Infinite script kill

Chapter 796 I Want It All!

Chapter 796 I Want It All!
"Mr. Simon, don't believe him, he is lying to you, Mr. Simon, I can give you money, more money..."

Lord Tiger was lying in front of the car window, shouting loudly, still making the final struggle. He couldn't figure out how a guy from outside could get involved with these high-ranking foreigners in an instant.

Especially after seeing that Simon, who usually ignored him, turned out to be so respectful to this vulgar martial artist, he was even more inconceivable.

It's just that no one would answer his answer, and even those rough foreigners unceremoniously raised the butt of their guns in order to calm him down, and slammed them hard on the back of Master Tiger's head.

"Mr. Du, I feel deeply guilty for my recklessness just now, please forgive me."

Simon's expression was very humble, and this scene made everyone in the Yixing Gang look dumbfounded.

In the past, when they went to send money to this foreigner, the foreigner would have liked to look at them with his nostrils.

Not to mention this foreigner, even those foreigners did not see them as human beings.

"There is a proverb in China that says that those who do not know are innocent. I really want to meet the local bishop, and I hope Mr. Simon can help."

"Of course, I will send someone to invite Bishop Simpson. I believe he will be very happy with your arrival."

Simon is naturally very happy with this request, because he is not sure what the origin of the yellow-skinned Chinese man in front of him is, and why he has angel tears that symbolize the authority of the church.

The reason why Lord Tiger was taken away was also to treat it cautiously. After all, it involved the church. As a small colonel, he was no longer allowed to have the slightest right to weigh.

Simon turned around and sent for Bishop Simpson.

"What are you still doing?"

Taking advantage of this gap, Xu Tong looked back at A Bin who had stared dumbfounded for a moment. The vicious eyes made A Bin tremble all over. He quickly got up from the ground and went to the front to invite Xu Tong and Mr. Simon into the hall. rest.

Mr. Hu's business is good, so the house is also very well done. It looks like a three-story Western-style small western-style building on the outside, but the interior decoration design is very elegant.

There is also a plaque hanging in the lobby on the first floor with the word loyalty written on it.

After the two sat down, Ah Bin hurriedly trotted all the way out the door. What he wanted to do was of course a superior.

It was only when Xu Tong yelled that that A Bin was woken up, and only then did he realize that he might really be going up.

Master Hu was arrested, Hu San was dead, and Qiao Jingsheng was also dead. It was logical that he was the speaker of the Yixing Gang, although according to the rules, the new speaker could only be selected from the double bonus stick.

But Qiao Jingsheng is dead, who cares about the rules.

As soon as he went out, Ah Bin quickly called his buddies, and told them to quickly take over those big stalls, cigarette stalls, and fishball stalls of Mr. Tiger.

And let them release the news that Mr. Tiger has been included in the list, and now he, Ah Bin, is in charge, and he is the new grandfather of the Yixing Gang!
The news spread quickly, and a single stone caused a thousand waves.

Although the New Territories is the domain of those foreigners, dragons and snakes are mixed here, gangs are rising, and there are countless halls.

There are more than a dozen companies with the initials of Xing alone, and even more with the initials of He and Hong.

But the most powerful ones are just a few. For example, the Chaozhou Tsai in Abin's mouth is a big gang organized by people from Chaozhou and Guangdong.

Ma Jiaozi refers to the gang organized by people in Macau, He Sheng He

In addition, there are Paoge Gang, Qing Gang, etc. There are countless prefixes of different sizes.

In contrast, Lord Tiger's Yixing Gang is neither big nor small, but there is one thing behind Lord Tiger is a brother, the director of the police department, a foreigner.

It is with the support of the foreign adults that Lord Tiger can eat so many stalls in one go.

It is precisely because of this that Ah Bin dared to collude with the ferry to disembark the newly arrived refugees in advance and rob them openly.

So many people couldn't believe it when they heard the news that Lord Tiger had been included in the book.

The so-called thieves collect mountains, officials eat food, and spend half their lives in jail.

Master Hu was included in the book, but his horse boy was in the top position. It doesn't make sense at all.

Interested people naturally began to inquire about the news.

At this very moment, an even more shocking scene was taking place in the hall of the Yixing Gang.

When the bishop of New Territories Simpson got the news and hurried over, the bishop almost fell at Xu Tong's feet with tears in his eyes.

Then, under everyone's astonishment, astonishment, shock, and even a little disgusted gaze, he took Xu Tong's finger and kissed it affectionately on Xu Tong's face.

This kind of hand-kissing ceremony is not uncommon, after all, the foreigners in the New Territories seem to be very keen on this kind of courtesy.

It can be seen everywhere on the street, either with hands or faces, and they are already used to it.

