Infinite script kill

Chapter 746 Don't take Zhang to measure my wealth.

Chapter 746 Don't take Zhang to measure my wealth.


Pain, the kind of pain that seemed to fall apart all over his body, bursts of warmth hit his face, making his numb head gradually regain consciousness.

Opening his eyes, he saw a black dog coiled beside him. The black dog sticks out its tongue and licks Xu Tong's face from time to time.


In a daze, he remembered that he was directly dragged up the mountain by a black shadow.

When he raised his palm, he saw the golden rope, which connected him to the black dog.

There is also a line of small characters on the rope.

"Swords and soldiers at the foot of the mountain overcome dangerous peaks, and fragrance eliminates withered cypresses and peach blossoms. The devil's heart is exchanged for Bodhi fruit, and Linglong opens up and grows roots."

After Xu Tong finished reading the small words on it, the rope suddenly turned into dots of golden light and gradually dissipated.

"What does it mean??"

Seeing the dissipated rope, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel weird. He didn't know where the black dog came from, or who left the rope to save him.

Without a clue, the other party only left such a poem, what is it reminding myself? ?

Xu Tong clutched his forehead, only feeling that his head was about to split.

Looking up and looking around, I suddenly saw that there was a vast sea of ​​clouds, a simple room, and a tall and straight emerald green old pine.

"I'm coming up!!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong hurriedly called out the item book to take a look. Sure enough, there was a reminder in the item book, and he had completed the reminder of side mission 2.

Xu Tong didn't expect that he could really climb up, so he stood upright tremblingly with his body supported.

To his surprise, after arriving here, although the item card was still banned, the power of the physical body was no longer suppressed.

Looking around, I saw a stone protruding from the edge of the cliff in front of me, and there was a futon on the stone.

Seeing this, Xu Tong took a deep breath, walked to the futon step by step, and then tried to sit down, looking at the vast Netherland in front of him.

Awakening the supernatural powers of the Celestial Eye, his eyes were as bright as electricity, and looking up, the world seemed to be right in front of him. He could see a piece of yellow sea water in the distance, and the black moon seemed to be half soaked in the sea water.

You can vaguely see the occasional sparks below the mountain. Behind a few mountains, there is a huge and magnificent city, which is the City of Death.

Further to the southwest, there is a sea of ​​blood.

In addition, Xu Tong discovered that Netherland is not just a city like Wushi City, but also many large and small towns. Far to the north of Wushi City, there is a huge city called Fengdu.

And the so-called Liutian Palace in Fengdu should be in that place.

Sure enough, the scenery is infinitely good.

I have to say that this feeling of looking down on the beings in the underworld is really great.

But Xu Tong didn't get carried away with complacency, he was able to sit on the emperor's futon and look at the scenery in front of Lord Youshan, Xu Tong's mind was clear and satisfied.

Taking advantage of the recovery of physical strength at this moment, he quickly seized the time, took out the Huahuang Dan from the item book and swallowed it, so as to quickly heal the wound on his body.

He was seriously injured, and some parts would have to be amputated for a normal person.

But after recovering the body of Chilong, these injuries are irrelevant.

After about half an hour passed, the wounds on Xu Tong's body had already fully recovered.

Standing up, Xu Tong didn't forget to take out his mobile phone, take a selfie and check in, otherwise how could he be worthy of the risk of his hard work and almost losing his life.

Then his eyes swept away, and he looked at the bedroom in front of him.

The so-called bedroom is a place to live and sleep. These rooms are very small. If you visit the Forbidden City in Beijing, you will find that even the Empress Dowager Cixi really sleeps in such a small room.

The emperor's bedroom is no exception.

Xu Tong walked to the door, hesitated for a moment, and tried to push the door, but with a light push, the door opened.

Seeing the door that opened lightly in front of him, Xu Tong couldn't help thinking: "Well, as expected of the emperor of the house, the door doesn't have a lock, are you really so confident?"

