Infinite script kill

Chapter 776 It's All Neuropathy

Chapter 776 It's All Neuropathy

Xu Tong squatted down, looked at the file at his feet, and then at the chief physician in front of him: "Are you sick?"

The other party was startled: "You have medicine!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words were said, Xu Tong suddenly punched this guy in the face.

The dull sound directly knocked people into the air.

Then he fell heavily to the ground and passed out on the spot.

Xu Tong adjusted the clothes on his body, looked at the one who fell on the ground, and spat coldly: "You are lucky, you happen to have it!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and picked up all the files on the ground, rummaging through them page by page.

When a brand new page of files appeared in front of Xu Tong, Xu Tong's eyes sank, but soon, a smile appeared on his face.

I saw the photo on this page of the file, it was a young girl, the girl looked sweet, and she was almost the twin of the little head nurse who stopped her just now.

"Hehe, this is really interesting."

Seeing this, Xu Tong not only didn't find it weird, but found it amusing. His eyes scanned these files, and his mind quickly compared the people in these files with the faces he saw after entering the door.

As a result, an astonishing fact was placed in front of me.

Everyone in the hospital is mentally ill? ?

Up to the chief physician in front of me, down to the cleaning aunt in the hospital, and even the security guard, they are all crazy.

And everyone's medical history is blank.

"Okay, old man, I wanted to give you a birthday present, but I didn't expect you to be more fun than me."

Xu Tong pursed his lips, walked up to the unconscious guy on the ground, took off the guy's clothes, put one on his body, and strode out.

Encountered two security guards patrolling along the way, Xu Tong kept walking, and greeted casually: "Old Zhou, Lao Yang, remember to take medicine."

The two security guards were taken aback, and they couldn't help but glanced at each other in confusion.

(°Д°): "Haven't you taken your medicine?"

( ̄▽ ̄): "I don't take medicine!"

ヽ(#`Д): "If you don't take the medicine, what are you doing out there, come back with me to take the medicine!"

(╯>д<)╯ "No, I won't eat!"

Not far away, I heard the sound of fighting behind, but the strange thing is that no matter whether it is a passing doctor or nurse, instead of dissuading the fight between the two security guards, they turned a blind eye to it.

There were only a few family members who came to see the doctor, and they looked blankly at the two security guards who were fighting more and more fiercely, with black question marks all over their faces.

Xu Tong walked to the consultation room with small steps, skipped and skipped, and glanced inside, just in time to see a mother and daughter sitting in front of the young doctor.

The mother seemed to be very concerned about her daughter's condition, and repeatedly told the doctor in front of her about her daughter's condition when she became ill.

"My daughter is usually fine, but recently she often has emotional breakdowns, bites people, and barks like a dog."

Hearing this, the doctor looked up at the girl, his expression became serious, he pinched the girl's chin to signal her to open her mouth, looked carefully, and shook her head.

Seeing this, both the mother and daughter looked ugly, and the mother hurriedly asked: "How is the doctor?"

"Well, do you have a boyfriend?" The doctor ignored the mother's inquiry, staring at the girl and asked.


The mother's face changed suddenly, and she spoke first.

But the girl lowered her head with a blushing face, and whispered in a mosquito-like voice: "Yes..."

Mother's eyes widened.

"Have you ever had sex together? How many times?"

The male doctor seemed to be familiar with this, and continued to ask with a serious expression.

The girl was taken aback at first, then raised her head to see the serious expression of the doctor in front of her, blushed for a moment, gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "Five...five times!"

"You unworthy thing!"

The mother on the side was about to faint from anger when she heard the words, and raised her hand to hit someone, but just as she raised her hand, she put it down helplessly, glared at her daughter with hatred, and gritted her teeth and asked, "Doctor , does my daughter's illness have something to do with her...boyfriend! "

However, the doctor curled his lips: "It's okay, I'll just ask casually."

Hearing this, both mother and daughter were stunned, especially the girl's head was buzzing, she pointed at the doctor in front of her and scolded: "You are crazy!!"

"That's right, I'm crazy, killing people is not worth my life, hahahaha!"

The doctor jumped on the table, lifted his white coat and went crazy.

Outside the door, Xu Tong looked at this scene, instead of being shocked, he couldn't help laughing: "Hahahaha, interesting, so interesting!"

Then he looked at another consultation room, and it was okay not to look, but when he saw Xu Tong, he called out hot eyes.

The picture is too beautiful to describe...

The doctors, nurses, and even the security guards here are all acting up. What kind of hospital is this place? It's a paradise.

