Infinite script kill

Chapter 846 Look, Am I Beautiful?

Chapter 846 Look, am I beautiful? (two chapters in one)

Xu Tong closed the door and examined the room with his eyes. There was not even a single piece of furniture in the empty room.


At this time, the hair on the wall began to grow wildly as if stimulated by something.

Xu Tong instinctively drew out the Chunyang Sword and stood up on guard.

But these hairs didn't hurt him. After a burst of crazy growth and rolling, they gradually formed a group, woven into a half-human tall grass ring, and stood in front of Xu Tong.

In the center of the grass ring, a black liquid flows out like a whirlpool.

Soon, a ball of light flashed out from the center of the vortex. Seeing this, Xu Tong leaned over to take a look, and found a woman sitting in front of the vanity mirror under the dim light, combing her hair carefully.

However, the strange thing is that Xu Tong didn't see the shadow of the woman in the mirror, the bloody skeleton.

Xu Tong looked around, and the mirror-like vortex in front of him also changed direction with his gaze.

Compared with the room I was in, the decoration in this room was extraordinarily exquisite, with a small bed made of solid wood furniture, and two very large wardrobes.

What's weird is that beside the table on the left, there are three iron cages, which seem out of place with the exquisite furniture here.

Not only that, but Xu Tong also noticed that there were many men's clothes lying under the woman's bed. There were so many clothes that they squeezed out from the gaps.

At this time, the woman stood up, and took out a white cat from the cage and put it in her arms. The white cat seemed to be afraid of the woman, and kept struggling in the woman's arms.

After the sharp nails drew a shallow scar on the woman's hand, the woman's face turned cold, and the sharp nails suddenly plunged into the cat's throat.


Under the stinging pain, the white cat began to struggle desperately, a black air gushed out from the cat's face, and a man's face appeared in the black air, begging in pain.

But the man's entreaties not only did not make the woman stop, but the woman was extremely excited. She inserted her fingers into the white cat's body bit by bit. The woman's face flushed and her body trembled violently.

The cat's scream made Xu Tong frowned. The scream was actually next door to him. Obviously, this woman was his neighbor next door.

After the white cat struggled several times in the woman's arms, it gradually turned into a mass of black ashes.

When the ashes dispersed, the woman took a pinch, and a donation appeared in her hand.

It turned out that the origin of the money was like this.

After seeing the whole process clearly, Xu Tong probably understood the origin of the so-called donation, and the so-called donation is actually the soul transformed by these grievances.

Chen Wangshen gradually strengthened his power by absorbing these souls.

At this time, Xu Tong's mind moved slightly: "Since the mirror can see the next door, it should also be able to see other rooms."

This thought arose, and the vortex in front of him turned, and the picture inside could actually see the scene of other rooms.

He looked to the left and found that there were eight or nine people crowded in a room. These people gathered around the mahjong table, staring intently at the mahjong in the hands of four people.

Four men sat on a table and played mahjong. There were more than a dozen donations on the table.

One of the men seemed to be very lucky, so he played all the cards.

In an instant, more than a dozen pieces of money were put into the man's pocket, but the faces of the other three turned pale.

"I don't play anymore, I don't play anymore!!"

One of the men stood up, wanting to escape, but the moment he got up, the mahjong table in front of him stretched out a tentacle, directly dragging the man into the mahjong table.

Accompanied by the sound of machine gears turning, the table shook a few times, and three black coins appeared on the mahjong table.

The vacated positions were quickly taken by others.

Xu Tong looked at it for a while. The grievance in this room is the mahjong table. Winners will get a lot of money, and losers will be directly swallowed by it.

It seems fair, after all, you can get more than a dozen donations if you win one game.

But Xu Tong could see details that ordinary people couldn't see through the mirror in front of him. The feet of the other three people on the table had already been firmly grasped by the tentacles of the mahjong table. It is not easy to want to go.

Xu Tong was not interested in playing mahjong, so he looked at the next one.

The screen changes, and there is a child sitting on a chair in the room, holding a thick book in his hand and reading it carefully.

The lights and his back were reflected on the wall, which looked very harmonious and comfortable, but Xu Tong always felt that something was wrong.

He moved the picture closer and looked at the book in the boy's hand, only to see that the book in the boy's hand didn't have a word at all, but a human face was sewn on the page.

The human face was talking about his life in a dull manner, but the boy listened with great interest, and only after he finished listening, he turned to the next page. The human face on this page looked like the face of an old man.

The old man said a few words, full of the principles of being a human being, but the boy was obviously not willing to listen to this, instead he reached out and tore off the page, crumpled it into a ball, put it in his mouth and started to eat it. .

