Infinite script kill

Chapter 758 The Whereabouts of the Fool

Chapter 758 The Fool's Whereabouts (Third Change)

"It's God of Death!!"

Seeing this scene, the faces of some wealthy businessmen turned green.

The name of the god of death is not blown out.

A long time ago, there were seven death gods resurrected, and the ghost emperors of the five directions couldn't hold them. Fortunately, Fu Jun and Emperor Fengdu took action and killed two of them, but the remaining five death gods escaped with serious injuries. Yin Cao.

There has been no news since then.

Even the Lord of Fu and Emperor Fengdu had to personally suppress the God of Death, one can imagine how terrifying it is.

"Boom rumble!!"

At this time, the lightning flashed suddenly in the formation, and the dense thunder and lightning fell, and the next moment it completely shattered the black mist in front of it.

Through the thunder, Xu Tong saw a figure sitting up in the coffin. The blurred body could not be seen as a man or a woman. His hands struggled painfully in the thunder and lightning, and let out a deep roar.

However, everything was in vain, and soon disappeared without a trace in the thunder.

Along with him, included the rich businessman and the two ghosts who pried the coffin.

When the thunder light was extinguished, the coffin was already empty, only the dagger that was shining fiercely, still shone fiercely and coldly in the free electric light.

"Cough cough!"

A light cough made everyone recover, only to see King Linghuo walking into the formation, stretching out his hand to hold the dagger.

"Everyone, don't worry, when the God of Death just recovered, he was so weak that an ordinary person in the yang world could kill them. This five-dou sky thunder formation is the strongest thunder formation in the world, and even the God of Death will be wiped out in ashes."

After speaking, King Linghuo waved his hand to call for his attendants, who came up with a tray, and King Linghuo put the dagger on the tray:
"As for this short sword, there is already a buyer. Even if the buyer suffers from misfortune, I will send this thing home and return it to the other party's family. We do business with integrity as our life, and we will never Greed for treasure."

King Linghuo said it lightly, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is avoiding the serious and taking the light.

If the co-author opens the God of Death, the person who opened the coffin will also be buried with him.

This blind box is not easy to open at all, at least you must not open it yourself, this is not gambling, this is clearly risking your life.

For a moment, everyone began to hesitate.

Seeing this, King Linghuo hurriedly motioned to his attendants, and walked around in front of everyone with a dagger in his hand.

The attendant walked very slowly, every step seemed to be carefully considered, and he paused for a moment in front of everyone, so that everyone could look more carefully.

When the dagger stopped in front of Xu Tong and Lilith, the ferocious murderous aura was still shocking. There is no doubt that this is definitely a fierce soldier.

Xu Tong even felt that the power of this sword might not be inferior to the pair of [Black Water Dragon Tooth] daggers in his hand.

No, maybe he could even compete with his own Chunyang Sword.

The attendants walked up to the old lady Meng, and Zhou Mu and others immediately surrounded her.

For this kind of peerless magic weapon, no man would want to miss it easily, and Zhou Mu didn't care about the rules here, and directly reached out to pick up the dagger on the plate, and tried to swing it a few times.

I saw the sound of the sword breaking the wind, cutting a tiny hair-like crack in the air, which did not heal for a long time.

"It really is a magical weapon."

Seeing this, Zhou Mu was overjoyed and thought, if You Shanxia had held this sword himself, he would have slaughtered that bastard surnamed Xu long ago.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu stared at the dagger in his hand, and for a moment refused to put it down for a long time. Seeing this, the attendants on the side couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and opened their mouths, not knowing what to say.

"Young Master Zhou, this sword already has an owner. If you like it, you must not miss the opportunity for the next coffin."

King Linghuo said with a smile.

This was originally a tactful reminder, but Zhou Mu didn't want to change his face drastically. He pointed at the Spirit Fire King with the sword in his hand, and cursed:

"Get out, what are you? I respect you as Shentu's person and give you three points. You really treat yourself as a character, and play with you. You take it seriously. Believe it or not, I took your head. Make fish head soup!"

The scene turned cold in an instant, King Linghuo's small eyes blinked, his two fish eyes were almost rounded, and the slender fish whiskers trembled like sparks.

Everyone looked embarrassed, and they couldn't persuade or say no for a while.

After all, Zhou Mu, a devil in the world, has a bad reputation, so they can't afford to offend him.

But some people responded with a sneer, thinking that this boy Zhou Mu might be unlucky today.

This is Taocheng, not Fengdu.

Behind is Taozhi Mountain, the base camp of the two great emperors, Shentu Yulei.

It's okay for you to do evil on weekdays, but if you really make trouble here, I'm afraid the two great emperors, Shen Tu and Yu Lei, will definitely not let them off lightly.

At that time, I'm afraid that Fengdu will be too big to protect them. Even if they don't want their lives for the sake of Beiyin Fengdu's six days, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat.

Everyone thought it was because Zhou Mu was usually too arrogant, but today he went too far.

But Xu Tong at the side, through his eyes of fate, saw the red threads seeping out from the short sword and spreading along Zhou Mu's arm, as if there was a red thread controlling Zhou Mu's body. mood.

