Chapter 740 The car door is welded dead (7000+ extra large chapter)
"Master, master! Why are you here?"

Xu Tong jumped out of the carriage and ran up at a brisk pace. Seeing that the two of them were already covered with a layer of snow, Xu Tong felt distressed immediately, and hurriedly pulled them into the carriage.

But Elder Song waved his hand: "Don't bother, we came in the ghost emperor's carriage, and we arrived one step earlier than you. I think you should have arrived almost here, so we just wait here for a while, and we will follow Du Jun later." Wait for the Yin Gods to enter the Forbidden Palace first."

Song Lao explained Xu Tong to understand.

It turns out that at the time of the sacrifice, the ghost emperors of the five directions, Yan Luo of the ten halls, etc. all the Yin gods will enter the palace one by one to report to the emperor.

It is similar to the annual financial report of a listed company.

In addition to reporting work, report on the target planning for the coming year and so on.

Master, as the inspector under Du Ziren's command, was not qualified to meet the emperor.

However, during this period of time, Xu Tong not only captured the King Jiue Minggui, but also Heikadi from the West. Most importantly, Xu Tong not only saved the luck of Buddhism with all his might, but also captured Mo Tuo. , even if it is only part of the godhead, it can be regarded as a rare and great contribution.

Of course, the master gave Xu Tong all the benefits, but the credit naturally fell on the master.

So Du Ziren made a special case to bring Master and Master together to pay homage to the Great Emperor. This is a great honor, and ordinary ghosts can't ask for it.

This is also beyond the expectations of the master. According to the usual practice, the emperor will definitely bestow a reward.

However, this reward may be a god position, or it may be something. The two of them are waiting here, and they also want to ask Xu Tong what is missing. If there is a chance, they can help him get it.

When Xu Tong heard what his master said, his nose felt sore, and the treatment he received from his grandson was nothing more than that.

"Master, master, I don't need anything now. If there is a reward, you should take it first. After all, you are my rear. If you are strong, I will be guaranteed."

Xue Gui and Song Lao shook their heads lovingly when they heard the words, and saw the master pointing to Xu Tong's head: "You have learned to be polite to us."

After all, he reached out and took out a quiver.

I saw three arrows in the quiver, and each arrow had a different shape.

"This is the divine arrow that matches that [Big Rhinoceros Bow]. I forgot to give it to you last time. This time I will give it to you together. Each of these arrows has extraordinary divine power. Be careful when using them." .”

The master handed the quiver to Xu Tong and instructed him carefully.

Xu Tong nodded and took the arrow.

At this time, the master looked up at the convoy behind Xu Tong, pulled Xu Tong and said in a low voice, "We've heard about the White Emperor's Guard, you just need to rest assured, I'm in charge of everything."

The master patted his arm and gave Xu Tong an encouraging look.

This kind of encouragement from the master is tantamount to a booster, sweeping away all the doubts in Xu Tong's heart.

"Okay, all that needs to be said has been said. Go to the inn as soon as possible. We still have a long way to go. It is unreasonable to keep Du Jun's team waiting for a long time."

Master Song Lao opened his mouth and urged Xu Tong and the others to get on the road as soon as possible. After Xu Tong bowed to the two of them repeatedly, he turned and returned to the carriage.

When they got into the carriage and took a look, they saw that the master and master were already riding on a heavenly horse, and they were quickly heading towards the red wall palace.

"My master, master!"

Xu Tong sat on the shaft of the chariot, and when he saw the fat monk looking at him, he said proudly, his eyes filled with admiration, which was enough to show the status of the two of them in his heart.

Even at this moment, his own strength is several times stronger than his master Xue Gui, but he knows it in his heart.

The master was just born at an untimely time, and I was just a little luckier than the master.

"Amitabha, Master Xue gave up his body and carried a bad reputation through the ages, but in the present age, his merits will last forever, so there is a blessing waiting for him."

The fat monk said with a smile.

Xu Tong was startled, a little surprised, he didn't expect the fat monk to know about the master.

