Infinite script kill

Chapter 742 Suspicious Clouds

Chapter 742 Suspicious Clouds
"here we go!!"

Xu Tong looked at the open palace door and couldn't help getting a little excited.

"Go, go, you have to follow!"

The fool didn't know when he came out of Dufangju, and he took out a set of Yinshen's clothes and stuffed them into Xu Tong's arms, pushing Xu Tong to let him follow Lilith's carriage. .

As for Gao Zhuo and the others who wanted to follow, they were stopped by a fool.

"You... can't go, those who don't have a god position are not allowed to enter the palace."

"Ah?? Then... run with us the whole way??"

Gao Zhuo originally wanted to go in and take a look, even if it was just to take a look, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even get in the door.

"Amitabha, it's a blessing not to be able to enter."

The fat monk pulled Gao Zhuo's arm with a smile, and said in a low voice: "The poor monk just said that there is an opportunity for you to wait for, and you will follow me later."

Hearing what the fat monk said, Gao Zhuo and the others calmed down and waited quietly for Xu Tong to come back.


Led by the mountain ghost, the carriage was pulled to the huge palace gate.

Xu Tong followed, watching the palace gate getting closer, his heartbeat started to speed up.

In front of the palace gate, the guards wearing ancient battle armor were like immobile ice sculptures, and their bodies never wavered despite the howling cold wind.

But those eyes were shimmering with a breathtaking light, the carriage was still far away, and the mountain ghost began to let out low-pitched cries, very much resisting to move forward.

It was as if the Forbidden Palace in front of him was as terrifying as an ancient monster.

At this time, the old man who just held the decree stood in front of the mountain ghost. The old man was dressed in a green robe, with long beard and white hair, and looked like a fairy. After looking up and down at the mountain ghost, he said to Xu Tong:

"Mountain ghosts are not allowed to enter the palace, let him go back, we will pull the carriage, please get off the messenger and enter the palace on foot!"

The old man's voice was very gentle, but every single word was branded on people's hearts like a brand, leaving no room for objection.

Xu Tong glanced at the old man in front of him, then stepped forward to pat the mountain ghost, motioning him to wait at the inn.

The ghost who descended from the mountain felt as if he was receiving amnesty, he untied the rope from his body, and then ran back to the inn, rolling and crawling all the way.


The door of the carriage was slowly opened, Xu Tong looked back, and was immediately amazed by Lilith in front of him.

A luxurious black long dress did not cover Lilith's proud figure, but brought out the extravagance of being a hell princess.

After carefully grooming her long hair, she put on a crown symbolizing Western theocracy, stepped out of the carriage, held up the corner of her skirt with both hands, and bowed to the old man in front of her in salute.

Every move is like a noble black swan.

"Please let the envoy enter the palace."

The old man nodded his head and stepped out of the way.

As the envoy, Xu Tong could only walk beside Lilith and enter the palace with her.

The moment he passed through the palace gate, Xu Tong suddenly felt his body sink.

This time, not to mention Yanshu, even his physical strength seemed to be taken away, and he completely became an ordinary person.

Unwilling to give up, Xu Tong tried to use Shenmutong to look around, but Tianmutong couldn't use it either.

However, what surprised him was that the magic power could not be used, but the Fate Eye Qimen was not affected.

This really surprised him a bit.

But after thinking about it, he was relieved. Although most of his prop cards were sealed, [Source] was not affected.

It seems to be because [source] this item card is not a regular item card, since it has not been sealed, I can naturally use the Eye of Fate.

With the help of the eye of fate, he carefully gazed at the surroundings. Wherever he looked, he saw purple energy rising, and every palace in front of him was shining with different lights.

Especially above the Forbidden Palace, on the top of the secluded mountain, Xu Tong saw a huge ancient pine standing on the top of the mountain, exuding a huge blue light, like a blue dragon lying on the top of the mountain.

"That's the old pine that the fat monk mentioned!"

Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, remembering what the fat monk said before, if he could pick off an old pine, he would know the truth about the script world.

Just when Xu Tong was engrossed in his thoughts, there was a reminder of the item book next to his ear.

"Ding! Submission 1: Visit the Forbidden Palace

Mission description: The legendary Forbidden Palace, a forbidden place that even the gods dare not rashly set foot in, since you are lucky enough to enter, why not visit it.

Task requirements: Explore one of the thirteen halls of the Forbidden Palace without disturbing the guards.

mission failed:? ? ?
"Ding! Side Mission 2: Top of the Secluded Mountain"

Mission Description: Climb to the top of Youshan Mountain.

Task requirements: Climb to the top of Youshan Mountain without disturbing the guards.

mission failed:? ? ?
At this time, there was a sound of prompting in the ear, and it was him who triggered the side mission.

Just seeing the task prompt, Xu Tong couldn't help showing a wry smile. There is basically no possibility of completing this task.

Even the gods dare not rashly break into the forbidden area, let yourself break in, it is a bit too high for yourself.

But having said that, since he has the eye of fate, it may not be that he has no chance.

Just as he was thinking, he and Lilith went to line up behind the crowd of ghosts and gods.