Such a strange picture makes people shudder.

Even Xu Tong couldn't tell for a moment whether the grudge in this room was the boy or the book in his hand.

Then he looked to the other rooms.

At this moment, the picture in front of him was suddenly pitch black. Just when Xu Tong thought the room was empty and was about to change to another room, pairs of blood-red eyes opened in the darkness.

The red blood light illuminated the room, and a huge black shadow gradually became clear in the room.

Rao Xu Tong couldn't help but feel his heart tighten when he saw the opponent's body.

The huge body is like a huge worm, and black liquid is constantly flowing out of its body.

"What kind of monster is this??"

Xu Tong frowned, seeing the monster squirming, walking to the window step by step, and quietly opened a corner of the curtain, as if peeping at every move outside.

There was a whisper in the mouth: "Hey, when will he come out?"

Curious, Xu Tong brought the camera close to it, and looked out along the drawn curtain, his face darkened instantly, and he saw the door facing the room where he was hiding outside the curtain.

"This guy is staring at me!!"

Suddenly a chill came from his back, Xu Tong turned his head and looked outside the door, his face flickered for a while.

After all, no one would feel comfortable being watched secretly by such a monster.

Fortunately, the monster didn't look at it for long, then closed the curtains, turned around to face the mirror hanging on the wall, twisted its huge body, and let out a strange howl while talking to itself.

Seeing this, Xu Tong really didn't want to look any further, so he hurriedly looked at other rooms.

At this time, when the picture changed, Xu Tong's pupils suddenly tightened, and he saw four people sitting in front of the table in the room, each of them looked embarrassed, staring at the mirror on the table.

"found it!"

When Xu Tong saw a familiar face, his heart skipped a beat, and he finally found Gu Xibai and the others.

What surprised Xu Tong was that the four people in the room were not what he thought. The pharmacist was not here, but another fresh face.

"Strange, where is the pharmacist??"

Looking at the four unfamiliar faces in front of him, Xu Tong felt something was wrong, the pharmacist was not there.

"Didn't this guy enter the cave?"

Then he took a closer look, and saw that the other three people in the room, besides Tie Shou and A Tao, was another unfamiliar face, obviously another member of the Ridge Team.

"Could this person be Xiao Shan!"

Seeing this person, Xu Tong felt a murderous intent in his heart.

Chi Guimaru said that there was a traitor on their side, and he thought it was the pharmacist, but it turned out that it was not him.

If it's not a pharmacist, the identity of the mole has become a mystery. He thought it might be Li Bo, but then he thought it was wrong. Li Bo's strength is too low, and he is only a peripheral member of the team. Or he chooses to be unlikely.

As for Gao Zhuo and the others, relying on their lifelong friendship, if it was a script arrangement, they would find a way to disclose the information to themselves.

So if the traitor is not their team, it must be a member of Ling's team.

Among them, this hill is very suspicious.

Since the corpse is resurrected, why not meet up with their team members?
I originally thought it was Xiao Shan who had been dismembered in the morgue, but at that time Guo Xiang and the others said that they had not received information about Xiao Shan's death.

So where did Xiaoshan go during this time? ?
Such a person is hidden in the dark, he is not a traitor, and he will definitely not be a good person.

It is by no means unreasonable conjecture that I infer this way. The biggest evidence is on Xiao Shan's face.

With a thin face, it looks a bit like he hasn't eaten properly for a while, but that's all.

Look at the faces of Gao Zhuo and Chang Wuzhi, and then look at the appearance of this guy, there is not even a single wound on his body.

How did he survive in the cave?
Xu Tong didn't think that Xiaoshan could be stronger than the two of them, not to mention that the two of them were protected by Mei Da, even though they were so embarrassed that they looked like homeless men.

So he concluded that Xiao Shan hadn't been in the cave at all during this time.

Maybe the dismembered corpse was not Xiao Shan, but a player from the devil club, who deliberately left a cloth strip to mislead people so that people would think that he had been killed by devils.

"Tie Shou, how long are we going to wait here?"

Gu Xibai frowned and asked.

"You have seen it too, the situation outside is too chaotic now, just wait a little longer."

Iron Hand said.

Hearing this, Gu Xibai squinted at Xiao Shan aside: "You were here before, why don't you know what's going on here?"

Originally, he met with Tie Shou and A Tao on the second floor, but Gu Xibai wanted to take them to the fourth floor to meet Gao Zhuo and the others.

As a result, as soon as he went up to the third floor, he encountered Xiaoshan, and what was even more troublesome was that there were two monsters behind Xiaoshan.

The four of them could only follow Xiao Shan to this room for a while.

