Infinite script kill

Chapter 823 Trap

Chapter 823 Trap

Through a door, Xu Tong could clearly hear the sound of gnawing outside the door.

For some reason, when Xu Tong heard the sound, he couldn't help thinking of the picture of the dog gnawing on the bone.

He didn't move, and looked carefully at Guo Xiang in front of him through the crack of the door.

I didn't know what Guo Xiang looked like originally, but the female college student he played this time was really pretty.

But at this moment, Guo Xiang's face was covered with blood, and Di Bo's death was not long, so that when Guo Xiang's claws lifted Di Bo's head, Xu Tong could smell the smell inside.

"No taste, no taste..."

Guo Xiang licked it as if possessed, and seemed to have sensed something, suddenly raised her head and stared at the door in front of her.

Xu Tong's heartbeat gradually quickened. Watching Guo Xiang approach the door step by step, he had already held the black water dragon tooth in his hands, and the eldest princess slowly raised her hands.

Guo Xiang looked at the door in front of her, seemed to be hesitating for something, when she stretched out her hand and was about to knock on the door.

However, the door was gently opened a crack, and unexpectedly, a seasoning packet was thrown out of the opened crack.

Guo Xiang took it subconsciously, the nails on her hand just tore open the plastic bag, looking at the scattered powder, Guo Xiang stuck out her tongue and licked a mouthful, smashed her mouth, and hugged the human head and seasoning bag in her arms ran away.

Only after Guo Xiang's figure gradually disappeared in the corridor, Xu Tongcai and the eldest princess came out of the room.

"What did he give you?"

The little princess looked at Lu Liang suspiciously. Lu Liang took a bite of his instant noodles, looked at Mu Teng's disappearing figure and said, "Injectable soul."

"Trust him!"

The little princess rolled her eyes, she was used to Di Bo's habit of talking nonsense.

Whether there is a shrine under Lu Liang's body shows that you are not an evil god, but you have obviously lost your mind.

According to Gu Xibai, the man holding the shrine seems to have the ability to turn all creatures into monsters.

He has already experienced the ability of Baibai Evil God himself.

What is the ability of this little foot is temporarily unknown, but I noticed that the blood on the ground was spilled from downstairs.

And the little feet appeared from the seventh floor, so the two seem to have no intersection.

The least possible possibility is that Lu Liang met another evil god downstairs and killed Guo Xiang before being bewitched.

So there shouldn't be an evil spirit downstairs, but it's clear why it came up.

The two of them walked to the window and found that the seven evil gods who had just walked up the stairs were standing behind the altar. A white aura gushed out from the shrine below us, and the aura fluttered in the air like the long hair of a male ghost. Even though they were far apart, Debow could feel the hopeless kindness and curse in it.

"What the hell is that!!" Inoshita Murasai tightly gripped the handle of the knife at his waist. The seven monsters behind my eyes have already made my scalp tingle, not to mention the shrine under us, which is simply the source of evil Similarly, even though I have such a small mind, in order to practice the sword, I chop and slash a thousand times a day, but now facing the shrine behind my eyes, Jingxia Cunzhai suddenly felt a deep sense of strength in his heart.

It seemed that his proud power didn't play the slightest role in front of those monsters.

At that time, a hand was placed under the back of my hand. Inoshita Murasai raised his head and found that it was Seimei Sakuragi.

I just shook my head: "Relax, you brought tributes, we will attack you rashly, we want to be easy!"

"He knows what we are??" Inoshita Murasai asked loudly before hearing what Sakuragi Seimei said.

After coming here, Inoshita Murasai knew that there was such a terrible thing there. If he knew, he would definitely take the risk to come to that place.

I even believe now that Akakimaru sensed something and deliberately made such a small noise to take the opportunity to escape? ?
Sakuragi Seimei shook his head, saying that those things will be discussed before going out, and the most important thing now is to make Wansai villain's plan.

Wansai Musashigen stood on the altar, chanting that others could not understand the language, while his body was circling around the altar like a little god dancing.

"What is that guy doing??"

Although Lu Liang nearby could feel that Mansai Lu Liangli's funny movements seemed to imply some kind of law, but he could see the way.

"I said, I want to make a deal with those evil gods."

Unexpectedly, the little princess stopped translating for Di Bo directly, and I turned my head in surprise.

The little princess just said indifferently: "That way of praying is actually one of the earliest ways for Shamanism to communicate with ghosts and gods, and it is unique to the Japanese country, or it was originally your thing."

Uh... Regarding the question that touched the blind spot, Lu Liang chose to shut up and listen to the little princess's explanation obediently.

