Chapter 811
Seeing the name on the note, Xu Tong's eyes showed a moment of astonishment.

"Coincidence?? Impossible, Ma Qi is still alive, but Ma Hongwen is definitely not alive!"

Xu Tong remembered the picture of himself jumping into the river with a big stone in his arms.

Even if Ma Hongwen had wings, he would not be able to survive, let alone this is the New Territories.

Well, if it weren't for Ma Hongwen, there should be quite a few people who know this name in this era. After all, the notoriety of the number one dandy in the capital is a stink.

But deliberately left the cloth strip here, with Ma Hongwen's name written on it...

Could it be that someone is deliberately using this note to remind himself of something? ?

In confusion, Xu Tong heard the reminder of the item book:

"Main Mission 1: Clues That Don't Exist

Mission description: The clue that shouldn't appear appears in a place that shouldn't appear. Don't you think it's interesting?

Successful mission: All team members get 300 alliance points.

Mission failure: 20% of the team's alliance points will be deducted. "

Seeing the quest prompt, Xu Tong was really confused, but that's okay, the main quests of the side quests just overlapped, and the source of all the clues pointed to the resurrected corpse Xuefeng Xuefeng.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong put away the note and sent the task to Gu Xibai and Li Bo through sharing.

"Come on, let's go to Mao Xuefeng's house."

After a person dies, no matter where the body is, the soul will return to its own home with consciousness to meet the family members.

This is why people often say that the first seven are very important.

Since Mao Xuefeng is a corpse, after he is resurrected, he will probably go home to have a look.

As long as you find this spear Xuefeng, the rest will be much easier.

Li Bo had already investigated the address of Mao Xuefeng's home, which was in Kowloon City.

The location of this place in the New Territories is very special. On the one hand, it is the unique topography of this place. There are nine mountains stretching across the northern end. Although the mountains are not big or high, they move like dragons. The nine mountains are like nine dragons, and Kowloon City is in the dragon mouth position.

According to Feng Shui, the Feng Shui environment here is not bad.

But in fact, the situation here is very bad, so bad that Li Bo and other police officers dare not go inside casually.

Because theoretically, this place is still under the jurisdiction of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, but it is connected with the jurisdiction of the people of the country, but now that the Qing Dynasty has perished, and now the warlords in various places are divided, who has the time to take care of things here.

As for those foreigners, they don't like to do such thankless things even more, so that this place has almost become a three-way zone, where a large number of exiles gather.

Many of them are desperadoes who fled from the mainland.

Fortunately, Xu Tong and the others didn't have any pressure to enter here. They used the phone number of the police station to call Abin, and soon Abin brought people to the police station to lead them into Kowloon City.

It's ironic to let the gangsters clear the way for these police officers.

But in the current New Territories, it is so bizarre.

Kowloon is Hong Shenghe's territory, and the boss of Hong Shenghe's hall is called Da Fei, who got the news early on and went outside to meet him.

As soon as he saw Xu Tong and others coming, Da Fei also started to mutter in his heart, wondering how this evil star would think of what to do here.

"Master Du, if you have something to say, you don't need to come in person."

Da Fei took the initiative to meet him and said with a smile.

"Haha, being idle is idle, come here for a stroll, Brother Da Fei will welcome you!"

Xu Tong grinned, and when his face was full of flesh, it inevitably made people think of the word "sinister and evil". Rao Dafei was also terrified by this smile.

Hurry up and raise your hand as a respect, and invite Xu Tong to go in.

Kowloon City at this moment is far from the high-rise buildings in the movie, like a complex look like a bunker. To be honest, it is more like the design style of the pig cage walled city in the movie "Kung Fu".

"There are a lot of refugees here, and it's a bit crowded when everyone lives together."

As Da Fei walked, he introduced Kowloon City to Xu Tong, the high and low tube buildings, and the corridors were full of all kinds of messy sundries.

When Xu Tong passed by the door of the family, he glanced inside and could roughly see a small room with six beds in it, with a layer of cloth in the middle as a partition. This should be a family. It's just that the room is too crowded, not as big as a ward in a hospital.

"I'm looking for someone named Mao Xuefeng, can you take me to meet his family?"

After Xu Tong visited a certain distance, he asked Da Fei.

"Spear Xuefeng!!"

Da Fei was a little surprised when he heard the name: "Isn't he dead??"

The news of Mao Xuefeng's fraudulent corpse was strictly sealed by the police station, so outsiders naturally didn't know about it, so Da Fei was subconsciously surprised when he heard Xu Tong's inquiry.

Xu Tong frowned slightly, fixed his eyes on Da Fei and asked, "Are you familiar with him?"

"That street boy... er... that young man is not bad, he is a rare high-achieving student here, you know, you know!"

Da Fei subconsciously wanted to scold the street, but after thinking about it, Master Du personally named the people, even if they were dead, he had to show some face, so he could only bluntly praise them.

