Infinite script kill

Chapter 859 The truth is below

Before Mao Xuefeng could even fully utter his words, his body began to dissolve into a large piece of black blood. Once the blood spread, it quickly dissolved everything around it.

"not good!"

The scene of deja vu caused Xu Tong's expression to change drastically, and he grabbed Huai Niang on the ground and quickly backed away.

At the same time, the other hand released the dragon talisman, rolled up Gao Zhuo and others, and pulled them directly to him.


The blood surged on the ground, which was very similar to the ability of Dazui that I encountered before, but far more domineering than Dazui's ability.

The big mouth can only devour those resentful demons, but the blood in front of him swallows everything. Wherever it passes, it wants to swallow everything.

"Didn't you want Dragon Ball? Here it is!"

Just as Xu Tong pulled the group of people back quickly, Huahua Niang suddenly spoke to Xu Tong, then spit out a dragon ball from her mouth, and threw it at Xu Tong.

Xu Tong instinctively slapped the dragon ball away, and at this very moment, Huahuai Niang seized the opportunity, grabbed Xu Tong's joints, and sank down with all her strength, intending to grab Xu Tong and jump into the bloody water together. .

"you wanna die!"

Shocked and angry, Xu Tong kicked Huahuainiang in the face, sending her flying straight into the dark blood in front of her.

"Plop!" With a sound, blood poured into Guo Xiang's body like thick mud, quickly decomposing her flesh.

And Huahuai Niang didn't struggle, just stared at Xu Tong with a sneer on her face, her lips moved slightly: "You are all going to die!"

Xu Tong didn't talk nonsense, he raised his hand and hit Huahuainiang with a beam of thunder, driving her into the bloody depths.

This bitch, relying on his shrine not to be destroyed, probably sacrificed his life to feed the black blood. After the black blood in front of him absorbed this guy, it began to swell rapidly.

"Head, let's go!!"

Although Gao Zhuo couldn't move, he was able to summon a few zombies, carried him, Gu Xibai, and Chang Wuju up and ran back.

Xu Tong glanced back, and saw that the blood was churning, and after absorbing Huahuainiang, it was rolled up three meters high in an instant, and fell heavily, swallowing Wansai Musashigen's body in an instant.

Seeing this, he frowned bitterly: "It seems that the matter of Amota can only be postponed."

Originally, I kept Guo Xiang because I wanted to use Guo Xiang's body to help Amota complete the seizure. After all, Guo Xiang devoured God Chen, so maybe the imprint would be in her body.

But now it's too much to worry about.

Xu Tong backed up and summoned the Xuanyuan Shield at the same time, and saw a blue cold light flickering in the shield light, and dense icicles flew out, instantly causing the surrounding temperature to drop below zero.

However, the cold air that can freeze the river, not only did not freeze the blood, but was swallowed by the blood.

Then Xu Tong tried to use Thunderbolt, Vermilion Fire, and even Sumeru Seal, but instead of preventing the blood from spreading, he was completely swallowed by the blood.

In the tumbling blood, an empty shrine appeared and disappeared. Xu Tong saw a familiar figure in the shrine, which was Mao Xuefeng.

At this moment, Mao Xuefeng is in a daze, his empty pupils are full of despair towards this world.

"Mao Xuefeng, wake up!!"

Xu Tong tried to wake him up, which was different from other parasitic people who had been robbed of their homes.

Perhaps it was because Mao Xuefeng had the same concept as him, or maybe it was because Mao Xuefeng was able to discover the existence of the door, so Chen Wangshen did not erase Mao Xuefeng's will.

Xu Tong tried to wake him up, but the effect was not good, and soon the shrine sank into the depths of blood again.

The blood surge is getting bigger and bigger.

When Xu Tong and others retreated to the Kowloon Walled City, the cave world in front of them was completely surrounded by blood.

If you were standing outside the cave at this moment, you would see the dark clouds that were originally deposited on the Kowloon Walled City, but at this moment it turned red like blood.

When the bean-sized blood drops dripped from it, those residents who hadn't left the Kowloon Walled City had no time to run away.

The cave world has completely merged with reality.

Soon a bloody rain poured down, and the rain was extremely corrosive, directly penetrating the floor.

Those residents who hadn't moved out soon lost consciousness and fell into a pool of blood after being contaminated with blood, but their souls were silently drawn into the blood cloud above their heads at this moment.

"Oh my God!"

Bishop Simpson and a group of monks looked at the rippling red clouds in the distance, couldn't help being dumbfounded, and prayed silently with the cross on their chests.

