Chapter 737 Three thousand palms and mouths (two chapters in one)

"Your master??"

Xu Tong looked at the inn, and immediately asked: "Who is your master?"

The boy smiled: "My master is famous for his poems. He was born at the turn of the Xia and Shang Dynasties. He is the Eastern Happy Immortal, who rules the Nine Heavens Chou Bo, and is also the Demon King of the Three Realms."

Xu Tong blinked: "I don't understand!"

The boy was stunned, so he had no choice but to tell the name of his master: "My master is the Great Demon King Qingdi."


Xu Tong suddenly realized, and secretly groaned in his heart, good guy, I'm really afraid of something.

Just after sending off a Baidi guard, the boss here came in person.

This must have come too soon.

"This one……"

When the Great Demon King Qingdi came in person, Xu Tong fell into distress for a while, this was not a guard, he fought on his own, anyway, someone helped him.

Just when I was worried about how to deal with it, I heard Lilith's voice behind me: "Then let's meet together."

Looking back, she realized that Lilith had stepped out of the carriage and came behind her at some point.

"Then go back quickly, I'll wait for you outside."

Seeing this, Xu Tong was about to run away, but Lilith grabbed him by the collar. How could she let Xu Tong escape easily, and immediately said in a deep voice, "You go with me."

"Come on, you guys are talking about business, what do you want me to do?"

Xu Tong asked the question knowingly.

What are you doing? ?Be a shield.

It seems that women like this kind of thing, when someone asks you out, you insist on pulling a girlfriend, and then use the girlfriend as a shield in the middle.

The boy also opened his mouth at this moment and said: "My master specifically explained that the envoys must come together."

Xu Tong grimaced, glanced back, and looked at the fat monk.

It turned out that the fat monk smiled and waved towards him.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's eyes lit up: "Okay, just wait for me."

As he spoke, he walked quickly to the fat monk.

Pulling the fat monk's arm: "Let's go, let's go together."

As a result, the fat monk quickly waved his hand: "Don't, the poor monk has a superficial cultivation level, so he dare not disobey the Great Demon King Qingdi."

"Then what are you waving for?? Itchy hands??"

Xu Tong turned black when he heard the words, as if if you don't come with me, I will hold you and not let go.

"Hahahaha, don't worry, my lord, the poor monk taught you a method that can protect you well."

The fat monk smiled and slobbered, and wrote on Xu Tong's back casually a few times. For a while, Xu Tong didn't know what the fat monk had written.

Just listen to the voice transmission of the fat monk: "My lord, just go. Although the Qing Emperor is terrifying, as long as you don't get angry, he can't do anything to you."

"Really??" Xu Tong was a little suspicious.

"The poor monk swears!"

Seeing the fat monk raised his hand to promise, Xu Tong was relieved, walked to Lilith, raised his arm, and said in a playful voice, "Let's have a fight with you!!"

Lilith covered her mouth, put her hand on Xu Tong's arm, and walked into the inn led by the child.

Like the Shiluting Inn, the inn looks small from the outside, but the space inside is astonishingly large.

In neat rows of small courtyards, steaming heat can be seen rising from time to time.

Xiaotong led the two of them until they reached the deepest point, in front of the gate of a separate luxurious compound. Xu Tong took a closer look and saw a few soldiers in black armor standing outside the gate.

A strong murderous aura emanates from these people from a distance, the murderous aura is so heavy that it is frightening, as if these people crawled out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

Before Xu Tong approached, his scales stretched out unconsciously.

"This is the elite!!"

Compared with the previous Baidi Guards, they are nothing like mud and clouds. These people are the real Netherland warriors.

Seemingly aware of the dragon scales on Xu Tong's body aroused by the murderous aura, Lilith put her hand on Xu Tong's palm lightly, patted it twice, and gave Xu Tong a reassuring look.

"Two, please come inside!"

The boy stood in front of the door to respect, Xu Tong took a deep breath and entered the courtyard with Lilith.

Entering the door is a huge soup pool, the pool is golden, and the steaming heat sweeps away the chill on the body. There are a few unnamed flowers inside, and I don’t know what species they are, which can grow in such a hot soup spring.

