Chapter 865
The sailboat of the Holy See was coming very fast, and when the people at the port saw it, the ship had already sailed into the port.

Facing such a gorgeous sailing boat, many fishermen of the older generation couldn't help but raise their heads with strange expressions.

Such huge sailboats were rare when they were young, and even less so when they grew up.

Before the sailboat docked, the local police station and army had already rushed over, and the first ones were naturally the local bishop Simpson and officer Simon.

The expressions of the two were very tense, especially Simon, with sweat on his forehead.

He has long admired the name of Archbishop Dale.

One of the twelve cardinal archbishops, it is rumored that the Pope has proposed several times to let him take over as the next pope, but he has always refused.

Of course, what Archbishop Dale is most famous for is not these rumors, but his method as a hardliner and his almost paranoid character.

A nobleman was even tried on the spot at a nobleman's banquet on the grounds that the nobleman put his hand on the maid's lap while praying.

At that time, this incident caused a great sensation, but no one dared to come forward to criticize.

Even the royal family has a great fear of the archbishop.

Now that the archbishop actually came in person, it really put a lot of pressure on Simon.


At this time the deck was lowered, and the priests in black robes came down from the ship. The people in the port had seen many of these foreigners, so they didn't find it surprising.

It's just that I have never seen such a big battle before, as if some important person is coming.

Simon and Simpson looked up. When they saw Dale, who was also wearing a black priest's robe, they still felt a huge sense of oppression even though they had been mentally prepared.

Even if the other party didn't do this deliberately, this sense of oppression still made it hard to breathe.

"Please allow me to welcome you on behalf of believers in the "New Territories."

Simpson took the initiative to meet him, put his hands on his chest, and bowed to Dale in front of him.

Dale stretched out his palm and gently placed Simpson's head as a blessing, with a rare smile on his face: "Congratulations, Bishop Simpson, your faith has been confirmed, and the church has drawn up a plan for you to be promoted to patriarch according to your situation." Announcement, I believe there will be news soon."

Hearing the news, Simpson was suddenly excited.

It is a great promotion for him to be promoted to Patriarch at his age.

"Thank you for the gospel!"

Simpson thanked him again and again, but soon Simpson looked embarrassed: "About the Holy Son..."

In fact, he had already sent someone to look for him, but he couldn't find any trace of Xu Tong. He was afraid that it would make Archbishop Dale feel unhappy. When he was thinking about how to explain it, Dale looked at Jiulong Mountain behind the port. : "The Holy Son is already waiting for me."


Simpson was stunned for a second, and then immediately gestured the cross on his chest understandingly, and said in his mouth: "The omniscient and omnipotent God is everywhere."

Without waiting for them to say anything else, Dale led the black-robed priests beside him towards Jiulong Mountain.

With Dale's strength, Nine Dragons Mountain is only close at hand, but he walked for a full hour on this journey.

A line of black-robed priests lined up and marched forward. Wherever they went, they continued to distribute gospel brochures and some silver dollar coupons to the surrounding residents.

There were also reporters taking pictures along the way.

I saw Dell calling out divine light to heal the broken thigh of an old man, and the old man called out to the gods excitedly, but instead, Dell said to everyone with righteous words: "This is the gospel of God, not his power. They Just a servant of the Lord God."

At the end, he did not forget to personally pull up the old man and pour holy water on everyone.

Just the operation along the way, I don’t know how many people will start to convert their hearts to the church.

"Tch, anyone who has seen the Three Kingdoms will understand this trick!"

Xu Tong sat on the top of the mountain and saw this, and couldn't help complaining. He didn't know how many times he used it to open the altar, run water to cure the disease, from five buckets of rice to the White Lotus Sect.

Can't stand the foreign monks who are so good at chanting scriptures.

It's obviously the same thing, but some people think that the things outside are better.

When Dell's team reached the foot of Jiulong Mountain, they stopped, and then saw Dell walking to the top of the mountain step by step, really walking up the mountain step by step. Xu Tong ate two buckets of instant noodles before walking slowly up the hill.

The breeze gently rolled his black priest robes. I have to say, this guy is really handsome.

Hawk-eyed and broad-nosed, with sharp edges and corners, the long golden hair was meticulously groomed, and the well-trimmed beard added a bit of masculinity.

Coupled with this sacred and solemn priest's robe, he is simply a handsome uncle in the girl's mouth.

While Xu Tong was looking at Dell, Dell was also looking at Xu Tong. His gaze could penetrate the body and see Xu Tong's soul.

When he saw the imprint of the archangel in Xu Tong's soul, Dale's pupils twitched slightly. Although the literature has recorded the imprint in the soul when the Son first came, but when he really saw it, he still let Dale see it. The inner waves are ups and downs.

At this time, the air was filled with the smell of joss sticks, which Dale was not used to. He didn't know why these orientals liked to burn such pungent things so much.

After the two looked at each other for a while, Dale finally spoke, walked up to Xu Tong step by step, and kissed Xu Tong's face: "Please forgive my offense, I should have come here as soon as you came, but no Coincidentally, I encountered some troubles and wasted time, although Bishop Simpson has stated your wishes in the telegram, but I still hope that you can follow me back to the Vatican."

Although Dell's words were very respectful, his tone sounded a bit more forceful.

Xu Tong knew that these Westerners were pissed, and he spoke straightforwardly. He was able to speak so politely, because the other party saw his special status.

Xu Tong did not answer Dale directly, but asked instead: "Why must I go to the Vatican?"

The church has asked him to go to the Vatican more than once. If the first invitation was a kind of protection, then Xu Tong felt a threat now.

