Chapter 885 Newly Promoted Thunder Lord (two chapters in one)

"Yan Xiaoqi?"

Seeing Yan Xiaoqi appearing early, Xu Tong was quite surprised.

"I wish there were two more gladiatorial fights to come."

"No, I owe you Qimen a favor. People from Qimen will come later, and you don't need this set of rules."

Yan Xiaoqi's generosity exceeded Xu Tong and everyone else's expectations. He took out a jade token and threw it to Xu Tong: "In the future, you Qimen will be able to enter the venue directly with this token, and there will be someone specially assigned to receive you."

"Qimen, what is the origin of these Qimen? Why is Yan Xiaoqi being so polite to them?? Which regiment is he a subordinate of??"

Some people in the audience were taken aback, they had never seen Yan Xiaoqi treat anyone like this.

And the Qimen team sounds very strange, as if they have never heard of it before.

"I know this. It is a newly established team. It turned out to be them. This is worthy of the title."

The person who spoke was from the Shark Group, and he explained to everyone, including the information about the sales of the Momen Ridge team not long ago, and the fact that two consecutive members of the Seven-door team took the lead when Yan Xiaoqi’s arena opened. .

Hearing what the Shark Group and the others said, everyone was shocked.

"You mean, isn't the Seven Gates a subordinate team of the Sixth Regiment??"

This news made many people feel uncomfortable. These elite seed players used to climb up step by step from the bottom team. They know that the six major teams have formed a fixed network, monopolizing a lot of resources, intelligence.

Without the support of these teams behind them, it is impossible for them to make such rapid progress.

But in a little-known new team of Qimen, there are actually masters comparable to the core members. How did the other party do this? ?
"No surprise, he is Zhang Haisheng."

Xun Dao sighed and said: "If this person is really Zhang Haisheng, then there is nothing strange about it. As far as I know, Zhang Haisheng is the current head teacher of Qingcheng Mountain. With the support of Qingcheng Mountain's foundation, he can still do it even if he does not have huge resources. Great progress."

Hearing this, everyone felt a little sad, and some people were unconvinced: "Oh, so what, the Sixth Regiment tightly controls all the resources, so what if he is making rapid progress, the higher the level, the more resources he needs. I heard that Momen participated in a script not long ago and burned [-] million script points in one go to barely complete the script, no matter how strong he is personally, without enough script points to support him, he will not go far."

This sentence made everyone feel a lot more balanced.

[-] million script points, one can imagine how huge this figure is, but this is only the basic cost of a script for the core members of the Sixth Regiment.

It is said that the script that the Gun God Group participated in was a battlefield between two gods. Just one battle almost burned the Gun God Group to bankruptcy.

Therefore, without the support of the industry, Qimen is destined not to go too far. Once they are involved in that kind of super script world, without the support of a large number of scripts, they can only be used as cannon fodder.

"Thank you!"

Xu Tong was also polite, and put away the jade cards directly, and the seed players of the Sixth Regiment were all sent here. It can be seen that Yan Xiaoqi's arena is of great value, and a few guys from his own team can also throw it in at any time It's good to accept Yan Xiaoqi's advice.

Besides, taking ten thousand steps back, it would be a good choice to have a friend with the title of Conferred God.

"Last time, your two team members didn't see them today. It seems that they already know the way to go. I saw your strength just now. Your current strength is still a bit behind the core members of the Sixth Regiment, but you already have You have the qualifications to be a core member, but your swordsmanship is not strong enough, it is more than thick, but not light enough, although the divine sword is good, it has no charm."

Yan Xiaoqi had been staring at Xu Tong since he was fighting Shan Dun just now, and now he pointed out Xu Tong's shortcomings before the fight.

Now Xu Tong was somewhat dissatisfied. After all, he hadn't used all his strength when he killed Shandun. Was it too arbitrary to draw conclusions like this?

Thinking of this, Xu Tong had some bad thoughts in his heart, intending to make this fighting god suffer a lot.

So the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Although what you said is very reasonable, I still want to try to see how far I am from you, so..."

When he said this, Xu Tong took a deep breath, held the hilt of his sword with both hands, and made a deep bow to Yan Xiaoqi in front of him, "Please enlighten me!"