"Uh... yes... is there anyone, no one, I'm coming in."

Xu Tong tried to shout twice, then stepped into the door with one foot, looked around, and found that the room was in a mess.

A large number of bamboo tubes were thrown on the ground, and on the side table, there were two hills piled up by all kinds of messy books.

Seeing this, Xu Tong nodded, and with a confirmed look in his eyes, he thought to himself: "The emperor is definitely a single dog."

After taking out various selfies with his mobile phone and punching cards, Xu Tong picked up a book and glanced at the title [Lianxiang Companion]

After flipping through a few pages casually, Xu Tong twitched the corner of his mouth, coughed twice, and could only put the book in place.

Pick up another book [Flower Shadows across the Curtain, Sequel]

After flipping through two pages casually, Xu Tongren was dumbfounded.

"The butterfly powder has just bloomed, and the bee yellow has not faded. When I first entered the Taoyuan, the stream turned to the peak and I still knew the way; when I explored the flower stream, the waves and stones moved and gradually opened up..."

Good guy, really good guy.

After casually flipping through two pages, Xu Tong realized that indeed, collecting is a characteristic of homeboys all over the world, even the mighty emperor of the underworld is not exempt.

However, the author of this book does not know who it is, but with just a few lines, it is vivid and moving, describing the scenery of Wushan so movingly.

When I opened the title page, I saw a line of small characters written on it.

Author: Ding Mou.

Editor-in-Chief: Zhao Wenhe
Xu Tong didn't know who Ding was, but Zhao Wenhe had heard of it. He was one of the ghost emperors of the five directions, and Wang Zhenren ruled the "Sizhong Mountain"

Unexpectedly, this Ghost Emperor Zhao actually wrote this part-time job, which is really eye-opening.

Xu Tong originally wanted to take a few books, after all, the writing is so wonderful.

But on second thought, let's forget it, but all nerds regard their collections as treasures.

If I stole something else, maybe the Emperor will notice it for a while, but if I take this book, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of the dark alive.

After taking a few photos as a souvenir, Xu Tong left the room.

Turning around, after looking around, he suddenly focused on the big pine tree.

Standing tall on the top of the secluded mountain, this pine tree is naturally extraordinary.

The bark of the ancient tree was dry and cracked like dragon scales. The trunk was no more than half a meter thick. It looked like a horned dragon lying on a coil, stretching out of the cliff. The tree was full of crystals, with golden pine cones on it.

Every pine cone is golden and dazzling like a star, which is fascinating to see.

The fat monk once said that if you want to know the answer to the script world, you have to pick one of the pine cones.

Seeing this, Xu Tong went under the tree and looked back, only to see that the big black dog ignored him, and just curled up in a ball, making low buzzing sounds.

"There are 28 in total. If you take one off, no one will notice it."

Xu Tong glanced at the number of pine nuts on the old pine tree, and slowly stretched out his palm.

Just as he was about to pick the next one, he heard a light coughing sound from behind him.

"Cough cough!"

Xu Tong was startled, then suddenly turned around, and found that an old man appeared behind him without anyone noticing.

Xu Tong had seen this old man before, when he opened the palace gate and summoned the gods to enter the palace, it was this old man standing in front of the gate.

Xu Tong looked a little embarrassed for a while, and could only withdraw his hand resentfully.

"Um... I'm lost."

After all, being caught as a thief is not a glorious thing.

The old man ignored Xu Tong's remarks, but walked to Xu Tong's side and looked at the ancient pine in front of him.

"Back then, after the Great Emperor ruled Netherworld and pacified this chaotic land, he planted this pine tree here. It is unknown how many years have passed since then."

The old man sighed, which made Xu Tong a little puzzled, but he couldn't figure out what the old man was going to say.

Then the old man continued: "It's a pity that you have to pick one of the 28 pine nuts after so many years."