Obviously, it is not easy to enter the palace and meet the legendary emperor.

Xu Tong looked around, but he didn't see his master or master, the black ghosts and gods, wearing the same black official uniform as himself.

"Turning Wheel Palace!!"

There was a summoning sound from the hall, and a Yin God stepped forward, but did not enter the hall, but stood under the hall, and after respectfully paying homage, handed over a heavy booklet to the guard at the side.

Seeing this, Xu Tong seemed to understand in his heart that he didn't seem to be qualified to enter the hall.

Call yourself later, send Lilith up by yourself, and this mission will be considered complete.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong felt a lot relieved.

As for whether he can enter the main hall or not, he actually doesn't care. The master said before that with his status, he might have to kneel outside the main hall to pay homage, which seems to be true at all.

It's just that the protagonist has been replaced by himself.

"What do you like to eat??"

While waiting, Lilith suddenly asked.

The endless words made Xu Tong frowned and thought about the delicious food in his mind.

“Egg Fried Rice!”

Perhaps this is not a delicacy, but Xu Tong remembers that he made a mistake when he was a child, was locked in a small dark room, starved for three days, and the first meal he released was fried rice with eggs.

Although it was a bit mushy, it was definitely my most memorable meal.

"Your mouth is really picky."

Lilith smiled, and looked at Xu Tong immediately: "If I can go back alive, I will make egg fried rice for you next time."


Xu Tong was startled, and when he was about to ask her what she meant, he heard a summons from the hall.

"Yincao Division, receive the envoy!!"

Hearing the call, Xu Tong hadn't recovered from Lilith's words just now, but Lilith grabbed her arm and walked forward.

She lowered her voice and said to Xu Tong: "Do you know why I chose you to be my envoy?"

Lilith's unreasonable words made Xu Tong alert immediately.

Looking up at Lilith, she raised her head and looked ahead.

Xu Tong followed her gaze, and saw the Yin Gods on both sides tilting their heads and looking at him sideways.

When he walked to the front of the main hall and knelt down to worship, he carefully raised his head and looked at the huge palace in front of him.

When he looked away, he suddenly felt cold all over, and a sense of oppression like a tide hit him.

It seemed that there were countless eyes looking at him from the palace in an instant.

In the state of the eye of fate, Xu Tong could see countless sword blades approaching him with terrifying sharpness. In an instant, even his luck began to take a turn for the worse.

Fortunately, at this time, Lilith stood in front of Xu Tong in time, which made Xu Tong recover.

For a moment, he was sweating profusely, and his back was drenched in cold sweat.

Recalling the eyes cast from the palace just now, Xu Tong felt like he was going to be wiped out.

"It's aimed at myself."

Xu Tong's eyes showed surprise and horror: "Could it be Baidi?"

Among the people I have offended, it seems that only Baidi can sit high in that palace.

But after thinking about it, I felt something was wrong.

Those eyes looking towards him just now didn't seem to be the only one, who else but Bai Di?Why did they want to kill me? ?

Thinking of this, Xu Tong looked at Lilith in front of him coldly: "What are you doing here?"

Ever since Baidi sent people to intercept him, Xu Tong had a faint feeling that something was wrong. Until now, this bad premonition has become even stronger.

"I'm sorry to involve you in this, but apart from you, I really don't know who I can trust in this place."

Lilith looked at Xu Tong with a little apology: "Remember, this thing is the guarantee of our survival, you must not lose it."

Xu Tong felt a chill in his palm, as if something had fallen into his palm, and was about to look at it, but was stopped by Lilith's eyes.

Then Lilith took a deep breath, and slowly walked towards the hall under the eyes of all the ghosts and gods.

Elegant steps, each step is very firm.

Xu Tong took the opportunity to throw the things in his hands into the item book and squinted his eyes.

It was only then that it became clear that it was a black key. It was made of unknown material, but it looked more primitive than it was polished out of stone.

A layer of strange streamer flickered on the stone from time to time.

When he wanted to read the entry for this thing, the item book didn't respond, not even giving himself a question mark.

Just when Xu Tong was wondering, the guard at the side finally got impatient and scolded in a cold voice: "The Yincao Division's reception envoy has already paid a visit, and he still hasn't retreated, go to the side hall and wait!"

The scolding woke up Xu Tong, he quickly stood up, turned around and walked towards the so-called side hall.

The so-called side hall is actually a small room in the distance, and most Yin gods can basically leave after they finish their worship.

As Xu Tong's envoy, the task is not completely over yet, after all, he has to take care of the delivery.

So it will be arranged to wait here.

As for how long to wait, that's another matter. When Xu Tong walked to the door and was about to open the door to enter, he squinted at the Forbidden Palace, the top of the secluded mountain, and couldn't help but twitch his brows slightly: "Maybe this is also a Chance!"

As the saying goes, the timid and the bold are starved to death. Although I don't know what Lilith is going to do, she will definitely attract everyone's attention. This is a great opportunity for me.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the guards in the distance again. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he simply took a quick stride, jumped into the side door, and groped towards the top of the remote mountain...

(End of this chapter)

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