"Quick, send a telegram to Archbishop Dale, and ask him to come over as soon as possible!"

Simpson sent someone to report the news, and then thought for a moment: "Quick, everyone follow me into the church, ring the bell, and we pray for the Son!"

Xu Tong didn't know when the archbishop Simpson was talking about would come, but the current situation completely exceeded their expectations.

Blood soaked into the Kowloon Walled City in front of him, and many buildings began to corrode and collapse rapidly. Seeing this scene, Gao Zhuo's scalp went numb.

"Head, what shall we do next? There are too many things, even if you take out the Nine Immortal Cauldron, you can't stuff them all in."

Gao Zhuo turned his gaze to Xu Tong, stood on a high place and looked out, the whole world turned into a sea of ​​blood, and it won't be long before this Kowloon Walled City will be completely swallowed up.

"Get out, everyone run to the roof, hurry up!"

Xu Tong also knew in his heart that although the big killer in his hand could easily wipe out the gods who were stronger than himself, there was nothing he could do about the blood tide in front of him.

Immediately ordered Gao Zhuo and others to run to the roof, while he rushed to room 404, where the eldest princess was still waiting.

The original plan was to let the eldest princess hide in the room, and he would use the door as a bait to lure Chen Wangshen or Mansai Musashi source. At that time, the eldest princess would take the opportunity to sneak attack and send the other party directly to see his mistress with the worship button .

However, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and Xu Tong didn't expect to become like this.

Right now, I can only call the eldest princess, and then go to the top of the building to send everyone into the space between reality and reality, while I use the [Nightmare Bone Ring] to forcefully leave the cave.

As for the price of failure in the main mission, Xu Tong felt that he could afford it.

However, when he rushed over, he found that the eldest princess was not in the room: "Not here??"

Just when Xu Tong was puzzled, Gao Zhuo's roar came from the team channel: "Head, the princess is outside, she is inside the blood tide."


Xu Tong was startled when he heard the words, turned around and ran out the door to have a look. Sure enough, in the sea of ​​blood surging in the distance, the eldest princess stood tall in the sea of ​​blood, calling out waves of black water to collide with the sea of ​​blood.

For a moment, the infinite black water and the blood tide blended together, making a huge thunderous rumbling sound.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's face changed slightly, he rushed forward and grabbed the princess' wrist: "Go!"

However, the eldest princess skillfully pushed Xu Tong's hand away, and looked at Xu Tong calmly: "Let's go now, this world will be destroyed."

"If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. What does it have to do with us!" Xu Tong frowned. According to the master, the script world is just a reflection of reality, not the real world. Even if it is destroyed, it will not be destroyed. What effect does it have on reality.

Upon hearing this, the eldest princess looked back at Xu Tong and asked, "What if I don't want it to be destroyed?"

This sentence made Xu Tong stunned for a few seconds: "Is it because of that door?"

"It has nothing to do with the door, I want to leave, any time is fine." The eldest princess denied Xu Tong's statement, but just looked at the sea of ​​blood in front of her eyes: "This is an opportunity!"

"what chance??"

"The opportunity to jump out of the chessboard, how long do you want to be a chess piece, and be thrown into a strange world like a chess piece again and again."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Tong was immediately fixed on the spot as if struck by lightning.

In fact, Xu Tong has been thinking about this question for a long time. Is it true that players can only continue to enter the script world and take risks again and again until they die in the script world?
And what kind of identity is the player?What kind of role do you play? ?

who I am?I am Xu Tong, the afterglow of the doomsday, the dandy Ma Hongwen, the holy son Kevin Corleone, the upright Li Zheng, the rude grassroots Du Annan, who is next?

Sometimes, Xu Tong himself can't tell what kind of person he is after playing too many times.

When I was in Netherland, I risked my life to climb to the top of Youshan Mountain, and I also wanted to find this answer.

But all he got was a pine nut. Although Mr. Mei said that it was a rare treasure, Xu Tong was not happy because it was not the answer he wanted.

At this time, the eldest princess stretched out her hand to call out the black water, and shattered the sea of ​​blood in front of her: "Don't you want the truth, stop it, and I will tell you the so-called truth!"

Hearing what the eldest princess said, Xu Tong took a deep breath, and his eyes suddenly became sharp: "Okay, I also want to see what the so-called truth is!"

As he spoke, he called out the Chunyang Sword: "How to do it!"

"I'll separate the blood tide, you find a way to destroy the shrine!"

After the eldest princess said, three Dao fruits and the old tree with crooked neck appeared behind her. Under the influence of the eldest princess, the old tree trembled slightly, and countless black water gathered in front of the two of them, like a giant black dragon Rush into the blood tide.

