Infinite script kill

Chapter 756 The Enemy Meets

Chapter 756 Enemy Meeting (Part [-])
Taocheng is not only the gate of ghosts with its back against the underworld, but also the capital of the east of the underworld.

If the City of Death is similar to the capital in reality, Fengdu is Shanghai, while Taocheng is more like a provincial capital.

Among the ghost cities under the jurisdiction of the five ghost emperors, only Taocheng is the most prosperous. It is said that although Shen Tu is a ghost emperor, he is very interested in doing business, so the business here is prosperous and various policies are preferential. This place is called the Mall on Netherland.

There are many high-rise buildings in the city, rising one after another, next to each other, like a dream capital.

Xu Tong took Lilith and walked along the street. Although he could take the carriage arranged by the Spirit Fire King, it was a rare trip. How could he not experience the local customs.

Both of them did some elaborate dressing up.

Xu Tong is fine, and although Lilith has changed her appearance, she can't stand that this girl is born a witch.

Tall figure, wearing a purple long skirt, a pair of snow-white slender legs shining white luster, long hair bright and shiny, pretty face tender and charming, big eyes smart, like a queen of the night descending here.

Following Xu Tong all the way, really attracted the attention of many people.

Although it is a bit high-profile, the more high-profile it is at this time, the less it will attract people's attention, especially Lilith ate [Youxuan Pill] and lost her godhead, which is the greatest cover.

There are constant calls on the side of the road, and what is interesting is that the things sold here are also very strange.

"Big brother, take a look, they are all rare goods!"

In front of the road stall, there are various heavy books. In addition to poetry, calligraphy and paintings, there are also many out-of-print ancient books, and even martial arts secret books.

Some of these classics were brought down by those local tyrants and literati after their death.

Another part was transcribed by the ghosts in the underworld.

There are many martial arts classics among them, which are like peerless treasures when they are alive, let alone their own apprentices, even if they are their own sons, they don't want to look at them until they are dying.

But after he died, he realized that it was useless to bring this thing down. The ghost has no body, so it has almost no effect.

These peerless martial arts became waste, and they were all written out and sold to booksellers, but they only gave a few guide money.

Xu Tong picked up a book casually, and saw "28 Road Tan Legs" suddenly written on it.

It is said that the hands are two doors, and the legs are used to beat people, and the four hands are used to kick the legs. People and ghosts are worried when they see it.

It's just that people are familiar with Tan legs, which are divided into six, nine, and twelve. I have never heard of 28 Tan legs.

I took a look at the price, and it was sold for a dozen or so guide money. The price was so cheap that it seemed that even the toilet paper in the toilet was more expensive than this.

Flipping through it and taking a casual look, the content inside is indeed a set of kicks.

Try throwing it into the item book, it can really be transformed into an item card.

[24 Road Tan Legs] (Not purchased, temporarily unavailable)
Those who carry this item card can skillfully use the 24-way tan leg.

Active Skill 1: Open the Wind from All Sides

Consuming 30 script points, Tan's leg skill damage +1, and in a very short time, kick all the legs to the target.

Cooldown time: 40 minutes
Passive Skill 1: Wind Broken Step

Consumes 20 script points, after activation, the movement speed is temporarily increased by 40%
Duration: 30 minutes
Cooling time: 40 minutes.

A good basic item card, for those new players, this item card is definitely a good top grade.

But for me right now, it completely belongs to occupying the space in the item book.

It's cheap, the price of a few guide money is the same as picking it up for nothing. If you take it back and go to the exhibition, you can exchange it for at least 100 script points.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong took a few more books and looked through them. Good guy, the more he read, the more excited he was, he simply called the boss, and after asking, the boss said how many of these classics he wanted.

Then I took out two big boxes from the warehouse, which were full of various martial arts classics, and Xu Tong's eyes widened when he saw it, okay, just take these two big boxes back and sell them, let alone Earning tens of thousands of script points is not a problem.

This is a business opportunity not to be missed for Xu Tong who is now short of money.

Most importantly, it's cheap.

Two small money bills made the boss jump up with joy.

Can it be cheap?These are all 400-year-old toys, left on the side of the road to eat ashes, and now they are cleared out. When the boss borrowed money, he was always guessing that he would go to Hongbinlou to have a big meal tonight. up.

So many martial arts books, if they were all converted into item cards, not to mention Xu Tong, even if Gao Zhuo's three item books and the team warehouse were all filled up, it would not be enough.

Fortunately, the boss specially prepared an extra-large wooden box for the convenience of Xu Tong to carry these classics. After stuffing all the classics into it, Xu Tong only needs to occupy one grid to take all the classics away.

Of course, the item book will only recognize the box, not the item card inside.

After wandering around for a few steps, he found a good way to make a fortune. Xu Tong was naturally in a good mood, and took Lilith to go shopping and eat all the way.

Although Xu Tong is basically on guard against the food in the Netherland, after all, he always saw the scene of Journey to the West on TV when he was a child.

But in fact, the food these ghosts eat are all special meals developed from the underworld.

Although the land of the underworld cannot be cultivated, there will always be some strange plants. As the industrious Chinese people, in terms of eating wisdom, I am afraid that no civilization in the world can control them.

Just like the Ming vegetable dumpling that Lilith is eating with great relish at this moment.

According to the shopkeeper, it is made with a kind of underworld vegetable from the foot of Taozhi Mountain. The specific method is not listed for the time being, but the taste is a bit like a leek box.

When the two of them walked to the building where the chamber of commerce was held this time, they saw that there was already a sea of ​​people in front of the door.

In fact, this Chamber of Commerce supposedly started long ago.

