Infinite script kill

Chapter 760 Open the coffin

Chapter 760 Open the coffin

Xu Tong's move seemed to be beyond everyone's expectations.

Whether it was King Linghuo or Old Lady Meng, even Lilith was caught off guard.

It is not difficult for a discerning person to look carefully. Although the inner and outer coffins do not look big, they are integrated as a whole, like a stone carving, and there is no gap at all.

Moreover, King Linghuo also said that this coffin was forcibly squeezed out of the fight between two hellish beasts.

Although I don't know what kind of beast the Spirit Fire King is talking about, but you can see how hard this thing is because there is not even a single broken corner on the coffin.

"Hahahaha, you still want to open the coffin? Didn't you look down on you, even a kid who entered the Dao realm dare to imagine anything?"

Zhou Mu laughed loudly, but in the middle of the laugh, his throat suddenly seemed to have a mouthful of old phlegm, the laughter stopped abruptly, and he stared at Xu Tong with wide eyes, showing a bit of suspicion.

After all, that guy is also in the Taoist realm.

It's not that Zhou Mu and the others are slow, but they really didn't expect Xu Tong to have the guts. Now that the entire Netherland forces are trying to arrest him, how dare he come here to participate in the competition in full view of everyone? trade show! !
Xu Tong ignored Zhou Mu's laughter, just walked to the coffin, looked at the coffin in front of him, and frowned for a moment.

Seeing this, King Linghuo could only open the formation. Although he also felt that Xu Tong wanted to open this coffin, it was a bit fanciful. If it was really so easy to open, how could he be willing to sell this thing.

But I think it's because I feel that the rules are dead, and anyone who wants to open the coffin must activate the formation, otherwise he can't afford it no matter whether there are any mistakes.

As the golden light rose, Lilith also became nervous, regretting why she didn't drag Xu Tong back.

Under everyone's gaze, Xu Tong's hands were placed flat on the coffin, and there were only faintly flickering fluorescent lights.

Soul-seeking and bone-exploring activate.

Then close your eyes, gently touch the coffin with your fingers, and carefully feel the unnoticeable textures on the coffin.

These textures are only regarded as decorative lines by others, but only Xu Tong who has learned Yanshu knows that this is the key to open the coffin.

With the exploration, the talismans in my mind gradually began to complete, and many details that were not captured through the spirit search were gradually completed.

"Pretending to be a ghost, whether you can drive it or not, get out if you don't."

Seeing that Xu Tong hadn't moved for a long time, Xia Yan and others couldn't help urging him.

"That's right, I don't think he can open it, it's a waste of time."

The other brothers also had a burst of cynicism, which annoyed everyone around them, but no one dared to provoke them, these little devils.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The patience of the crowd also began to be exhausted gradually, and Zhou Mu's four brothers taunted him one after another, and finally someone spoke up and proposed to the King of Spirit Fire to untie the formation and let Xu Tong come out. It was obvious that he couldn't break the coffin. It's open.

"Who said I can't open it!"

At this moment, Xu Tong suddenly opened his eyelids and squinted at everyone.

"I said, if you can't open it, don't waste time, get out quickly, don't let me go in and beat you!"

Xia Yan rolled up his sleeves, looking as if he was about to do something.

Hearing this, Xu Tong raised the corner of his mouth, stretched out a hand, and beckoned to Xia Yan: "Then come in and try."

"act recklessly!"

How could Xia Yan stand such a provocation, he just wanted to rush in and teach this guy a lesson.

Zhou Mu's face changed suddenly when he heard this: "No!!"

But as soon as the words fell, it was already too late, Xia Yanren had already rushed into the formation, and as soon as he entered the formation, Xia Yan didn't say anything nonsense, he snorted angrily, and his figure burst into a flash like a black dragon, almost instantly Come to Xu Tong.

At the same time, he swung his right palm full of blue light, and hit Xu Tong's face.

Facing this punch, Xu Tong's eyes showed a cold look, he did not avoid it, he raised his hand with a radiant light, and [Vajra Subduing Demon Hand] slapped the shadow of the opponent's fist. (From Chapter 11 of Volume No.7)

Xia Yan, who was originally full of confidence, suddenly changed his face, only feeling a majestic, tyrannical and terrifying force erupting.


The shock wave visible to the naked eye oscillated like a water wave and passed around, hitting the surrounding formations, so that the golden light rippled densely and densely.


Xia Yan was thrown away by the shock, but Xu Tong only paused slightly, but then rushed towards Xia Yan who was sent flying.

Such a familiar scene reappeared, but this time Xu Tong didn't worry that someone would protect these little bastards anymore.

"Slap!" The clear and crisp sound was very loud, and in the eyes of the surrounding people, only a blurred palm shadow was seen, which slapped Xia Yan's face fiercely like lightning.

Xia Yan was slapped like a spinning top by this slap, and his whole body spun in the air.

Then, with a sound of "Peng!", it hit the formation heavily.

This slap made Xia Yan's eyes stare, and he couldn't even get up, and fell to the ground, as if he was a little delirious.

call!Xu Tong grabbed Xia Yan's clothes on his chest and hung them up.

The fist seemed to be hitting Xia Yan's lower abdomen hard, and Xia Yan's body was involuntarily bowed into a shrimp, and there was a muffled scream from his mouth, which was so painful that he passed out.

