Chapter 876

Xu Tong's ideas are dangerous.

It's as evil as Yue Buqun's practice of copying [-] copies of the evil sword art after he obtained it and distributing it to various schools of the martial arts.

The difference is that I am different from Yue Buqun, and I have always firmly controlled the Magic Cube. Maybe one day Xu Tong is in a bad mood and closes the store. At that time, the players in the entire exhibition may have to scold the street.

After listening to Xu Tong's talk about his future plans, Gu Xibai pondered in his heart, if it really reached this point, it is estimated that the script points in the hands of all players will start to increase in value.

After all, the enhancement of the Dream Rubik's Cube would cost an exaggerated amount of money.

Coupled with the fact that they add even a little bit of basic fees, the price is even more terrifying.

If it wasn't for being on the same team as Xu Tong, I'm afraid I would have shouted that Xu Tong's plan is simply a player's cancer.

Once you have a direction, you can just immerse yourself in the next thing.

When everyone had eaten and drank enough, they went straight back to the shop.

After returning to the shop, the first thing Xu Tong did was to help Ah Mota complete the physical body.

Because this physical body itself is an empty shell, Amota's seizure of the house was almost as simple as it happened.

After completing the seizure, the magic power in Xu Tong's prop card also disappeared suddenly, and at the same time, he felt a lightness on his body. The Chunyang Sword Code that had not moved for a long time had begun to loosen. It's just a matter of time.

Amota crawled out of the coffin, and the feeling of being finally reborn made him scream excitedly.

Xu Tong asked casually, how does this physical body feel.

Amota took out a gift mirror from the coffin, carefully inspected his face at the moment, nodded very satisfied and said to Xu Tong: "It's really great, wait a few more months, this guy's life span It will be almost here soon, and then I will be able to take advantage of the dead energy in his physical body to be reborn!"

"Soldier solution?"

Xu Tong was taken aback: "I spent 20 yuan on the co-authorship, but you are still going to die?"

"No, no, it's different from the kind of military solution you think, this guy is a pure ghost body, as long as he uses military solution, he can turn his body into a fairy body, and then I can truly merge with the physical body. "

The so-called spirit fairy is a special existence between the earth fairy and the ghost fairy.

For Amota, this is the best choice.

"Oh, okay, I don't care if you are a ghost or a spirit, if you don't work, I will throw you out and sell your ass first!"

Xu Tong said, pointing to Amei who was at the side, and said to Amota: "From now on, I will be the shopkeeper, just listen to her!"

Amota glanced at Amei, and saw Amei looking at him with a smile, her eyes were like looking at a piece of delicate snack, and suddenly a chill rose from the bottom of her heart.

Then I saw that after Xu Tong embedded the Rubik's Cube into the shop, it turned into a strange forge in the basement of the shop.

After Xu Tong authorized everyone to use the Dream Rubik's Cube, everyone began to work on the [Reconstruction Pill].

With the experience of processing [Enlightenment Pill] last time, the division of labor is very clear, Xu Tong and Gu Xibai are responsible for processing,

Ji Xiang was in charge of bottling, and Da Ya was in charge of packaging. Fa Cai's palm was dipped in the cinnabar ink pad on the side, and then his palm was lightly pressed on it, marking it with a little fat man's mark.

A [Reconstruction Pill] that sells for 800 script points is freshly released.

As for Amota, he is responsible for transporting these processed pills into the warehouse on the first floor.

In this way, everyone stayed at home and worked overtime. Finally, after three days, more than half of the reconstituted pills in the warehouse were processed.

The +6 good fortune pill only needs [-] script points.


Even if it is placed in an ordinary exhibition area, there are still a lot of people coming to buy it.

The price of the +9 Creation Pill directly doubles, requiring [-] script points.

Xu Tong also specially purchased a showcase to put in the lobby of the pharmacy, and specially placed a +9 Good Fortune Pill as an exhibit.

The price of this elixir was a decision made by Xu Tong and A-mei after discussion.

Ordinary Reconstituted Pill, the price of [-], is not expensive in the high-level exhibition area, but it is a bit expensive in the low-level exhibition area, which is completely stuck in the bottom line of most people's hearts.

In this way, it can largely prevent someone from taking the pill to the low-level exhibition area to be a scalper.

As for the high-quality reconstituted pills, although the price is expensive, the goal is also very clear, which is to sell them to those teams who are not short of money.

Ordinary scattered players can afford it even if they grit their teeth.

Just like that, it is more than ten times the reward, which can almost make them crazy.

After everything was ready, Xu Tong didn't open the business right away, but gave everyone a day off, so that everyone could eat, drink and have a good night's sleep.

After all, after several days of repeating machine-like work without sleep, even if they can bear it physically, they will become very tired mentally.

So when the last bottle of Rezao Pill was stamped by Fa Cai's little paw, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

I have to mention here that Mr. Tai's decoration elves are really easy to use. They have been processing elixirs these days, and the decoration elves have re-planned and renovated the store.