As soon as he entered the door, Gu Xibai sensed that something was wrong, and urged them to leave several times, but none of the three seemed to intend to leave.

Facing Gu Xibai's questioning at this moment, Xiao Shan smiled wryly and said: "After I failed to resurrect my soul with the corpse, I was in a daze. I just remembered that it was Wansai Musashigen who controlled the entire cave, and then a large number of ghosts appeared here. These ghosts slowly become these monsters."

Hearing Xiao Shan's answer, Gu Xibai couldn't tell whether it was true or not, but some things were similar to what he knew from the captain.

"Xiaoshan's situation is like this. I know you are in a hurry, but since we are an alliance, we should join forces and work together. In this way, after the outside of the meeting has stopped, we will go to meet your captain."

Tie Shou promised Gu Xibai.

When Gu Xibai heard this, she had nothing to say, so she simply closed her eyes and waited.

It's just that the four of them didn't know that Xu Tong had already heard the conversation between them clearly.

"These people are lying!"

Through the mirror in front of him, Xu Tong watched coldly, examining everyone's expression when they were speaking and silent.

Although they don't know what the iron hand guy is thinking, they are obviously delaying time.

Especially Tie Shou, Xiao Shan's words are just fooling Lao Bai, but he is full of flaws when facing Xu Tong.

"Boom blah blah..."

At this time, there was a knocking sound in the corridor, Xu Tong's ears moved, and he heard the sound of the door being unlocked.

"Huh?? Why is the beep so fast this time??"

It took at least an hour for the last update, but this time Xu Tong felt that it was less than half an hour.

He looked in the mirror in front of him, and found that the grievances who were originally in the room had already started to leave his room.

What's even weirder is that the expressions of these grievances became very angry, as if something had stimulated them.

Xu Tong used the mirror to quickly look down the corridor, and a person he didn't expect appeared at the end of the corridor.

"Under the tree! Are you sure we are all right??"

Kuroishi Taro looked at the opened door in front of him, and the gong in his hand was trembling.

Under the tree, Okamoto held a white sail in his hand and summoned two shikigami to guard him. Facing Heishi Taro's questioning, he said confidently: "Don't worry, although the master of the cave is Chen Wangshen, these grievances are It is to obey the orders of the ancestors."

"But why couldn't the ancestors kill Chen Wangshen, making us so passive!"

Kuroishi Taro asked.

Okamoto under the tree thought: "I don't know." But he scolded angrily: "Bastard, how can we figure out what our ancestors think."

Shushita Okamoto was actually afraid of Wansai Musashigen to the bone.

Last time he and Sakuragi Seimei left Wansai Musashigen and ran away. They thought that after entering the cave world this time, Wansai Musashigen would definitely make their lives worse than death.

Unexpectedly, instead of blaming them, Lord Wanzhai gave them a lot of good things, and after merging the power of the three gods, Lord Wanzhai has become a god in the world. This is definitely good news for them .

Of course, Shushita Okamoto also knew in his heart that when the main task was completed, it might be time for Master Wansai to settle accounts with them.

But what does that matter, as long as they complete the main mission, they can return to reality at any time. For them, this is just a scripted world.

"Why are they!"

The last time Xu Tong entered the cave to fight Wansai Musashigen, he saw Okamoto under the tree and recognized the devil player at a glance.

What Xu Tong didn't expect was that the nearby residents who opened the door didn't attack them. He didn't understand what was going on until he heard the conversation between the two.

"What are they doing here??"

Xu Tong suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart, and looked at Gu Xibai's room again, his heart trembled: "These guys want to borrow a knife to kill someone!"

Seeing these two people say this, they beat the gong in their hands and walked forward.


The residents in the room were stimulated by the gong and walked out of the room one after another, but they could only watch the two of them helplessly, and did not attack them.

However, there were also residents in some rooms who did not open the door, but lay behind the window and watched coldly.

Facing these residents who were unwilling to cooperate, the two did not dare to force it.

When they came, Master Wan Zhai had already told them that there were some grudges with strong strength, if they were unwilling to cooperate, they should not force them, otherwise even if they held the gong in their hands, they would still be unable to escape death.

"Let's go, do me a favor, I can give you enough rewards!"

Shushita Okamoto took out a bulging money bag from the item book, and when he opened it, black gas emitted from it, and he saw that it was full of money.

Seeing the offering of money, these grievances gradually softened the anger in their eyes for a while.

Under the tree, Okamoto handed the donation money to Taro Kuroishi, and took the gong from Taro Kuroishi's hand: "You give them the money."

Heishi Taro nodded, and took the bag to send the money up.

"Everyone, this is just a little thought, and we will give an extra amount of money after it is done."