"They're crazy!!"

When everyone saw this scene in the distance, whether it was the iron hands of the Ridge Group or Akakimaru and others, they all found it difficult to understand.

Isn't this courting death? ?
What on earth is he going to do? ?

In the horrified eyes of everyone, I saw an inexplicable aura rising from the whole body of the eldest princess, a thought flickered between her brows, and she controlled the infinite black water without reservation: "Open it for me!!"

"Boom rumble..."

For a moment, the blood boiled, and under the horrified eyes of everyone, the blood in front of him was actually torn apart.

The huge waves on the water surface formed a wave and hit the buildings in the Kowloon Walled City. In an instant, the entire city sank suddenly, and everyone cried out in their hearts.

A large number of cracks were torn from the building.

The building on the left is completely tilted, like a sugar cube thrown into hot coffee, which is rapidly dissolving.


Unfortunately, Akakimaru and others also happened to be hiding here. Seeing that the building was about to collapse, the group could only crazily rush to another building.

"Boom rumble..."

Numerous gravels exploded, and the tilt of the building became bigger and bigger. Akakimaru rushed to the front, looked at the broken corridor in the distance, and screamed for a while: "Everyone hold me tight, I will take you to rush over!" !!"

As Akakimaru said, he called out the huge fan that could summon the wind from the item book.

Seeing this, everyone immediately understood Akakimaru's thoughts, and immediately hugged Akakimaru's waist tightly.

"Hurry up!!"

Akakimaru took a deep breath, and used all his strength to lift the fan above his head, just when everyone thought that Akakimaru was going to take everyone out of the building with the help of the wind.

This guy suddenly showed a grin on the corner of his mouth: "Everyone, I forgot to say something."

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what Chikimaru was going to say, but he suddenly turned around and pointed at the broken corridor in front of him: "I'm sorry, Xiaoshan is not the only ghost, I am too!"

The moment the words fell, Akakimaru had already swung the fan in his hand heavily.

In an instant, the hurricane engulfed the bodies of all the people, and they fell straight back along with the broken building. Akakimaru's actions surprised everyone, but at the same time, everyone received a message from a special channel. The message that came was actually sent by Akakimaru: "Everyone, I wish you good luck!"

"This guy!!"

Gu Xibai just suspected that Xiaoshan was a traitor, but he didn't expect that there was a traitor on the side of the devil player, let alone a reckless man called Chi Guimaru.

This guy had the image of a headless reckless man from the beginning, but now that he thinks about it, his acting is too real.

At this time, the reminders that kept coming out resounded in everyone's ears.

"Ding! The alliance mission is over, and the points are being calculated..."

"Ding! The enemy and allied players have been killed or injured more than 90.00%, the judgment failed, and you win!"

"Ding! The alliance points ranking will be calculated later..."

"Ding! The alliance mission is over, you can choose to return!"

"Reminder! Since you have not completed the main task, if you choose to return, most of the rewards will be deducted this time, and only the alliance point rewards will be kept!"

"You can return!!"

Hearing the prompt, everyone was refreshed, especially the three Iron Hands. Naturally, they didn't want to stay in this ghostly place for a moment longer, and naturally wanted to return as soon as possible.

However, when Iron Hand was about to choose to return, Xiao Shan beside him suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground and twitched violently.


The iron hand hurriedly pulled up the hill, but when his hand touched the hill, he realized that the hill was no longer breathing.

The traitor's rewards are very generous, but the punishment is also extremely serious. If it's just a mission failure, perhaps only a part of the script points will be deducted. completely defeated.

The only price that Xiao Shan paid for this trip was his own life.

It cannot be said that he has done too little, but compared to the old and cunning Akakimaru, Koyama's performance can only be described as bad.


The loss of the team this time made Tieshou feel ashamed, so he could only grit his teeth and choose to return as soon as possible. Maybe he could use the information of Qimen to exchange more support from Momen's high-level officials to restore their team's disastrous defeat. loss.

"Head, we can go back!!"

Gao Zhuo shouted in the team channel.

But Xu Tong didn't pay any attention to it.

Seeing the princess split the blood tide in two, Xu Tong realized that the ground of the cave had long been swallowed by blood, and a huge crack could hardly see the bottom, only a dark abyss.

"5 minutes!"

The eldest princess looked at Xu Tong. Five minutes was already the limit she could hold on to. If Xu Tong couldn't destroy the shrine within five minutes, she would have to return to reality immediately, but...she would stay here.

"Okay!" Xu Tong responded simply, waving the Chunyang sword, and leaping down the crack in front of him.


