Infinite script kill

Chapter 825 Carbine

Chapter 825 Back to the Carbine


Watching Xu Tong's disappearing figure, Mansai Musashigen's facial features were twisted together in pain.

At this moment, he seemed to have aged dozens of years at once, his whole body was covered with wrinkles, and his ten fingers were bitten off.

"You coward, you bastard Chinese! You come back!!"

Wansai Musashigen was about to go crazy at the moment, he paid such a high price, but in the end Xu Tong didn't hurt a single hair, so he slapped his ass and left, one can imagine how aggrieved he felt in his heart.

He is like a red-eyed gambler. When he saw that he was holding a straight flush, he would not hesitate to mortgage his house and car and stud all of them in, winning tens of millions of fortunes.

As a result, when you clicked to withdraw cash, you found that the gambling app could no longer be connected.

What's even more exasperating is that when you click on it unwillingly, the background of this APP sends you a text message: "This game is only for entertainment, gambling is illegal, and nine out of ten bets lose."

Fortunately, Wansai Musashigen's heart is strong enough, otherwise I am afraid that today's test will not be passed.

But even so, Mansai Musashigen's petite heart at the moment is a little bit too much to bear.

His current situation is not optimistic. He fell to the ground and coughed up blood continuously. Inoue Murasai and Sakuragi Seimei walked up quickly to help him up.

Sakuragi Seimei did not hesitate to take out the most precious healing medicine for him to eat.

"Let's go!!" Mansai Musashi Gen said in a low voice. He is now at the end of his strength, but the bigger crisis is not this.

Wansai Musashigen raised his head, and the seal behind him was about to collapse. Once the seal collapsed, he would have no way to control the soul boys in the bodies of these evil gods based on his current situation.

"But now, we can't get out."

Once Mengxing entered, they could only leave after the time was up. They came in later than Xu Tong and his group, and they had to wait at least ten minutes longer to go out.

"Find a place to hide first!"

Wansai Musashigen couldn't care less about cursing, so he ordered Inoue Murasai to carry himself on his back and hide in the corridor.

On the other side, after Xu Tong and his party came out, they looked up and found four people standing on the stairs.


Before Xu Tong could say anything, he heard a bang behind him, and Guo Xiang fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth and twitching.

The three of Xu Tong hurried forward, the eldest princess took her pulse, and then asked Xu Tong to give her a five-elixir pill: "There should be no major problems, let's take her back first."

"Wait, you take her back, I want to enter the cave again."

Xu Tong didn't intend to go back at this time, he took out the [Nightmare Bone Ring] and put it on his finger.

【Nightmare Bone Ring】

The carrier can enter and exit the cave world at any time.

Active Skill 1: Overcast

Consuming 200 script points, you can forcibly enter and exit the cave world in a specific place.

"Head, do you want to..." Gu Xibai understood Xu Tong's meaning.

Xu Tong nodded, and that face that was originally full of flesh became even more hideous for a moment, with murderous intent in his eyes: "While you are sick and killing you, that old guy will never think that I will turn back , take this opportunity to kill them!"

If he could take advantage of this opportunity and directly kill that old man Wan Zhai, then he would be sure to win this team match.

Although it is more risky to do so, how can you achieve great things without taking risks.

Xu Tong had already made up his mind, so it was imperative to turn back this time.

"I will go with you!"

The eldest princess didn't want Xu Tong to be in danger alone. That Wanzhai old man is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. Xu Tong shot a feint this time, but he was actually injured. In addition, just now, Xu Tong had already used the time system Item card, now there is no hole card for life-saving, let him go in alone, the princess is not at ease.

"It's okay, at worst, I'll invite my wife out!"

Since he was determined to kill the old man Wan Zhai, Xu Tong had made up his mind this time and would never hold back.

The Eldest Princess just fought three against one, and she is not in a good state now, so he doesn't want the Eldest Princess to take risks with him.

The eldest princess was also a decisive woman, seeing that Xu Tong had already made plans in her heart, she stopped pestering her and just said: "Okay, I'll wait for you outside!"

This is a caring woman, not only able to fight, but also very smart.