Walk along the path next to Tangquan to the main hall, and see a vague shadow lying on the beauty couch through the screen.

Standing by the side are two girls with a curvaceous figure, Ana, holding wine and feeding them.

After the two of them walked in with the boy, the boy whispered: "Emperor Qing, you have arrived."

"Receive the envoy in a lowly position, see the Qingdi Great Demon King, I wish the Qingdi Great Demon King Fulu will stay forever and be evergreen!"

Xu Tong stepped forward and respectfully paid homage to the figure behind the screen.

Although he likes to play, it doesn't mean he likes to make fun of himself. In front of him, Emperor Qing's status is even equal to that of a ghost emperor like Du Ziren. It is obviously not a wise way to be smart in front of such a person.

"I have seen the Great Demon King Qingdi."

Lilith followed behind Xu Tong and bowed slightly.

The figure behind the screen swayed slightly, and then a lazy voice was heard: "Please sit down, both of you."

There were two seats, one on the left and one on the right. They should have been separated, but Xu Tong sat next to Lilith very directly.

The figure behind the screen didn't say anything about it, but looked at Xu Tong through the screen.

It was just a very ordinary look, and he didn't deliberately peep at Xu Tong's depth. Even so, this kind of scrutinized gaze still made Xu Tong feel a little uncomfortable.

"I heard that you tore up Baidi's decree and beat Baidi's people. Now it seems that you are a heroic boy. It's just that if you do this, Baidi will definitely not give up. You may be fine in the world, but... There will be a time when you die."

Qingdi's voice is very kind, and it gives people a unique sense of intimacy, making it easy for people to let go of their guard.

It's just that Xu Tong didn't dare to think about it, and besides such a big hat, he wouldn't follow it foolishly.

With a righteous look on his face, he said: "Qingdi Mingjian, Baidi's decree is like a sacred object, how can I tear it up, someone must be provoking it, such tricks can't be hidden from Baidi's eyes, as for me hitting Baidi's attendant, even more so Nonsense."

"Oh! So I wronged you??"

Qingdi's voice behind the screen was slightly teasing.

Xu Tong immediately explained: "I was ordered by Yincao Division, and Yang Yinsi repeatedly explained that I would take over the burden of leading the envoy. I dare not be sloppy in my lowly position. The other party has neither the Yincao Division's transfer order nor my direct superior, not only blocking the mission. , and beat me up, I was just punishing Yin Cao Si Xiao."

Xu Tong's three words are inseparable from the Yincao Division, and he doesn't care at all whether the Yincao Division can withstand it.

The Qing Emperor behind the screen couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Then he turned his gaze to Lilith aside; "The Western envoy is here this time to facilitate the agreement of the year? If so, I am afraid it will be a waste of time. As far as I know, the Fujun has never thought about collaborating with the Western envoy. The meaning of Hell joining hands."

Xu Tong sat aside and listened with pricked ears.

But Li Lisi didn't mean to pick up the words, instead she said with a smile: "I don't understand what Qingdi said, this time, it's my father who wants to send a gift to the Fujun to show his sincerity." , As for the agreement of the year, I haven’t heard anything about it.”


Emperor Qing nodded thoughtfully: "If that's the case, I'm overthinking."

After finishing speaking, he stared at Xu Tong: "The one you hit just now is a well-known villain in the world, and his father is the master of the Tiangong Temple in Wucheng, Mingchen.

The other four are also children from Luofeng Liutian Palace in Beiyin, even if they are not descended from the direct descendants, they are definitely not something you can provoke. "

Xu Tong's heart sank slightly, knowing that the Qing Emperor was afraid that Lilith would not cooperate with him, so he simply started to use a knife on himself.

Immediately asked: "Dare to ask Emperor Qing, since they are children in Luofeng Liutian Palace in Beiyin, do they have priesthood?"

This question was purely nonsense, Qing Emperor frowned and did not respond.

"Regardless of whether they have priesthood or not, if they offend the mission, they are treasonous. Besides, the lowly position is self-defense. If they are convicted because of this, please ask the underworld to send me to the Hall of Yama to report. I think it is fair and comfortable. "

"It's ridiculous, Luo Feng is going to kill you for six days, why bother to inform Yincao Si, crushing you to death is nothing more than crushing a grasshopper."