Seeing Xu Tong being so grand, Yan Xiaoqi originally wanted to be polite, but his head suddenly sank, and his whole body fell into a trance, as if someone had hit him with a sap.

That is to say, at this moment of slowness, Xu Tongren had already made a move.

His speed was extremely fast, his body shrunk to an inch, and the moment he raised the sword in his hand, he was already in front of Yan Xiaoqi.

"So fast!!"

Everyone's pupils were rounded, only to see that Xu Tong's figure was blurred for a moment, and the long sword in his hand had already slashed in front of Yan Xiaoqi. What made them even more unbelievable was that Yan Xiaoqi's face The response was unexpectedly slow.

Fortunately, Yan Xiaoqi, the battle god, is by no means in vain. When he sensed that the crisis was approaching, he suddenly woke up from his muddled mental state. He raised the scabbard in his hand, and then struck the Chunyang sword in Xu Tong's hand first. collide together.


With a clanging sound, Yan Xiaoqi's face under the mask suddenly changed.

I just felt that the sword in Xu Tong's hand was far more powerful than he thought, and the scabbard was already split the moment he touched it. Fortunately, Yan Xiaoqi hurriedly pressed down the hilt and used the cross-wrapped sword Huali, a soft and sticky force pressed Xu Tong's long sword back and twisted, followed by a twist of his back waist, his left hand pressed forward towards Xu Tong's chest towards the mane of the wild horse, and kicked forward with his left knee. Xu Tong's belly.

This set of knocking and hitting, pushing and squeezing, a total of four moves, combined together, is the tail of the bird in Taijiquan.

As early as the last time Yan Xiaoqi and Meng Changsheng fought, Xu Tong had noticed that Yan Xiaoqi was good at Taiji sword and Taijiquan, so he had already prepared himself for Yan Xiaoqi's counterattack. When Yan Xiaoqi was about to throw him out, he hooked his finger, and the Dragon Talisman flew out from his fingertips, like a spirit snake touching the long sword in Yan Xiaoqi's hand, pulling hard, pulling himself forcefully back.

Seeing this, Yan Xiaoqi wanted to give Xu Tong a two-yield elbow to improve his memory, but he didn't want his feet to slip suddenly, his feet were unstable, and he wanted to fall backwards.

This is Xu Tong's innate talisman wrestling technique!
This time it was Yan Xiaoqi, who didn't expect Xu Tong's methods to be so bizarre. Under the question marks in everyone's eyes, his body had completely lost his balance.

This fall, I am afraid that the opportunity to grab it will be gone.

But what Xu Tong never expected was that Yan Xiaoqi saw that he was about to slip, so he simply leaned back suddenly. The moment his shoulders landed on the ground, the ring below him suddenly burst into cracks like spider webs. Yue stood up straight again, opened and closed his hands, the lion opened his mouth, and hit Xu Tong's chest.


Even if Xu Tong had dragon scales to protect his body, Xu Tong couldn't bear it. Pressing down with dull force was more painful than being hit by a [-]-point sledgehammer.

But Xu Tong didn't dare to distance himself from Yan Xiaoqi, and he didn't dare to let Yan Xiaoqi's long sword out of its sheath. He knew that Yan Xiaoqi's swordsmanship was too high. All gone.

Immediately enduring the great pain and standing firm, watching Yan Xiaoqi's Tai Chi single whip whipped up, he quickly called out the Xuanyuan Shield and placed it in front of him.


The lightning and ice talismans on Xuanyuan Shield flashed, at such a short distance, unless Yan Xiaoqi abandoned his sword, he couldn't dodge at all.

But in the next second, an unexpected scene appeared for Xu Tong.

I saw Yan Xiaoqi's waving palm suddenly paused in mid-air, followed by his palm transforming into a fist, and smashed a short inch on the Xuanyuan shield.


The wind of the fist was like a cannon, and the shadow of the fist was like a hammer. Before the double ice and thunder talisman hit him, he was shattered by the terrifying wind on the fist. chest.


The scales on Xu Tong's chest exploded with this punch, and the force of the punch even made Xu Tong's back bulge, and the clothes behind him were shattered.