Such a domineering, evil dagger.

Xu Tong was taken aback, no matter how Zhou Mu was, he was still a master at the enlightened level.

Under Youshan, the eldest princess beat him so fiercely, but it didn't hurt his vitality. It can be seen that Zhou Mu's strength is definitely not blown out.

But the dagger was silent, and it controlled Zhou Mu's emotions so quickly.

If this is held for a longer time, I'm afraid it won't take long, this guy will definitely lose his mind and go crazy.

Fortunately, at this moment, a hand stretched out, and lightly took off the dagger from Zhou Mu's hand.

Zhou Mu was taken aback when the dagger left his hand, and when he looked back, he found that it was Mrs. Meng.

The old lady Meng just glanced at it, which made Zhou Mu lose his mind for a while, and then his eyes became clear. When he recalled what he said just now, he was also at a loss, how could he say such words just now.

"This sword is a good sword, but it's too fierce. It's not something ordinary people can control. People with weak hearts will lose their hearts instead."

After finishing speaking, the old lady Meng said to Zhou Mu earnestly, "You children know how to fool around, neglect cultivation, and have unstable minds, so you can't hold this sword."

These words are not only to encourage Zhou Mu, but also to give the King of Spirit Fire a step down.

It's a pity that although Zhou Mu regained his sanity under the influence of the short sword, it really broke his face to apologize in public, wouldn't he admit to everyone that he couldn't do it?

He curled his lips rather dissatisfied.

Seeing this, the Spirit Fire Ghost King immediately held grudges against Zhou Mu, but he still let out a dry laugh.

There is no way that this is the step that Po Meng handed to him, and he has to go down if he doesn't want to go down.

"It turns out that this sword is doing evil. It really is a treasure left by the God of Death. It's so amazing."

The old lady Meng wiped the spine of the sword with her finger, that is to add a layer of seal to the sword, and put it back on the plate.

The attendant looked at the dagger that had returned to the plate, and he also let go, and hurried away with the dagger in his hand.

"Everyone, let's continue, the origin of this coffin is very big..."

Seeing this, the Spirit Fire Ghost King continued to auction off the coffin as if nothing had happened.

With the exhibition of the short sword just now, everyone's enthusiasm suddenly rose this time...

At the same time, outside the gate of the chamber of commerce, Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi had already arrived.

"This place is really lively. If I say it's a ghost town, I'm afraid no one will believe it."

Gao Zhuo looked left and right, seeing the people coming and going, and couldn't help but sigh, he didn't expect that life after death would be so prosperous.

"Hmph, if you die without money, you are still a poor ghost!"

Chang Wuju was wearing a mask to cover the scars on his face, obviously he was beaten badly behind Youshan.

If Gao Zhuo hadn't arrived in time and took out two Ming notes, he would have been hacked into pieces at this moment.

After this incident, Chang Wuzhu realized that death is not terrible, but having no money is a nightmare.

Gao Zhuo was also speechless when he heard Chang Wuzhi's complaints.

I thought to myself that this unlucky boy might have something wrong with his head being punched.

"Hey, wait!"

At this time, Chang Wuzhi's eyes suddenly focused, he grabbed Gao Zhuo's arm, raised his hand and pointed forward: "Look who is that!"

Gao Zhuo glanced along Chang Wuzhi's hand, and saw a familiar figure passing by in the crowd.

But it's just a back view, but it doesn't really look like it.



"You're a fool!" Gao Zhuo scolded angrily.

"You are the fool, I said, I saw a fool just now."

Chang Wuzhi explained with a speechless face.

The corner of Gao Zhuo's mouth twitched, he finally understood Chang Wuzhi's meaning, he regained his energy immediately, the idiot, the old man and the others got separated, and his whereabouts are still unknown, and he doesn't know where this guy went.

Unexpectedly, the fool also entered Taocheng.

"Go, follow!"

Idle is also idle, it would be a good thing to find the fool first.

The two squeezed through the crowd and followed the figure to the alley behind.

Walking along the alley to the end, there was no sign of the idiot. Just when the two of them were wondering, they suddenly heard the idiot's silly laughter.

The two looked at each other, looked for the sound and walked a few steps forward, only to see an open door.

It turns out that this is the backyard of the exhibition hall, where the carriages and mounts that came to participate in the exhibition stay.

Seeing that no one was guarding them, the two walked in, followed the fool's laughter, and walked to the stable on one side, waiting for the two to have a closer look.

But seeing the fool holding a big green bull, he laughed like a hahaha.

"Hey, this idiot, we were worried that he was lost, so we had a good time here."

Chang Wuzhi shook his head helplessly.

Gao Zhuo can see it, anyway, as long as people are okay.

After speaking, he glanced sideways and found that the fool was teasing Da Qingniu while taking out very large beans from his pocket and stuffing them into Da Qingniu's mouth.

The crunchy one that Da Qingniu eats, looks more and more delicious, and shakes his head from time to time. Gao Zhuo didn't recognize it until he took a closer look: "I'm going, Croton?"

(End of this chapter)

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