Chapter 764

The door was closed heavily, Xu Tong looked at the heavily closed door, the corner of his mouth twitched, a wry smile appeared on his face.

"That fool!"

Different scene, same parting.

I thought it would be different this time, but I was saved by a fool.

But different from before, this time he is not worried that the fool will be in danger, the golden lotus is the fool's support.

With the Ksitigarbha golden lotus, who can touch a fool.

Getting up from the ground, Xu Tong turned his head and glanced at Chang Wuzhi, the guy fell on the ground and didn't want to move anymore.

That door weighed a thousand pounds, and he forcibly lifted it up, causing fractures in many places on his body.

Xu Tong gave him a [Ming Ye Hua Huan Pill] and pulled him up from the ground: "You can hold on."

Chang Wuzhi twitched his lips, and his mouth was stiff; "I can live a long and healthy life even if you die."

"Hahahaha, it's really cool!"

Gao Zhuo came down from the city wall, and just now he fired an arrow. He didn't know how many cavalrymen were knocked down by his arrow. It's been a long time since he felt so happy.

"How on earth did you do it??"

Xu Tong pointed to the city wall, meaning how on earth could they occupy this place.

You must know that although this is not a city of death in vain, it is not a small place like Wengcheng. This city must be guarded by people. With Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi alone, Xu Tong doesn't think they can do it.

"They are all fools. When we met him, he was still feeding crotons to the big green cow behind the chamber of commerce, and then brought us here."

Just when Gao Zhuo was about to explain in detail, Lilith coughed a few times and woke up faintly.

Seeing that Lilith was awake, Xu Tong didn't ask too many questions, and checked Lilith's condition, but luckily nothing serious happened.

"Why are you fine??"

Lilith woke up and looked at Xu Tong with a puzzled expression.

Ordinarily, the poisonous mist spewed out by Granny Meng would have caught even Lilith, but Xu Tong was fine, which is unbelievable.

In fact, Xu Tong is also very strange about this question.

Seeing the poisonous mist spewed out by Granny Meng, I couldn't help feeling a little bit in my heart, but then I found that I was only in a trance for a while, and then I was fine.

He didn't have time to think about it at the time, and now that Lilith mentioned it, he couldn't help but feel weird in his heart, but since it didn't have any influence, why did he think so much about him.

They have more pressing matters right now.

The door behind him could not be blocked for a long time, recalling the attack of the black armored cavalry just now, Xu Tong still had lingering fears at this moment.

The opponent is not only terrible at archery, but also can freeze time once he makes a shot. He has the fighting power to match the enlightened person, but he has no strength to fight back against such a master.

What's more, there is that Meng Po, who may catch up at any time, and if they delay here for a second, the danger will be increased by one point.

Therefore, Xu Tong could only take Lilith and the others to the Taozhi Mountain in the back. As long as Lilith was sent out of the gate of hell, his mission would be considered complete.

At the same time, on the other side, Zhou Mu and others were seen riding on the Xinghuo class leopard horse, looking at the big green bull beside them from time to time.

I saw the big green cow walking a few steps, and was about to pause for a while, walking all the way, the ground was already horrible.

Fortunately, there is no real environmental protection aunt here, otherwise I might have to greet Po Meng's family.

"Grandma Meng, can we catch up with that kid by walking this way?? I just heard that the gates of the back mountain are closed, and they won't be able to open for a while??"

Zhou Mu couldn't help asking when he saw Granny Meng sitting comfortably on the big green bull.

They are now taking a different path, an unheard-of route that feels more like a circle.

This inevitably made Zhou Mu worry that by the time they arrived, Xu Tong would have already escaped from the Netherland with his people.

"It doesn't matter, anyone who wants to break through the gate of ghosts in Taozhi Mountain can break through."

Granny Meng smiled. Since ancient times, there are so many emperors, heroes, and even those who are in the cultivation of heaven's favored sons, there are a few who don't want to break out of the underworld and return to the sun.

But how many are really successful?

Although this kid is a guide, he will not be embarrassed by those ghosts at the gate of hell, but it is not an easy task to get to the gate of hell alive.

They catch up slowly, naturally they can keep up.


There was a strange look in Po Meng's eyes, and she was not really interested in the female envoy in her heart.

To put it bluntly, several ghost emperors competed for the female envoy, just to get an excuse so that they would have a chance to go out.

I am a mother-in-law who cooks soup, and my subordinates have no soldiers, and their strength is far inferior to those of the emperors, so what's the use of competing for a female envoy.

The real reason why she decided to attack Xu Tong was because this kid had a big problem.

My own poison of the third life is the most peculiar poison in the world, although it will not hurt people's lives, but even a ghost emperor, if he sniffs it, he will feel dizzy for a while.

But the kid surnamed Xu has no influence at all?

This inevitably made Meng Po wonder if there was some big secret hidden in this kid.

After all, there is no original soul in this world, and this kid has no previous life, which is a bit shocking.

Zhou Mu and the others didn't know what Granny Meng was thinking. They just wanted to catch Xu Tong immediately, so that this kid could understand what would happen if he offended them, these monsters of the world.

On the other side, Xu Tong and others walked along the path to Taozhi Mountain.

As the saying goes, Wangshan runs a dead horse.

This Taozhi Mountain seems to be very close to Taocheng, but when you really walk up the mountain, you find that the further you go, the farther you go.

If I had known earlier, I would have captured the mounts of those little beasts.

Chang Wuju inevitably felt a little regretful.

At that time, they were pulled away too hastily by the fool, and they couldn't catch those Xinghuo class leopard horses, otherwise they wouldn't be walking on foot now.

"Don't be stupid, most of those mounts have already recognized their owners, if you dare to grab them, be careful and give you a hoof."

Xu Tong rolled his eyes at Chang Wuzhi.