Rao Xu Tong is the body of an earth immortal, and his physical body has the power to fight against disasters. His eyes were darkened, and he was almost knocked out. He didn't expect that Yan Xiaoqi, who had always used Tai Chi and Tai Chi swords, could suddenly Changed his moves and turned into a domineering Inch Fist.

For a moment, his body was uncontrollable, and he flew upside down like a cannonball, his body stuck to the ground, his shoulders hit the ground hard, then his body flipped in the air, his feet stepped on the green bricks, and he barely escaped being knocked out of the ring .


This time Yan Xiaoqi was a little surprised, the move of unloading his shoulders just now was his unique skill, he didn't expect Xu Tong to imitate it and directly apply it.

This made Yan Xiaoqi couldn't help but praise: "Well, well, you are learning fast enough, it seems that you should have practiced too, and you have a bit of Tai Chi foundation."

Xu Tong opened his mouth, spat out a mouthful of blood, and then let out a long breath.

Faced with Yan Xiaoqi's question, he just smiled wryly and said, "I have learned a few Tai Chi swords, but I never thought I could use it like this."

I have an item card for Taiji swordsmanship, and I thought that this basic item card, I have already entered the room, but I didn't expect to find out today that the gap is so big.

"You are dishonest, you are talking about fighting swords, and you play tricks on me as soon as you come up."

Yan Xiaoqi let out a wicked laugh.

Faced with Xu Tong's insidious trick just now, Yan Xiaoqi was not only not angry, but very happy. He has seen many masters during this time, and few people can almost let him The gutter capsized.

"Hey, each other, I didn't expect that Tai Chi is not what you are best at."

Xu Tong stood up slowly as he spoke.

His feet were inserted under the bluestone bricks, but there was a steady stream of life force pouring into his body to heal his injuries.

It is the active skill in [Vientiane Rejuvenation], the source of the earth. (Volume 63, Chapter [-], used when fighting against Lu Zhi)
Active Skill 1: Source of the Earth.

Consumes 200 script points, after activation, it can continuously absorb life force from the ground under its feet, increasing its own recovery effect by 200%
And enhance physical defense by 40%
Immune to dark control skills below level 6.

Duration: 3 hours
Yan Xiaoqi could see that Xu Tong was using props to heal quickly, but he was not in a hurry, but waited patiently for Xu Tong to heal, because he hadn't played so happily for a long time.

Faced with Xu Tong's words, Yan Xiaoqi admitted generously: "Before I became a player, I spent 12 years learning Tai Chi, Ba Chi, Wing Chun, and Jeet Kune Do. Up to now, my boxing skills have long since disappeared. It's out of shape, but if you want to say that what I'm really good at is not boxing!"

Yan Xiaoqi smiled and raised the long sword in his hand.

In fact, Xu Tong really almost snatched the long sword from his hand just now.

Now that I think about it, it's kind of weird.

Watching Xu Tong's injury gradually ease, Yan Xiaoqi raised the long sword in his hand and held it on the hilt with one hand.

"You are an unruly guy. If we were enemies, I would kill you without reservation the first time I saw you, because you are too cunning. If you are given time in the same environment, you will take the time The right people and everything are drawn to your side."

When Yan Xiaoqi spoke, the eyes under the mask gradually became colder.

Although this sentence sounds harsh, it is undoubtedly the greatest compliment to Xu Tong. If Xu Tong is stronger and has more weird moves, then he will have a chance to snatch the sword in his hand.

"But I like a guy like you, because you can always bring some different surprises to people. This sword is my gift to you. Think about it slowly."

Yan Xiaoqi's voice fell, and the long sword in his hand was unsheathed, accompanied by a buzzing sound from the edge of the sword.

Xu Tong's pupils tightened sharply, and the world in front of him instantly became pitch black. Only a sword beam slowly enlarged in front of him, as if a beam of light split the chaos. In an instant, the blood in his whole body was frozen, and even his thoughts were blocked. freeze.

At the same time, Yan Xiaoqi's voice came from beside his ear: "This sword is called Jinghong!"

The voice echoed in my ears, and I don't know how long it has passed, maybe 1 minute, or maybe an hour.

