Chapter 817

A group of people walked into the Kowloon Walled City in the dark.

The Kowloon Walled City at night is even more strange than that during the day, which is hard to explain clearly.

The doors of every house were tightly closed, and the smell of incense still lingered in the air.

Occasionally, a huge mouse would flash past the crowd in the corner. If you listen carefully, you can hear screams, beatings, children's cries, and the noise of drinking. The mixture makes people feel real and somewhat illusory.

Xu Tong took out the [Unspeakable Mengfa villain] in his hand; "Everyone, be careful, no matter what sound you hear or what you see, run away as soon as possible, and don't fight recklessly with the other party."


Guo Xiang nodded. Although they are the deputy group of the Mo Sect, they also have a lot of information about the cave, and know that once they enter the cave, they must follow the rules of the cave.

The more powerful the god, the more rules there are in the cave, and one wrong step may destroy oneself forever.

Xu Tong took a deep breath, and after activating Dream Walk, he saw a gray light emitting from the doll in his hand, and then the light quickly spread to the surroundings.

But Xu Tong and the others did not immediately enter the cave, but heard something vaguely.


Xu Tong looked at the corridor ahead and led the crowd forward. As they gradually entered the corridor, the noise around them became smaller and smaller. Gradually, everyone found that the Kowloon Walled City, which was originally brightly lit, had no lights at this moment.

Gu Xibai glanced back, and found that there was an empty world behind him, and the surroundings were eerily quiet.

But when he turned his head to look forward again, he was suddenly taken aback: "Where is the person?"

Xu Tong, the Eldest Princess, Mei Da and others who were with him all disappeared, and the entire corridor was empty without anything.


Gu Xibai tried to shout.

But no one responded in the corridor, so he could only try to call Xu Tong on the team channel.

But when he shouted, he heard Gao Zhuo's voice: "Old Bai? Lao Bai, are you in?"

"Yes, old Gao, where are you?"

Gu Xibai looked around and found that his current location should be on the south side of the sixth floor, so he walked forward while asking.

"We are at the corner on the north side of the fourth floor. Don't come here. This place is a bit troublesome. Find a place to hide first. Don't run around!!"

Gao Zhuo's voice was very hasty, as if he was in some kind of difficulty at the moment, Gu Xibai wanted to help, but he didn't dare to act rashly after hearing Gao Zhuo's words.

Before he and Gao Zhuo returned to their hometown in Xiangxi, they also had a deeper understanding of Gao Zhuo, knowing that there must be a reason for Gao Zhuo not letting him come.

Just when he was about to try to find Xu Tong and the others, he suddenly felt something behind him for no reason, and suddenly turned around to see that in the empty corridor, there was nothing but darkness.

Seeing this, Gu Xibai took out his Wu hook from the item book, and walked forward cautiously with his hands in his palms.

"Da da da,"

Looking up, I saw drops of water seeping out along the cracks in the house above my head, forming droplets the size of beans, and dripping on the ground. I don’t know how long this leak has been leaking, and it has formed a large area on the ground. Puddles.

"The head should not have come in yet, I'll find a place to hide first, and then find a way to join them after they come in."

Gu Xibai thought about the countermeasures in his heart, but he suddenly felt that the sense of peeping became stronger.

"It's this feeling again!"

Gu Xibai didn't look back, and continued to walk forward pretending to be nonchalant, but he glanced at the reflection of the water under his feet from the corner of his eye, and saw a black shadow above his head quietly following behind him.

Seeing the black shadow, Gu Xibai frowned slightly. This black shadow was crawling upside down in the corridor like a spider, moving silently, taking every step with special care.

Seeing this, Gu Xibai settled down, pretended not to notice, and continued walking forward.

Every time he took a step, the shadow quietly followed behind and squirmed a few steps forward.

Gu Xibai walked to the corner of the intersection, and the Wu hook in his hand had already begun to emit an imperceptible murderous aura.

"Come closer!"

With the reflection of the Wu hook mirror, Gu Xibai was ready to attack, but just when he was ready to go, the shadow suddenly trembled slightly, turned around and ran away without turning his head.

"Eh?? How did you run away?? Could it be that you found me??" Gu Xibai was caught off guard by the shadow's move, and suddenly turned around, only to find that the shadow had disappeared.

Looking at the back of the shadow fleeing in a hurry, Gu Xibai suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart, and a chill came over him, as if something was heading towards him.

Seeing this, Gu Xibai took out the [Evil God Pointer] and took a look in his hand. The white needle on the pointer began to jump rapidly. Gu Xibai followed the pointer, poked his head out of the corner, squinted his eyes and looked inside. .

I saw a woman standing in the corridor. The woman's body was covered with yellow charms, and her face was covered by a white cloth. What was even more strange was that the woman's arms were pierced by thick iron nails, so that her hands could only be held in midair .

A shrine wrapped in red cloth was placed on the woman's arm. As the woman walked slowly, the surrounding space seemed to start to distort and collapse. Every time she came to a door, the woman stopped and opened the shrine. Align the portal.

But after a while, the door was opened, and four figures walked out from inside, a man, a woman, and two children. They looked like a family of four.

The four people looked dull, facing the shrine in front of them, kneeling on the ground respectfully, and they didn't know what they were chanting, as if devout believers were worshiping.

"Could this be the shrine mentioned in the mission!"

