Infinite script kill

Chapter 880 It's getting cold

Chapter 880 It's Cool (Two Chapters In One)

Whether Xu Tong has a conscience is not a matter of debate for the time being, but after this notice was issued, those pharmacy shopkeepers clamoring to arbitrate Laojunfang have been dumbfounded.

Can you not be dumbfounded? ?

Not only did the arbitration fail, Laojunfang was also rated as a conscientious merchant.

In the auditorium, a group of shopkeepers froze for a few seconds, and then someone threw a glass and cursed: "Fucking conscience, where is the person in charge of the exhibition, I apply to see the person in charge of the exhibition, come out, person in charge!!"

These big shopkeepers have the right to directly apply to meet the person in charge of the exhibition.

Usually, they would not use this power. After all, the person in charge has nothing to do, so he would not appear easily.

But today they must have an explanation.

However, not long after the application notice was sent, I got a reminder.

"Sorry, the person in charge of the exhibition is busy, please arrange the time reasonably!"

After getting the tip from the exhibition, the shopkeeper was shocked.

I am the big shopkeeper of Lianyou Pharmaceutical, and their Lianyou Pharmaceutical pays at least one million script points in taxes and fees to the exhibition every quarter, and the person in charge refuses to see him.

"I'm coming too. We must give us an explanation for this matter, otherwise this matter will never end!"

Other shopkeepers stood up and applied.

It's just that almost all applications were returned without exception.

Now these big shopkeepers can't sit still anymore, they applied for arbitration and were called back, and even the person in charge of the application for an explanation was also called back. Could it be that the power behind Laojunfang is so powerful? ?
In fact, the person in charge of the forces in Laojunfang knows in his heart that only a Mr. Tai can be called a character, as for Xu Tong and others, they are not considered powerful in the eyes of the person in charge.

But the person in charge didn't see these shopkeepers, not because of guilty conscience, but because he didn't know how to explain to these shopkeepers.

Due to the restrictions of the rules, the person in charge could not tell these shopkeepers that the cost of these pills from Laojunfang was almost negligible, and the selling price had already reached ten times, or even nearly twenty times the huge profits.

The person in charge was dumbfounded when he saw this price.

Now, trying to accuse Laojunfang of maliciously lowering the price is not true at all.

It cannot be said that you are selling it too cheaply, and if you raise it a bit, you can sell it at thirty times the price.

And even if it is thirty times, it seems that their price is still cheaper than that of other pharmacies.

So it cannot be defined as malicious competition, it is a normal market transaction, but the person in charge of these things cannot explain to these shopkeepers, as for the conscientious merchants... As long as 70.00% of the players apply for the exhibition on the same day, you can get this title , has nothing to do with the person in charge.

Seeing that they couldn't explain it, the person in charge simply rejected the applications of all the shopkeepers.

Seeing that their joint application could not be passed, the faces of all the shopkeepers were like frost hitting an eggplant.


At this time, the door of the outside room was pushed open, and a person walked in: "Old brothers, I'm sorry that Zhang is one step late!"

It was none other than the old man Zhang, the head steward of the Gunslinger Group, walking outside the door.

"Oh, Mr. Zhang, you are here!"

When all the shopkeepers saw Mr. Zhang, they immediately stepped forward to meet him.

Someone hurriedly took Zhang Lao's hand: "Zhang Lao, what is the origin of this old Junfang? If he does this, how will we do business in the future."

Hearing this, Mr. Zhang also sighed, waved his hand to signal everyone to sit down, and then said: "To tell you the truth, the origin of this old gentleman's workshop is astonishingly large. The [Zaizao Pill] sold is just an appetizer, and there are more pills to come, the old man has already prepared for the worst, and prepared [-] million yuan, planning to fight Laojunfang to the death!"

In order to prove his determination, Mr. Zhang directly showed his [-] million banknotes.

Seeing this bill, everyone couldn't help but look at each other. Unexpectedly, Zhang Lao, who has always been gentle, turned out to be serious this time.

Just when everyone was stunned, someone recovered and asked: "What is Mr. Zhang planning to do?"

A fund pool of [-] million is not a small amount. Even if the Gunners are rich, they can't even spend such a large amount of money to fight the opponent to the end. They can't do this kind of courage.

Seeing this, Zhang Lao continued with a serious expression: "This old man has the heart to break the boat, but it may be very difficult for my family to win this battle, so I am here today to see what you mean. If everyone is willing to work together In advance and retreat, Sanxian Pharmacy will join hands with everyone to establish a joint pharmacy, share resources, and set prices together, so that everyone can reduce costs and lower prices together. With his family of Laojunfang, I don’t believe how long he can last!”