When Xu Tong came back to his senses, he realized that he had already appeared in the audience.

Looking back, he found that the arena had returned to its original appearance, and Yan Xiaoqi had long since disappeared.

"I am already dead?"

Xu Tong reached out and touched his neck, his mind was full of images of that sword attack just now.

Just when his expression was uncertain, the steward of the arena came with two servants, carrying a two-meter-wide and three-meter-long stone slab: "Hi, this is given to you by our boss!"

Everyone around raised their heads and stared at the stone slab.

What Yan Xiaoqi gave to others was a note written by hand, but Xu Tong was different, everyone wanted to see what was on the slate.

But when they came over to take a look, they were immediately disappointed. There was no word on the stone slab, only a straight sword mark.

Xu Tong glanced at the sword marks, and the cold light in his mind hit again just now, his brows tightened, and he immediately avoided looking sideways, and nodded to the butler: "Thank you!"

As he said that, Xu Tong put the slate into the item book.

However, what surprised him was that after the stone plate was included in the item book, it showed all the special dynamics of the high-level item card.

And the entries given are even more outrageous.

【Sword Mark Slate】

It is rumored that before the Juggernaut died, he called his three apprentices and gave them three stone slabs, each of which had only a sword mark, which was rumored to contain a touch of the Juggernaut's sword intent.

Special Passive: The person who holds the slate has +10 for Kendo comprehension
Looking at the entries given in the tool book, Xu Tong was surprised: "Could it be that Yan Xiaoqi's swordsmanship comes from the surface stone? If this is the case, this guy must be too generous."

Seeing Xu Tongchu standing still, the butler seemed to have guessed what Xu Tong was thinking, and said with a smile: "You are welcome, sir. My boss is known as the God of Fighting, and he said when he built this arena that anyone who challenges him, Regardless of whether you win or lose, you will give the challenger a pointer without reservation."

Hearing the housekeeper's words, Xu Tong was shocked again.

This kind of shock can only be experienced by trying it yourself.

This is how big a mind is, or this itself is Yan Xiaoqi's way of invincibility.

Xu Tong couldn't help flashing through a movie called "Kung Fu" that he had watched a few years ago. The protagonist of the movie, A Xing, said to Huoyun evil god at the end: "If you want to learn, I will teach you."

These are the words that dare to say only when the heart and strength have truly reached that invincible level.

At this time, the butler turned around and said to everyone: "Everyone, starting tomorrow, the arena will be temporarily closed for upgrading and renovation. It will last for three months. See you in three months!"

When everyone heard this, they were immediately unhappy.

"Three months, why is it taking so long??"

"Yeah, didn't it just open, why did it take so long this time?"

The benefits of the arena are many, aside from Yan Xiaoqi's guidance, it is more of a contest between masters from all sides, not only to understand the methods of other masters, but also to sharpen one's own strength.

So when I heard that the museum was going to be closed, I was a little unhappy in my heart.

Facing the complaints from the crowd, the housekeeper just kept apologizing. After the crowd dispersed, Xu Tong was still thinking about the slate.

"Hey, the harvest is not small."

At this time, blind man Kang sitting next to him finally reminded him of the bet.

"Here, I lost this time."

Xu Tong knew that his battle time must not have reached 10 minutes, so he handed over the bet [Jiu Niu Xi Xiang Dan] to Kang Xiazi.

"Hahaha, okay, okay."

Kang Xiazi took the elixir and suggested to Xu Tong to go to a restaurant for a drink.

Xu Tong was also hungry. Even though the fight with Yan Xiaoqi was very short, he felt that his energy and physical strength had been consumed a lot in just a few short fights.

If I don't use [Nine Immortal Cauldron], I really have no chance of winning against such an opponent.

The two came to the restaurant while they were talking.

Blind Kang is a master of enjoyment. Although the restaurant he found is remote, it is full of guests, almost every seat is full.

Fortunately, Blind Kang is a frequent visitor here, and there is a private room upstairs, which is always reserved for him.

"This restaurant has a big feature, do you know what??"

