Chapter 841

"How could it be him!!"

Xu Tong was also taken aback when he heard the name.

He originally thought that the god in that man's mouth was Wansai Musashigen, who had absorbed the evil gods in the three shrines. This guy's strength should be astonishingly strong.

But now it is learned from Gao Zhuo that the so-called god is actually a mortal Mao Xuefeng, which is beyond Xu Tong's expectation.

Gao Zhuo also knew that this statement was difficult to accept, but he said with certainty that it was Mao Xuefeng.

Because Chang Wuzhi took the risk to participate in the last offering, and the person making the offering was Mao Xuefeng.

"Behind the city wall, there is an altar of flesh and blood. On the altar is a huge temple. The person enshrined in it is Mao Xuefeng. We didn't recognize him at first, until a resident recognized this guy and shouted out in public. After saying his name, the resident turned into a pile of meat on the spot."

When Chang Wuzhi talked about the situation at that time, a rare solemn expression appeared on his face.

This incident was so strange that Xu Tong felt that he might go to the temple to have a look. If it was really Mao Xuefeng, the other party might still recognize him.

"Boss, you will soon be offering offerings, we don't have enough offerings, and..."

Gao Zhuo said with a serious expression: "Our points are almost exhausted."

The points in Gao Zhuo's mouth are exactly the alliance points. Xu Tong and the others now have tens of thousands of alliance points, but Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi who are in the cave consume a certain amount of points every day.

They don't have a way to earn points, and the time here is fast. If there are no alliance points, they don't know what will happen.

That's why Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi didn't dare to send more messages in the team channel, because each message would deduct part of their points.

"The item for resurrecting the soul, we should have exchanged it if we knew it earlier!"

Chang Wuzhi said with regret.

When exchanging items at Wanjie Commercial Bank, the two of them didn't know what the resurrection of the corpse meant. They only thought that item was too strange, so neither of them chose to exchange it.

It wasn't until later that I belatedly discovered that it turned out that the influence of the cave could be avoided by reviving the corpse.

By the time they realized it, it was already too late, because there were only two of this item in total, and after they exchanged one, the other was exchanged by the later ghost player.

So even after Xu Tong's big sweeps later, he didn't exchange for this item.

Faced with Chang Wuzhi's regretful tone, Xu Tong was keenly aware of something, squinting at Chang Wuzhi: "You said there are only two of these props?"

"Yes, only two."

Chang Wuzhi said affirmatively, because he had paid special attention to this item at the time, so he knew the quantity of the item very well, but this item was very expensive. At that time, there were four people in Chang Wuzhi. After discussing with the four of them, they agreed to exchange it. One piece was given to Team Ridge for Hill.

When they went to exchange it later, they found that the item had disappeared.

Obviously, it was exchanged by the devil's proton.

Gao Zhuo had told Xu Tong about these things before, but now after Xu Tong heard the whole story again, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"At that time, there were four of them. Besides Xiao Shan, there was one other person. What about the others?"


Chang Wuzhi said with certainty, because this person was killed by him.

After Xiao Shan left, they found that the number of alliance points deducted every day was reduced a lot. Only then did they realize that the three of them share the alliance points, and the rate of consumption is also the share of three people.

So Chang Wushou started to kill the other party.

Speaking of this matter, Chang Wuzhi didn't show any guilt on his face. Survival is the first rule, and anyone would do the same.

If it was Gao Zhuo who had resurrected the corpse, the other two members of the Ridge Team would attack him as well.

He did this without telling Gao Zhuo, and fell into a deep sleep afterwards, and had no chance to explain it to Gao Zhuo, so even Gao Zhuo only knew about it at this moment.

Xu Tong didn't care about this, but asked: "Are you sure you killed the opponent?"

"Sure! His item book is in my hand."

Faced with Chang Wuzhi's affirmation, Xu Tong took a deep breath and thought about many problems at once.

"Wait here for me, I'll be right back!"

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he didn't have time to explain. After turning the [Nightmare Bone Ring] on his finger, the figure gradually disappeared into the air.

Back to reality again.

There are not many people living in the Kowloon Walled City anymore, and people feel more and more uneasy. Many old people who were originally unwilling to leave have also started to pack their bags. It is estimated that this Kowloon Walled City will become a A dead city.

"Ding! You have completed the side mission [The Unspeakable Dreamer], use props to enter the cave three times, and the alliance points will increase by 30%"

After getting the reminder of the task, Xu Tong didn't dare to delay at all. The time outside and the cave were out of sync. He had to turn back as soon as possible. When he turned the [Nightmare Bone Ring] again to enter the cave world.

Xu Tong found himself on the fifth floor this time, and tried to send a message to Gao Zhuo and the others: "Now the points should not be so tense, you should hide them first, and I will look for you later."

"Fortunately, it's much better than before. You must be careful. The rules here have been changed by Mao Xuefeng very strangely."

Gao Zhuo replied very quickly this time.

Xu Tong closed the team channel and walked towards the fourth floor.