Gu Xibai clenched the Wu hook in his hand, and began to think in his heart that if he made a sneak attack, would he be sure to destroy this shrine within ten steps.

He has improved a lot this time. In addition, he has bathed in the Yin-Yang Spring in Netherland Youshan, and his physical body has broken through the limit of a warrior. He has reached the body of martial arts.

In addition, martial arts are strong and upright, and it is this kind of evil nemesis, so there may not be no chance under a sneak attack.

Thinking of this, Gu Xibai already had some thoughts in his heart that he was eager to try.

But when he poked his head out to look out again, the weird scene in front of him made his scalp tingle.

The red cloth wrapping the shrine squirmed a few times, and a gray-white palm stretched out from the shrine. The white skin was covered with various strange spells in blood-red handwriting. The moment the palm was stretched out, the entire corridor The temperature immediately began to drop rapidly.

Just lightly scratching in front of the four of them, the bodies of the family of four immediately began to twist, the flesh and blood were peeled off, the blood and bones were twisted together, and the four faces were forcibly spliced ​​together under the sound of desperate wailing. Together.

"Together, together, family, always together."

The four faces were twisted and stitched together into one face, laughing wildly, the laughter was mixed with the desperate cry of the child, the heart-piercing scream of the mother, and the maddened roar of the father.

In the blink of an eye, a monster whose whole body was covered in blood shadow was forcibly fabricated by this strange hand.

"What the hell is this shit!!"

Even though Gu Xibai was well-informed, seeing this scene, he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling. When he looked at the shrine again, he felt a murderous intent in his heart, saying that people are not afraid of gods, but ghosts.

Because in most people's minds, gods represent kindness and are amulets that protect all living beings, but they don't know that gods are terrifying, and they are countless times more terrifying than those evil spirits.

Gu Xibai frowned, already thinking about what to do next, this shrine was far more terrifying than he thought, just when he was about to retreat carefully and find a place to hide.

On the face of the monster that the family of four had turned into, an eyeball suddenly tilted, and with a single glance, they saw Gu Xibai hiding in the corner.


Looking at each other, a crazy, bloodthirsty, twisted thought rushed into Gu Xibai's heart along the line of sight of the other party.


The monster let out a deep roar, and its claws made of flesh and blood tore apart a thick layer of cement on the ground and raised its hand to throw it at him.


The wall was pierced in an instant, and the power of that piece of cement was comparable to that of a cannonball directly smashing through the wall at the corner.

If it wasn't for Gu Xibai's swift action, even a grand master would be severely injured at this time.

Gu Xibai, who dodged the attack, hadn't turned around to look at it before, and a feeling that made his hairs stand on end swept over his whole body.

Gu Xibai didn't dare to turn his head back, but just glanced behind him with the refraction of the Wu hook sword in his hand, just one glance made Gu Xibai's whole body icy cold, and an unprecedented fear made his scalp numb.

I saw that the shrine on the woman's arm had been torn open at some point, and a face that could not distinguish between male and female was staring at him with resentment.

The pupils that could no longer see the whites of his eyes were filled with boundless resentment and despair. He just glanced at the shadow, and the muscles of his whole body were about to freeze in place.

Fortunately, Gu Xibai's will to enter the Tao with martial arts was firm and unshakable, so he lowered his head and ran forward quickly.

He was extremely fast, but the roar behind him was getting closer and closer. The bloody giant made a strange cry. Amidst the strange screams full of malice, everything he passed was like being forcibly bulldozed by a bulldozer. just as scary.

Gu Xibai didn't dare to take it lightly, he was not afraid of this monster, but that shrine brought him tremendous pressure.

The pair of eyes in the shrine flashed back in his mind, as if all the evil thoughts in the world were gathered in it, he was a full-fledged evil god, he didn't want to get entangled with this monster, for fear of being caught by the monster in the shrine, but running like this There is no way, this monster looks like a thick-skinned meat shield, and it is unrealistic to want to solve the battle in a short time.

If he keeps running like this, the monster is chasing him, and the noise is too loud. Don't provoke anything at that time, it will be even more troublesome for him.

"Find a way to get rid of him!"

When Gu Xibai saw the stairs going up and down in front of him, his mind moved, and he came up with a plan. He deliberately slowed down to let the monster get closer to him, but he still couldn't catch him.

When I went straight to the stairs, I jumped down the stairs, and the moment my feet landed, I heard the roar of the monster behind me, and I saw the huge body of the monster jumping down from the steps, with a distorted smile on its face Come.

"Get off!"

Gu Xibai suddenly turned around, waved both hands at the same time, taking advantage of the inertia of the monster's inability to change direction when it jumped up, poured martial arts will into both fists, aimed at the monster's chest and hit it.

Immediately, a thick shock wave gushed out from both fists, and after hitting the monster's chest, under the push of Gu Xibai, it flew directly into the air. After smashing the glass in the corridor behind, the monster's face was filled with anger and Unwilling to fall directly downstairs.

Seeing the monster falling down the stairs, Gu Xibai might not be able to catch up with him again for a while, Gu Xibai couldn't help but let out a long breath, but just as he was about to get up and go downstairs, when he turned his head, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw a whole body lying on the stairs. The figure shrouded in white cloth was standing in front of him holding a small leather drum...

 There are two more updates tonight, let me have a meal first
(End of this chapter)

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