Under the tree beside him, Okamoto said with a smile.

Then he knocked on the gong in his hand, and led the people to the room where Gu Xibai and the others were staying.

"Hahaha, catch them all!"

Kuroishi Taro showed joy on his face.

"Don't be careless. According to the inner ghost, the opponent is very strong, and he is on the same team as that guy. Let's not attack easily later, hide behind and let these grievances go up. When this guy can't hold on anymore, let's fight again." Let's make a quick decision."

Okamoto under the tree said with a serious expression.

"That person is that guy named Tong Yan Wuji!"

Heishi Taro was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously slowed down his pace. He also watched from a distance when the thunder crossed the catastrophe last time.

Chi Guimaru can't take advantage of the opponent's hands. If he is really recruited, the two of them are definitely not opponents.

Seeing Taro Kuroishi slowing down, Okamoto under the tree next to him gave this guy a look of contempt in his heart, but he encouraged him; "What are you afraid of, Akakimaru and Sakuragi-kun are waiting nearby. If the situation is not right, come back to support us at any time, is it all right to surround the spot and fight for help!"

Heishi Taro nodded, but he said disapprovingly in his heart: "Cooperating with us is the bait for fishing."

It's just that Kuroishi Taro didn't dare to say these words, and he had to make an original expression on his face in coordination.

Little did they know that Xu Tong was silently watching their every move behind the door the two of them walked through with the help of Chen Wangshen's power.

The dialogue between the two is even more verbatim.

"Around the point to help?"

Xu Tong took out the Chunyang Sword from the item book, the cold light of the blade shone on his face, and his eyes gradually became sharper.


On the other side, Gu Xibai suddenly raised his head, the warrior's intuition made him feel a strong sense of uneasiness.

The three of Tieshou looked at each other, and immediately became alert when they saw this.

"It should be fine, I'll go and have a look!"

Xiao Shan stood up and wanted to go to the door, but Gu Xibai rushed ahead of him, walked to the door, stretched out his hand to open the window and squinted out.

Looking over at this glance, Gu Xibai was taken aback even if he was brave enough.

I saw that outside the door, there were people standing densely.


Immediately, Gu Xibai immediately took out the Wu hook from the item book, and at the same time stood sideways in front of the door, looked back at the three iron hands, and shouted in the team channel: "Head, something happened, the people of the Lingzhi regiment are worried and kind, they Betrayed!"

Gu Xibai is not a fool, although he has no evidence, but his intuition is amazingly strong, just now he had a panoramic view of the subtle expressions of the three of them, and he immediately suspected that something was wrong with the three of them.

After shouting in the team channel, Gu Xibai said with a serious expression on his face: "Tie Hand, we are surrounded, quickly move the table over, and put the door on top first!"

After hearing Gu Xibai's words, the three muttered to each other in the team channel, and walked to the door pretending to be calm.

"Don't worry, the rules here, as long as you don't take the initiative to open the door, they won't be able to come in!"

Xiao Shan hurriedly explained to Gu Xibai, while speaking, he pretended to take a step forward to check the appearance of the door lock.

But Gu Xibai had long been wary of him, and stood in front of him directly: "Since this is the case, it's easy to handle. I'll hold the door and make sure they can't come in!"

As he said that, Gu Xibai immediately blocked the door with a horizontal knife, and a fiery martial arts aura rose from his body, covering his body with a layer of golden dominance.

The three iron hands were dumbfounded.

For a moment, they couldn't tell if Gu Xibai was sincere in what he did, or if he was going around in circles with them, but this guy blocked the door, and there was really nothing they could do for a while.

Just when the three of them were anxious, Xu Tong's voice came from Gu Xibai's ears; "Don't be afraid, I'm not far from you, I'll call three times, then you open the door, just rush out, the more noise you get Bigger is better!"

At the same time, in the team channel, Gao Zhuo and others also asked for support.

Xu Tong told them not to act rashly, and he was ready for it.

After finishing speaking, Xu Tong walked to the door, quietly opened the door a gap, looked into the corridor, saw the backs of Kuroishi Taro and Shushita Okamoto, and was about to kill them.

Suddenly a strange feeling struck, Xu Tong glanced sideways and found that the door opposite to him had also opened a crack at some point.

Pairs of scarlet eyes were staring at him through the crack of the door. When the two looked at each other, Xu Tong and the other party were stunned at the same time.

After hesitating for a moment, the other party slowly opened the door, revealing a big mouth: "Look, am I beautiful?"

I believe normal people will turn green when they see this scene.

But after Xu Tong was stunned for a second, he immediately grinned and pointed to Heishi Taro and Shushita Okamoto not far away: "I think...they are more beautiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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