Infinite script kill

Chapter 788 Goodbye Mistress

Chapter 788 Goodbye Mistress
"Ding! Welcome to the silver team, Qimen."

"Ding! The team leader has unlocked the authority for you. Please check the team skill [Blood Rose] skill entry."

"Ding! The leader opened the authority for you, the team channel, since you are a peripheral member, there will be a 30-second interval every time you use the team channel."

"Ding! The team leader has opened the permission for you to share tasks. In the script world, you can share your tasks."

Accompanied by the prompt, Li Bo was so blissful that he almost fainted.

The silver-level team turned out to be a silver-level team, but Li Bo only heard about it in his daily life, and had never seen a team of this level.

Not only did I see it today, but I also joined the team and took a peek at the team's skills.

After seeing the skill introduction of [Blood Rose], Li Bo almost screamed.

"It's done, it's done!!" Li Bo was so excited that he wanted to take off in place.

Thanks to Xu Tong's repeated considerations, he did not grant Li Bo the authority to the team warehouse, otherwise if Li Bo saw the huge amount of script points in the warehouse, he would probably be able to spare them all.

"You don't have anything to clean up. Come back with me after dinner, and I'll introduce two teammates to you, and I'll give you some item cards by the way."

If Xu Tong was not younger than him, Li Bo would kneel down and call Xu Tong his father at this time.

Those rough chubby hands held Xu Tong tightly, tears came down from excitement: "Brother, I finally found an organization, do you know how I got here all this time!"

With Xu Tong as his backer, Li Bo finally didn't have to worry about it anymore.

Xu Tong said: "Brother, I will cover you from now on." He secretly let out a breath in his heart.

Li Bo is very lucky, but every time he is forcibly intercepted by himself at key points.

Whether it's the 【魑魑颖铃】 or the 【Relic】.

These two things played a key role for me.

Needless to say the former, without this bell, I was afraid that I might not have been able to win the confidence of the ruthless master.

The latter is very mysterious. Xu Tong even suspects that the fat monk who traveled to the Underworld last time helped him secretly because of his great relationship with Buddhism, and the source of all this is the relic.

Coincidentally, these two items were snatched from Li Bo by himself.

If this fat black man knew that the reason why he was in such a miserable life was all because of himself, then this fat black man would have the heart to tear himself into pieces.

So as compensation, Xu Tong gave the fat man a lot of preferential treatment. Anyway, there are still more than half of the box for those basic item cards, so the fat man can pick them.

As for the script points, that's not his share.

Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai were a little surprised by the black fat man who joined, but they both knew Xu Tong's temperament and didn't say anything about it.

Instead, he gave the little black fat man the item cards that were eliminated from his hand.

Of course it is not free, the script points are still given, but you can pay on credit first, and then repay the debt after the next script world is over.

This time, Li Bo changed his shotgun instantly, and his strength improved by more than one level.

When he learned that the four core members were all certified players, Li Bo tactfully positioned himself as a little brother.

Even allowing Chang Wuzhi to demolish and evict, there was no complaint from those who came and went.

This point made Xu Tong shake his head straight. It seems that Li Bo, a black fat man, has suffered a lot these days, and his former rebellious nature has been smoothed out.

Speaking of item cards, Xu Tong is also sorting out his item book during this time.

There are too many item cards in my item book, and I really need to sort them out.

But this matter can't be rushed for a while, because there is still a problem in my body that has not been resolved.

That is the tenant, Amota.

The biggest reason why I failed to cultivate the Pure Yang Sword Manual to the seventh level was Amota.

This guy is the product of the awakening of the dark prop card [Magic Power]. I have to say that this guy has helped me many times, but now it has become an obstacle to my advancement.

And because this guy helped him upgrade the power of the magic power, but also made himself and this prop card into a binding state, unable to discard, trade, or destroy.

The relationship between them is like a landlord and a tenant. Originally, the tenant can pay the landlord enough, and the landlord is very happy to let the tenant live for a long time.

But suddenly it was about to be demolished. Faced with a large amount of demolition money, the relationship between the tenant and the landlord became contradictory.

Xu Tong is now facing this problem.

So he planned to have a good chat with Amota.

With the sinking of consciousness, the cold prison cells appeared in front of his eyes again. When he opened the door, he heard the sound of a piano.

Amota was dressed neatly, in a black and neat tuxedo with dark brown buttons, and her fingers were dancing on the piano keys, like an elf rhythm, which fascinated Xu Tong.

Until the end of a piano piece, Amota stood up, put his palms on his chest and bowed slightly, then picked up the glass of red wine on the piano, and walked towards Xu Tong: "I knew you would have this day eventually, I want you to It's okay to untie the bond between you and me!"

Amota's tone was relaxed, as if she was not surprised by the arrival of this day.

Even when he upgraded Xu Tong's magic power, he seemed to have expected this day, but Amota had already absorbed enough power from Xu Tong.