"Have you heard the story of my master??"

The fat monk smiled and said nothing, with an inscrutable appearance that made it impossible to understand the reality of this guy.

Taking advantage of the gap in the rush, Xu Tong called out the tool book, and locked his eyes on the three magic arrows.

These three arrows are not only different in appearance, but also have different names.

They are respectively called Po Jun, Xiao Tian, ​​and Long Que.

Broken Arrow:
Passive Skill: All Arrows

Consuming 3000 script points, after launching, one arrow turns into ten thousand arrows, and strikes the front area in a covering manner.

The damage of the arrow will be related to your own strength, please figure out the details yourself.

Roaring Arrow:
Passive Skill: Dark Moon

Consuming 3000 script points, after launching, the vision of Tengu swallowing the moon will be called out, causing the target creature luck to enter the cover state.

Dragon Arrow:
Passive Skill: Peck
Consuming 3000 script points, pecking and killing the target, ignoring the target's own armor and magic weapon defense, bursting out unprecedentedly high penetrating damage.

Arrow damage will be related to your own strength, please figure out the details yourself.

Looking at these three arrows, Xu Tong's heart burst into ecstasy. With this set of arrows, paired with a big rhinoceros bow, it is simply a murder weapon in the world.

As for the only shortcoming, I am afraid that if this thing is shot, you can only pick it up by yourself. If you can't pick it up, you will use one less.

"Ding! You have entered the Forbidden Palace of Youshan!"

"Ding! Within the range of Youshan Forbidden Palace, the use of item card skills is prohibited, and the script points are temporarily frozen!"

Accompanied by the sound of the reminder, Xu Tong and others were stunned, and hurriedly called out the item book to take a look. Sure enough, all the offensive item cards in the item book turned black, and only a few functional item cards were still normal.

But the script part turned completely black and was completely frozen.

For players without script points, it is useless to hold item cards in their hands.

"No wonder it's called the Forbidden Palace!!"

Xu Tong looked up at the palace in the distance, and the reminder just now sounded like an invisible warning, warning them not to act wild in this place.

But fortunately, although prop cards and script points are banned, his physical strength has not diminished.

The most important thing is that he found that this layer of confinement seems to be only aimed at supernatural powers, Taoism, and his haganism is not affected in any way.

He then asked the old Taoist, the eldest princess and others, and found that the higher the level of cultivation, the higher the intensity of the imprisonment.

"Qianlu Pavilion, there really is such an inn??"

As the convoy continued to move forward, an inn really appeared in the distance. The inn stood at the foot of the emperor's palace, and everyone could see it from a distance.

"Ding! Main mission 2 completed."

At this time, Xu Tong also heard the prompt from the prop book, and sighed in his heart that the task in the script world was quite easy this time.

Immediately leading the team into the inn, there are already dozens of carriages parked in the inn's courtyard.

"Head, look over there!"

When Gu Xibai raised his head, Xu Tong looked over and saw hundreds of war horses in the stables. Without exception, these horses were exactly the same as the horses of the Baidi Guard.

But what Gu Xibai was referring to was not these war horses, but the five crimson horses among them, Xinghuo class leopard horses.

It looks like the five demon kings have arrived.

"Hey, let them run away last time, it won't be so easy this time."

Xu Tong raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, the devil incarnation?I also want to see how assholes they are.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the guest rooms are already full, and now there are only a few Odori shops left."

At this time, the shopkeeper came out in a hurry and said to Xu Tong apologetically.


Gao Zhuo frowned, and was about to speak, but he heard Chang Wuju coldly say:
"Fart, you are fooling the ghost, other places are not full, but your place is full? Co-author, if a ghost emperor comes in person, he can only sleep in Datong bunk, right?"

The shopkeeper's words can only fool Gao Zhuo, a simple-minded person, something that anyone who thinks about it will find impossible.

Besides, Chang Wushou knew very well that this kind of inn has layers of overlapping spaces, theoretically there are at least a thousand rooms, and it is impossible to be full.

