Chapter 819 Dongtian Store


Xu Tong pushed open the door, only to see no trace of human habitation in the empty room.

I glanced at the house number, wondering if it was a coincidence, but the number on the house number was auspicious, number 404.

"This is the room!"

Xu Tong walked into the door with the eldest princess.

Then with a pinch of the fingers, a large piece of yellow paper quickly rotated in front of Xu Tong after activating the paper control. Following Xu Tong's thoughts, two paper figurines of the same height as a man were soon ready.

In order to take care of the mood of the two big brothers, Xu Tong specially put on brand new clothes for the two paper figurines.

After the paper figurine was finished, according to the teacher, Xu Tong wrote his birth date on the paper figurine's back, mixed his hair with sesame oil, and stuck it on the paper figurine's shoulders and forehead.

After doing all this, Xu Tong put the incense table away, and asked in the team channel: "Gao Zhuo, Lao Bai, whatever the situation is with the three of you now, who needs support?"

"Head, Wuju fell asleep, I'm watching him, now we're trapped on the fourth floor, it's not easy to go out, but we don't plan to go out now either."

Gao Zhuo quickly responded.

"Is he asleep??" Xu Tong confirmed this question to Gao Zhuo again.

"Yes, we exchanged a special item in the store here, through which we can enter and travel freely here, but the price is that we need to fall asleep for three days. We entered this room to hide with this item, It’s not difficult to go out again, but it will be troublesome if you want to come back.”

Gao Zhuo roughly described their current situation to Xu Tong.

There is a completely enclosed house at the left corner on the fourth floor. This house has no door, only one window, and the location is remote, so it is safe to hide inside.

The only bad thing is that there is an altar in their room, I don't know what it is for, it feels quite bluffing.

Now Chang Wuzhi has fallen asleep, Gao Zhuo needs to guard him, and it is safer to hide inside than outside, so Gao Zhuo will not plan to come out for a while.

Xu Tong heard that this is also a solution, otherwise this place is so dangerous and they can't escape, the risk is indeed very high.

Then he asked about Gu Xibai, and Gu Xibai said that he was still on the sixth floor.

However, he killed a devil and obtained two props, and he is currently hiding in a room.

"Boss, I feel that those two strange things are still on the sixth floor, but I don't know exactly where they are. I'll wait to see the situation and call you again if necessary."

"Okay, if you can't hold on, just jump down, I'll meet you on the first floor!"

After Xu Tong signaled Gu Xibai to be careful, he ended the team chat, not knowing how Guo Xiang and the others are doing now.

The pager has no signal here at all, otherwise we can meet them at that time.

He glanced at the paper figurine in front of him again, it seemed that it was not the right time to call out Seventh and Eighth Masters.

After all, if Qi Ye and Ba Ye are invited here now, it would be bad if they startled the snake.

The paper figurines stand here first, and when they encounter those dirty things again, they will be lured to them. At that time, I will invite the seventh and eighth masters to come out of the mountain. Wouldn't it be great to take all these demons and evil gods under the same pot?


The Eldest Princess stood guard outside the door. At this moment, her hands had recovered, and she took out the bracelet from her waist and put it on again.

Xu Tong nodded, seeing the table in the hands of the eldest princess, he couldn't help but think of the words of the two old Taoist priests in Chunyang Palace: "There is half of the Sutra on it, if you need the second half, wait until you go back this time." How about I get it for you."

The eldest princess was startled when she heard the words, then a smile appeared on her face, and the corners of her scarlet lips rose slightly: "You let me take a bite, it will benefit me more than this sitting forgetting scriptures."

After speaking, the eldest princess felt a little helpless: "But you are in this state, I can't say anything, otherwise this place is just right..."

The eldest princess looked around, both regretful and heartbroken. If Xu Tong hadn't entered the five declines of heaven and man, she might not be able to hold him in her arms and suck him hard at this time.

The corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched, and he suddenly felt that the five declines of heaven and man may not be a bad thing.

"Let's go, Lao Bai said just now that he is hiding now, let's take this opportunity to take a stroll."

Now that Xu Tong has confidence, he is naturally not afraid of encountering those evil gods again, and even has a little expectation in his heart, hoping to attract a few more evil gods.

"Be careful, this place is much more complicated than I thought."

The eldest princess saw through Xu Tong's careful thinking, poked Xu Tong's head with her slender fingers, and warned him not to take it lightly.

"Do you know Dongtian very well?"

Seeing the unusually serious look on the eldest princess's face, Xu Tong asked, in fact, he didn't know much about Dongtian, but the eldest princess seemed to know it very well.