The woman holding the wine at the side finally couldn't help Xu Tong's arrogance, and said sarcastically.

I can't blame the woman for talking too much, but what she said sounds really funny.

Beiyin Luofeng ruled all demons in the six heavens, even the King of Hades in the Ten Palaces was ignored, so how could he care about a Yincao Division?

Hearing this, Xu Tong just raised his eyelids, and stared calmly at the woman behind the screen: "What does this girl mean, that Luo Feng Liutian can kill and lead envoys at will?"

The woman was so provoked by Xu Tong, she even sneered and said:

"What kind of envoy, you are just an ordinary person with a mortal body, if you kill him, you will be killed, and you will be beaten to death, who dares to say a word for you."

Even through the screen, Xu Tong could feel the disdain in the woman's words, as if the person who wanted to kill him was the woman herself.

Being so contemptuous by a maid makes me annoyed, but Xu Tong is calm when he thinks of the fat monk's words.

Hearing the words, he even laughed and said, "My girl's words have really benefited me a lot, but I like to be more serious. When my Yang Yusi came here, it was convenient for me to say that the underworld is vast and boundless, but the law is limited, and no one can be good at it." Monopolizing power, these words are my creed in life, if that day really comes, I believe that my lord, who is upright, will definitely seek justice for me."


The woman glared, but she didn't expect that the guy in front of him was nothing but a rock.

At this time, Emperor Qing finally spoke, and said with a smile: "It's really extraordinary for Yincao to have a character like a little brother. Anyway, I give this thing to you. If one day, when the mountains and rivers are exhausted, show this thing, maybe it can protect you." One life!"

As he said that, he asked the woman around him to present a waist card. The woman took it respectfully, stepped out of the screen, and handed the waist card to Xu Tong.

I saw the words Qingdi Great Demon King written on the waist card impressively.

After Xu Tong accepted the waist card, he took advantage of the opportunity to thank Emperor Qing, got up and took Lilith to bid farewell.

Only after the two of them left did the maid who satirized Xu Tong knelt in front of Qing Emperor: "It's Xiaodie who is incompetent."

"Forget it, if people have precautions, they won't do what you want."

Qingdi waved his hand to signal the maid to stand up, just now he had tried to stir up the boy's anger secretly, intending to make him angry, so as to plant a demon seed in his heart.

As a result, there seemed to be some power on the opponent's body secretly guarding him, which made him unable to succeed.

It seems that if this kid dares to be so tough, there must be someone behind him to back him up.

Immediately, he took out an edict and handed it to the woman: "Send it to Yincao Division. I also want to see if this upright Yang Yusi really dares to disobey my order!"

"According to the order!"

The maid took the badge and left.

On the other side, Xu Tong breathed a sigh of relief only after Xu Tong and Lilith walked out of the compound.

"Next time you don't pull me in this kind of thing, okay, if you can't win you over, just use me."

Xu Tong complained to Lilith.

If he was really angered by that maid at that time, maybe the Qing Emperor would have planted a demon seed in his heart and mind, and life and death would be up to him at that time.

Simply keep in mind what the fat monk said, no matter how agitated the maid is, I can calm down.

But it's better to do this kind of thing less frequently, so next time, I will definitely not come again, unless... add more money!
"Aren't you curious, what is the agreement just mentioned?"

Lilith asked in a low voice.

Xu Tong hurriedly signaled her to stop, curiosity can kill a cat, what kind of class is he, if he meddles in this matter, there will be absolutely no good end.

Besides, there are some things, when the strength arrives, one will naturally be able to know, so there is no need to be in a hurry.

While the two were talking, they walked into another small courtyard.

Gao Zhuo and the others have already moved in, and the courtyard is naturally incomparable to Qingdi's exclusive residence.

But it's no problem to soak three or four people in a big soup spring.

"came back!"

The fat monk waved to Xu Tong with a silly smile on his face.

"How about it, no problem."

"It's okay, I gave me a brand, but I don't know if it works or not."