In previous years, not everyone could enter this place. Ordinary ghosts might not even be able to enter the gate on the first floor.

However, this year's market is too bad, and it caught up with Xu Tong's incident again, which made people panic outside, and no one dared to go out easily. If they were directly killed by those evil soldiers along the way, I'm afraid there would be no place to complain .

The market is so bad that many vendors can't even afford this year's business tax.

King Linghuo had no choice but to go out in person, lobbying and soliciting customers everywhere, and even made many promises for this.

Xu Tong took Lilith into the hall on the first floor.

This place has been transformed into an exhibition area for various commodities, and there are all kinds of weird things. Unfortunately, neither Xu Tong nor Lilith are interested in it.

The two of them didn't stop, and went straight to the boutique area upstairs.

This is no longer an ordinary wandering soul that can come up here, and even if you don't have some identity, you don't even want to go in.

After Xu Tong showed the jade card of the King of Spirit Fire, it was naturally unimpeded.

As soon as I went upstairs, I saw many precious exhibits carefully placed in crystal boxes for people to visit.

Netherland looks barren and desolate, but that doesn't mean Netherland is barren.

On the contrary, the resources here are not lost to reality at all, otherwise how could this place become a place where many gods robbed.

A scarlet coral tree with seven tumor-like things on it.

This thing comes from Shura Reef in the Blood Sea.

The seven reefs on the top are good things. If you take them off and carve them into beads, as long as you sacrifice them for a hundred years, they will be a first-class magic weapon.

Xu Tong also saw something familiar.

A few green and black bamboos, the bamboo looks very strange, a bit like human bones.

These bamboos are stacked together, and the real treasures for sale are the strange flowers blooming on the top bamboo.

There are two flowers on one branch, one side is black and the other side is white. The flowers reflect a texture like a human face.

"Ghost-faced flower!"

Xu Tong raised his eyebrows slightly to recognize the origin of this thing.

It's not that he is knowledgeable, but that his master took the risk to pick it up before, handed it to the old Taoist, and made a [Ghost Bamboo Lantern] for himself.

At that time, I still wanted to ask for a few more, and only after listening to the old Taoist explain the origin of this thing did I know how precious this thing is.

Unexpectedly, I can see it here again.

However, although the ghost bamboo lamp is good, it has little effect on him. Xu Tong lost interest after just a few glances.

"Head, we are starting to enter the city."

At this time, Gao Zhuo's voice came from the team channel. They had successfully reunited with Lao Dao and others, but after the discussion, Lao Dao and others did not enter the city.

Because not only Xu Tong's Yin soldiers, but also the demon warriors brought by Lilith are too eye-catching.

Don't talk about entering the city, I'm afraid that once you get out of the hiding place, you will be recognized by others.

So after they discussed, only Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuju were allowed to enter the city, while Gu Xibai, Lao Dao and the others stayed outside, to see the situation.

"Head, there is another news, the fool is gone."

Gao Zhuo told Xu Tong the truth about the fool's disappearance.

Xu Tong's heart tightened when he heard the words, but soon he was relieved. Idiots are definitely not stupid, on the contrary, they are wise and stupid. What an accident.

Xu Tong indicated that the two of them could take a stroll after entering the city, and the three of them would meet again after finishing their work here.

"I thought it was some treasure, but it turned out to be these rubbish things."

At this time, a sharp mocking sound came.

Xu Tong heard the voice familiar, turned around and found that it was Zhou Mu and others.

"Why are these guys here?"

When Xu Tong saw Zhou Mu and the others, he was a little surprised.

But he quickly calmed down. He was wearing Jack's mask at the moment, and his clothes were changed. Although there were flaws, he had the black brocade robe. He didn't worry that the other party would see through his identity.

This is even more so for Lilith, without the blessing of the godhead, she is also a master of the Dao Slashing Realm, and with the strength of Zhou Mu and others, it is even more difficult to see how deep Lilith is.

So he pulled Lilith to the side and looked at Zhou Mu and the others coldly.

The surrounding merchants inevitably became displeased when they heard someone mocking their products, but they all chose to shut up after recognizing the identities of Zhou Mu and the others.

These five little devils are well-known villains in Netherland, and they dare not provoke them easily.

Fortunately, the manager who hosted the exhibition hurriedly stepped forward and complimented: "Yes, yes, the things here are nothing to the young masters. As the young masters, you should go upstairs to observe those few things. It's a rare treasure."

Zhou Mu glanced at the steward: "You teach me how to do things?"

"Go to your uncle, what are you talking about, go away." Xia Yan's four brothers kicked the steward over with one foot, rushed up and punched and kicked, to vent out the suffocation in their hearts for the past few days.

Seeing this, none of the surrounding people dared to stand up and speak, as they could not offend these five tyrannical little devils.

Seeing that the steward was about to be knocked out of his wits, Zhou Mu signaled Xia Yan and the others to stop, walked up to the steward, and casually dropped a note on the steward's face: "Don't say I don't give face to King Linghuo. Treat the money as if we bought you a meal, oh, remember to pay the tax, hahahaha."

As he spoke, he raised his foot and walked towards the third floor.

The arrogant and domineering demeanor made everyone's teeth itch with hatred, but they had no choice but to shake their heads one after another, and no one dared to say a word about it.

"What should we do, should we leave?"

Lilith looked at the backs of the five people and asked in a low voice.

"Leave?" Xu Tong nodded solemnly: "That's right, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years."

But the voice changed immediately, and a sneer appeared on his face: "But who made me a villain."

After all, he dragged Lilith straight to the third floor.

 Three more today, two more tonight
(End of this chapter)

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