If Xu Tong failed to break through Zhan Dao, maybe he would have the opportunity to occupy Xu Tong's body.

But now the situation is changing too fast, he has to change his plan, and staying on Xu Tong's body is not good for him. This guy doesn't have Lilith's heart, and his body is too bloody, which will wear him down instead. strength.

So Amota didn't wait for Xu Tong to open his mouth, and put forward the conditions for unbinding: "Help me find a body, a body with demonic nature, the stronger the better, just help me find this body. "

Speaking of which, Amota handed Xu Tong a strange imprint. As long as he finds a suitable body, he can use this thing to forcefully seize it with his consciousness.

But this thing has a disadvantage. If you can't ensure that the other party's soul is severely injured, you will be backlashed instead.

Seeing this, Xu Tong nodded, this could be regarded as ending the cause and effect between himself and Amota.

"Oh, by the way, as a reward for helping me, I can tell you one thing."

Amota showed a smile on her face, and stretched out her hand to make a shape of a key: "The key Lilith gave you actually has three keys in total. It just so happens that the second one is in my hand."

Xu Tong was a little surprised when he heard this: "What kind of key is this?"

"Hmm..." Amota rested her chin.

After thinking for a while, he said: "It is rumored that in the ancient past, there was a place where the world was created. Oh, you in the East call it the source of qixu. It is rumored that there are things left by the original gods. Of course, this rumor is true or false. I don’t know, but it’s because of this key that I was exiled by the Western Demon God.”

As he said that, he handed the key to Xu Tong: "Take it as a ticket to help me win the house."

Seeing the key handed over by Amota, Xu Tong frowned slightly, but did not reach out to take it: "Then give it to me after I help you win the house."

After speaking, he turned and left without looking back.

Seeing Xu Tong leaving, Amota sighed with regret: "This guy looks like a hunting dog."

I saw a wisp of black liquid flow out of the key in his hand while he was speaking and return to Amota's body.

When Xu Tong regained consciousness, he sat on the bed, thinking about Amota's words.

If it's just to seize the house, it's easy.

But he always felt that Amota was not telling the truth to him.

At this moment, the item book trembled slightly, and a notification sound came.

"Ding, the next scenario world will open in 7 days!"

"Ding, the script is "Seizing the Dragon". The time point is modern times, and the location is Hong Kong. Your identity will be randomly selected. This script world is a cross-regional hunting script. The task difficulty is high!"

As a certified player, Xu Tong's previous two script worlds, one was to use his privileges and chose to land in the script world where Gao Zhuo was located, and the other was a trip to Netherland.

Neither entry into the scripted world in the orthodox sense.

In other words, this script is his first script world after completing the certification.

After getting the information about the script, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel a little bit of anticipation. Hong Kong is a good place where fish and dragons mix together.

In fact, at the beginning of the Dharma-ending Era, many people from various religions and streams chose to move to Hong Kong to escape the war.

Not only Xu Tong was reminded, but Gao Zhuo and others also received reminders one after another.

Since it is a modern background, there is no need to make too many preparations. Bringing some gold is more practical than anything else.

Seven days of preparation time is still quite rich.

Xu Tong was not idle either. While sorting out his prop book, he would occasionally take the initiative to read those books.

Early the next morning, I also took a special bus to Longyuan Cemetery in Beimang.

Elder Song's ashes are still buried here, and he came today to sweep the old man's grave.

He had a premonition that when this script world ended, after he left Luodu, he might not come back until a long, long time later.

However, when Xu Tong walked in front of Song Lao's tombstone, his relaxed mood suddenly shook, and he saw two figures standing there in front of his master Song Lao's tombstone.

A tall and slender woman, wearing a corseted lace dress and a black silk hat on her head, is holding a sweet-looking little girl with one hand.

It is a perfect match between a young woman and a loli, even standing in the cemetery, she can still become the focus of the audience.

This is none other than his teacher-wife and the goddess whom he has not seen for a long time.

The strength of this old lady is getting more and more terrifying.

Xu Tong looked up and down the body of the teacher's wife, and couldn't help muttering inwardly.

With his current strength of a land god, he can't see through the depth of this old woman.

Obviously, after leaving the crematorium, during this period of time, the strength of this cheap wife has improved a lot.

Even standing under the sun, Xu Tong felt that the aura around this girl was like a huge shady scene, which made Xu Tong feel afraid.

Sensing Xu Tong's gaze, Ba Nu couldn't help turning her head, with deep dimples showing on her melon-seeded face, and beckoning to Xu Tong.

Seeing this, Xu Tong could only bite the bullet and show a smiling face: "Master, what a coincidence."

Ba Nu looked at Xu Tong's swishing face, stretched out her hand and pinched Xu Tong's little face: "It's not a coincidence, I figured it out, you're coming today, and I'm waiting here for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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