Infinite script kill

Chapter 857 You are dreaming


Hearing this word, Huahuai Niang showed a strange look in her eyes.

"I know you're looking for that door, but I'm looking for it too, and I've found it."

"You want to lie to me?"

Huahuainiang obviously didn't believe Xu Tong's nonsense: "If you find that door, why don't you take your people and leave, why come to this muddy water."

Xu Tong rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and squinted at Chen Wangshen: "It's not because of his good deeds. Without the five declines of heaven and man, I would have left a long time ago. What's more, that a bit strange, and I can't open it."

Xu Tong described the door with a look of embarrassment.

"That door is very strange. It's not in reality, nor in the cave, it's more like being in the gap between reality and reality..."

Hearing Xu Tong's words, Huahuainiang's heart was moved immediately.

These gods who have been forgotten by the world, the reason why they gather here is not because the end of the Dharma is approaching, and the era will soon undergo a major change that has never been seen in thousands of years.

Originally, they could still rely on the weak incense in the world and their accumulated money to survive, but if the end of the Dharma era really came, they would completely lose their foothold, and finally be completely crushed under the wheels of the end of the Dharma era.

So when she heard about the existence of this door, Huahuai Niang was obviously moved.

"Where is the door?"

Huai Niang asked.

Xu Tong curled his lips: "I want the dragon ball, give me the dragon ball, and I will take you there. Besides, I don't want to see this villain."

The villain Xu Tong mentioned was naturally the pharmacist at the side.

"Don't believe him, this guy is a liar, you can't believe a word he says!!"

The pharmacist noticed Xu Tong's eyes looking at him, and his heart turned cold, and he immediately said to Huahuainiang.

Huahuainiang frowned, walked in front of Chen Wangshen, reached out and grabbed the shrine in Mao Xuefeng's chest, pulled hard, and Chen Wangshen, who was no longer struggling, was withdrawn.

Without God Chen's power, Mao Xuefeng's expression instantly became sluggish, but he did not die, but his empty eyes became even more empty.

Hua Kui Niang held Chen Wangshen in her hand, and looked at Xu Tong sideways: "I am very tempted by what you said, but... I can find the door by myself, but you must die!!"

The threat Xu Tong posed to Huahuainiang was too great, if we don't kill him now, Huaikniang will really have trouble sleeping and eating.

As he said that, he opened his mouth and gnawed off Chen Wangshen's head, and then sucked hard, the remaining body of Chen Wangshen was suddenly swallowed by Hua Kui Niang directly into her mouth.

Chen Wangshen's power was fully absorbed by Huahuainiang, which further strengthened her power.

The vines under the feet began to grow wildly, and the originally muddy black soil was covered by thick green plants in an instant, absorbing Chen Wangshen. She is the new master of this cave, and everything in this cave world will be under her control.

Xu Tong's face also began to be painful, a bloody light exploded from his chest, blood gushed out, and the domineering state of his body quickly disappeared, causing Gao Zhuo and others' faces to change drastically.


Gao Zhuo's shout echoed in his ears, as if there was a vortex in his chest, which was crazily devouring his vitality: "This is not my script!"

Xu Tong turned his head and looked at the expressions on the faces of the three of Gao Zhuo, his vision gradually began to blur.

"Hahaha, dead, dead!"

Seeing Xu Tong's body on the ground, the pharmacist danced with excitement.

He didn’t even forget to laugh at Akakimaru and others beside him: “If you want to do it, if you don’t do it, such a big piece of cake is gone now, hahaha!”

Akakimaru twitched the corner of his mouth, glaring at the pharmacist viciously.

Pharmacist knew that he was not the opponent of Chiguiwan, so he quickly hid beside Huahuainiang, pointed at the figures of Gao Zhuo and the others, and said, "What are you waiting for, kill!"

As soon as this remark came out, several Japanese players finally couldn't bear it anymore. This time they would ignore Akagimaru's advice and rushed towards the three of Gao Zhuo one after another.


Several people screamed and rushed towards the nearest few people. Seeing this, Akakimaru wanted to follow, but before he could make a move, he suddenly saw Xu Tong slowly get up from the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

"He's not dead!!"

The faces of the Japanese players who had rushed forward turned pale in an instant, and they didn't know whether to put down the Taidao that was held high in their hands.

"No, he's dead!"

Huahuainiang was surprised for a short time, and soon realized that Xu Tong could not be alive. It was some kind of special force that barely kept him alive.

"Dari Ruyi Furnace!"

Sure enough, the first thing Xu Tong did when he got up was to call out the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace. The furnace boiled for a while, and a huge amount of life force poured down like a waterfall, quickly healing the wounds on Xu Tong's body.

【Huangquan fruit】(rare)
Holding this object, the living will not fall into hell, and the dead will not be scattered.

Passive Skill 1: Death Delay

When the holder suffers fatal damage, the passive effect is triggered, which can keep the holder alive for 3 hours after triggering.

The damage received during this period is reduced by 20%
Cooldown: 30 days
This item was an item card given to Xu Tong by the Spirit Fire King when he was in the Netherland Urn City. I thought that this item would not be used for a while, but I didn't expect it to be of great use, but the process was not comfortable.