When passing through the ward, a nurse hurried over: "Director, go and have a look, those patients are getting more and more excessive."

Xu Tong nodded, and then followed the nurse into the patient observation area.

Just entering the big iron door in the corridor, and the door of the observation room on the side, suddenly a face hit the glass, and blinked wildly at him through the glass of the door, the man's mouth was stuffed with something.

His body was tightly restrained by the restraint clothes, Xu Tong took a look, oh, he finally met an acquaintance, Director Kang. (Volume 4, Chapter [-] appears)
After Director Kang recognized Xu Tong, he frantically blinked at him and shouted forcefully, "!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong took a look and saw the nurse passing by, so he called to stop the nurse and pointed to Director Kang: "This patient seems to be manic. The dose is doubled. Give him a napkin." Risperidone, double the dose of other medicines!"

The nurse nodded.

Continuing to walk forward, more and more familiar faces appeared in front of Xu Tong.

Some of these people have been numb from the torment, while others are still struggling, blinking wildly after seeing Xu Tong.

"Here, give him some sleeping pills."

"The dose of chlorpromazine and perphenazine is increased."

After a round of inspections, Xu Tong had already figured out the basic situation of the hospital in his heart.

While feeling amused, he couldn't help complaining about Chang Wuzhi, such an idiot, such a big mess, this guy actually told himself that the hospital was quiet and peaceful? ?

But walking down this circle, I really didn't see Dean Wang.

I don't know if what the nurse said is true. If it is true, I can only say that this Dean Wang is lucky, otherwise, I have to give him some food.

Xu Tong didn't want to know why the hospital became like this, and he didn't bother to know.

Turn around and walk in the direction of the Isolation Building for Serious Illness.

Go through the corridor and into the courtyard.

Under the big tung tree in the yard, several old acquaintances in hospital gowns were gathering to chat.

Xu Tong had seen these people before, and waved at them. These people glanced at Xu Tong, and even waved enthusiastically, inviting Xu Tong to chat together.

This was naturally declined by Xu Tong.

You'd better not listen to this kind of lunatic's chat. If you listen to it, you will doubt your life, let alone try to correct them, because they are more reasonable than you.

A doctor once made this mistake, and within two months, the doctor resigned, and it is said that he suffered from depression.

Across this open space is the separate isolation building.

The door was not locked, so Xu Tong opened it and walked in.

I stepped on the stairs to the second floor, but just as I walked up, I saw a big meaty mountain blocking the stairs.

"Hey, it's brother!"

The fat girl in a nurse's uniform turned her head. When she saw Xu Tong, the huge meat mountain rushed towards her. Xu Tong stared at him, raised both hands, and firmly caught the fat girl. Fortunately, he is not what he used to be now, otherwise this pile of meat would probably have smashed him into meatloaf.

"Why are you fat again??"

Xu Tong weighed the fat girl's weight, at least three hundred catties at least.

I remember that when I came back last time, this girl was not so fat.

"I have a good appetite recently, so I eat more. Every two days, several people come to deliver me food, thin, fat, and all kinds of delicacies. I'm getting tired of eating."

The fat girl acted like a baby in Xu Tong's arms.

The good guy squeezed more than 300 kilograms of fat up, almost pushing Xu Tong against the wall.

Hastily pushed her away with one hand, and took out a box of snacks from the item book: "Here you are, all of which you like to eat."

Seeing the snacks, the fat girl let Xu Tong go, holding the snacks in the box, her facial features crowded together on her happy face.

Only then did Xu Tong pay attention to what the fat girl said just now: "You just said that many people came??"

The fat girl pursed her small cherry mouth, and said with a look of disgust on her face: "Yes, every now and then, I'm so annoying."

Hearing this, Xu Tong thought to himself: "Sure enough, I found it."

Just as I was worried about before, those vicious killers would not come to Xu Tong directly, but planned to use people close to Xu Tong as threats.

But where are these people now? ?
Now that you are here, why is old A (yao) still safe and sound?
This inevitably made him think of the words that his mother said to him with a half-faced cold face when he was in the Wangchuan River: "Be careful, old man!"

So taking a deep breath, Xu Tong patted the fat girl on the shoulder: "Then you eat first, brother will go up first."

The fat girl nodded with a smile, she just hugged the box and ate the snacks inside, not paying attention to Xu Tong's appearance at all.

However, it wasn't until Xu Tong walked up the stairs that the fat girl raised her neck straight to the ceiling above her head, her two eyeballs rolled around, and she let out a strange giggling sound: "Brother's flesh, It's getting more and more fragrant..."

(End of this chapter)

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