The shopkeeper's face changed slightly when he heard the words, and he could only smile wryly; "It's not a coincidence for you to come, someone has booked all the rooms, and everyone can live for free, except..."

"Ha ha."

Xu Tong immediately understood when he heard the words, and the five guys hurried over together, just to strike first.

"How much they give you, I will give you ten times!"

Chang Wuzhi was refreshed, and felt that this was the time to unleash the big weapon he had prepared for a long time.

However, the storekeeper said helplessly: "It doesn't matter how much money it is, they have signed a contract with our store, please forgive me for being helpless."

After all the shopkeeper said, he was ready to leave, and he didn't plan to entangle with Xu Tong and others.

"and many more!!"

Xu Tong stretched out his hand to stop the shopkeeper.

"Guest officer, it's not about money, it's..."

Xu Tong waved his hand. He knew the store's difficulties, so he took out two signs and handed them to the store: "I just want to know what's the use of these things."

Seeing the sign Xu Tong handed over, the shopkeeper's eyes lit up, as if he breathed a sigh of relief: "It turns out that the guest officer has been prepared for a long time, no wonder he is so calm."

As the shopkeeper said, he groped around for a while, then took out another sign and handed it to Xu Tong.

The three signs are the signboards of the three inns.

When the three signs were put together, there was a sudden flash of light, and the sign turned into one, with three characters written on it, Dufangju.

"Hehe, the guest officer is really lucky. This Dufangju has not been drawn for a long time."

It turns out that the combination of the three brands can be used for a lottery draw. If you are lucky, you can draw some special houses.

This Dufangju is a separate house, not only big enough, but most importantly, there is a thousand-year-old camellia in this house, which smells unique, which is a rare treasure.

This kind of residence is not included in the guest room under the package, it is an independent residence.

"Hey, it's a big deal. I thought we were going to make a floor shop tonight."

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo laughed triumphantly.

But Xu Tong said quietly from the side: "Don't, I haven't slept in a place like Datongpu."

After finishing speaking, he handed the signboard in his hand to the boss, signaling that Lilith and Lao Dao would live in this Dufang Residence.

On the other hand, I want to sleep with Gao Zhuo and others in the Datong shop.

"Head, this..."

Gao Zhuo looked at Xu Tong blankly, but saw Xu Tong blinking at him, looking at Xu Tong's playful smile, Gao Zhuo immediately understood Xu Tong's thoughts in his heart, and not only shook his head secretly: "Also the devil king? I'm afraid that there will be times when you cry."

Sure enough, I saw Xu Tong put his arm on the shoulder of the shopkeeper, and before the shopkeeper could speak, Xu Tong sent the two Ming notes into the arms of the shopkeeper...

"They're here!!"

After learning that Xu Tong and others had already moved in, the eyes of the five little devils in the room suddenly lit up.

Hastily asked: "Then did they live in the Datong shop you arranged!"

"Yes, everything has been arranged, and they are all staying here."

The shopkeeper nodded while serving the prepared wine and dishes on the table.

Hearing this, the five people looked at each other, and immediately let out a burst of laughter.

"Hahahaha, that's great, big brother, just wait for a good show tonight."

The young man who spoke was none other than Xia Yan who was thrown out by Xu Tong yesterday, and he was already gearing up to humiliate Xu Tong and others.

The leader, Zhou Mu, looked at the store owner: "When the ghost masters Zhang and Yang come back in the middle of the night, you can arrange all the villain soldiers under their hands into their rooms, understand."

When the four of them heard about those wicked women, they couldn't help but gasp. The underworld is vast, but mentioning Zhang and Yang's wicked soldiers under the hands of the two ghost emperors, everyone felt a chill.

"This... I'm afraid it won't be an accident."

The store owner obviously knew what those so-called villain soldiers were, and couldn't help but feel worried.

"Hey, don't worry, this is their luck." Zhou Mu waved his hand to signal the shopkeeper to be relieved, and then handed a pack of medicine powder to the shopkeeper.

"Later, under the pretense of poor hospitality, you will send me a table of good wine and food, and then sprinkle this packet of medicine into the wine for me."