They guarded outside, and if that old guy Wan Zhai escaped, they could set up an ambush outside again.

"Head, head, are you back??"

However, at this moment, Li Bo's scream suddenly came from the team channel.

Xu Tong was startled, not knowing what trouble this fat man had caused, and asked in the team channel: "What's wrong?"

After hearing Xu Tong's voice, Li Bo immediately became excited and screamed: "Come help, this devil has gone mad, our lair is about to be overthrown by him, we can't stand it at all."


Xu Tong was startled, and hurriedly asked Li Bo to explain what was going on.

Li Bo sent a visual screenshot. When Xu Tong saw it, his face completely darkened in an instant.

The streets were full of corpses, and a figure holding a paper fan broke into the main altar of the Yixing Gang and started killing.

The figure of this person looked very strange, but Xu Tong had seen the paper fan in his hand before, so he recognized it at a glance.

This guy chose to rush into the Yixing Gang at this time and start a massacre. The timing of his choice was really a coincidence.

Xu Tong was caught in a dilemma for a while, but after a while, he gritted his teeth and decided to kill the old man Wan Zhai no matter what, no matter how much he paid, it was worth it.

"Go back and support first!!"

Xu Tong signaled Gu Xibai and the eldest princess to go back to support, and he contacted the other two members of Guo Xiang's team, asking them to support the Yixing Gang together, and at the same time notified Li Bo to report to the church.

"it is good!"

After the eldest princess expressed her understanding, she hurried back with Gu Xibai.

Xu Tong was still a little worried, so he simply slapped his head and asked the second soul, the little fat man, to go back with the eldest princess and the others.

After all, the opponent's ability is too weird, and the strength is definitely not an ordinary person. The eldest princess is injured, and Xiaopang himself is more at ease.

After they left, Xu Tong turned the [Nightmare Bone Ring] in his hand, activated the ability of the ring, and passed the Yin.

Then the figure disappeared in the corridor.

Not long after Xu Tong's figure disappeared, he saw a sneaky figure coming out from the other end of the corridor with a knocking sound. This person's whole body was shrouded in black shadows. Looked around for a while and cursed: "This rubbish task is really difficult for a mother."

After speaking, his eyes rolled around: "It's just right, this may not be an opportunity!"

As he spoke, he saw this person take out a small medicine bottle from his arms, and the medicine bottle emitted scarlet blood in the night.

After hesitating again and again, Hei Ying took the medicine bottle and walked up to the windward position, and then opened the cork of the medicine bottle, accompanied by a puff of red smoke floating out of the bottle. The city was enveloped.

On the other side, when Xu Tong entered the cave world again, there was a pungent smell of blood in the air.

The walls and the ground were covered with blood-red paw prints.

The crooked mark, like a silent curse, makes people feel terrified.

The rooms in the corridor were violently smashed to pieces, and many doors were demolished until only one door frame remained.

Listen carefully, and you can still hear the piercing screams in the building. The sound seems to be close to the distance, but occasionally there will be a loud knock on the door, and you can conclude that the distance should not be far from you.

"I've only been away for a while, how did it become like this??"

Xu Tong looked at the corridor in front of him, and couldn't help frowning. He didn't know what happened, but when he saw these smashed doors, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and immediately jumped out of the window in the corridor. to the first floor.

"Gao Zhuo, how are you doing, are you all right!!"

Xu Tong asked Gao Zhuo while running to room 404.

"Huh??? Head, why are you still here??"

Even in the team channel, Gao Zhuo unconsciously lowered his voice.

"What happened please?" Xu Tong asked Gao Zhuo.

"I don't know, but these evil gods seem to be crazy. They seem to be looking for someone. Fortunately, there is no door in our room, otherwise we might have been discovered."

At this moment, Gao Zhuo was grateful for his choice with Chang Wuzhi, otherwise he would be in big trouble at this time
After talking about Gao Zhuo, when he wanted to ask Xu Tong why he hadn't returned, he glanced at the window abruptly, his pupils tightened instantly, and his eyes were fixed on the only window in the room.

Through the glass, a crooked shadow can be vaguely seen lying on the window...

(End of this chapter)

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