After finishing speaking, Zhang Lao changed his voice: "Of course, I can understand if some people don't want to meddle. It's just that I'm ugly to the front. This time, our Gunslinger Group has uncovered the old background and fought with the other party." Fate, if we lose, I'm afraid that there will be no room for you in the exhibition pharmaceutical industry from now on."

Zhang Lao's expression looked really angry, and he was completely ready to go all out. Apart from being shocked, it was inevitable that he was a little bit secretly happy.

"Mr. Zhang, what do you mean... to set up a trade union?"

However, some people have captured the key information very keenly.

"That's right, that's what it means. Once the pharmaceutical industry union is established, we can rate all drugs and customize prices based on the rating standards.

As long as the price is violated, we can use the name of the industrial union to force the exhibition to issue an improvement notice.

Moreover, the special products and herbal resources of the medicine garden behind everyone can also be traded at a fair price for mutual benefit. Once the medicine association is established, the [-] million funds will be remitted to the account of the pharmaceutical trade union and become a reserve fund for the establishment of the union. "

Zhang Lao pointed to the [-] million bills on the table with a serious expression, and said to everyone.

Now many shopkeepers are in a dilemma.

The establishment of a medicine association was actually proposed a long time ago, but who wants to be controlled by others? ?
So although there are many benefits to this matter, there are very few people who are interested in this thing.

But at this moment, everyone was inevitably moved.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Mr. Zhang's face darkened, and he immediately stood up and put away the gold ticket on the table, before going out the door: "I know what you are thinking, old man, let me just make it clear, this is the medicine fair. The rules and regulations, whether you are willing to join or not depends on your own. I will only wait for you for three days, old man. If there is no reply in three days, all the pills on the shelf in my Sanxian Pharmacy will be sold at [-]% off. Let me fight to the end with Sanxian Pharmacy and Laojunfang!"

After speaking, he left a copy of the constitution of the medicine association and walked out without looking back.

After walking out of the gate, instead of taking his own exclusive car, he took a few cronies to activate the disguise and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

"Mr. Zhang, will they really agree??"

The cronies who followed Mr. Zhang asked cautiously.

Hearing his confidant's inquiry, Mr. Zhang just smiled calmly: "Yes, definitely, let's go to Laojunfang, I want to add some more firewood to this fire..."

"This is the wishing tree? Why doesn't it look like there are many people?"

Gu Xibai looked at the ancient blue tree in front of him, and couldn't help but look up.

Speaking of that Huanglongjing, I heard that there are countless people queuing up every day, and some people even queue up the first thing after returning from the script world, but when they are about to enter the next script world, they are stunned and fail to get their turn.

If you want to join the team as soon as possible, you can only spend money, and it will cost a lot of money.

The reason for this is precisely because the exhibition has an organization called scalpers.

It is said that Dimen, one of the six regiments, is a subsidiary regiment under it. The main industry of this team is scalpers, standing in line, reselling the difference, and doing business without money.

Don't underestimate this line of business. The overall combat power of the scalpers is not high, but they are the most profitable sub-group of Dimen. It is said that several other team members of Dimen will temporarily transfer to the scalpers to do tasks after finishing their missions. , earn commissions.

So, don't underestimate these players, there are still some legal restrictions in reality, but there is no such thing here.

Want to get rich?Going to buy this criminal law in reality, it is as easy as getting rich when you come here.

"Because it's not cost-effective. No matter how many prop cards you give this tree, it will only give you one seed. How much you can plant depends on your own ability, except for very few people who come to try their luck or have full confidence. , most people would not come here."

Based on his own understanding, Chang Wuzhi feels that it is not worthwhile to come to the Wishing Tree, so it is no wonder that few people come here.

"It's not absolute. The more item cards you give, the higher the probability of getting the best seeds." The guiding elf corrected Chang Wuzhi's statement on the side.

Xu Tong doesn't care about that many, he has a lot of title and prop cards. Except for the retrograde series, the venerable, and Qiao Qian's blessing, he intends to throw out all other titles, at least for his own props. book to make room.

So he said, "Then let me try first."

As he spoke, he walked under the wishing tree, called out the item book, glanced at the title cards in the item book, and had to say that there was a reason why his item book didn’t have enough slots. The number is really not a small number.

Except for the Retrograde series and a small number of title cards, Xu Tong sacrificed all other title cards to the wishing tree in front of him.

"Ding, do you want to sacrifice all [Devil Hater], [Hunter], [Pluto Blacklist], [Guardian], [Awe-inspiring Righteousness], [Chaos Sequence Four Lawer], and [Rich Clan Wine and Meat]. Sacrifice to the wishing tree."