As he spoke, the old man stretched out his hand to pick it up, took one of them off, and handed it to Xu Tong: "The emperor has entrusted me, if you come, I will give this to you."

"The emperor knows I'm coming??"

Xu Tong was taken aback. He thought what he did was a cover-up, but he didn't expect people to know about it.

But the old man didn't mean to explain to Xu Tong, and even turned a deaf ear to Xu Tong's words, and said with a blank expression: "This thing is given to you because of your fate, and it is also the cause and effect you owe. You take it with me." Don’t take it, and think about it clearly.”

Xu Tong looked at the pine cone in the old man's hand, but frowned for a moment.

The meaning of this sentence is worth pondering carefully, it seems that he has got this thing, and he owes a favor, if the other party is someone else, even a ghost emperor like Du Ziren, Xu Tong will have no fear.

But this is the emperor's favor, is this favor easy to take? ?

I took this pine cone today, maybe I will have to pay back at a greater price tomorrow.

"Are you still afraid?" The old man seemed to have seen the hesitation in Xu Tong's eyes, and a smile finally appeared on his face that was not showing any signs of joy or anger.

But in the next second, Xu Tong took the pine cone in his hand.

"I'm afraid, I won't come."

As he said that, he threw the pine cones into the item book.

He walked down the mountain without looking back.

This made the old man stunned for a while, and then shook his head: "I'm old, I really don't have that aggressiveness."

As he spoke, he turned around, walked to the side of the big black dog, and stroked the black dog's head a few times to comfort him, before standing up and disappearing into the wind and snow.

At the same time, for Gao Zhuo and others, the harvest is quite good.

The three of them passed through the dog hole, and they saw a paradise.

"The bald man is right, this back mountain is really a fairyland."

Gao Zhuo raised his head, looked at the orchard in front of him, and involuntarily took a deep breath, feeling that the air here was fresh.

Gu Xibai didn't have so much time to sigh, and kept picking off fat fruits one by one.

These fruits have no name at all.

Even if it is thrown into the item book, the item book will only use [magic fruit] [exotic fruit] [you can't die anyway! ] and other names to deal with them.

Although there is no name, the effect of the fruit is really amazing.

After eating, some can increase their strength by 5%
Some can increase the life span of more than ten days.

What is even more exaggerated is that Gao Zhuo found a pink fruit on some tree, and after eating it, the fifth leg grew by 3 centimeters.

No, Chang Wuzhi has already started frantically looking for that pink fruit everywhere.

However, there are so many fruits here that people are dazzled. The three of them picked as they walked, but they didn't know how many they picked, so they just threw them into the item book.

When the item book is full, it will be thrown into the team warehouse.

I really couldn't hold it, so I simply walked a few steps, ate one, and ate it all the way, and the physique of the three of them was greatly improved.

"Didn't it say that there is a Yin-Yang Spring??"

Gu Xibai looked at this piece of fruit forest, but he was thinking in his heart that when he went up the mountain before, the fat monk once said that there was a Yin-Yang spring.

That yin and yang spring can change the bones of a person, make a person have the body of a diamond, and become a supreme genius in martial arts.

This is the treasure that Gu Xibai dreamed of finding.

"There should be, that fat man still looks quite reliable."

Gao Zhuo said.

Chang Wuzhi gave a rare nod in agreement, his eyes shot around, and whenever he saw any weird flowers, he rushed to pick them off.

He is looking for the [Ancient Ling Baiyehua] that the fat monk said

According to the fat monk, this flower can not only bring the dead back to life, but also has the power to reshape the body.

However, the three of them had been in for so long, but they couldn't find anything except these strange fruits.

Just when the three of them were wondering whether the fat monk had cheated on them.

Suddenly, Gu Xibai grabbed the arms of the two of them, and pulled them back, until they retreated to the side of the grass, and then pointed to an inconspicuous corner on the left.

The two looked at Gu Xibai's fingers.