But the targets of these foreigners are often blond and blue-eyed foreigners, not to mention indecent, at least they are pleasing to the eye.

But in the scene in front of him, a bald fat man in his fifties hugged that big callused hand and kissed him wildly. Looking at the owner of this hand, his face was full of flesh and his eyes were fierce. This scene is really... too Hot eyes.

What they don't know is that, compared to the hot eyes, Colonel Simon's eyes are almost popping out.

He knew that this person might have something to do with the church, but he didn't expect that the bishop would kiss his face so humbly. This scene was too incredible.

After the shock, followed by a burst of fear, Simon thought of his own impulse just now, in case someone really shot and went off...

Thinking of this, Simon felt terrified for a while. The church's punishment was not something he, or even his family, could afford.

"Damn bastard, almost killed me!!"

Thinking of this, Simon secretly swore in his heart that he would make the life of that damned despicable gang leader worse than death.

"The Lord God is with you!"

Xu Tong caressed this Simpson's bald head with his rough hands, um...the feel is not bad, but a little greasy.

"Thank you for your blessing, and your glory be with me."

Feeling the tenderness from this palm, Simpson was moved to tears, and his humble posture was more like a humble servant than a bishop.

But this is not an exaggeration. Although his appearance has changed, Xu Tong still has the blessing mark of Michael on his body, plus [Holy See Advisor], and this [Angel Tears], and the last time the Western script world brought great reputation.

Even if the archbishop in red faced Xu Tong, he needed to add a layer of respect to the same level of courtesy.

After Simpson sat down, Xu Tong asked about the local church with a smile.

This was just a casual question, but in Simpson's eyes, this was the envoy of God's master evaluating his performance, and he immediately said with a straight face; "The location of the church has been determined, but the funds... are still being collected."

In the Dharma-ending era, the church's theocracy has been unable to suppress the rising military power, and the royal family has drastically reduced the church's funds. This is nothing new.

Xu Tong, who has experienced a script with a western background, is already aware of this. Seeing Simpson's nervous expression, Xu Tong waved his hand to signal him to relax, and said casually:

"Bishop Anritat also encountered such difficulties, but under his preaching, many devout believers responded to the Lord's call and raised millions of taels of silver for the new church."

Simpson was even more ashamed when he heard the words. What is the environment in the New Territories and what is the environment in the capital? Just a few anti-foreign movements are already extremely dangerous. Naturally, one can imagine the difficulty of preaching in such an environment.

"Bishop Anritat's devotion as a God-lord must be bestowed by the God-lord." Simpson hurriedly agreed with Anritat's contribution.

"So you have to hurry up!"

As Xu Tong said, he waved towards the door, and A Bin, who was hiding at the door, bent over and came over immediately.

Before he could speak, Xu Tong stretched out his hand towards him: "Take the money!"

A Bin nodded hastily, turned around and ran to Master Hu's study, he remembered that there was a safe in Master Hu's study.

After about half an hour, Ah Bin came down with a thick stack of silver coins and put the money on the table.

Simpson collected the money with a smile. Xu Tong said that the Xingyi Gang would fully support Simpson in building the church in the future. Of course, the hidden meaning was that the money from the Xingyi Gang would no longer need to be donated to Colonel Simon.

Although the same is spending money, there is a big gap between the two. The former spends money on his own initiative, and how much he spends is up to him, while the latter is making offerings and honoring the foreigners. Don’t think too much of them Accepting it is for your face.

Not only did Colonel Simon have no objection to this, but he was happy to see the results. Compared with money, the friendship of the church is more important. A letter of introduction from the church is enough to help their family obtain a lot of political capital in the country.

Who would dare to be unconvinced in the Yixing Gang now?

If you want your fists to be hard enough, and if you want relationships, all foreigners will nod and bow their heads. Be a man or a dog. I believe everyone already has the answer in their hearts.

After seeing off Simon and Simpson, Xu Tong clapped his hands and began to act as a hands-off shopkeeper.

The rest of the messy things naturally fell on A Bin's head. Originally, he was a member of the Yixing Gang, and the things he took over were much simpler than those of the Yixing Gang. Those people in the Yixing Gang would not have any resistance After all, the Yixing Gang still belongs to their own family.

Naturally, Xu Tong's high profile was not for the momentary pleasure, but a deliberate decision.

Since it is a faction confrontation, regardless of strength, it is natural that who occupies more resources in the early stage, the better.

And my identity is really not good. If I foolishly go directly to the gate of Zhixing Hall, although I can complete the identity task, I am not rare with such an identity.

To put it nicely, it's a place of control, but to put it bluntly, it's a watchdog. This is not what I want.

Xu Tong picked up the teacup and took a sip: "Isn't it just a town hall? Whether you are black or white, I want it!"

(End of this chapter)

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