The shopkeeper looked at the medicine that Zhou Mu sent, and suddenly became embarrassed.

However, Zhou Mu glared suddenly: "I tell you, if you dare to spoil our good deeds, I will burn your shop down!"

Immediately, the shopkeeper looked embarrassed, but he dared not speak out, so he could only accept the package of medicine obediently.

"Don't worry, this medicine is not some harmful poison, and it will never harm them. After all, it is a very serious crime to poison an envoy."

Hearing this, the shopkeeper reluctantly gave the package of medicine to the next person.

After sending the store away, Zhou Mu did not forget to call out a little ghost, and kicked the little ghost: "Go and watch them for me, and don't let them go!"

As soon as the little ghost rolled on the ground, it turned into a puff of black smoke and disappeared without a trace.

After making sure everything was safe, Zhou Mu had a smile on his face: "Play with us, we'll kill you!"

On the other side, the shopkeeper turned around and walked out of the room until he was far away. He looked back to make sure that there was no one there, then turned around and pushed open a door.

But the shopkeeper didn't enter the door, but passed the medicine in through the door panel on the other side: "Let's agree, I can help deliver the wine, and I don't care about the rest."

At this time, one hand took over the medicine bag from the shopkeeper, and casually sent a few Ming notes to it.

The shopkeeper took the note and sighed: "Forget it, it just so happens that I should go down the mountain to retire."


There is no difference between day and night in Netherland. In the gray world, everything seems to be black and white.

But on Youshan, looking up, I can see a black giant star far away, I can't tell whether it is the sun or the moon.

However, Netherland also has the feature of distinguishing day and night. For example, when it is dark, the sky of Netherland will become darker and darker.

Often at this time, there is not even a ghost on the land of Netherland, and the yin is too heavy, even ghosts and ghosts can't stand it.

Just like at this moment, although Xu Tong has a body protected by a cold iron gourd, his physical body is extremely strong, but when a cool wind hits, he still feels icy all over.

"Master, why don't you go to Dufangju, but you want to accompany the rest of us to mess around here."

Xu Tong's figure stood in the bushes, and his figure gradually merged with the surrounding bushes.

He has [Breath of Nature] that can perfectly hide his breath.

But the big shiny bald head on the side is particularly dazzling in the bushes.

"Amitabha, although the food in Dufangju is good, it's not as interesting as here. Maybe I can help."

The fat monk stood aside and looked at Xu Tong with a smile.

"This is near the Forbidden Palace of the Great Emperor, aren't you affected??"

When Xu Tong heard this, he asked suspiciously.

The fat monk smiled: "Is the Great Emperor's Forbidden Palace just a joke, but this is the outer area, and you didn't go in, so the impact on the poor monk is not too big."

After saying this, the fat monk changed his voice: "Besides, someone is going to harm the Venerable, how can the poor monk stand by and watch?"

The fat monk's words were beyond Xu Tong's expectation, he stared blankly at the fat monk's bare head.

"Are you really helping me??"

Xu Tong didn't expect the fat monk to help at first, he only thought that he followed all the way, just to watch the play.

But he didn't expect the fat monk to be willing to help him, which was a bit unexpected.

"Bang to help, but the poor monk's temple is most likely to be repaired, my lord, look..."

Seeing the chubby monk's chubby hands, Xu Tong's eyes widened. He didn't expect you, a fat man with a wide nose and big ears, to...

"No way, the temple is in a downturn."

The fat monk spread his hands helplessly. People still believe in Bodhisattvas in Yangjian, and burn incense and worship Buddha in temples.

But who told this to be the underworld? I'm dead, and I haven't seen the blessings of the Buddha, so I might as well save my money to eat, drink and have fun in the dead city.

"Give you!"

Xu Tong was angry and funny, but he still generously handed a piece of money to the fat monk.

The fat monk took it and shook his hand: "My lord, there are five of them, five of them, you give me a note? Let's be hypocritical, you can't fool the poor monk like this."