"Those seven Xu Tongs represent your hypocrisy. If you wish, you can come to the Yin Yang Shrine. Every year you will enshrine such Xu Tongs as a tribute, and the seven of you can also enjoy the incense in the Shrine."


The seven shrines trembled slightly, as if they were discussing something, and they were arguing with each other.

Then the man on the right stretched out a palm outside the shrine held low in mid-air by the man, stretched out his hand and grabbed Xu Tong behind him back into the shrine, and soon bright red blood overflowed from the shrine.

Seeing this, the other eight shrines seemed to be able to resist the temptation, and stretched out their hands to grab the tribute behind their faces.

"We promised??"

Deborah frowned.

"It should be agreed, but we will eat the tribute."


The blood dripped on the ground, and the smell of blood in the air became more and more pungent. Sakuragi Seimei's face became more and more excited, and he growled in his heart: "Eat, eat, those beasts, before they have tasted Xu Tong's delicious food, From now on, it will be a dog raised by your Yin-Yang Divine Palace!"

Wanzhai Lingtongyuan waited patiently for us to finish eating, and then continued to dance around the altar.

Seeing this, the little princess frowned: "That's right, I'm ordering those evil gods to find all the living people hiding in the cave."

"Can these evil gods listen to me??"

Some of Lu Liang took it for granted, if those evil gods could keep their promises, we would be evil gods.

Sure enough, just as Di Bo said, the seven shrines were completely moved by Wanzhai Lingtongyuan's order, and even pairs of eyes scanned back and forth under Sakuragi Seimei and others. His eyes became more fierce at this moment.

"Siga!" When Jing Xiacunzhai noticed that the evil gods were looking at him, he immediately grasped the handle of the knife in front of the deep kindness in his eyes. beheaded.


Seeing this, Wanzhai soul boy Yuan sighed a long time, continued to jump up, but looked at the seven shrines and said with regret: "Sure enough, that nation is full of despicable roots, even the gods outside .”

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding air suddenly stopped rising slowly, and the eyes of the seven shrines were fixed on Wansai Musashigen.


A piercing scream suddenly erupted from the shrine held in the palm of the man's hand, as if it had suffered some minor injury, causing the shrine to tremble violently.

"Wow wow wow..."

The cry of the baby came from the shrine, and the baby who had been eaten by us was now crying outside our stomach.


Immediately following a harsh cracking sound, a dark aura overflowed from the shrine in a controlled manner, and even the man holding the shrine fell to his knees on the ground, writhing his body happily.

Before the other eight shrines realized that it was right, they quickly launched an attack on Wanzhai Lingtongyuan. The terrifying evil thoughts twisted into a terrible cursed storm and poured out instantly, turning the surrounding world into darkness.

"Seventy-seven divine gates!"

Facing the terrible storm of curses in front of his eyes, Wanzhai Lingtongyuan seemed to be unprepared for a long time. He opened his hands, and arched [及]-shaped divine gates rose from the ground, forming a purple enchantment.


The entire cave was trembling, and the terrifying curse force hit the barrier, causing cracks like spider webs to appear in the barrier in just a split second.

"Sure enough, the talk has collapsed!"

For such a result, Di Bo was not satisfied at all, and he didn't even have any big expectations. He hoped that we would bite the dog.

I looked into the barrier, wave after wave of curse power hitting the barrier, secretly cheering for us.

If you convert that curse power into a skill, it will be below level ten at most. Even if your white and dark body is replaced, you probably won't be able to resist such a terrifying curse attack.

But Wansai Lu Liangli's strength seems to have exceeded Di Bo's expectations.

Before the old guy took out the talisman from his sleeve, he stuck the talisman under the barrier, and the barrier that had been cracked quickly ended its recovery.

"Stupid, if the Luliang they eat is willing to obey, just wait to be devoured by Xu Tong!"

Sakuragi Seimei let out a small laugh.

The Yin-Yang Shrine has nothing to do with those evil gods, and Xu Tong is specially used to capture us. Once we eat it, unless these upright gods who enjoy no incense help, we will be able to unravel the curse in it.

"The situation is right!"

When Lu Liang saw that scene nearby, he couldn't help sweating for the seven evil gods, just as I was thinking about how to take action to help us.

Out of the corner of the eye, Ding saw the other end of the corridor. Lu Liang, who had just left, knew when he was standing outside, with blood-red tears in his eyes, staring at us like two white holes. , The mouth opened hastily, deforming and tearing the original delicate face.

At that time, Lu Liang saw that there was a pocket idol standing outside Muto's mouth, and an extremely angry roar swayed from under the idol, engulfing a terrible storm of curses and attacking the two of them: "Death! !!"

(End of this chapter)

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