, and six pairs of huge ivory stick out from the forest, followed by that huge red-haired giant elephant slowly walking out.

The huge aura made Xu Tong and the others frown for a moment, but because of the bright red flag of the heroic soul behind them, they didn't feel the slightest sense of oppression.

Immediately afterwards, those hell warriors holding big swords came out. When these high-chested hell warriors noticed Xu Tong and the others, they couldn't help showing contempt in their eyes.

But when they saw the bright red flag on the carriage, the arrogance in their eyes instantly disappeared, as if recalling some terrible memory, they all lowered their heads and dared not look directly at the conspicuous red flag like blood ...

 Sorry, I deleted a large part of this chapter after thinking about it. The time is a bit late, and the next update will be updated before 12 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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