Chapter 837
This face was bloody and bloody, and the two eyeballs protruded more than half from the eye sockets, lying there as if they were about to fall out.

The four eyes met for a moment, and Li Bo's mind became hot: "What are you worried about, believe it or not, I will chop you up!"

The other party was also startled, and immediately retracted his head, followed by the sound of footsteps, as if the other party was running towards him.

Hearing the movement, Li Bo thought to himself: "As long as you don't meet those evil gods, and Mansai Musashigen, other cats and dogs may not be my opponents!"

Li Bo had a good idea, and immediately rushed upstairs: "When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. I draw my sword and ask the sky!"

Li Bo jumped up with a vigorous step, and jumped to the corner of the second floor. When he looked up, Li Bo was instantly dumbfounded.

A figure stood on the stairs, his thin body looked malnourished, Li Bo thought he could hit ten with such a small body.

Of course, the premise is to ignore the huge sarcoma on this guy's back.

On the huge sarcomas, distorted faces let out silent howls, and several slender arms extended from the sarcomas, extending on the surrounding walls like spider tentacles.

Seeing this, the corner of Li Bo's mouth twitched, and he silently glanced at the dagger in his hand: "Sorry for the trouble."

After saying that, Li Bo turned around and ran away.

But he moved extremely fast, and the spider-like figure behind him swooped in front of him almost in the next second, and the distorted faces on the huge tumor let out terrible howls.

Li Bo intuitively felt that his eyes went dark, his body seemed to have fallen into a quagmire, where his limbs were stiff and uncontrollable, he could only watch helplessly as this huge shadow rushed towards him.

Despair, helplessness, fear and other emotions rushed into Li Bo's mind for a while, and the huge gap made his whole body cold.

Fortunately, in the midst of despair, something suddenly came to Li Bo's mind. For a while, he didn't care about 21, and raised his palm with all his strength.

With the emergence of a talisman in the palm of the hand, a strong light suddenly exploded between the two.


With a flash of blinding thunder, Li Bo was immediately thrown into the air and rolled down the corridor. The picture in front of his eyes blurred for a while, and his ears buzzed.

He didn't expect that the two life-saving thunder charms that Xu Tong gave him back then would be so powerful, like a bomb, shaking his internal organs to twitch.

Leaning against the wall, he saw that half of the monster's body had been charred by lightning. However, to Li Bo's heart, the monster did not die.

After the other half of the body wailed in pain, it opened its mouth to eat the body that had been charred by lightning.

"Damn, what the hell is this shit!"

Seeing this, Li Bo couldn't help but swear, but his eyes showed a cruel look. He took out the dagger from the item book, and was about to take advantage of the paralyzed state of the monster to kill him directly.

However, before he could make a move, he heard the sound of huge footsteps running towards him in the corridor behind him.

With the privilege of [Human Face Owl], Li Bo could see through the darkness and see a huge shadow running towards him from a distance.


Looking at the silhouette of that shadow, Li Bo gasped involuntarily, and now he didn't care about making up the knife, turned around and ran to the other side of the corridor.

"Head, have you come in yet? Brother Gao, Brother Chang, where are you guys?"

While running, Li Bo continued to try to call for help on the team channel.

But the strange thing is that Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi didn't respond to him, as if he was abandoned by the team.

I don't know how long I ran.

Li Bo suddenly stopped, and there were two corridors in front of him, one on the left and one on the right, just as he was hesitating which direction to go.

Hearing the sound of "click", Li Bo's heart was agitated, and he immediately took out the dagger in his hand and put it on his chest.

Looking for the sound, he saw a room door was gently pushed open with a gap, and a woman was hiding behind the door and looking at him.

Seeing Li Bo holding a short sword, the woman looked a little scared, and said in a low voice, "Let's go, this is not where you should come."

As she spoke, the woman planned to close the door.

Seeing this, Li Bo hurried forward, grabbed the door, and faced the terrified woman, Li Bo hurriedly said, "Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person, let me go in and hide."

This place is too dangerous, any monster may kill him, and now Xu Tong and the others can't get in touch, it's better for him to find a place to hide first.

The woman hesitated for a moment: "Are you really going to come in?? My husband is not at home..."

Li Bo wanted to explain, but at this moment the huge figure in the corridor was getting closer, Li Bo's expression changed, he didn't care much, he opened the door, jumped into the room with the woman's waist in his arms, Then quickly shut the door.


The woman was obviously frightened by Li Bo's actions, she stuck her body stiffly against the wall and did not dare to move.


Li Bo made a silence gesture towards the woman, and then listened outside the door with his ears pricked up.