Before he could sit down, Kang Xiazi introduced the housekeeping dishes of this restaurant to Xu Tong: "Braised vegetables, a hundred-year-old stew, the taste, huh... very exciting, this stewed elbow, stewed pig's head, stewed pig Hooves, fragrant and colorful, moderately soft and glutinous, the more you eat, the more delicious they are, and the stewed large intestine, it’s not enough to cook until soft, the key is the taste, one bite is like a fairy possessed, two bites will make you forget all your troubles.”

Xu Tong was already hungry, but after listening to Kang Xiazi's words, he started to produce fluid under his tongue.

Seeing this, Xu Tong waved his hand and directly put a jar of fine wine on the table. After he patted the mud seal on the wine jar, the aroma of the wine immediately overflowed. When Blind Kang raised his nose, he was so excited that he almost jumped up.

"Good wine! A century old wine."

Then he looked at the wine jar again, and after discovering the imprint of plum blossoms on the wine jar, he immediately asked in surprise, "Is this wine from Plum Blossom Manor?"

"Yes, if you like it, I'll send you an altar."

Xu Tong had a good impression of Kang Xiazi, if he hadn't brought him into the casino, how could he have walked so smoothly.

So Xu Tong was not stingy at all with Kang Xiazi.

"Okay, okay, okay, but I, blind man Kang, can't accept such a heavy gift from you in vain. Anyway, if I give you this thing, it's like exchanging this jar of wine."

As blind man Kang said, he casually threw the prop card that was used as a bet before to Xu Tong, and then hugged the wine jar and couldn't wait to drink it.

Xu Tong wanted to refuse, but he couldn't hold back Kang Xiazi's enthusiasm, so he accepted it.

At this time, the food had already been served on the table, so Xu Tong unceremoniously began to munch on it, and gnawed down a mouthful of braised pig's trotters, and it tasted surprisingly delicious, just as Blind Kang said.

Soft, waxy and fragrant, chewing on it, the meat tendons inside are so slippery.

Coupled with a sip of fine wine, I feel my whole body's muscles and bones are active, and I feel indescribably comfortable, and I really forget all my troubles.

"Brother, the two of us hit it off right away, and we are both from the four little Yinmen. Tell me the truth, did you use the mountain buckle when you made a move just now?"

Blind Kang lowered his voice and asked in a low voice.

In the eyes of outsiders, there is no way to see it. It is only because Yan Xiaoqi suddenly got confused that Xu Tong almost snatched the long sword from the beginning.

Only Blind Kang was terrified when he saw it. After all, Xue Gui's name was unknown to others, so how could Blind Kang not know it.

"Hey, you can see it."

Xu Tong hugged the pig's trotter and gnawed wildly, but he just smiled when he heard this.

In fact, the power of worshiping the mountain buckle is very strong, especially his own body of an earthly immortal, his energy and spirit surpass that of ordinary people. Once he bows down, people like Shandun and Lei Gong will be caught off guard and will be seriously injured.

Just now, I can confuse a strong Conferred God like Yan Xiaoqi, which shows its power.

But Baishankou relies more on luck, the stronger the luck, the stronger the power.

At the beginning, my master was able to kill the Quartet with this method, and it was precisely because he was in a state of destiny at that time.

Yan Xiaoqi's luck must be stronger than his own, so Baishankou can only make him feel like he has been hit by a sap, and it can't have a lethal effect.

Of course, Xu Tong would not tell Blind Kang about these things.

Seeing that Xu Tong smiled and said nothing, Kang Xiazi also understood and did not continue to ask. Just when the two of them were pushing cups and changing cups, eating with gusto, Chang Wuzhi suddenly shouted to Xu Tong in the team channel: "Boss, you are going to be famous. Many people are now spreading the story of your battle with Lei Gong. You may have a title."


Xu Tong was stunned, and it took a moment to realize that the title Chang Wuju mentioned did not mean the title of the game, but a title added, such as the Three Duties, the Eight Great Evils, and the Sifang Zun.

Although it can't be compared with the title of Conferred God, it seems that it will also get an additional exclusive title.

Just when Xu Tong was in a daze, a message came from the item book: "Your strength has been recognized by most players, are you willing to get the title [New Lei Gong]?"

 There are a lot of fighting scenes, it's uncomfortable to watch separately, so the two chapters are combined.

(End of this chapter)

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