Following Xu Tong's confirmation, these title cards were stripped out of the item book immediately, and turned into dots of fluorescence and merged into the wishing tree in front of him.

Not long after, a light blue flower bloomed on the wishing tree. After the flower faded, a fruit was born and fell on Xu Tong's hand.

Here is the wishing fruit, as long as it is planted, a wishing tree can be born.

As for whether it is a top-quality seed, it is impossible to tell.

It's no wonder that everyone is not willing to come here, after all, this thing is too much luck.

"It's a pity that Li Bo, the mascot, can't enter the high-level exhibition area. Otherwise, let this kid try his luck, and maybe there will be a surprise."

Xu Tong thought of Li Bo's luck, and believed that this kid must have made a lot of money in the last script world, and when he went back later, he happened to go to the general exhibition area to see him.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong suggested that Chang Wuzhi and Gu Xibai should try it too, they don't have to be like him, they just need to get one seed.

After waiting for a while, Gao Zhuo rushed over to gather after he was done with work, and then tried to exchange for a seed and handed it to Xu Tong.

After getting the seeds, Xu Tong didn't stop there, and after telling them to take care of this little sister, he returned to the general exhibition area.

Called Li Bo in the team channel and asked how the fat man earned in the last script world.

Li Bo didn't hide anything. After telling what he had gained, Xu Tong had to say that the fat man's luck was really against the sky. He actually got five item cards in one go, three of which were top-quality cards, and two The title card is definitely a breakthrough in terms of strength and quality for Li Bo.

However, Li Bo hadn't formed his own combat style yet, so Xu Tong didn't interfere with the item card he chose, as long as the fat man felt comfortable.

"Give you!"

Xu Tong threw a bottle of [Zao Zao Pill] to Li Bo, which contained about [-] [Zao Zao Pills]: "Take it and sell it, you can sell as much as you want, and the money from the sale will be regarded as the money in this script world." It's your reward, but don't sell it too cheap, the minimum should not be less than [-] script points!"

Li Bo was taken aback, not expecting such a good thing.

Immediately moved, he wanted to give Xu Tong a big hug, but Xu Tong dodged it with a sideways jump.

After instructing Li Bo not to expose his identity when selling medicines, Xu Tong completely withdrew from the exhibition and returned to the real world.

After returning to reality, Xu Tong didn't stay there, but followed closely to call out the space between reality and reality. After the figure escaped into reality and reality, he pushed open the door and went home.

The door is pushed open.

Without the familiar black water in front of his eyes, Xu Tong was not used to it.

I always feel that after the original Heishui River in front of my house is gone, something seems to be missing.

But the old Taoist is still there, sitting in front of the door, playing a game of straw rope with the goddess, the old and the young look very harmonious.

Seeing Xu Tong coming, the goddess jumped up and ran towards Xu Tongxing: "Brother, you can be regarded as coming back. Grandpa is getting tired of waiting these few days."

The grandfather mentioned by the goddess is naturally the master Xue Gui.

Xu Tong nodded, took out a candy and gave it to the goddess, then walked to the old Taoist side and winked: "How did you go this time?"

The matter of Lutoro was brought by the master to go with the old Taoist, so the old Taoist is naturally clear about the specific situation.

"Hey, Lutoro is out of luck. I'm afraid he wants to trouble you. I'm afraid he will have to wait for a while."

The old man sneered and told Xu Tong about Lutoro.

He didn't know the details of the specific process, because the interrogation of Lutoro was presided over by Emperor Fengdu and Du Ziren himself, and it was not his turn to watch.

But Lutoro, relying on himself as the confidant of the leader of the Blood River, was lawless and even dared to despise the emperor's decree.

This angered Emperor Fengdu.

Lutoro is used to pretending to be a tiger, and he was angry at that time, and he spoke without thinking.

He didn't even think about who the Great Emperor Fengdu was, the Son of Heaven of Beiyin, the head of the Five Great Demon Kings, the real-name CEO of Netherland, he was the biggest in the huge Netherland besides the Empress and Fujun.

The leader of the Blood River only dared to say a few words of congratulations on weekdays to get his mouth full. When he really saw the great emperor get angry, he would not rashly stand up for him.

As a result, Lutoro was ruthlessly defeated by the emperor, fell directly from the great god to the small god, and was fined to go to the Wangchuan River to do handyman for 600 years.

"that's it??"

Although it sounds like a heavy punishment, Xu Tong always feels a little puzzled.

"Be content. It's more uncomfortable to kill him than to kill him. What's more, it's not so comfortable to be a handyman for 600 years. After all, the emperor still took into account the face of the blood river leader. This matter can be punished. This level is already top-notch.”