"Stop him!! There is still a chance!!"

The pharmacist screamed, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Xu Tong's current situation is not optimistic, and this is the last chance to kill him completely.

In fact, there was no need for the pharmacist to speak, Huahuai Niang had already started.

A black branch with slender hairs wrapped around it, a dark and cold curse emerged from Huai Niang's hand and hit Xu Tong.

Facing Huahuainiang's attack, Xu Tong didn't dodge or dodge, allowing the opponent to hit him hard.

Blood splattered for a moment, and the wound that was intended to heal was torn apart again in an instant. A wave of resentment lingered on Xu Tong's wound, trying to prevent him from recovering.

Such a non-evasive action, the action once again made everyone puzzled, but at this moment, there was a scream, but it was the pharmacist who vomited blood from his mouth, and looked at the scars on his body with a puzzled face.

There was a resentment exuding from the black wound, which was clearly the same as the injury Xu Tong had received.

"how so!!"

The pharmacist looked up strangely.

But he saw Xu Tong squinting and staring at him with a smile on his face.

"I said, don't even think about leaving my team in your life!"

The madness in the playful eyes made the pharmacist's scalp tingle.

It wasn't just Xu Tong and Pharmacist who were injured. In the face of [Guardian]'s skill righteousness, all team members would share the damage equally.

Active Skill 1: Righteousness

Consumes 30 script points. After activation, when there are more than 30 teammates within 2 meters around you, the damage you receive will be shared equally.

That's why, Xu Tongming knew that Yaoshi was a ghost, but he still insisted on recruiting him into his team.

If he didn't join his team, join the alliance, or join Guo Xiang's Ling team, it would be really not easy for him to kill him.

But he chose to join his own team.

"How long do you think you can last!"

Huahuai Niang at the side didn't care so much, since Xu Tong would not dodge or evade, she would not give up this opportunity. For a while, the branch in her hand waved and cursed at Xu Tong himself continuously.

For a moment, the bodies of everyone in the team trembled slightly, but the Da Ri Ru Yi Lu above Xu Tong's head was like a crazy fountain of blood, continuously injecting the power of life into their bodies.

In addition to the effect of [Golden Saint Dayuan Liquid] blessing them, even if the pharmacist's ability makes the effect of the medicine manic, there are still positive effects, at least the damage received will be greatly reduced under the influence of the overlord body.

Only the unlucky pharmacist, at this moment, is truly living a life worse than death.

Continuously sharing the damage on his body, there were seven or eight kinds of curses entangled on his body in an instant.

Rao is that the pharmacist kept taking out various medicines from the item book to treat him, but there were more and more wounds, which made his life worse than death.

Looking at this scene in the distance, Chikimaru and others were all shocked by Xu Tong's methods.

Pharmacist also realized at this time that he had fallen into Xu Tong's trap, and immediately applied to quit Xu Tong's team.

But the result surprised him.

"Ding, you have to pay [-] script points as liquidated damages if you try to withdraw from the Seven Gates!"

"Eighty thousand??"

When seeing this number, the pharmacist almost spat out a mouthful of blood, why didn't he grab it! !
The figure of [-] liquidated damages was not set by Xu Tong, but a figure calculated by Space.

Because he is a core member, and when Xu Tong joined the team, he turned on almost all permissions, including team skills, as a pharmacist.

Eighty thousand script points, how much?
Not much for Xu Tong, even the Lingzhi team can come up with it.

But for the pharmacist, he can't get this money out. The money he got from other teams is actually not that much. It is mainly the script points of other teams. Most of them will not be placed in the team warehouse. Most of the team warehouses are some relatively rare material resources.

In addition, he needs to prepare potions, which is also a money-burning ability, and he only has [-] script points in his hand.

Seeing that he could not withdraw from the team, the pharmacist struggled to get up, trying to stop Huahuainiang, but instead of stopping, Huahuainiang waved the branch in his hand and sent the pharmacist flying.

At this point, it is impossible for Huahuai Niang to let Xu Tong survive.

"I'll see how long you can last!!"

Huahuainiang's whole body was full of resentment, and the branch in her hand turned into a black cursed blade and slashed at Xu Tong.

This time Xu Tong didn't fight hard, but he still didn't dodge. It was only the golden light between his brows, and the Vajra Imprint was activated by him. In an instant, his whole body was covered by golden light, and the delicate dragon scales also wrapped him up.


There was a muffled collision sound, Xu Tong let out a muffled snort, and took two steps back involuntarily, with bright red blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

But the pharmacist was miserable, screamed, and flew upside down, his muscles atrophied, struggling to escape.

"Bring me back!"

Xu Tong raised his hand to call out the innate talisman, tied up the dragon talisman, wrapped the pharmacist into a rice dumpling, and pulled him back bit by bit.

"Captain, I was wrong, I was wrong, let me go, I was infatuated for a while, please let me go, I was really wrong!!"

The pharmacist's screams became more and more piercing, but Xu Tong didn't intend to let him go. He pulled him to his side, put one hand on his shoulder, and stared at the horrified face of the pharmacist , with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth: "You are dreaming!"

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