Infinite script kill

Chapter 883 Coincidentally, I am also good at Lei Fa

Chapter 883 Coincidentally, I am also good at Lei Fa

Xu Tong shot so fast that many people didn't notice what was going on, he had already taken the position of the host.

Those who noticed the movement here immediately became interested. After all, besides Yan Xiaoqi, the people who came here also had some ulterior motives.

For example, some elite newcomers trained by the Sixth Regiment will be thrown into the arena.

On the one hand, it can occupy the resources of the arena. This arena is a good place. One ticket can stay for one day. Players in the same team can play with each other, so that teammates can easily meet the conditions for letting Yan Xiaoqi end. Let Yan Xiaoqi guide me After figuring out the disadvantages and shortcomings of their abilities, they can adjust in time, or even break through immediately.

After all, they are the seed players cultivated by the major teams, and the team will give them quite a lot of resources. They are not short of resources, what they lack is the guidance of masters like Yan Xiaoqi.

I believe that the reason why the Spear God fulfilled Yan Xiaoqi's canonization is precisely because Yan Xiaoqi's arena will become an important training ground for the six teams in the future, which will have the effect of rapidly improving the strength of the six teams.

In addition, there are still a group of people in the arena, taking the opportunity to evaluate and record the strength of most players.

Once you encounter some particularly powerful masters, you will record the characteristics of the opponent, give the opponent a number and record it in the book, and slowly try to find a way to check the identity of the opponent.

Simply put, it is collecting data.

Several members of the Blood Shark Group looked at each other, and then someone stood up, turned over and jumped onto the ring.

After the opponent jumped onto the ring, he bowed his hands to Xu Tong and said, "Brother, it's such a fast sword. We didn't see it clearly just now. Let me see how it goes."

As he spoke, he summoned a shield from the item book.

The half-person-high tower shield, with the movement of the opponent's palm, instantly divided the shield into twelve parts.

【Thousand Mountain Shield】

Consume 800 script points to summon twelve shields to manipulate at will. The strength of the shields is divided into five levels, each level has a corresponding special ability, and the level is determined according to the strength of one's own body.

(Shield levels are divided into: hills, hills, mountains, peaks, mountains)

Duration: 20 minutes
Cooling time: Three hours.

The person who came was the elite seed of the shark group, who was nicknamed Shield Mountain by people.

In the major teams, he is also a well-known figure, and his famous stunt is the Qianshan Shield, so as soon as he made a move, many people recognized the shield mountain at a glance.

For a moment, many people's eyes were attracted to it.

Some people couldn't help frowning upon seeing this, and said very displeased.

"Eh?? Why did Dunshan end again? Didn't he fight Yan Xiaoqi not long ago? Could it be that he broke through so quickly?"

There is an agreement between them, after challenging Yan Xiaoqi once, they are not allowed to challenge again for at least a week, unless they break through again.

"Ha, breaking through, what a joke, the last time Yan Xiaoqi didn't even last 3 minutes in front of Yan Xiaoqi, and he was given a second by Yan Xiaoqi's sword. I heard that Yan Xiaoqi's shield is too brittle. If he can break through It’s called hell.”

A girl sat on the railing, holding a bag of potato chips in her hands and eating with gusto.

In words, he was very disdainful of Dunshan, thinking that apart from being able to resist beatings, this guy was a mess in other aspects.

"Catwoman, Yan Xiaoqi is the god of battle. He said that the shield of Dunshan is too fragile. I have nothing to say. If you can break the defense of Dunshan, I will give you all my resources for this month. !"

When the members of the shark group heard Catwoman's words, they immediately began to mock.

"Forget it, forget it, what are you arguing with a little girl? You don't know that she encountered Shandun not long ago and was almost smashed into meatloaf by Shandun's shield."

"Ha, now that you said that, I remembered. Last time, it seemed that she fought the mountain shield for 10 minutes, but she didn't even break the defense."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone immediately began to count the various embarrassments of Catwoman when she fought Shan Dun.

Catwoman beside her was gnashing her teeth with hatred. She was a master of assassination, but she happened to meet Shandun.

Each of the twelve shields is Yue-level, with anti-injury, thick armor, magic resistance, and the shield attack ability of the mountain shield, which made her unable to fight back. In the end, she was forced to a corner, and the two shields crushed her left and right. , sent away on the spot.

This is why Catwoman hates Shandun so much.

At this moment, the scars were uncovered in public by everyone, and when he was about to refute, he was suddenly taken aback, and immediately let out a strange laugh.

"Isn't this girl stupid by being stimulated?"

Seeing this, the members of the shark group were confused for a while, and when they were about to say something, they suddenly realized that Shan Dun was actually sitting beside them.

Seeing Shan Dun sitting next to him, everyone was stunned. They were too busy talking and taunting. No one noticed the situation in the arena. They seemed to subconsciously feel that Shan Dun, as the seed member of the shark group, could not lose.

Unexpectedly, Shandun was sent back.

