Infinite script kill

Chapter 729 Luting Inn

Chapter 729 Ten Road Pavilion Inn


Hearing Gao Zhuo's words, the old Taoist couldn't help scratching his head: "Is there such a good thing?"

"Okay, delicious!" The fool sat on the shaft and clapped his hands happily.

"It's beautiful and delicious, what is it if it's not a cook?"

The eldest princess held her chin and said with a half-hearted smile.

It's just that anyone who listens to this tone always feels full of gunpowder.

Standing aside, Gao Zhuo looked at the throbbing veins on the princess's thin white hands, and couldn't help but think of what the old Taoist once said, during this time, Xu Tong was in trouble.

For a moment, the flames of gossip in his heart began to rise.

After about two more incense sticks, Xu Tong walked out of Lilith's carriage with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Head, you..."

Seeing Xu Tong come back, Gao Zhuo couldn't hold back his gossip, and rushed forward to ask for clarification.

As a result, when he opened his mouth, Xu Tong raised his hand and stuffed something into Gao Zhuo's mouth.


Gao Zhuo was not used to it at first, but he thought that Xu Tong would not harm him, so he savored it carefully.

As a result, the more you eat, the more delicious it becomes. I feel that the food in my mouth is so soft and fragrant that my tongue almost falls off.

After eating it in one breath, it was the reminder that I had gained a 2% increase in strength.

I saw Xu Tong stepping forward, casually handing a few meat eggs to Gu Xibai and Chang Wuzhi, of course, Lao Dao and the others would naturally have a lot of them.

Xu Tong also specially gave the fool two meat eggs.

I saw that the meat and eggs looked bright red and shiny, and they were bouncing QQ when pinched, and there was a smell of fat like salted duck eggs after one bite.

"what is this??"

Gu Xibai was about to throw this thing into the item book, but was stopped by Xu Tong: "Don't worry, eat it, it's a good thing!"

Seeing this, Gu Xibai didn't think too much about it, and opened his mouth to put the meat and eggs into his mouth to taste carefully.

As a result, the more I ate, the more delicious it became. After eating, I found that I actually got a reminder that my toughness increased by 5%.

The same is true for Chang Wuzhi, but what he gets is a 5% recovery boost.

It seems that after everyone eats it, the effect is different.

This inevitably made everyone more curious about what this thing is, but no matter how they asked, Xu Tong refused to say.

After getting into the carriage, he glanced at the idiot. The idiot immediately took out his notebook, glanced at it, and pointed in the direction of Youshan: "Go up the mountain!"

Now that he had decided on the next route, Xu Tong waved his hand, the vehicle turned around, and a team drove ahead and began to set off in the direction of Youshan.

"Head, who is the messenger who came this time??"

Gao Zhuo claimed that he has followed Xu Tong not long after he became a player, but he didn't remember any contact between Xu Tong and the West.

But I always felt that the messenger who came this time seemed to be very familiar with Xu Tong.

Especially Xu Tong actually called her a cook.

How can a person who can represent hell in the west and go to Netherland be a cook? ?

But Xu Tong really called it that.

Gao Zhuo was not only curious about these questions, but Gu Xibai and Chang Wuzhi also wanted answers.

Seeing Gao Zhuo and the others asking endlessly in the team channel, Xu Tong was silent for a moment and could only say: "Let's put it this way, if one day I accidentally hang up, this bitch will personally take me to hell with eight sedan chairs. , Clean me up."

"Bah, I believe you ghost."

Chang Wuzhi curled his lips, feeling that Xu Tong was bragging again, and didn't believe a word of what this guy said.

Gu Xibai believed Xu Tong's words: "So good?? Then can you take me with you?"

The corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched, and he looked at Gu Xibai with a half-smile: "When the time comes, I will definitely hold you."

After speaking, he cast a sidelong glance at Chang Wuzhi: "It's the same for you!"

The speed of the convoy is not fast.

Especially the huge red-haired giant elephant at the back, shaking the mountain with every step.

Xu Tong couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart, can this game really climb mountains? ?

But it soon proved that he thought this guy too simply.

Although the mammoth's body is bulky, every step of the body seems to be firmly on the ground. Even on some rough road sections, this guy is as easy as walking on the ground, and even uses huge ivory to shake the road. Push it into a flat ground to facilitate the driving of the carriage behind.

The distance this time is not far, at least half the distance compared to when we came here.

After about two hours, Xu Tong and others saw the majestic mountain again.

This time Xu Tong went straight to Youshan along the road at the foot of the mountain, and finally saw the village before.

This place seems to be a small town, with a large number of wandering spirits gathered, and there are even shops on the street.

If you don't know that this is Netherland, you may really think it's a rural town.


The ghosts on the street raised their heads, and when they saw the giant red-haired elephant approaching in the distance, they couldn't help but let out a sound of shock.

"Is this a monster from Yin Yang Dao running out??"

Some timid ghosts screamed, but they were quickly educated: "Don't scare me here, even if the monsters of the yin and yang path lose their minds and go crazy, they must not come here."

"This is Youshan!"

As soon as these words came out, many ghosts immediately settled down. After all, this is Youshan, and the Fujun lives on top of them.

Not to mention those beasts in the Yin-Yang Dao, even those ancient gods lurking in the depths of the Nether would not dare to make trouble in this place.

"It should be an envoy from outside the territory!!"