After finishing speaking, he said with regret on his face: "Didn't he just die not long ago? I heard that he hanged himself. He usually looks like a wooden mouth, and he died like this."

Da Fei observed his words and wanted to see the reaction of Master Du.

Seeing this, Xu Tong knew that Da Fei was trying to test him out, so he didn't hide it: "You also think he's wronged, that's fine, I'm here today to be a corpse king, to avenge his grievances!"

The so-called corpse king means a person who investigates the cause of death of the deceased.

Xu Tong opened his mouth to be a corpse king for a student, but now Da Fei dared to talk nonsense, so he hurriedly took Xu Tong and his party to Mao Xuefeng's house.

On the way, he also told Xu Tong a lot about Mao Xuefeng.

Mao Xuefeng's parents are ordinary people, his mother is a aunt, and his father is a groom. He usually does everything from gambling, drinking, to drinking.

Mao Xuefeng grew up in such an environment. In the thinking of normal people, he should be the same as most of the children in Kowloon City. He can be a bewitching boy at a young age.

But Mao Xuefeng is a different kind. This kid loves to read, and he will read all kinds of weird books.

Later, they even went to university, which is simply an anomaly in Kowloon City. For them, going to school is a game that rich young masters and young ladies only go back to play.

It was because of this that Da Fei knew about Mao Xuefeng.

While talking, Da Fei led a group of people to Mao Xuefeng's house, and just as he walked to the door, he saw a woman coming out of the house with red eyes. After seeing Da Fei, he was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: " Brother Fei, I won't pick up customers today."

As soon as he said this, Da Fei immediately noticed that more than a dozen pairs of eyes behind him were staring at him, his face froze immediately, he coughed lightly twice, and hurriedly said haha: "No, no, that's Master Du, come here for you!" Our Xiaofeng is the corpse king!"

As Da Fei said, he hurriedly moved out of the way, only then did the woman notice Xu Tong and the others behind Brother Fei.

As soon as he heard that he was willing to be the corpse king for his own child, tears burst out of his eyes unstoppable.

He hurriedly invited Xu Tong and the others into the room to talk.

Xu Tong signaled Li Bo to ask about the basic situation of Mao Xuefeng's mother, and he went to Mao Xuefeng's room to observe.

It is not so much a room, it is actually a small partition, a space the size of a bed is already the entirety of Mao Xuefeng, the room is filled with all kinds of books, it can be seen that this Mao Xuefeng really seems to be As Da Fei said, he is a good boy who loves to study.

At this time, Xu Tong suddenly noticed a small shrine on the table beside the bed.

"Will Mao Xuefeng still worship God?"

Seeing the shrine, Xu Tong asked.

"Will... right..."

Mao Xuefeng's mother said with some uncertainty, while Da Fei leaned over to take a look, and immediately turned dark, and said to Mao Xuefeng's mother: "How many times have I told you, don't worship such a messy god , I want to worship the Dragon King, and you can reduce your monthly rent by [-]% by worshiping the Dragon King, do you understand!"

As he said that, Da Fei was about to reach out for the shrine, but Xu Tong raised his hand and opened it. Xu Tong moved his eyes to the shrine for a closer look.

【The seat of the old mother of Yinshan Mountain】

Seeing this strange name, Xu Tong frowned for a while: "Another strange god??"

Ordinarily, a child who doesn't like fooling around, loves to learn, and wants to change his life through reading is impossible to believe in these ghosts, but why is there an inexplicable god on the table.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong suddenly remembered the words of the old fairy Wusheng before his death. "Could it be that the death of Mao Xuefeng has something to do with these so-called gods?"

Just as Xu Tong was pondering, Gu Xibai's voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Stop!"

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for people to react, Gu Xibai's figure rushed out like a sharp sword.

Xu Tong rushed out following Gu Xibai after hearing the movement.

The two rushed into the narrow hallway one after the other, only to hear Gu Xibai yelling in the team channel: "This person seems to be a sharpshooter, with a heavy body aura!"

Hearing Gu Xibai's words, Xu Tong activated his supernatural powers to take a closer look, and sure enough, he saw a figure in student clothes running forward in a hurry.

The speed was very fast, and some people only saw a black shadow slide by, and they had already rushed more than ten meters away.

"let me!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't keep his strength, and the speed of his feet suddenly accelerated, and his figure shrunk to an inch like an afterimage. After surpassing Gu Xibai, he rushed behind Mao Xuefeng almost in the next second, stretched out his hand and slapped the guy shoulder: "Where else can you run!"

However, the moment Xu Tong patted Mao Xuefeng's body with his palm, Mao Xuefeng seemed to be frozen in place suddenly, with both feet together, standing straight on the spot, his head twisted behind his neck strangely, and his mouth uttered There was a burst of laughter like an old woman: "Hey hey hey, enter my Yinshan Eight Monsters Cave, and live forever without self-sufficiency. Since you are here, don't go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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