Not far away, there were actually two guards standing, and behind the guards was a huge round well.

Clear spring water flows from it constantly.

What is even more amazing is that this spiritual spring overflows from the mouth of a well, but it is divided into yin and yang, the left side is bitingly cold, while the right side is warm and comfortable.

"Yin Yang Lingquan!"

Seeing this, Gu Xibai's eyes widened.

Isn't this exactly what I'm looking for.

But he soon fell into trouble.

Why? ?
In front of the mouth of the well, there are two guards standing. These two guards are completely different from the guards in the Forbidden Palace.

Wearing a shiny battle armor on his body, but holding two mourning sticks, one black and one white.

Although they don't know the origin, but the two of them closed their eyes and settled down, and the breath formed an invisible barrier around them.

You can tell by looking at it, it must be a guard at the level of a ghost general.

I don't know who is stronger than the gatekeeper they saw in Wushicheng, but the three of them are probably no match.

"Do you want to transfer the tiger away from the mountain?"

Gao Zhuo thought for a moment, then spoke.

Gu Xibai shook his head: "It's not easy, on the one hand, we may not be able to run, on the other hand, if someone calls, we don't want to stay here."

"Hey, I don't know what's wrong with my head. It seems that there will be no news after entering the Forbidden Palace. Otherwise, let him give us a few ghost notes, and everything will be easy."

"Hell notes?"

Chang Wuju squatted aside, his eyebrows raised when he heard this: "Are you sure, will they accept it?"

Gao Zhuo didn't want to continue arguing with Chang Wuzhi on this issue, but said impatiently; "Of course, money can turn ghosts around, have you forgotten how Longdao and your Qingluan Immortal Clothes came from?" .”

"That's it."

Chang Wuzhi remembered the arrogance that Xu Tong had slapped Elder Qingque's face with the Ming note last time in the heaven, and he immediately regained his spirits.

Stand up: "In this case, just look at mine."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the surprised eyes of the two and walked straight out of the grass.

"Hey, you're crazy!!"

Gao Zhuo's expression changed, and he stretched out his hand to grab him back, but Chang Wuzhi easily dodged him.

He glanced at Gao Zhuo contemptuously: "Don't think that he is the only one who has money, and I have it too."

"you also have??"

Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai were startled, they didn't expect that Chang Wuzhi would also have Mingchao in his hand.

But after thinking about it, the two felt relieved.

After all, this guy has an extraordinary relationship with the boss, like a good brother who grew up wearing a pair of pants.

It's not strange to have the Ming note given to him by the boss in his hand.

Thinking of this, Gao Zhuo couldn't help muttering to himself: "If I want two, I won't give it to me...Hmph."

As he said that, he wanted to go out with Chang Wuzhi.

After all, with Mingchao, the rest of the matter is easy to discuss.

"Wait, let's wait and see, I always think this guy is unreliable."

Gu Xibai's intuition is comparable to that of wild animals, and he is very sensitive to danger and ominousness. He vaguely feels that this does not seem like a good idea.

So by pulling Gao Zhuo's arm, he wanted him to wait.

However, Gao Zhuo patted Gu Xibai's hand: "Don't worry, this guy is unreliable, how can the boss be unreliable?"


Gu Xibai still felt something was wrong.

"So, you wait here, watch my signal, make sure it's all right, I'll call you."

Gao Zhuo knew that Gu Xibai, a kid, was always the one who didn't see a rabbit or a hawk, so he told him to wait here, and he followed Chang Wuzhi's pace and walked forward.

But although the truth is correct, Gao Zhuo was still a little confused when Gu Xibai said this, so he stood beside Chang Wuju and confirmed again: "Wuju, how many cards did the boss give you?"

Hearing this, Chang Wuju looked sideways at Gao Zhuo with a contemptuous smile, which made Gao Zhuo annoyed.

But following Chang Wuzhi's words, Gao Zhuo was a little shocked.