Xu Tong took out the badge given to him by Emperor Qing, and the fat monk took it and weighed it in his palm for a few times, as if he was sure that there was nothing wrong with it, he returned the badge to Xu Tong.

"Don't give it to you for nothing. This is the finest green smoke wood. If you don't like it, throw it into the fire and burn it to ashes. Take it out, it's the best healing medicine in the world."

Hearing what the fat monk said, Xu Tong immediately felt much better.

"Hurry up and cook, baby, the poor monk's stomach is almost starving."

After the fat monk finished speaking, he began to urge Lilith to cook, as if he really regarded the hell princess as a royal cook.

Lilith is very happy about this, cooking is her greatest pleasure, not to mention, the old man also took out the treasured Fudou meat, which is a top-level ingredient, how could she refuse.

Dang even put on a neat kitchen robe, walked into the kitchen and started cooking.

After a while, Lilith prepared a top-notch banquet.

The meat of Fudou itself is extraordinarily fragrant, and after being processed by Lilith, it is even more delicious.

Accompanied by a pot of sweet and delicious wine, the fat monk ate so much that his mouth was full of oil, and he called it good.

The Huo Dou meat was delicious, but only Xu Tong in the team could eat it, as for Gu Xibai and the others, after a few mouthfuls, they felt so hot that they couldn't do it anymore.

Seeing this, the fat monk directly drove them into the Tangquan, saying that he wanted to use the heat of the Tangquan to stimulate the essence of the Huo Dou Rou.

Gao Zhuo and the others were skeptical at first, but after soaking in the hot spring for a while, they felt as hot as if their flesh had been burned. Immediately afterwards, the three of them began to hiccup continuously and spit out the stale air in their chests.

In just a few minutes, the changes on the three of them were different.

Gao Zhuo's face was filled with anger, he had actually achieved a great breakthrough, he had cultivated the life and death training to the fourth level, most of the corpse energy from his body dissipated, and his whole body became no different from a living person.

Beads of sweat were dripping from Gu Xibai's forehead, and his body was even firmer. A faint milky halo appeared on his smooth skin, which was a sign that he was about to use martial arts to enter Taoism.

As for Chang Wuzhi, it is more difficult to figure out. This guy has no practice system, just like normal players, all rely on the blessing of item cards.

But at this moment, black smoke was rising from this guy's body, and his physical body began to swell.

After waiting for a while, Chang Wuzhi opened his eyes, and opened his mouth to spit out a ball of black blood. The black blood spat out on the ground, and in an instant, a hole was corroded in the ground.

"This guy is really interesting, and he has a bit of blood in hell. I don't know that the doll was secretly born by that bitch."

Seeing this, Lilith couldn't help secretly laughing.

"Let's go, let these stinky men soak here, let's go back and rest."

Lilith stood up, pulled the eldest princess out, and was about to go back to her room to rest and take a hot bath by the way.

"Well... is it really good for these two girls to walk together??"

Xu Tong looked at the backs of the two women leaving, and he didn't know why he always had a bad feeling.

After all, it's not Chang Wuzhi who wants to burp the most here, but these two tiger girls.

But everyone left, and I had no choice but to eat and drink enough to soak in the soup spring with the fat monk.


The scalding hot water flooded the skin, Xu Tong couldn't help squinting his eyes, and felt that the pores all over his body were open, and he was so comfortable that he was about to fly.

The fat monk sat shirtless next to Xu Tong. Don't look at the fat monk who is not afraid of meat, but his skin is like an egg that has been peeled off its shell.

Sitting next to Xu Tong, his body exuded a unique fragrance, which made Xu Tong want to jump up and bite the little fat man hard.

Taking advantage of the time to take a bath, Xu Tong came out of his body and returned to the entrance of the hall.

Right now, as Emperor Qing said, his situation is not good, especially those little devils in the world, who may come to trouble him again at any time.

If I want to break through now, I need to become enlightened, but enlightenment is definitely not achieved by practicing, but needs an opportunity.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong not only took out one thing from the props book, it was the crystal heart he got at Yuxu Terrace in the Heaven Realm.