"Shan Dun, you lost??"

A team member yelled in bewilderment.

Shan Dun recovered from the shock when he heard the voice, and looked up in the direction of the ring: "Yes, I lost!"

What was in my mind was the sharpness of that sword just now, and Xu Tong's cold voice: "Your shield is too brittle!"

Almost the same evaluation as Yan Xiaoqi, deeply stimulated Shandun, but the opponent's sword did not lie, that sword was too fast, sharp as electricity, and his own shield was almost like paper, which did not play a role at all. Even the slightest block was blocked by the opponent's sword.

"He!! Who is it!!"

Shan Dun stood up, staring directly at the figure on the ring, his fists clenched tightly into a ball, lost to Yan Xiaoqi, he had nothing to say, after all, he was a fighting god, a strong man with the title of Conferred God.

Shandun is confident that among the certified players, at least at the level of LV4, few people can easily break through their own defenses.

But now his confidence has collapsed...

After hearing Shan Dun's words, everyone looked at each other for a while.

Catwoman laughed even more, but the others couldn't laugh.

"Shan Dun, did he break your shield?"

Someone asked persistently.

It's a pity that Shan Dun ignored the other party this time, and just snorted coldly: "I want to know, try it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, he left without looking back.

Perhaps it was only at this moment that Shandun truly understood how amazing the gap between his seed player and the core of the team was.

In fact, what he didn't know was that his shield was not that fragile.

It's just that he met Xu Tong by chance.

After the ninth level of the Pure Yang Sword Code, Xu Tong truly achieved pure Yang in his body, full of pure Yang energy, and his sword pointed at it, showing its sharpness.

But this is not the most terrifying place, the most terrifying place lies in the Pure Yang Sword in his hand.

When he cultivated to the ninth level of the Chunyang Sword Code, the power of this artifact was truly revealed.

The passive of the Chunyang Sword is to upgrade the Chunyang Sword Code to the third level, plus he has cultivated to the ninth level of the Pure Yang Sword Code, which has already reached the No.12 level.

The Twelve Layers of Pure Yang Sword Code not only enhanced his own sword energy, but also made the pure Yang energy in his body almost condense into a solid body, and he could release a thousand layers of sword light with the flick of his fingers.

A real magic trick.

But that is far from the end.

Passive Skill 2: Ten Thousand Swords Are Like Salaries

All blade skills are upgraded by 1 levels.

Passive Skill 3: Pure Yang Furnace

The blade comes with pure yang fire, the heavier the yang energy on the user, the stronger the effect.

With these two powerful passive blessings, Jian and Xu Tong already complement each other, and the effect is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

So Shan Dun didn't feel wronged at all when he lost.

"Let me try!" Seeing that Shan Dun had lost his face, the group of seed players like Shark Group couldn't sit still anymore. A figure stood up and walked towards the ring.

Everyone knew that this was Lei Gong, a master of the same sub-group as Shandun, a master of spells, and a guy who was more difficult to deal with than Shandun.

Lei Gong's appearance has already cheered up everyone's hearts, not to mention facing a master who can defeat Shandun, this time everyone dared not talk nonsense to interrupt, and all focused their attention on the ring.

This time, no matter what, he had to see exactly what method the opponent used to defeat Shandun.

Xu Tong also noticed the gazes from around him, but he didn't care. Since he came to the arena in person, he didn't intend to hide it.

Except for the Nine Immortal Cauldron, Time Walker, and these two hole cards that don't move, other methods are fine even if someone sees them.

I saw Lei Gong jumping onto the ring, put on a mask, revealed a thin figure, and cupped his hands towards Xu Tong: "Brother, I am Lei Gong, the deputy head of the Tiger Shark Group under the Shark Group, can you leave a name? It was I who lost, and let me understand it."

Lei opened the door and reported to the house first.

After Xu Tong heard the name, he raised his eyebrows: "Are you good at Leifa?"

Lei Gong nodded and raised his hands, only to see the dazzling light of thunder bursting out from his palms: "Yes, I am good at thunder techniques, your excellency is good at sword techniques, I don't know if it is my Lei Kuai or your sword that is faster!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone heard a boom, and at this moment, a thundercloud was born in the sky above the ring.

A strong sense of oppression made everyone's hearts beat faster.

However, what surprised everyone was that Xu Tong put away the Chunyang sword in his hand at this moment.


"Why did he put away the sword, is he ready to admit defeat?"

Everyone was puzzled when they saw this, and Lei Gong felt an evil fire in his heart: "What do you mean, am I not worthy of your sword?"

"Haha, don't get me wrong!"

Xu Tong smiled and waved his hand, and immediately pinched it casually, and saw a ray of pure yang energy gathering at his fingertips: "Coincidentally, I am also good at Leifa!"

The moment the words fell, I saw the pure yang energy at the fingertips suddenly turned into a golden thunder talisman, followed by a thunderbolt tearing open the void, and suddenly slashed towards Lei Gong in front of him!

(End of this chapter)

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