Infinite script kill

Chapter 863 It's Late But Report

Chapter 863 It's Late But Report
After the mistress sealed Lutoro, the master said to Xu Tong: "Let's go back first, and come to us after you finish taking care of the rest."

Xu Tong nodded, supported Mei Da who was beside him, and sent him into the space between reality and reality, as for the eldest princess, she had no intention of going back at all.

Afterwards, Xu Tong threw the other half of Lutoro's body directly into the Dayi Ruyi Furnace, planning to wait back and find a free time to refine this guy into a elixir.

After sending off the master, Xu Tong and other talents walked out of the Kowloon Walled City one after another.

When they left the city, everyone was in a panic, except Li Bo, everyone was more or less injured, Xu Tong was no exception, he was the most seriously injured, not a single inch of his body was healthy.

But Xu Tong didn't plan to go back just now.

The main mission is not over yet, and there is still one shrine short, but I already know roughly where the shrine is.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, after Xu Tong and others came out, they went straight to Jiulong Mountain behind the Jiulong Walled City.

The so-called Jiulong Temple is actually not easy to find. Xu Tong and the others also met a woodcutter. Under the guidance of the woodcutter, they found the so-called Jiulong Temple on the top of Chenshan Mountain in Jiulong Mountain.

It was a very small temple, which looked similar to the Earth Temple.

The surrounding area is overgrown with weeds. If passers-by pass by, it is easy to miss it if they are not paying attention.

When Xu Tong and others came to the temple and looked inside, they saw a shrine inside the temple, and the gods in the shrine were wrapped in red cloth.


The shrine trembled slightly, and the red cloth on it fell off, revealing a clay statue, and then it wanted to fly out of the shrine to escape.

It's just that Huahuai Niang has already been seriously injured in the Kowloon Walled City. Even if it wasn't her true self who was destroyed, how much power can a god who has been forgotten by the world have.

Barely able to fly up, even failed to rush out ten feet, Gu Xibai leaped into the air and stomped heavily on the ground.

"I still want to run!!"

Gu Xibai was about to crush Huahuainiang as she said that.

"and many more!!"

At this time, Xu Tong reached out to stop Gu Xibai, and picked up the statue of Huahuainiang: "Tell me, where are the other dragon balls, as long as you give me the other dragon balls, I won't destroy you, but I will give them back to you." A treat!"

As Xu Tong said, he took out a bunch of incense merits. For Huahuainiang, it is not an exaggeration to say that incense merits are a luxury, and this thing can keep her spirit alive.

"I can ask someone to help you reshape the golden body and give you a place under the Dragon King Temple. People in the "New Territories" believe in gods very much, and they will also believe in gods in the future, so you don't have to worry about incense, at least in the end of the Dharma Era , you can enjoy a share of incense, so it won’t disappear in smoke.”

After hearing Xu Tong's words, Huahuainiang's statue trembled a few times.

Then there was a sound of broken stones cracking under the temple. Gao Zhuo walked over to have a look, and a box was exposed from the stone platform under the shrine. After opening it, he saw that there were four dragon balls inside.

Although not all, it is enough for the princess.

Seeing that the item was in hand, Xu Tong nodded in satisfaction, and looked at the statue in his hand: "I have offended you, please feel wronged first!"

As he spoke, Xu Tong called out the ghost bell and activated the soul arresting skill.

Immediately, a ray of gray gleam was held in his palm, and after throwing the incense merits and this gleam in his hand into the soul coffin, the idol lost the power of the gods and suddenly turned into powder.

Xu Tong and the others also got the notification for the main mission.

"Ding! Main mission 3: Shrine, completed!"

"Ding! You have completed the main task, you can return to reality at any time, or you can stay here for fifteen days."

After receiving the reminder of the task, everyone in Xu Tong immediately relaxed a lot.

I handed the dragon balls to the eldest princess. Although the dragon balls are not complete, plus the original one in my hand, there are only five, but these are enough for the eldest princess.

The main mission has been completed, and the alliance mission has also been completed.

But Xu Tong and others did not leave in a hurry, but returned to the Yixing Gang to cultivate.

On the one hand, Xu Tong intends to send the eldest princess off, on the other hand, if he stays for a few more days, the master will gain more merits. There must be nothing wrong with accumulating more of these things.

After two days of recuperation, everyone gradually regained their vitality.

Among them, Gao Zhuo was the most seriously injured. The indestructible bones that this guy finally condensed were finished like this, followed by the eldest princess, whose vitality was injured, but with the Dragon Ball, he recovered quickly.

Speaking of which, the most surprising thing is Li Bo, this guy's luck is really enviable.

Not only did he save his life, but he also obtained a mark of heaven.

【Mark of Heaven】

As a devout believer of the church, the stamp of recognition obtained at the moment of calling out the gate of heaven.

Passive Skill 1: Pious Man

Those who hold this seal will gain a status equivalent to that of the prime minister and deacon in all spheres of influence of the church.

Passive Skill 2: Believers

Holders of seals will increase their strength by 30%, and temporarily increase their strength by 120% when they are near the church
Active Skill 1: Evidence of Seeking Tao

Consume 800 script points, issue the certificate of the seeker, and be able to randomly obtain the blessing of an archangel!
Duration: 30 minutes
Cooling time: 24 hours.

This imprint can be called the sacred physique of Pinxixi's version, and it does not occupy the grid of the item book, so it can be regarded as a rare top-quality item card.

As for when Li Bo became a believer in the church, who knows, and this kind of thing is not important at all.

After all, even Josie, who can turn a devil into an angel, can appear, so what is impossible?