After the Chinese style is integrated with modern features, each room looks very elegant and warm, without the dull feeling of traditional Chinese style.

There is also a special elevator passage built behind the counter, leading directly to the basement.

To ensure that the items of the guests can be sent to the Dream Mofang for processing and price calculation in the first time.

It is also convenient to transport processed elixir and so on.

Everything was ready, and before Xu Tong lay down and closed his eyes to rest for a while, Gao Zhuo's voice was heard in the team channel.

"Head, something serious happened!"

Xu Tong closed his eyes and didn't intend to open them, and he didn't even bother to pay attention.

Or Gu Xibai asked in the team channel: "What's the matter??"

"The leader of the gun god group, the gun god has come to the arena in person."

Hearing Gao Zhuo's words, Xu Tong opened his closed eyes suddenly: "Then what are you waiting for, buy a ticket!"

However, Gao Zhuo expressed helplessly this time: "The arena will not sell tickets this time, we can only wait outside for news."

Hearing this, Xu Tong rolled his eyes, and said directly: "Then you wait slowly, I'm going to bed, and no one bothers me!"

After speaking, Xu Tong closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

This time Xu Tong slept soundly, and he woke up after resting for a whole day.

After waking up, Xu Tong glanced at the chat records in the team channel, only to find that the three of Gao Zhuo were chatting happily.

Before he could take a closer look, he heard a prompt from the item book.

"Congratulations to the player [Yan Xiaoqi] for winning the title of Battle God!"

The loud reminder echoed in my ears, and even on the information page of the item book, colorful fonts popped up to congratulate Yan Xiaoqi.

Now Xu Tong didn't need to look at the result to know that the battle between Spear God and Yan Xiaoqi did not stop Yan Xiaoqi from conferring the title of god, but accelerated his title of conferring the god.

But is Gunslinger really defeated? ?

Xu Tong asked Gao Zhuo and the others.

Hearing Xu Tong's voice, Gao Zhuo immediately replied: "We haven't lost, but we haven't won either. It seems like the two are tied."


"Yes, but there is some water in this tie. It seems that the exhibition has restricted some of the skills of the two, and they are not allowed to use them, which has forcibly leveled the strength of the two of them."

Hearing Gao Zhuo's explanation, Xu Tong felt relieved after thinking about it.

After all, Gunslinger is a veteran titled powerhouse, occupying such a large resource, he must have a lore super skill in his hand.

Just like my own Nine Immortal Cauldron, once it is used, the opponent will not die or be disabled.

This kind of skill is too powerful, and it will inevitably increase the burden on the exhibition, and even exceed the protection limit of the exhibition rules, so it is simply banned.

Therefore, Yan Xiaoqi has a geographical advantage.

Of course, even so, Yan Xiaoqi's ability to tie with the Spear God is enough to show that his strength is indeed qualified to be a god.

"Head, now that the three independents have changed into two independents, it is estimated that these two guys, Deathstroke and Hangu, will be depressed for a while."

Gao Zhuo whispered in the team channel.

It was agreed, everyone tied for the three independents, but Yan Xiaoqi broke the rules and became a god without making a sound.

This is really embarrassing.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and help me, I'm ready to open!"

Xu Tong didn't continue to chatter with Gao Zhuo, he signaled him and Chang Wuju to come to his shop immediately, and he was ready to open the shop.

"Okay!" Gao Zhuo responded, and immediately walked this way.

At this time, Gu Xibai asked in the team channel: "Head, are we going to open a store?? But... what is the name of our store?"

As soon as he said this, Xu Tong remembered that he hadn't named his shop yet.

The name is a big problem.

My main business is not selling medicines, so names like pharmacies, medicine houses, etc. are not acceptable.

But he didn't want to expose his family's main business prematurely. After all, their foundation was not stable, so he couldn't reveal too much information about their names.

Think about it.

Xu Tong frowned, and suddenly he had an idea in his mind: "The name is Laojunfang."

In fact, the name he most wanted to name was Qimen.

After all, I am the speaker of the Seven Schools. At the beginning, the Seven Schools were rejected by various factions, ranging from the three sects down to the nine streams and eight schools. The Seven Schools had almost no place to stand. Even when the master died, they refused to come to the sounding class .

So it is inevitable that there will be an obsession in my heart, wanting to make Qimen famous and get back the reputation that should belong to Qimen.

But this idea is too dangerous, it will directly expose their identities and cause catastrophe.

I believe that after what happened to Yan Xiaoqi this time, the Sixth Regiment will definitely become vigilant, worried that the next power will rise, and if it appears a little bit, it may be the kind that would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

So Laojunfang is actually a good name.

Laojun, although he is famous for alchemy, it is not just alchemy cowhide. I borrowed the word "Laojun" and will not sell pills in the future. When the main business slowly emerges, there is no need to change the name.

Seeing that the name had been finalized, Gu Xibai immediately went to find someone to fix the door plaque.

After Gao Zhuo, Gu Xibai and others arrived, Xu Tong waved his hand: "Open!"

(End of this chapter)

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