The old man was open to this matter, but Xu Tong was not so comfortable, and then pointed to himself: "Then I..."

"Your compensation? You went to your master yourself, and I didn't take your compensation."

The old man rolled his eyes, pointed to the door behind him and said.

Well, Xu Tong didn't ask anymore when he saw this, he opened the door and walked into the compound: "I'm back!!"

"Stinky boy, you still know how to come back."

Elder Song was sitting in the gazebo reading a book, and when he heard the voice, he said without raising his head, "Go directly to the backyard, your master has been waiting for you for several days."


Xu Tong nodded, then turned and ran towards the backyard where the master lived.

It happened that Mr. Mei was also in the backyard, so I had to entrust him to plant the wishing tree.

When I entered the backyard, I saw the master standing by the fish pond fishing, and when he saw Xu Tong coming, he couldn't help saying angrily, "You are a grandson, I thought you really didn't care at all."

Hearing what the master said, Xu Tong immediately showed a flattering smile, took the tea on the table and sent it to the master: "Grandpa, I just happened to be delayed recently, and I was looking forward to the stars and the moon in my heart. You are back."


Seeing his foolish appearance, Xue Gui snorted coldly, took a sip from the teacup, and then continued: "The old Taoist has already told you."

"I said it, but I didn't say it all."

Xu Tong reached out to take the teacup.

"Not satisfied."

"I'm not satisfied. Lutoro clearly violated the prohibition of Hades. He wanted to sacrifice a world with blood and slaughtered an unknown number of people. I'm not a righteous person, but I think this punishment is unfair."

Xu Tong said in a deep voice: "Furthermore, I don't want to be a puppet, and I don't want to be manipulated by them in the palm of my hand."

The master was not surprised to hear Xu Tong's words, and took out a notebook from his sleeve and handed it to Xu Tong: "Here you are!"


Looking at the book in the master's hand, Xu Tong took it over with a puzzled face and looked at it, his eyes widened immediately, and he said in surprise: "This is the script!"

Master did not respond.

Xu Tong opened the script and scanned it at a glance. This script is not so much a script as a record.

Because the names of several players and their final endings are marked on it.

Things didn't go well for these players.

Three died, and although the other three completed the main story line, only one returned, and the other two became containers of gods instead.

This is the first time Xu Tong has seen a script in which every player's participation process is recorded in detail.

It wasn't until Xu Tong finished reading the script in his hand that the master beside him said: "Opportunities are never given by others, but won by oneself. If Taoist Plum Blossom didn't make a lot of trouble back then, how could he have jumped out of the Three Realms? Not in the Five Elements, since you want a chance, this is your chance, it depends on whether you dare to fight for it!"

"Master, what do you mean, you want us to enter this script again?"

Xu Tong was clever, and when he saw this script, he already had some guesses in his heart.

"Yes, you want to jump out of the chessboard, but you don't have the strength now. Any of the gods and demons can pinch you to death with a single finger. If you have a slight chance of winning, don’t think that the Nine Immortals Cauldron in your hand has made Meng Po suffer a lot, you really have some means. Meng Po is a soup maker. If you don’t believe me, you can try it with ox-headed horse noodles. "

The master seldom taught Xu Tong a lesson, and the master is usually the villain. Today's abnormality can also show that the master attaches great importance to this matter.

I just heard the master continue to say: "You don't have that strength, nor do you have the heart and mind like Taoist Plum Blossom. There is only one way, fight for it, and fight for a way for yourself."

As the master said, he put his hand on Xu Tong's shoulder and stared at him seriously: "Son, this time your opponent is a god. Re-enter the script and play the role of the dead player in the script. You won the battle. You are qualified to go this way, if you lose the competition, Master will accompany you and let us go to the underworld together!"

"Master, you still have your part in this??"

Xu Tong was not frightened by the master's eyes, instead he shook the script in his hand and asked Xue Gui.

The master heard the words, showing a bit of a sneer on his thin face: "I don't have any chips, who dares to bet on you, my old bones, I don't fight for your master, but I will fight for you, my disciple. Otherwise, when will there be a day of success?"

"Since we've all gambled on this, our family still has chips to bet, so don't hide it. If you don't stud at this time, you will lose if you win."

Xu Tong narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the gazebo in the front yard.

Xue Gui raised his brows slightly when he heard this, but looked towards the direction of the kitchen and nodded: "When the time is right, your master's bargaining chip will be the trump card for us to turn around."

Elder Song, who was studying, suddenly felt a sudden chill in his back. After his body shivered, he couldn't help but looked back in the direction of the backyard in doubt: "It's strange, why is it suddenly cold today..."

(End of this chapter)

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