"This is a deposit, and I'll give you ten tickets after the matter is completed!"

"Amitabha, follow the venerable, don't ask about food and drink."

The fat monk accepted the note with a smile, and suddenly looked around, and saw two figures walking into the hut one after the other.

Seeing someone walking towards them, the fat monk smiled, and with a thought, the surrounding space distorted.

Even though the two of them walked over, it seemed as if they couldn't see Xu Tong and the others.

This inevitably surprised Xu Tong, who did not expect that the fat man did not seem to be affected by the Forbidden Palace.

"Your Majesty just do it, as long as we don't go out, they can't see us."

The fat monk was already rubbing his hands, looking left and right, he picked up a heavy old brick on the ground.

Seeing his skillful appearance, Xu Tong not only twitched the corners of his mouth, but thought: "Well, he is more skilled than me. This bald man is really not a good person."

"No, wait a minute, where is this?"

Seeing that the fat monk picked up the bricks and was about to beat someone up, Xu Tong hurriedly stopped him and asked him to wait a little longer. I believe that the remaining three would also come out after a while.

Sure enough, after a while, Zhou Mu and others also came out, frowning and walking towards the latrine.

I don't know if it's because they drank too much alcohol, they always wanted to relieve themselves, just after they relieved their hands, they were about to walk back, but within a few steps, they walked back with a sad face.

"Brother, are we poisoned? Why am I peeing endlessly??"

Xia Yan said with a bitter face.

He really couldn't urinate anymore, but after holding it in for a while, he couldn't take it anymore, and now he felt a dull pain in his two big waists.

The faces of the other three people were also not very good-looking, and Zhou Mu also found it strange, but he has checked several times, and there is nothing wrong with him, and there is no sign of poisoning.

Besides, I have never heard of any strange poison that can make people urinate continuously.

"Could someone be punishing us!"

Suddenly someone asked.

Regarding this guess, Zhou Mu didn't take it seriously: "Nonsense, who cares if the sky is in charge of the earth??"

"Besides, this is near the Emperor's Forbidden Palace. Unless it's a ghost emperor, any Taoism will be useless."

As soon as these words came out, Xia Yan and the others felt relieved.

That's right, this is the Great Emperor's Forbidden Palace, even if it's only on the periphery, even if my parents come here, their strength will be greatly reduced.

Unless they are at the level of ghost emperors, but if they are ghost emperors, who will punish them? ?Are you full? ?
Just as he was thinking, in the bushes, Xu Tong suddenly waved his hand, and saw a golden light flying out of his palm.

Zhou Mu, who was chanting the mantra, suddenly slipped on the sole of his foot, and subconsciously grabbed Xia Yan beside him.

With this grasp, Xia Yan instinctively wanted to retreat.

But he didn't notice that Xu Tong kept shooting golden lights behind him.


The innate talisman technique, the talisman comes out with the law.

Immediately Xia Yan pulled back, not only did he not stand firm, but his feet slipped, and he fell down.

In a hurry, he could only reach out to pull another brother.

Unexpectedly, with this pull, the opponent hit him instead.

The five of them urinated for so long, their legs were almost weak, and they couldn't dodge this time, and they fell upside down in the hut one after another.

Immediately, there were endless screams.

"Ah! Don't touch me, it's so new clothes!!"

Xu Tong listened to the screams inside, smiled knowingly, and could already think of the picture inside.

"Hey! It's too dirty, the poor monk can't bear to do it!"

The fat monk frowned beside him.

"Don't do it, just watch."

Xu Tong took the fat monk to hide and waited. When these guys crawled out, they were already covered in filth.

"It's all your fault, what are you pulling me for, vomit..."

"Why do you blame me? It's not that you want to drink."

The five people walked out of the hut with their arms, looking at the filthy clothes, they were almost disgusted.

"Go back quickly and put on some clothes."

Zhou Mu said that he wanted to go to the inn, but when he reached the door, he stopped. In the lobby of the inn, many figures were sitting and drinking.

