Infinite script kill

Chapter 861 The truth!


This is an unfamiliar name, but with the title of Blood River Access Control God, one can tell that this guy is a god from the underworld.

Is it because of him that Mao Xuefeng can see the so-called door?
And the blood of the ancient god in the hands of the pharmacist happened to be his blood, this is too coincidental.

Is it a coincidence?

The gods can see into the future...

Xu Tong couldn't help thinking of this sentence in his mind, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and a terrible thought came to his heart, which made him dare not even think about it deeply.

Just when Xu Tong wanted to see more memories, a muffled cold snort sent Xu Tong flying away.

Mao Xuefeng squinted at Xu Tong: "Why don't you leave now, what does this world have to do with you!!"

"You shouldn't be here." Xu Tong looked at Mao Xuefeng in front of him.

When Lutoro heard the words, he chattered and laughed, as if he had heard a ridiculous joke: "Don't you want the truth, let me tell you, the so-called script was originally prepared for us, or we It gives you the strength to be a player."

Lutoro seems to be delaying time intentionally, so he is happy to tell Xu Tong the so-called truth.

"Do you know that the reason why gods are immortal is because behind them there is often a world, or even people from several worlds enshrining them.

Just like the current world, when the cave and reality are connected, this world will become my world, and everyone will become my sacrifice,

But even those gods who are stronger than me can't take the initiative to invade a world.

And the world will not develop as we wish, and we always need some people who are not in this world to go in the direction we imagined, this is the so-called script!

Oh yes, I've already paid the price for doing this, and that's the reward you get every time you leave. "

When Lutoro said this, he looked at Xu Tong jokingly: "The dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon, have you forgotten that you can also occupy a world as your place of support. "

What Lutoro said is true, as long as the level of certified players is high enough, they can occupy a script world and operate it as their own base camp.

In a sense, this is a kind of benefit given to players by the gods, or it can be understood as a kind of solicitation.

After all, after some players are strong enough, they will naturally feel dissatisfied when they find that they are just so-called tools.

So giving a sweetness is enough to calm the dissatisfaction of most players.


At this time, there was a deafening vibration outside.

Lutoro raised his head and looked to the outside world: "It has already started!"

The large sea of ​​blood was undulating, and the cave had been completely connected with reality. In an instant, there was a rain of bright red blood, which began to sway the entire "New Territories".

I believe it won't be too long, as more and more people become his sacrifices, the whole world will turn into a blood-red ocean and become part of his sacrifices.

"It's still too late for you to leave now. The reward I gave this time is very rich, enough to make your strength improve a lot again. I'm looking forward to your performance when we meet next time!"

Lutoro looked at Xu Tong who was full of astonishment, showed a kind smile as much as possible, and urged him to leave here as soon as possible.

Xu Tong raised his head in a daze, the face that he forcibly tore apart became extraordinarily weird for a moment.

I thought I was a player in the script, but I didn't think they were the NPCs in the script world, not even NPCs, at best they were pawns and tools in the hands of the gods.

Only when the truth is uncovered by oneself, will one discover that the so-called truth is such a huge difference from what one imagined.

This truth really overturned Xu Tong's cognition.

But when he calmed down and thought about it carefully, these clues had appeared in front of him a long time ago.

For example, when she was in Netherland last time, Lilith said that the war of the gods has never ended, and there is also competition among them.

At that time, I didn't realize what the war Lilith was talking about, and I didn't really understand until now that what the gods are fighting for is the resources, population, and even the entire world in these script worlds.

There are also masters, masters, princesses, old Taoists, etc. They are all living existences. The script world has never been a so-called script, but a real world with flesh and blood.

In order to deal with himself, Mr. Tai made minor changes to the script, but even so, he still stepped on the red line of the gods.

It's like two people playing chess, but the referee on the side secretly changed the chess pieces that the two fell.

So the so-called above, obviously, are the gods and spirits of the heavens. No wonder the "Nvqingtian Law" was mentioned many times in the prompts when Mr. Tai was punished, and the so-called Nuqingtian Law is exactly the law practiced by the gods.

There are still many clues in details. At this moment, when Xu Tong thinks about them one by one, he just feels creepy.

For example, the last battle between Buddhism in the script world was not just a script, but a real war.

It's just that I was just a pawn at that time, and from the perspective of a pawn, I didn't even realize that I was participating in a contest between gods.

As the old saying goes: You don't know the game when you are in chess.

After being horrified, Xu Tong's eyes gradually returned to calm. He slowly raised his head, looked at Lutoro in front of him, opened his bloody mouth, and suddenly stretched out his dagger to stab Lutoro.

Facing the black water dragon tooth pierced by Xu Tong, Lutoro looked calm and did not hide or dodge, allowing the dagger to penetrate his body, but the strange thing is that the wound pierced by the black water dragon tooth was healed in an instant .

"I'm not in your mission, there is no intersection between you and me! Besides, you can't kill me at all, follow my advice and leave."

Xu Tong's pupils danced with a faint light: "You are right, this world has nothing to do with me, you are not in my mission, and it has nothing to do with me if you sacrifice the whole world, but unfortunately, I am ... born to be rebellious!"

As the words fell, Lutoro suddenly felt his body tense, and saw Xu Tong's ten fingers pulling hard, and each dragon talisman was straightened like a spider's thread, and it was unknowingly woven into a large piece of paper. The net was tightly wrapped around Lutoro's body.

It turned out that Cai Cai's attack was just a feint. Xu Tong's real purpose was to wrap the dragon talisman around him quietly.


Xu Tong shouted loudly, pulled Lutoro up and rushed out.

"What are you going to do??"

Lutoro's face changed drastically. He didn't know what Xu Tong was going to do, but seeing his body getting closer to the water surface, he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Seeing that Xu Tong was about to rush out of the water, Lutoro frowned. Xu Tong's current state was completely immune to the erosion of the sea of ​​blood, which made him unable to do anything for a while, so his mind moved, and he saw a bird in the depths of the sea of ​​blood. The skinny hand struck quickly, it was the ancient god's hand that pulled Xu Tong down just now.

The skinny palm grew bigger and bigger in an instant, and in an instant it was a giant palm that covered the sky, and quickly grabbed Xu Tong.

The hand of the ancient god was extremely fast, with five fingers spread out, like a prehistoric monster under the sea opening its mouth, gradually covering the figures of Xu Tong and Lutoro.

However, at this moment, something suddenly appeared in Xu Tong's hand, which was a pure white feather.

[Archangel Feather] (1/1)

It is rumored that it is a feather left by an angel in the world, and it has extremely strong divine power.

Active Skill 1: Holy Light

Consume 3000 script points to activate LV12 holy light, purify evil creatures within a diameter of 20 meters around, and provide powerful treatment for non-evil creatures.

The moment Xu Tong activated the holy light, he lightly waved his hand and threw the feather to the top of his head.

Suddenly, a bright light suddenly appeared, and the sun-like light burst out in the dark sea of ​​blood.


Now, both Xu Tong and Lutoro were instantly exposed to the holy light.

In an instant, Xu Tong even felt that he was about to lose his wits.


At the same time, the water surface exploded, and one hand suddenly plunged into the icy sea of ​​blood from the water surface, grabbed Xu Tong's palm, and pulled it hard, pulling Xu Tong out of the water surface with a huge force.

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