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Chapter 844 Chen Wangshen

Chapter 844 Chen Wangshen

"Another shrine!"

Seeing the shrine on Mao Xuefeng's chest, Xu Tong's heart trembled, and he finally understood why Mao Xuefeng had such a big change.

"There are four on Wansai Musashigen, one was destroyed by me, and the other was parasitized on Guo Xiang's body, plus I killed the old immortal Wusheng, and the shrine in front of me, the seven shrines are finally all together !"

Xu Tong thought about the seven shrines. He had already destroyed two of them. However, although Guo Xiang was taken away by the evil god, the shrines were not on her body. It might not be easy to find this guy's shrines.

"This one……"

Although destroying the seven shrines was the main task, Xu Tong still showed embarrassment at the moment.

"You know, I'm not in a good state now, and I may die at any time. If you want me to help you, first help me undo the death curse on my body."

"Hey hey hey..."

Hearing Xu Tong's words, Mao Xuefeng sneered hoarsely in front of him: "Yes, as long as you eat this piece of meat, I will help you break the death curse."

Mao Xuefeng reached out and took out a piece of blood dripping meat from the shrine and handed it to Xu Tong.

This piece of flesh and blood looks very fresh, but when you get closer, you can smell the pungent stench on it, and you know that this thing is definitely not a good thing.

"This old ghost is too thief."

The old ghost on Mao Xuefeng's chest was too treacherous, and he proposed to break the curse, but the other party took out a piece of flesh and blood as a threat.

If you don't eat it yourself, it means that you are not sincere enough. If you eat it yourself, who knows what problems will happen.

What if Guo Xiang was taken away like this? ?

Seeing that Xu Tong was unmoved, Mao Xuefeng had a mocking look on his face, but he said softly: "I know you don't believe me, but I don't dare to believe you rashly. Undoing the death curse is right. The burden is too heavy for me, if you take advantage of it, I will definitely die."

After finishing speaking, his voice changed: "Well, let's take a step back, and I can help you untie part of the death curse. Every time you kill a guy, I will help you untie one layer, which can help you slow down the death curse." decline."

Mao Xuefeng spoke sincerely, as if showing his utmost sincerity.

However, Xu Tong snatched the piece of flesh from Mao Xuefeng's hand at this moment. When he grabbed the flesh, he felt like ice and snow had met an iron plate and suddenly melted into a puddle of black water and penetrated into Xu Tong's body.

Immediately, Xu Tong's face gradually turned black, and strange curse marks appeared on his body. After these curse marks penetrated into Xu Tong's internal organs like tadpoles, they gradually merged with Xu Tong completely.

"Ding! You are cursed by King Chen!"

"You are cursed by God Chen's flesh and blood. During the curse, you cannot leave the cave world. You have a subtle connection with the evil god Chen Wang. You cannot take the initiative to hurt Chen Wang, but Chen Wang can directly attack your body at any time, causing you serious damage. Huge damage, during the curse, if King Chen dies, you will also suffer fatal injuries!"

Hearing the prompt, instead of being nervous, Xu Tong became more determined in his mind.

"He needs a thug, not a puppet, and it's not that easy to win me over!"

The reason why Xu Tong dared to be so decisive was that he concluded that Mao Xuefeng was not capable of directly seizing himself. Amota had repeatedly emphasized that seizing a house is a very risky thing.

Since the other party is sure of winning, they will not take such a risky move. If one is not careful, the gutter capsizes, and I am afraid that it will be too late to regret it.

Since you want to play, then I will accompany you to the end.

Xu Tong's actions might not even have occurred to Mao Xuefeng, and there was a bit of strangeness on that stiff face: "You are not afraid that I will regret it!"

"You can try it!"

Xu Tong raised his head, the flesh on his face was twisted together, and his two triangular eyes showed a breathtaking coldness, anyone who was stared at would have a feeling of being stuck in the throat.

Now Chen Wangshen was silent, he had read countless people, he knew very well that there would always be some lunatics in this world, these guys didn't know how to fear death at all.

After Xu Tong got used to it for a while, the tingling sensation caused by the curse gradually subsided.

"So you are Chen Wangshen, why haven't I heard of this god?"

After absorbing the curse of flesh and blood, Xu Tong looked carefully at the figure in the shrine. He himself had read a lot of books, even though most of them were memorized by rote, but the gods and Buddhas of the heavens and the ghosts of the nether world knew many gods. What did you say, Chen Wang is here.

"Huh, it's just an ancient abandoned god. Every dynasty will have many gods like me. Some of them flourished for a while, and some were wiped out in less than a hundred days. Approved by the court."