I thought to myself, even a fool is smarter than you, if he doesn't catch him, how can he catch you?

After finishing speaking, he asked Gu Xibai in the team channel: "Xiaobai, how are you doing?"

"Fortunately, it's just that Taocheng is very chaotic now, and the old Taoist led us into it."

Gu Xibai also sent out a visual screenshot as he spoke.

It can be seen that a large number of cavalry are smashing the door frantically, and not far away, many guards of Taocheng have already fought with these cavalry.

This is not surprising, after all, Taocheng is also an important city under the rule of Shentu, and the annual expenses of Lord Shentu come from here.

These cavalry rushed into Taocheng today, not to mention how much damage they caused.

If there is no explanation for this matter, not only will Shen Tu's face be swept away, but Taocheng's reputation will plummet, and Shen Tu's money bag will be smashed.

That is to say, right now, the big bosses like Shen Tu are all left in Youshan by the emperor, otherwise, in normal times, with a hundred courage of these guys, they would not dare to make such a big disturbance in Taocheng.

Now they have no choice but to attack, if they can't kill Xu Tong, capture the envoy, and earn back the face of their master, I'm afraid that when the matter is over, their heads will be cut off to vent Shen Tu's anger.

"Have you seen a ghost general in black armor and white hair, only one, with a big flag on his mount!"

Xu Tong questioned Gu Xibai.

He is not afraid of other ghost generals, relying on the Chunyang sword in his hand, he will kill one by himself.

But that black-armored ghost general brought him too strong a sense of crisis.

To Xu Tong's feeling, this guy's strength is too strong, it seems that even the eldest princess is no match for him.

Gu Xibai looked around, then shook his head: "No, I didn't see it."

After receiving Gu Xibai's answer, Xu Tong couldn't help feeling uneasy. The other party put too much pressure on him, and he always felt that if he didn't keep an eye on him, he would inevitably mutter in his heart.

"Is it possible that this guy has already climbed over the city wall??"

This thought arose and was quickly rejected by Xu Tong.

There is a prohibition in the underworld, unless there is a ghost emperor, not everyone can be treated like this.

Of course, there are no absolutes, anyway, Gu Xibai failed to see this guy, Xu Tong inevitably felt a little uneasy.

"Hey, listen, there is the sound of water!"

At this time, Gao Zhuo pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the sound of the river's waves ahead. When everyone walked over to have a look, he saw that the road ahead was engulfed by a huge black water.

"If I knew it earlier, I would have brought the eldest princess here. How can we survive such a large lake?"

Looking at the black water in front of him, Gao Zhuo couldn't help complaining.

"There is a stone tablet in front!"

Lilith looked around, and saw a huge stone tablet standing on the edge of the pool. The stone tablet was nine feet high, and it was carried by a stone turtle.

It's hard for everyone not to notice.

But the stele was already covered with a thick layer of dust, Gao Zhuo went up and wiped it a few times before everyone could see the writing on it clearly.

【The gate of ghosts on the road ahead, the living cannot approach, the dead cannot walk, there are countless demons along the way, untrustworthy, inaudible, and unspeakable, I advise you to turn around, and it is better to move forward. 】

Looking at the handwriting on the stone tablet, everyone could only shake their heads, and it was another long nonsense.

If they can turn back, will they still use this ghost place? ?

Xu Tong walked to the side of the black water and tentatively dropped a paper boat. As a result, the paper boat sank when it hit the water, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It can be seen that this black water lake is similar to the black water summoned by the princess.

Just as Xu Tong and the others were struggling, a burst of singing suddenly came from the water.

Just listen to the singing, although the tune is simple, but the singing is bold.

Everyone looked intently and saw a farmer paddling a small boat.

"There is a boat!!"

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo was overjoyed, and hurriedly waved his hands and shouted to signal to the boatman.

Seeing this, the boatman slid his oar towards Xu Tong and the others. The boatman was plainly dressed, with white hair and bare feet, holding an oar in his hand. After seeing Xu Tong and the others, his face showed Lang Lang smiled: "What are you doing?"

"Boater, can you take us to the ferry? Don't worry, we are willing to pay Mingchao."

Gao Zhuo hurriedly said.

However, the boatman waved his hand when he heard the words; "This ferry of mine only ferry the ghosts and the dead, not the living. Besides, the road ahead is full of dangers. If you go forward, you will be in danger of your life."

"Boater, I am the messenger, and I am sending people to the gate of hell. Can you accommodate me?"

Xu Tong stepped forward and handed a Ming note to the boatman.

The boatman glanced at Mingchao, and said with a naive smile: "Someone told me the same thing last time, but this person was divided up by many evil spirits in the end, do you want to go?"

"Go, if we don't go, we will die even worse later."

Gao Zhuoke didn't care about that much, and jumped onto the boat directly.

Seeing this, the boatman could only shake his head helplessly, signaling Xu Tong and the others to get on board.

Chang Wuzhi stepped onto the boat, glanced sideways at the boatman, and suddenly asked, "Boatman, did that person die so badly last time?"

The boatman nodded: "It's really miserable. He was torn apart and eaten by a few evil spirits. Hey, it's really miserable. Those evil spirits left their heads at the end, and let him watch himself being eaten, and finally dug up the meat." You don’t even know how scary that scene is.”

The boatman made gestures as he spoke, for fear that he couldn't make it clear.

"Since he died so badly, how can you be safe and sound, Boatman?"

Chang Wuzhi squinted his eyes and asked the boatman.

"This..." The boatman was stunned for a second, then hurriedly said, "I run fast."

As soon as the boatman finished speaking, he heard Xu Tong's sneer from behind him: "My sword is faster!"


In an instant, the sword light slashed through the boatman's throat...

(End of this chapter)

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