Such a result is not unexpected. Although he did not become enlightened, his physical body is already inhumanly powerful. Although ghosts and gods like Xia Yan have the ability to achieve enlightenment, they do not have the reality of enlightenment.

Compared with Xu Tong's flesh and blood, it is like an egg that has been peeled off its shell, trying to hit a stone.

This is the difference between a living person and a dead person. Even if you practice for a long time without the protection of a physical body, your strength will still be far behind in the same realm.


Seeing this scene, everyone applauded inwardly. They had long been displeased with these little bastards. Now that they saw Xia Yan being beaten, they were so happy. If Zhou Mu and others were not there, they would have applauded and celebrated.

"It's him!!"

Zhou Mu screamed sharply, he wasn't sure at first, but now he recognized Xu Tong's palms as soon as they fought.

At Shilu Pavilion, Xu Tong used this palm technique to slap Fei Xiayan. Now that he is repeating the same technique, how could Zhou Mu not recognize it.

"My surname is Xu, I can't finish with you!!"

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, Zhou Mu was determined to rush in and settle accounts with Xu Tong this time.

But one hand pulled Zhou Mu back.

"He is a living person, his physical body is comparable to enlightenment, and you are not his opponents together."

Mrs. Meng looked at Xu Tong, and Xu Tong felt cold for a while, but soon returned to normal.

The gaze of this old lady Meng obviously cannot be compared with those supreme emperors on Youshan Mountain.

He could only see through some of Xu Tong's strengths, but he couldn't see through Xu Tong's roots.

"Sure enough, you are a heroic boy. No wonder so many people want to arrest you, but you have never been caught. You are the second person who dares to disturb the Netherland for so many years."

"Seniors have praised you, how dare the juniors compare themselves with the ancestors."

Xu Tong started to pull the tiger skin. No matter whether this layer of tiger skin is useful or not, at least pull it on his body first.

"Oh, so you are the descendant of the Mei family??"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, even Zhou Mu and others frowned.

The words "Plum Blossom Taoist" once caused the Underworld to be restless for a long time.

Now his heirs have also made such a big commotion.

Could it be that this plum blossom family is incompatible with Mingtu's natural horoscope? ?
Xu Tong didn't directly admit it, but just opened his palm, and saw a piece of white paper folded into paper flowers in his palm in an instant, proving his identity.

Seeing this, the old lady Meng could understand the meaning, with a kind and kind smile on her face, but her words became colder and colder.

"Back then Taoist Plum Blossom made a big fuss in the underworld and was able to escape unscathed. I don't know how lucky you are as Taoist Plum Blossom."

Said old lady Meng stood up from the chair.

Seeing this, Xu Tong was slightly startled, but he was not panicked. He took the initiative to reveal his identity, not just to vent his anger.

He took two steps back, but his finger lightly touched the coffin beside him, the light on his fingertips glowed, and the coffin behind him made a strange resonance sound.

"The coffin, the coffin is moving!!"

Seeing this scene, everyone screamed in shock. They didn't expect the coffin to be touched by Xu Tong so easily, and it seemed that there were already signs of loosening.

"Old Madam, I'm about to open the coffin. If you want to come in and observe together, you should do so as soon as possible."

Xu Tong said with a smile.

Now the old lady Meng's face froze, she stared at Xu Tong's hand, and she really didn't dare to go any further.

Afraid that if she walked in, the next moment Xu Tong opened the coffin, if the god of death was resurrected inside, she might not be able to survive the five thunder formations.

Seeing that Mrs. Meng didn't dare to enter the battle easily, Xu Tong's mouth suddenly showed a sinister smile.

Throwing Xia Yan aside, he summoned the second soul to protect him.

At the same time, he walked to the coffin, fixed his eyes on the coffin, took a deep breath, and gently stroked the surface of the coffin with his ten fingers, and saw the dots gradually light up on Xu Tong's fingertips.

The appearance of this coffin is blessed with a layer of hagana, and it needs to be untied by the method of hagana. The strongest hagana in my hand is the sky thunder curse, and just in case, I need a second soul to cooperate.

It's just that once the second soul appears, its identity will inevitably be exposed.

That's why he deliberately stimulated Xia Yan to come in. With this guy as a hostage, he is not afraid that they will jump over the wall in a hurry.

I saw Xu Tong took a deep breath, waved his hands, and smashed the Yanshu with all his strength, the coffin immediately trembled.

At this moment, the three weird faces on the coffin board actually let out low-pitched screams, as if countless dead souls were whispering in Xu Tong's ear.

As the whispers became more and more ear-piercing, the surrounding formations began to vibrate violently, and everyone backed away again and again, even though they knew that the formations were unbreakable, they still couldn't help but feel fear.

Soon the coffin seemed to be resurrected, the texture on it began to become vivid and moving, the eyeballs of the three faces rolled, staring at Xu Tong's movements, as long as there was a mistake in one step, Xu Tong would not Know what will happen.

Xu Tong's fingertips were like dragons and phoenixes, and the glare on his fingertips became brighter and brighter. With the touch of his fingers, wisps of dark blue aura gradually revealed a strange rune pattern on the coffin.


It was too late and then too fast, at the moment when this rune emerged from the coffin.

The little fat man clasped his arms tightly around his body, and suddenly a dazzling thunder burst out, bombarding the coffin...

(End of this chapter)

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