When Chen Wangshen in the shrine talked about his past, he couldn't help but feel sad and melancholy.

He was once brilliant and was enshrined by the five generations of emperors of the Chen family.

At that time, he was at the height of his power, feeling that he could hit the Yangshen Dao in the future.

But with the collapse of the Chen family, he was also knocked out of the mundane world, and finally became a low-ranking abandoned god.

If the gods remembered by the world are the delicate and charming lotus flowers in the lotus pond, praised by the world for being untouched by the mud, then these abandoned gods abandoned by the times are the mud under the lotus pond that cannot be noticed by the world. Their impression was nothing but the stench.

It seems that because Xu Tong absorbed his curse, Chen Wangshen's guard against Xu Tong suddenly dropped several levels.

Now that their relationship is similar to that of companionship, Xu Tong can't take the initiative to attack him. Based on this, he is already invincible, so he will tell Xu Tong about his origin.

Apart from him, Wusheng Old Immortal, Yinshan Old Mother, Black and White God, Bigfoot Immortal, Privet Immortal, all of them were just like him, and they also had their glory days.

Now it is reduced to this field, which is really sad.

As he spoke, Chen Wangshen controlled Mao Xuefeng's hand and reached into the altar on his chest. After groping for a while, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it. It seemed that he had caught something jelly, and a ball of black liquid was slowly released from it. Pulled out of the shrine.

This process seemed to make Mao Xuefeng very painful, and the muscles of his whole body were trembling violently.

After the ball of black liquid completely escaped from the shrine, Mao Xuefeng casually threw it to Xu Tong, and immediately his body became limp, and he sat there bending his body unnaturally, as if he had been sucked away. Weakened like a spine.

After Xu Tong took the muddy thing, the black liquid opened his mouth and bit Xu Tong's wrist fiercely.

"Don't resist, it needs to suck a lot of your blood before it can transfer the death curse on you to it."

Chen Wangshen spoke weakly.

Seeing this, Xu Tong could only wait patiently. Fortunately, this experience of being quickly sucked blood was no stranger to him.

Seeing that the black monster was getting bigger and bigger, it finally swallowed Xu Tong's entire arm like a huge black sarcoma.

Immediately, Xu Tong felt light all over his body, as if all the burdens in his body had been sucked away by this guy.

"Sure enough!"

He glanced at his skin, only to see that the smell of sweat on his skin had begun to disappear, and the more or less dust on his body was spotless as soon as the wind blew.

It seems that my five decays of heaven and man have indeed been transferred to this black sarcoma.

"What is this? It can absorb even the five declines of heaven and man?"

Xu Tong asked Chen Wangshen.

"This is my stomach!" Xu Tong was taken aback by Chen Wangshen's answer. He did not expect that this dark tumor turned out to be his stomach: "Then you don't have a stomach anymore?"

Hearing Xu Tong's innocent inquiry, Chen Wangshen let out a hoarse laugh, and explained to Xu Tong: "You are hit by the black and white god's great curse, but their curse is ineffective for me, so it can be given by my stomach." Suck it away, if it is the real five decays of heaven and man, then I will hide as far away from you as possible, no god in the sky or on earth would dare to approach you, let alone suck it away."

It is no exaggeration to say how terrible the real five decays of heaven and man are. It is no exaggeration to say that they are the super plague gods walking in the world. The five plague gods will all descend on your luck. Everything decays and becomes lifeless.

At that time, not to mention being an abandoned god, even those great gods who are upright will not dare to come close to you, a broom star. Maybe even the gods of the heavens will join forces to isolate you directly.

"You have to kill them as soon as possible. Their wills are merging little by little. The longer the delay, the more terrifying their strength. Recently, I have been unable to suppress them."

Taking advantage of the time when his stomach was sucking blood, Chen Wangshen reminded Xu Tong again.

"Then why can't you do it yourself? If the two of us work together, we can kill each other!"

Xu Tong frowned and asked.

Since Chen Wangshen can still suppress them, his strength will naturally be higher than that of Wansai Musashigen, so why not take the opportunity to kill the opponent early.

Regarding this question, Chen Wangshen was silent for a while before saying, and then pointed to the pieces of meat on the ground: "I don't have a complete physical body now, I need time!"

"Okay, then you can stay at ease and leave the rest to me."

Xu Tong nodded with a righteous and generous look, but the arm wrapped in the stomach bag suddenly called out the item book, quietly took out an item from the item book and held it in the palm of his hand, and quietly moved towards the depth of the stomach bag. As soon as I gave it away, I thought to myself: "Take this as a gift from me. After all, my master often said that it is not indecent to come and not to reciprocate."

(End of this chapter)

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