"Huh? Zhang?? Who do you look down on?? He doesn't need to give it. Remember, don't use Zhang, this unit, to measure my wealth."

After finishing speaking, Chang Wuzhi took out a large cardboard box from the item book and stuffed it into Gao Zhuo's arms.

The heavy weight made Gao Zhuo dumbfounded.

"Is this all..."

Gao Zhuo suddenly became short of breath.

"Of course, do you think I'm joking with you? I have what Xu Tong has, and it's more comfortable to hang out with me than with him."

Gao Zhuo was already overwhelmed by Chang Wuzhi's heavy box.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

"Go, let me show you today, what is arrogance!"

Chang Wuju raised his head and strode forward with strides that his relatives did not recognize.

In fact, the two guards next to the Lingquan had already noticed them.

But when Chang Wuju said that he was rich and arrogant, the eyes of the two guards flashed brightly, and they looked at each other, showing that you understand.


Only when the two approached, the two showed fierce faces, holding mourning sticks in front of them.

"This is a forbidden area in the remote mountain. How can you trespass without permission? If you don't retreat quickly, don't make it difficult for the two of us."

This is already very polite.

But Chang Wuzhi was very upset when he heard that, he curled his lips, and walked up to these two ghost generals: "Then I want to make things difficult for you today."


The two ghost generals stared wide-eyed, and when they were about to get angry, they saw that Chang unhurriedly tore it apart and thought of it, and grabbed a thick stack of Ming coins from the inside. It looks like little bricks.

The kind that slaps in the hand and makes a crackling sound.

Gao Zhuo couldn't see clearly while holding the box, he could only see a thick stack of golden banknotes in Chang Wuzhi's hand, he thought it was ghost banknotes, and couldn't help but feel a sense of gloom.

"I'll just ask you, is this money enough for me to be presumptuous!!"

When the two stacks of ghost notes were slapped on the chests of the two ghost generals in front of them by Chang Wuzhu, the expectant gazes of the two ghost generals froze in an instant.

Seeing that the two of them were not moving, Chang Wuzhi thought that they had been frightened by the thick money, and there was already an unstoppable frenzy on their faces.

He took out a stack of ghost coins from the box, and patted the dull face of the ghost general on the left:

"Haven't you seen such a large amount? Not only do I want to be presumptuous today, but I also want to act wildly. If you want my money, go pick it up yourself."

After finishing speaking, he raised the ghost coins in his hand, and the ghost coins scattered in a flash, flying above his head.

"Hey, you can't be such a prodigal."

Gao Zhuo raised his head, looked at the golden Ming coins all over the sky, and was about to persuade Chang Wuzhi that he was too high-profile.

As a result, a ghost coin landed on his face impartially, and when Gao Zhuo took a closer look, the originally excited smile froze on his face for a moment.

The eighteen zeros on the golden mimeograph paper of this coin are particularly conspicuous.

Gao Zhuo was stunned for a while, then put down the box, grabbed a stack of coins in the box and took a closer look.


For a moment Gao Zhuo's complexion was more complicated than that of Sichuan opera's face-changing, his eyes were staring like Niu Ling's, he was still dancing while glaring, Chang Wuzhi kept throwing coins, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Now he suddenly understands why, why Xu Tong always said that this guy is a dangerous person, so let them pay attention to their distance.

Can't help cursing: "Chang Wuzhi, why do you call this thing Mingchao?"

"Huh?? Of course, when I bought it, the boss personally promised that this is the best ghost note."

Chang Wuzhi turned his head and looked at Gao Zhuo suspiciously.

But Gao Zhuo rolled his eyes: "You're a fucking idiot."

After finishing speaking, Gao Zhuo turned around and ran away without looking back, secretly swearing in his heart that he would never believe in this great injustice again in his life.

 Well, we will start adding updates tomorrow, so we won’t post them together anymore, it’s better to develop them separately.

(End of this chapter)

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