Gao Zhuo and his party lay on the roof watching, their eyes widened when they saw this, and they wanted to rush up to help, but they couldn't move at all, so they could only watch helplessly.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

After Xu Tong jumped off the crack, from time to time there would be red water jets tearing apart the princess's black water from time to time, rushing towards Xu Tong like a python out of a hole.

Seeing this, Xu Tong waved the Chunyang sword in his hand and used Taiji swordsmanship. The sword edge seemed fast and slow, and layers of sword energy formed a strong wind around him, wrapping Xu Tong firmly in it.

"Bang bang bang..."

The water jets hit the sword energy one after another, and were immediately scattered by layers of pure Yang sword energy.

"I want to know the truth, the truth about players, I've had enough of this marionette-like life!!"

Thinking of this, Xu Tong called out the cold iron gourd from the item book, pulled out the plug of the gourd, a gust of cold air gushed out from the gourd, and accelerated Xu Tong's falling speed.

In an instant, Xu Tong saw a shrine wrapped in black mist under the crack.

"found it!!"

Seeing this shrine, Xu Tong quickly changed into black water dragon teeth, and jumped forward.

"Go away!!"

However, at this moment, Mao Xuefeng who was sitting in the shrine suddenly opened his eyes, and a distorted hatred appeared in his empty eyes. Feng poured out.

"Who is this!!"

Xu Tong was startled in his heart, such supernatural power should not have appeared on Mao Xuefeng.

"Go, this guy has a big problem!!"

Amota's scream came from Xu Tong's mind. He was always preparing to seize the house, so he kept staring at Xu Tong silently. Even if there was a little hope, he would not give up easily.

But at this moment, he was screaming for Xu Tong to leave as soon as possible! !

A blood-red palm crushed the princess's black water, and grabbed Xu Tong from the side.

Seeing the bloody hand in front of him, Xu Tong's pupils twitched, he ignored Ah Mota's scream, and instead bumped head-on into the bloody water.

"Why haven't you come out yet!"

In the distance, Gao Zhuo and others waited anxiously, hoping that Xu Tong would rush out of the blood tide in the next moment.

At this moment, Gao Zhuo suddenly felt that someone was pulling him, and when he looked back, he found that it was Mei Da. Mei Da pointed to the ground, and saw a line of small characters written on the ground.

【Are you afraid of pain? 】

Gao Zhuo was stunned for a moment, not knowing why Mei Da asked himself this way, he shook his head for a moment: "What are you going to do?"

Mei Da stuffed the dragon ball he picked up just now into Gao Zhuo's hand, then hugged Gao Zhuo, opened his mouth to reveal a single tooth, and bit down on Gao Zhuo's neck.

"Ah I……"

The single tooth pierced through the golden light on Gao Zhuo's body, and slowly pierced into Gao Zhuo's flesh and blood. Gao Zhuo's eyes widened in pain. He never dreamed that he, a zombie, was bitten by another zombie. a man!
Seeing that Mei Da inhaled hard afterwards, Gao Zhuo immediately felt a numbness all over his body, and soon found that most of the corpse aura accumulated in his body was sucked away by Mei Da in an instant.

After inhaling the corpse aura, most of Mei's injuries recovered in an instant.

At this moment, Mei raised her head, wiped away the blood from the corner of her mouth, then patted Gao Zhuo's shoulder, and said in a human voice, "I ask help me suck out the corpse...poison...!"

In fact, ever since Mei Da saw Gao Zhuo, he was wondering if Gao Zhuo could help him suck out the corpse poison from his body.

Without the corpse poison, he could be buried safely in the Mei family's ancestral grave.

It can be regarded as not humiliating the ancestors, which is why Mei Da always stared at Gao Zhuo during the trip to Netherland.

It's just that at this moment, it's too late, relying on Xu Tong and the eldest princess, if they want to fight the blood tide in front of them alone, I'm afraid they can't do it, he has to help.

"Ah, so that's what it is."

Gao Zhuo let go of the chrysanthemum, and after knowing the whole story, he immediately relaxed a lot: "Then you should tell me earlier, and you can't ignore this brother Meidu."

When Mei Da heard this, she immediately smiled with relief, "Next time... next time!"

After talking about Mei Da, he turned around, waved his hand in the direction of the bell tower not far away, and jumped off the top of the building.

Before his body fell to the ground, he raised his hand and punched it on the wall in front of him. For a moment, countless broken stones flew up and hit the bloody water. Mei Da's figure was as light as a dragonfly, stepping on these stones and heading straight for the crack.

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