In the middle, I saw Xu Tong and others sitting in it, drinking and eating meat is very happy.

"They're here too."

Seeing this, Zhou Mu and the others turned dark. If they went in like this and were seen by Xu Tong and the others, they would lose all their shame.

Usually, they can solve it with a cleansing mantra, but here is the Emperor's Forbidden Palace. They have no chance of enlightenment, but they can't use it.

Just as the five of them were tangled in their hearts, they suddenly heard the voice of the store from behind.

Looking back, I saw the owner of the inn coming out of a large room on the side. Zhou Mu and others were afraid that the owner would see their embarrassment, so they hurriedly hid aside.

The store owner didn't even enter the door, but just stood outside the door and shouted inside: "Guest officers, the water here has been boiled, and you can wash it when you go back later."

After speaking, the shopkeeper went straight to the kitchen.

When Zhou Mu and the others heard the words, their faces suddenly showed joy. After looking at each other, they went straight to the big room, opened the door and took a look, and sure enough, they saw a huge wooden barrel inside, and the hot bath The water was steaming hot.

"Haha, there is no unparalleled road, brothers, hurry up and wash up."

Immediately they closed the door, then took off their clothes, plunged into the hot water, the scalding hot water fell on their bodies, not to mention how comfortable it was.

Several people were happily washing, but they didn't know that Xu Tong and the fat monk were standing outside the door at the moment, hearing their laughter, they couldn't help letting out a deep and long sigh.

He took out a pack of medicine powder that was only half left.

I thought to myself: "You can't live without doing your own crimes."

As he spoke, he threw the pack of medicinal powder into the item book.

【Hundred Flowers Aphrodisiac Powder】

Contaminated with this powder, the body is as hot as fire, and the slightest thought will make it uncontrollable, and the more you fight, the more courageous you become.

Duration: twelve hours.

(Note: hey hey...)

Zhou Mu soaked in the bucket, his body jerked violently, and he immediately relaxed a lot. Anyway, if they used it up, those people could use it too.

Just as the five of them were enjoying themselves, they suddenly heard the sound of a carriage outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the shopkeeper's voice: "This way, please, the stove is ready, and the beds are warm."

Hearing the sound getting closer, Zhou Mu suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Finally, he seemed to remember something: "No, let's go!!"

As he said that, he was about to jump out of the bucket, but just as his upper body came out of the water, he heard a "Boom!!".

The door was slammed open without mercy.

A gust of cold wind howled, and there was a mass of darkness in front of the door, and a plump figure like a mountain slowly walked in.

The eyes are round, the black face is fangs, the nose is big and the mouth is big.

Although he was wearing a skirt, he looked like Zhang Fei. He was better than Li Kui, and he would be scared out of his wits if the evil spirits came.

Zhou Mu's expression changed, he quickly put his head into the water, and said in a low voice, "It's broken, we went to the wrong room."

The girls in this line walked in the door talking and laughing, seeing that the store had even prepared bath water, they couldn't help laughing like thunder.

"Brother, what should we do?"

Xia Yan's face had turned red and hot at this moment, and his whole body felt hot, but they didn't notice this detail, they just looked at the scary figures walking in, and their hearts trembled.

This was originally a script designed by them, but they unexpectedly used it for themselves.

"Don't be afraid, I'll count to three, let's rush out together, and when they realize it, we've already run away."

Zhou Mu swallowed his mouth and spit, and forced himself to speak calmly.

Although the power of the Great Emperor's Forbidden Palace suppressed their Taoism, their strength was already good, and they wanted to rush out, but in the blink of an eye, Zhou Mu took a deep breath and silently counted three times: "Run!"

As soon as the word "run" came out, five people jumped out of the bucket like frying fish, regardless of whether they were naked or not, they went straight to the door.

"Haha, let's go!"

Zhou Mu stretched out his hand and pulled the door, but...the door didn't move at all.

Just outside the door, Xu Tong's voice came: "The door is sealed, no one can get out of the car tonight!"

 Sorry, this chapter is a bit long, so I wrote it late
(End of this chapter)

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