An elderly man stood on tiptoe at a high place. After seeing the conspicuous red flag in front of the carriage, he pondered for a moment and spoke.

When everyone heard this, they all dared to question that the old man had lived here for an unknown number of years.

I have seen the ghost emperors of the five directions travel to the secluded mountains, and I have also seen the grand scene of the gods coming to the palace on the birthday of the prince.

It can be said that he is well-informed, so if he opens his mouth, he will basically be close to ten.

Sure enough, when Xu Tong's carriage entered the village, only the sound of gongs could be heard.

It was a fool holding a copper gong, standing on the shaft of the chariot, beating it, and shouting: "An envoy is visiting, everyone stay away!"

The idiot's voice was very soft, but with the blessing of the gong in his hand, all the ghosts in the huge village could hear it.

Immediately, all the ghosts who watched the excitement retreated one after another, watching from a distance.

"Why is there such a big town here??"

Gu Xibai looked at the surrounding villages and towns, and couldn't help feeling curious. In his impression, it seemed that all ghosts should stay in the city of Wushi honestly.

"The ghosts who live in the city of vain death need to pay a fee every year. Most of the people who live here have no relatives to worship in the yang world, and they have no clan land outside, so they can only relocate here to survive."

The eldest princess' voice came from the carriage, telling everyone the difference.

The so-called clan land is just like the Zhu village that Xu Tong saw before, that is the clan land of old Zhu's family in the underworld.

Don't underestimate that place, even the King of Hades can't trespass at will, and enjoys a certain degree of privilege.

Of course, this privilege is limited to the level of Lord Yan, and it will not be easy to use if it goes higher.

Without the protection of the clan land, even if these ghosts hide here, they can enjoy peace in peace. At least no one dares to come here to play wild no matter what the conflict is.

"Since this place is so peaceful and comfortable, why don't the ghosts in the dead city come here to live?"

Gu Xibai continued to ask.

In fact, this problem is not difficult to understand.

Because the reality is the same. Knowing that the prices in third-tier cities are low, life may be more comfortable.

But people go to high places, and water flows to low places. Rich people like to live in the countryside.

"Stay in front!"

The fool pointed to an inn at the foot of Youshan Mountain. The name of the inn was very strange, it was called [Shilu Pavilion]

It's not the time to go to Youshan yet, and the mountain climbing will not be allowed until three days before the Shangji Festival.

Before that, they need to live in the inn and wait.

Although the inn is not big, there is a universe inside. As soon as Xu Tong and others entered the courtyard, the space in front of them instantly magnified exponentially.

"Space power!!"

Chang Wuzhi's eyes lit up. He has a rare space-type item card, so he can clearly feel the power of the surrounding space.

Before everyone could enter the door, the store owner had already come forward.

After the fool took out a token from his pocket and gave it to the shopkeeper, the corner of the shopkeeper's mouth twitched suddenly, a little unhappy.


This is a business trip, and the public stays in the hotel. Their inn has no oil and water, and they are free of food and lodging, and they have to be carefully served.

Fortunately, Xu Tong observed the words and expressions, and when he saw the shopkeeper's expression, he knew what was going on, so he jumped off the shaft of the car: "Is there any good room?"

The shopkeeper was startled, then immediately changed his previous expression, and hurriedly nodded frantically: "Yes, there is, there is an independent small courtyard, there are mountains and scenery, everything is there."

After finishing speaking, I was afraid that Xu Tong would be dissatisfied: "In addition, we also have some special fruits and melons from Youshan. Our cook is also..."

"Let's bring more specialties, just need to take care of these people behind."

Xu Tong interrupted the boss.

Not only was the boss not angry, but the smile on his face became brighter: "Yes, yes, don't worry about the job, the villain will do his best to ensure that there will be no mistakes."

Why are the shopkeepers so hospitable?

Without him, Xu Tong gave too much.

A brand-new Ming note exuded the fragrance of merit, which almost made him intoxicated and unable to extricate himself from it.

This is a Ming banknote that I haven't seen for many years. Although it looks very new, the craftsmanship and taste are still so fascinating. The most important thing is that it is stamped with the seal of the prince.

This is a precious banknote that is more valuable than private banknotes.

Xu Tong also ignored the intoxicated face of the boss holding the Ming note, turned around and ignored the strange eyes of those demons, and patted Lilith's carriage: "Hurry up and cook, I'm hungry!!"

His fist slammed on the carriage with a loud clang.

The eyes of all the demons looking at Xu Tong became sharp in an instant.

Some demons even let out a deep roar, slightly raised the big sword in their hands, ready to rush forward at any time, and chop this ignorant guy into a meat paste.

However, as the door of the carriage opened, when Lilith appeared in front of everyone, everyone couldn't help being surprised.

I saw Lilith curling up her charming long hair, put on a neat chef's uniform, and put the spatula on Xu Tong's chin: "Next time you hit my carriage like this, I promise, I will do it tonight." Braised, steamed, and chopped into meat sauce to make dumplings!"

"Hmm... can it be made into rice dumplings?"

Faced with Lilith's threat, Xu Tong asked solemnly instead.

"Zongzi??" Lilith's eyes lit up, thinking that this seemed like a good idea.

Xu Tong had a wicked smile on his face, and said in a low voice, "Yes, because I want to try the feeling of being bound..."

(End of this chapter)

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