"Do you remember Mr. Yang from my family?"

"You mean Qin Tianjian!"

"Yes, that is the cave, but it is a man-made cave."

The two of them walked along the corridor while talking about the Dongtian. There are several kinds of Dongtian.

Among them, there is a man-made cave, which is the place where the eldest princess originally lived. It can be created with powerful towns, huge grievances, and formations.

But this kind of cave requires huge financial and material resources, and even human life to complete.

Because this kind of place is too complicated, and the created cave is prone to evil spirits, so it is a forbidden technique.

The cave where the eldest princess lives is a pit filled with the lives of 600 people, plus several dragon and tiger Taoists joined forces to cast spells, and it took an unknown amount of money to create a man-made cave.

Then there is the natural cave, which is what people often call a blessed place.

Because it is a natural treasure, it is a special cave formed by the heaven, earth, sun and moon, and the aura of mountains and rivers.

There are not a few such caves, and there are even many treasures of heaven and earth, so they are called caves and blessed places.

Finally, there is the cave in front of you, which is a world created by the gods through their own divine power.

The stronger the gods are, the stronger the caves they create will be.

For example, the fairy world that Xu Tong once visited is known as the 33 heavens, but strictly speaking it is also a cave, but it is rather special, and every day implies the laws of the gods and the laws of the heavens.

But there is a shortcoming, once the cave is broken, the godhead will be shattered immediately, and even one of the gods will surely die at that time.

Of course, if that time really comes, I am afraid that the world will be in chaos.

When the eldest princess said this, Xu Tong knew more about Dongtian.

While the two were talking, they vaguely saw a light on in front of them.

The dim lighting here is particularly dazzling, but it also gives people a very warm sense of security. There is a small shop faintly visible under the lighting.

"He Kee Grocery Store"

The shop is brightly lit, with a simple and clean facade, and through the glass, you can see the shop-like decoration inside, which makes the shop look out of place here.

"This should be the point store that Gao Zhuo and the others are talking about, right?" Curious, Xu Tong pulled the eldest princess over.

As a result, as soon as she approached the light outside the gate, the eldest princess was repelled by a force. She was stunned for a moment, and then shook her head at Xu Tong as if feeling something: "This place seems to be protected by some rules. I can't enter. go."

"Is it possible that only players can enter?"

Xu Tong secretly guessed in his heart.

But this seems to make sense, this store is specially prepared for players, whether it is the princess, or the characters in the script world, they can't see this store at all, and they can't enter it.

"Wait for me here, if you are in danger, run to room 404."

After Xu Tong instructed the eldest princess, he continued to walk inside. He wanted to see what was going on in the store.

"Ding! You have entered a special area for players. You can only stay in this area for 15 minutes a day. If you overtime, you will be charged 30 script points per second until you leave."

"Ding! Players cannot use item abilities in special areas, and cannot perform combat damage here."

Hearing the prompt, Xu Tong was even more sure of the particularity of this store, and walked into the store.

"Welcome to He Ji Grocery Store, what do you need?"

A clerk stood behind the counter and looked at Xu Tong with a smile.

"Is there anything special here? It's my first time here and I want to find out."

Xu Tong looked at the clerk's body. The distinctive modern clothing made the clerk look very unsuitable in this scripted world.

It was as if a large group of actors were filming a costume drama, and they lost themselves in the filming. When the camera turned around, they found an extra performer wearing short-sleeved shorts, with a cigarette in his hand, sitting on a dragon chair eating a boxed meal.

"You can take a look at the list. Some of the items on it have marked prices, and some have not. For things with marked prices, you can only buy them according to the price. For items without marked prices, we can discuss them slowly."

The clerk handed Xu Tong a manual, which was a list of items in the grocery store, which listed the entries of these props in detail.

Xu Tong knew that time was precious, and after glancing over it, it was strange to point to the things on the list.

For example, a piece of yellow incense actually requires 200 personal points to purchase.

Moreover, this was still a starting price. Xu Tong quickly spotted an object tightly wrapped with a red thread, and the outline of a human figure could be vaguely seen. The price under this object actually cost 2 points.

And those items without marked prices are even more strange, with all kinds of strange abilities, and these abilities are very underworld.

Among them, Xu Tong saw the Borrowing Corpse Resurrection Scroll. According to the explanation of the entry on the list, this thing can allow the dead souls in the cave to leave the cave temporarily, and return to the underworld through the method of resurrecting the soul through the corpse.

But there is a condition, the person who resurrects the corpse will temporarily lose two-thirds of the ability of the item book.

Mao Xuefeng was able to be resurrected, it seems that he used this item...

(End of this chapter)

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