Xu Tong also told everyone the so-called truth in Lutoro's mouth.

Hearing this result, Gao Zhuo and others all fell silent.

This is like playing a game. After investing a lot of money and time in it, you suddenly find that the game company not only arranges ghosts for you to recharge, but also shamelessly flashes out all the updated equipment for the next version.

It's not until the end of the game that you realize that you are the leeks harvested by others, and no one will feel comfortable in that mood.

The difference is that in reality, players can delete their accounts and stop playing.

But they couldn't delete the number.

Only by being repeatedly treated as pawns and tools under the fiddling of the gods, is it like the opponent's marionette.

If they have not become certified players, even if they know the truth, they will not feel any unwillingness, after all, there is a gap in strength.

But now, it was a completely different mood.

"Head, can we resist?"

Gao Zhuo raised his head. Before entering the script world, it was an adventurous mood. Now that he learned the truth, he even began to reject the script world greatly.

Xu Tong didn't speak, but looked at the eldest princess beside her.

Since she is the one who guides herself to reveal the truth, perhaps the eldest princess and the master have already had some idea.

It's just that the eldest princess was silent and didn't speak on this matter.

Seeing this, Xu Tong knew that he might have to go to the master about this matter to see what the master's plan was.

In the next few days, under Xu Tong's instruction, things about the Kowloon Walled City gradually began to calm down. Whether it was official or private, in order to quell those rumors, Xu Tong also specially asked someone to set up a Dragon King Temple in the city. .

Interestingly, under the statue of the Dragon King, there are statues of two children.

The one on the left is called Shannv, who is white and clean and very cute. She holds a cross between her chest with her hands clasped in fists, as if she is reciting a hymn.

This can also be regarded as a relationship with the church on a certain level. After all, the power of the church in the "New Territories" will still be very stubborn in the future. Do it, even people who believe in the church can still worship the Dragon King with peace of mind.

The villain on the right is holding a locust tree vine in her hand. She is so vicious that it makes people feel hairy.

These two gods are Xu Tong's promise to set up for Huahuainiang, and the other is the little girl's soul, which was enshrined by Xu Tong. It can be regarded as her thanks for helping him.

Xu Tong also named the two of them viciously, "rewarding good and punishing evil envoys".

There is no need to make up the story by yourself. When the common people hear this name, they can make it up by themselves.

With this Dragon King Temple in place, the Kowloon Walled City gradually began to restore stability.

The eldest princess's injuries have almost recovered in the past few days. Although the two have not communicated with each other, they already know that their separation is imminent.

Before leaving, the eldest princess planned to say goodbye to the master and others.

Xu Tong would naturally go in and ask the master about Lutoro's treatment.

Seeing that Xu Tong released the gap between reality and reality, he brought the eldest princess into the gate together.

At this moment, on the other side of the sea, a passenger ship was sailing against the wind.

On the deck of the passenger ship, a musician was playing a melodious and moving piece of music with a violin, which made everyone on the deck show thoughts of returning home.


An oriental face held a wine glass in one hand, walked to the deck, facing the soothing sunlight in front of him, feeling indescribably comfortable.

If Xu Tong was here, he would definitely recognize that this person is none other than Chikimaru's real body.

He didn't come back to reality. Instead, he took the passenger ship to the other side of the ocean leisurely, enjoying the comfort of life.

It seems that life and death have nothing to do with him, and enjoying time is his favorite thing.


It's just that with a relaxed demeanor, Akakimaru always feels a little uncomfortable, and he can't tell what the discomfort is, but he always feels a little unexplainable in his heart.

"Look, over there!!"

At this time, someone on the deck suddenly shouted and pointed forward, and everyone went up to have a look, and found a ship approaching quickly.

The ship is completely different from ordinary passenger ships. The wooden hull moves extremely fast, as if there is an invisible big hand pushing the ship forward on the water, and it gradually approaches the passenger ship in an instant. The eye-catching church cross badge on the long sail made many people change their expressions, and some devout believers had already bowed their heads and prayed.


Seeing the ship, Akakimaru felt more and more uncomfortable. Just as he was hesitating whether to go back to the cabin, his mind suddenly tightened, and a gaze that made him feel uneasy was fixed on him.

Looking back, it was a priest who was covered in a black robe, and a pair of pale gold pupils seemed to see him through at a glance.

"Heretic!! Damn it!"

The priest whispered with his lips, and barely made a sound, but for Akakimaru, it was no less than a bolt from the blue, his body froze suddenly, and a great sense of oppression hit him, tightly wrapping his heart, and then Little by little he began to squeeze, almost suffocating him.

"Bang bang bang... click!"

At the moment the heart burst, Akakimaru's pupils tightened, and a smear of blood spurted out of his mouth, screaming: "Return!!" He fell off the deck and fell into the sea with a "plop!"

It's just that when the priest looked over again, he didn't find Chi Guimaru's body.

"Your Excellency Dale, what happened?"

When a group of missionaries heard the movement, they quickly rushed forward, facing Archbishop Dale in front of them, and asked respectfully.

Dale waved his hand: "A heretic has been wiped out, how long will it take us to reach the "New Territories"!"

"Soon, two hours at most."

"Then hurry up, if you miss this time, you may not meet again next time!"

Dale raised his palm as he spoke, the golden cross in his hand shone with brilliant divine light, and said softly, "God said... let there be wind!"

As the words came out, the sails of the ship were suddenly stirred up, and everyone obviously felt that the speed of the whole ship suddenly increased by several knots...

(End of this chapter)

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