"Dong dong dong..."

The sound of heavy footsteps gradually approached, and Li Bo's heartbeat also accelerated. At this moment, the sound of footsteps suddenly stopped outside the door, and Li Bo's face suddenly turned pale.

Across the door, he could hear the heavy breathing outside the door.

Looking sideways at the window next to the door, a black image was pasted on the window to look inside.

Now Li Bo could only stick himself to the door as much as possible, for fear that the monster would see him.

At this time, the monster suddenly raised its head as if it saw something, turned around and walked quickly to the other side. Li Bo didn't know if it was his own illusion, but Li Bo felt that the speed of the monster was much faster than when it came.

But no matter what, this guy had already left, and Li Bo let out a heavy breath. Only then did he notice that he was still holding the woman, and immediately let go of his hand in embarrassment and explained: "I'm really not a bad person. The situation was urgent just now, and I didn't take care of that much."

The woman lowered her head and just gave a soft "hmm".

Suddenly the atmosphere in the room became silent. In order to avoid embarrassment, Li Bo looked at the room in front of him.

The furnishing of the room is very simple, a bed, a cabinet, a table, almost all the furniture is placed in front of you at a glance, and there is a kitchen in the next room, which is full of pots and pans.

Although simple, it still looks very warm.

"You sit down."

The woman motioned Li Bo to sit down, as if she was not used to a man suddenly breaking into her home.

Li Bo also noticed the woman's worry, and hurriedly patted his uniform on his body: "Madam, don't worry, I am a police officer from the New Territories, and I will never hurt you."

However, after finishing speaking, the woman's expression immediately became more tense, and Li Bo remembered that the police officers in the New Territories at this moment seem to be no better than the horse boys in the club.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Li Bo could only bite the bullet and continue to ask: "Um... madam, isn't your husband at home?"


When the woman heard this sentence, she immediately stood a little further away, staring at Li Bo vigilantly, for fear that this guy would rush up in a wild manner in the next moment.

Li Bo also seemed to realize that his question seemed easy to be misunderstood, so he quickly waved his hand: "I didn't mean that, I just asked casually, I'm a good person."

Seeing Li Bo's embarrassed expression, the tense look on the woman's face immediately relaxed, and she even couldn't help covering her mouth and letting out a chuckle.

"Drink some water. My husband will be back soon. If you see him, don't let him misunderstand. He has a bad temper."

The woman picked up the teacup and poured a glass of water for Li Bo, and said at the same time.

Li Bo didn't care about what the woman said, but looking at this glass of water, he really didn't have the courage to drink it. After all, this place is too dangerous, who knows if the water is clean or not.

At this moment, Gao Zhuo's voice finally came from the team channel: "Li Bo, don't speak loudly, the monsters here can hear the conversations in our team channel, hurry up and find a way to come to the fourth floor."

Hearing Gao Zhuo's voice, Li Bo felt joy in his heart, and finally found an organization.

However, after hearing Gao Zhuo's words, Li Bo was a little embarrassed. He was on the second floor and almost lost his life just now. Now he ran to the fourth floor. In case something happened along the way, his life Just explain it here.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Bo said in a low voice: "I'm pretty safe now. I'm hiding in a woman's house. There's no danger for now. Otherwise, I won't go up."

The team channel suddenly fell silent, just when Li Bo felt that his attention was not bad.

Gao Zhuo sent a dynamic screenshot in the team channel, it was a note, and there was a line of words written in red notes on the note.

"Fool, run! There are no living people in this building, only monsters."

Seeing the handwriting on the screenshot, Li Bo's pupils tightened, and he squinted at the woman, only to find that the woman was also staring at him.

For a moment Li Bo's mind froze, and he hurriedly said with a smile: "My friend is calling me."

The woman glanced out the window and said: "It's too dangerous outside, you should wait here, by the way, you are hungry, I'll make you something to eat."

Speaking of the woman got up and walked to the kitchen, Li Bo looked in the direction of the door when he saw this, and was thinking about whether to run away.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the long hair of the woman in the kitchen inadvertently and lightly brushing it up, and he was stunned.

It is said that an old woman is a teenager, and seeing such a beautiful woman, Li Bo hesitated.

"This woman is quite beautiful, she doesn't look like a monster at all, or I'll just wait here, and when the boss arrives, I'll meet the boss first, and then we'll go up to the fourth floor together."

Li Bo pondered in his heart, but his eyes did not leave the woman. At this time, the woman bent over and picked up the water ladle to fetch water. After she bent over and her long hair fell down, Li Bo saw that there was a growth on the back of the woman's head. A man's face!
(End of this chapter)

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