The corridor is very quiet, not as lively as before. Speaking of this time, it should be equivalent to the night in the cave.

But I don't know if it's because the cave is already in line with reality at this moment, or because Mao Xuefeng has modified the rules of the cave, and the living people are not forcibly kicked out of the cave.

"Baga, why do you want us to do these dirty jobs!!"

At this time, there was an unpleasant cursing sound in the corridor, which made Xu Tong's foot stop in place.

The sound sounded far away, but it was very clearly heard in the empty corridor.

He pricked up his ears to listen carefully, and sure enough, he heard someone talking in the distance.

"Mr. Nakamura, now is not the time to complain. Complete the task as soon as possible. As long as the cave is in line with reality, the world will be ours!"

"I don't think so. The relationship between that bastard Sakuragi and the old ghost Wansai is extraordinary. We are just cannon fodder."

The conversation between the two was very clear, Xu Tong heard it clearly, and was startled: "It's a ghost player, these guys also came in?"

The time they entered the cave this time was a temporary decision. It was a day earlier than the original plan. I don't know if it was a coincidence or...

Xu Tong took a deep breath and quietly groped along with the sound.

At the end of the corridor, two furtive figures were squatting on the ground.

Xu Tong already had the bonus of dark vision, and when he came in, the pharmacist specially added the [Human Face Owl] potion. They were far away, but he could see their movements clearly.

There was a dark green iron box in front of the two of them, and the two of them were carefully taking out the contents of the box at the moment.

"What is that?? Is it a statue?"

Xu Tong saw that the object taken out by the two was wrapped in a thick layer of red cloth, and he could vaguely see the outline of a human figure. Then he suddenly remembered that in the information Akakimaru gave him, the main task of the Japanese player, It seemed to be summoning something.

The two put the things on the corridor, and then carefully unwrapped the red cloth, revealing a black stone statue from under the red cloth.

The whole body of the stone statue is pitch black, but its shape is unflattering.

A human face, but the body of a beast, with six arms spread out, and a magic weapon hung on each arm. What makes people creepy is that these magic weapons are clearly parts of a person.

The human head, broken arm, internal organs, and even the indescribable thing were held in the palms of both hands.

Under the stone statue, these three young girls are still crawling.

Such a weird statue doesn't look like a good thing no matter how you look at it.

Not to mention Xu Tong, even the two Japanese players felt their scalps tingling for a while, and the more they watched, the more evil they felt.

"Nakamura-kun, our mission is completed, let's go quickly, my heartbeat is inexplicably accelerating, and I always feel that something is happening."

Ueno urged.

Nakamura also felt that it was better to leave as soon as possible, so the two turned around and left without looking back.

In the empty corridor, the footsteps of the two became more and more hurried, and neither of them dared to turn their heads, as if there was something terrible hidden in the darkness behind them.

Just when the two hurried to the corner, suddenly, a dazzling cold light in the darkness suddenly illuminated the corridor.

"not good!!"

Nakamura's face changed suddenly, and he stretched out two strangely shaped scimitars in front of him.

The two scimitars were interlaced, forming a golden barrier in front of Nakamura, but he still underestimated Xu Tong's long-awaited killing blow.

In the cold light, the blazing Pure Yang sword emerged from the outline of the sword body, and the blade almost pierced through the barrier without hindrance. Nakamura only felt his arms lighten, and blood spurted out instantly. Under his shocked eyes, , the arms and the scimitar were neatly cut in half.

"Get out of the way!"

At the critical juncture, a huge energy wave erupted from Ueno's body. While knocking Nakamura away, it quickly charged towards Xu Tong who was hiding in the shadows.


Immediately, a violent explosion echoed throughout the corridor, and thick dust and black hair floated in the air.

"Come on!"

Seeing that his companion was seriously injured, Ueno hurriedly dragged Nakamura and fled quickly.

"Dragon beam talisman!"

Just at this time, a golden light flew out of the darkness, quickly wrapped around Ueno's body, followed by a dazzling electric light that exploded on Ueno's body, causing Ueno to let out a scream in an instant, and his whole body was torn apart by the electric light. Got coke.

Immediately afterwards, a sword glow struck Ueno's chest.


Blood gushed out, and Ueno didn't even see who the opponent was until he died.

Looking at this scene, Nakamura suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and suddenly thought of the person Sakuragi mentioned, his face changed drastically, and the moment he turned around, he activated all his escape skills and turned into an afterimage and quickly ran back .

Nakamura's speed was very fast, but at this moment, a vague silhouette in the darkness in front of him blocked in front of him.

The huge silhouette can vaguely see six arms dancing in the air, and a fair face sticks out from the darkness, staring at Nakamura with compassion: "You have a destiny with my Buddha!"

As the voice fell, the six arms shook, and Nakamura's pupils suddenly tightened. Looking at the palm falling in front of him, he didn't even have time to scream, and he lost consciousness completely when his eyes suddenly went dark.

(End of this chapter)

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