"The Pope hopes that when you come next time, you will take on the responsibility of the Holy Son and open the gates of heaven!"

Dell took out a scroll from his sleeve and handed it to Xu Tong. Although Xu Tong couldn't understand the words on it, he could understand the meaning of the scroll.

After reading it carefully, Xu Tong frowned slightly, and squinted at Dale: "The price is too high, and what benefits can I get, don't tell me about dedication, I am not that noble."

Speaking of which, Xu Tong simply acted like a rogue, sat down on the ground, took out the big cigarette stick, and acted like he didn't intend to leave.

However, Dell seemed to have expected this. After all, there had been some records about the temper of the holy son in the literature. Dell lifted up the priest's robe, took out a cloth bag from his waist pocket, and threw it to Xu Tong.

After Xu Tong glanced at the cloth bag, he picked it up and weighed it in his hand, and then opened it, to his surprise, there was a golden gemstone inside.

"??? You don't think I'm someone who can be bought with money, do you?"

Xu Tong picked up a gem with a puzzled face, but after speaking, Xu Tong's face changed.

This is not a gem, but a spiritual power that is pure to the extreme.

In order to make sure that I read it correctly, I deliberately threw one into the item book.

Sure enough, the entries given in the item book surprised Xu Tong.

【Spiritual Gold Diamond】

According to legend, the gemstone condensed by the thoughts of the gods has been repeatedly purified by the church to form a unique item.

It is said that after devouring, the soul can be strengthened, the primordial spirit can be upgraded, and even as long as enough is devoured, it is enough to make oneself become a fairy immediately.

The content of the entry is very concise, but the information revealed is astonishingly large.

"No wonder!"

Xu Tong felt relieved, no wonder Dale's strength is so amazing, probably it has something to do with this thing.

"This is a deposit. As long as you agree to the church's conditions, we can give you more gems like this, and it's even not difficult to directly help you break through the shackles!"

Dale said, and took out a contract: "You don't have to go to the Vatican, as long as you press your fingerprint on it."

Xu Tong held the contract in his hand, and after scanning it carefully, he probably understood the church's plan in his heart.

This is a soul contract. After I press my fingerprints, I will take some of my soul fragments as collateral. Only by completing the content of the contract can I redeem my soul.

Combined with the truth I have learned, and the fact that the three religions are aware of the existence of players, the Holy See's calculations are clearly visible.

"What if I refuse!"

Xu Tong looked up at Dale.

After signing this contract, I am subject to the Holy See just like the eldest princess, Lao Dao and others, and there must be players inside the Holy See. Once the Holy See hands over the contract to the other party, I will be in big trouble.

Dale was not surprised by this answer, and casually threw another contract to Xu Tong: "The things in this bag are still yours. After signing this contract, the church will not embarrass you again."

Xu Tong picked it up and looked at it, and immediately smiled.

He looked at the contents of the contract: "What if I don't sign these two copies."

The content of the contract is very simple, I can no longer have any contact with the gods of hell, or have a cooperative relationship, otherwise, I will be killed by the curse on the contract.

Dale frowned, without any nonsense, slowly stretched out his palm with white gloves, and the golden holy light began to shine in his palm.

"Then I can only take you back to the Vatican forcibly. I know you are a descendant, but I can imprison your soul so that you cannot leave. After being brought to the Vatican, the Pope will decide your life or death."

Xu Tong was not annoyed when he heard the words, and slowly opened his hands: "I knew that you must be no good, but I am willing to wait for you until now, just to know if you still recognize this thing."

Dale was startled, and saw the [Pope Badge] in Xu Tong's hand, his face flickered for a while, and a deep frown was frowned on that handsome face, and the blue veins surging on his forehead could be seen, but at the end , Dell looked like a deflated ball, and nodded helplessly.

"Ha, then you have nothing to do here, get out!"

Xu Tong exhaled a puff of green smoke, indicating that Dell could leave. This badge was returned to him by Qiao Qian. It seemed that he had foreseen this day before giving the badge to him.

It really means that there are people at the top who are good at handling things.

Xu Tong sighed infinitely in his heart.

Dale stared at Xu Tong unwillingly: "The church won't just let it go, you will always give the church an explanation after this matter!"

As he said that, Dell left without looking back, not even asking for the [God's Golden Diamond] in Xu Tong's hand.

"Hey, I picked up a bargain for nothing!"

Xu Tong weighed the god's golden diamond in his hand, and sighed in his heart, the church is still a big business.

But for this matter, I can eat it for a lifetime in the future.

Putting these treasures away, he plans to go back and refine them together to make elixir, otherwise he always feels weird and worried about eating them directly.

"It's a pity, I was looking forward to it!"

While Xu Tong was talking, he used the cigarette stick in his hand to push aside the grass beside him, and saw the paper figurines of Seventh Master and Eighth Master standing there in the grass, and the altar and incense candles had already been placed.

If Dell insisted, I would be happy to see the result, after all, I have so much money now that I have no place to spend it.

Worst of all, I called my wife out for a walk, I believe she would be quite happy to exercise her muscles.

Putting away the pair of paper figurines so that they can be used next time, Xu Tong stood up and patted the dirt on his buttocks, and stood on the Nine Dragon Mountain to take another look at the country.

Under the blue sky, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery.

It's just that the church built in the distance and the military camps stationed there are particularly glaring. Xu Tong frowned: "After 100 years, this is still our territory, and you will have to go back sooner or later."

After all, Xu Tong shouted in the team channel: "Return!"

(End of this chapter)

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