According to the precious mirror under Yuxu's stage, the opportunity for him to become enlightened lies in this thing, but this thing is just a stone, how could he make it dance? ?
So if you want to become enlightened, I am afraid it still depends on chance. Before that, you can only use other ways to improve your strength.


Xu Tong looked at the fairy furnace at the entrance of the hall.

With a thought, he took out all the medicinal materials obtained during this period.

Many of these medicinal materials are treasures provided by the Mei family, and many are left over from the last alchemy.

The most precious of them is probably the [Golden Dragon Blood].

After displaying these things in front of him, he felt his forehead start to twitch, and the Dan Jing's consciousness began to be stimulated to wake up from a deep sleep.

Looking at the materials in front of him, Dan Jing sketched out Dan Fang one after another in Xu Tong's mind.

After seeing [Blood of the Golden Dragon], there was only one pill called [Golden Casting Pill] left in my mind.

At this moment, Yincao is inside.

Only the sound of wailing was heard, mournful and desolate.

The little ghosts hiding in the corner looked in the direction of the Yincao Division's lobby, and laughed lightly from time to time.

Not to mention these brats, even the other Yin officials of the Yin Cao Division had a bit of lightness and joy on their faces.

I feel that this sad scream is more like the sound of firecrackers during the New Year, and it sounds very comfortable.

"Oh, what a terrible beating!"

"Isn't it? It's a dead hand."

"I have been here for so long, and I have never seen such a happy thing."

Some Yin officials whispered about the scene that just happened.

The group of Baidi's guards couldn't beat Xu Tong, so they could only vent all their sullen anger on the poor Yang Yinsi.

"Wait, I'm going to sue you!!"

Yang Yinsi was lying on the bed at this moment, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Since he became the head of the Yincao Division, he had never been so humiliated.

Howling is clamoring to sue Hades. If Hades doesn't care, his family will continue to sue. They have never been beaten so severely in their life, and they have to give themselves an explanation no matter what.

Yang Yinsi was still howling, when a little ghost came in from outside the door, laying next to Yang Yinsi's ear, and said in a low voice: "Yin Si, I have found out clearly, this matter... seems to be... is..."

"What is it, tell me quickly!"

After being beaten for no apparent reason, Yang Yu had to send someone to inquire whether he had offended Bai Di or someone else.

It turned out that it was okay not to inquire, but when the kid below inquired clearly, he was also taken aback.

Faced with Yang Yu's urging, he could only bite the bullet and tell all the things he had heard.

Well, Yang Yu almost jumped out of bed when he found out that the perpetrator was Xu Tong.

"Damn this little bastard, he has a grudge with my mother."

Yang Yu's lungs were about to explode.

The matter of the Y book last time was not over yet, and I read it for the face of Luofu Mountain, turning a blind eye.

As a result, the boy gave himself a big gift bag backhanded, hitting him so hard that he couldn't get out of bed.

The more Yang Yu thought about it, the angrier he became, he wished he could call Xu Tong back now and send this kid into the Eighteen Hells.

Just as Yang Yu was cursing Xu Tong in his heart.

Outside the door, I saw a kid running in hastily, kneeling on the ground with a plop as soon as he entered.

"My lord, my lord, get up quickly, the Qing Emperor's decree has arrived!"

Emperor Qing's decree? ?
Yang Yu couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, thinking how come Qingdi came just after a Baidi's person left? ?

But he didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly limped to the front hall with the support of his subordinates.

I saw a woman standing in the lobby waiting for him. After seeing Yang Yinsi with a bruised nose and swollen face, the woman couldn't help but look suspicious.

But when Yang Yu knelt down to welcome the Qing Emperor's decree, although he was puzzled, he didn't want to ask too much, so he sent the Qing Emperor's decree to Yang Yinsi.

Yang Yu picked it up and opened it. On that bruised and swollen face, the facial features were twisted into a ball in pain.

When he rolled his eyes, he passed out.

A few yin officials at the side hurriedly picked up the Qing Emperor's decree and looked at it, and saw a line of words written on it: "The emperor is not strict, and the mouth is three thousand."

(End of this chapter)

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