Chapter 404 The Snake Demon Xiaobai

In a small wooden house on the top of a mountain, a cold and beautiful woman in white was watching everything in the room vigilantly.

"Where is this?"

After sizing it up, the woman in white quickly walked out of the room and saw Li Yang, the avatar of divine power, sitting cross-legged outside the cliff.

At this time, Li Yang, the supernatural avatar, was like a banished immortal, and the woman in white couldn't help feeling daunting when she saw it.

"The little white snake is awake?"

"Who are you?" The snake demon Xiaobai, who had lost his memory, had a tingling pain in his brain at this moment, and had no idea who he was at all.

Seeing this scene, Li Yang, the divine avatar, remembered that Xiaobai, the snake demon at the beginning of the plot, seemed to have lost his memory.

Immediately, he pointed at the sky, and a special spiritual power instantly submerged into the sea of ​​consciousness of the snake demon Xiaobai.

Among the dozens of worlds he has experienced in the past, Li Yang has already encountered fantasy worlds about green snakes and white snakes.

The former Green Snake and White Snake are currently practicing in his original world.

However, compared to the previous world, this world has a higher level of power and is more complete.

It gave Li Yang the same feeling as the world that Cucurbit Baby lived in before.

In the previous Green Snake World, because Li Yang was still relatively weak at that time, he just took the Green Snake that had just transformed in the plot and the White Snake with a slightly higher level of morality into his original world.

But now Li Yang's strength is not what it used to be. Although it is still a bit troublesome to directly attack the world connected with this world, but there is no need to directly take away the two snake monsters in this world. road.

On the edge of the cliff on the top of the mountain, Xiaobai, the snake demon who was infused with divine power by Li Yang, the divine power avatar, recovered quickly from his injured consciousness.

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life, Xiaobai." The snake demon Xiaobai, who had regained his memory, hurriedly saluted.

"This seat is just a coincidence, so there is no need to be polite."

"Okay, go and finish what you haven't done."

The snake demon Xiaobai was startled, and secretly said: "I don't know the identity of this senior, but he actually knows the task that the master entrusted to me."

"However, the task assigned to me by the master has not been completed. If I go back like this, I will definitely be punished by the master."

After some thought in the snake demon Xiaobai's mind, he quickly said to Li Yang, the clone of divine power, "Thank you for your help, senior."

"Just leave now!!!"

Li Yang, the avatar of divine power, sent the snake demon Xiaobai out of the mountain with a wave of his hand.

After being sent out of the mountain, Xiaobai, the snake demon, looked around again, and the original cabin on the top of the mountain also disappeared.

"This senior looks much better than Master."

The snake demon Xiaobai glanced at the mountain peak with deep eyes, and then she set up the demon wind and flew towards one direction.

At the same time, in a cave hundreds of miles away.

Two days later, late at night in the capital, the snake demon Xiaobai came to the capital again to assassinate the demon master.

Although she had failed once before and was injured and fled, but the teacher's order is hard to break.

Now that she has recovered, she will naturally continue to complete the tasks assigned to her by her master.

Soon when the snake demon just approached the Yaodao national master, the more powerful Yaodao also discovered the snake demon Xiaobai.

"It's you snake demon again, very good, I let you run away last time, this time I will see where you are going."

The kung fu practiced by the Yao Dao belongs to the evil kung fu, which relies on absorbing the spiritual power of snakes to increase the kung fu.

Therefore, in the past hundreds of years, Yaodao has relied on his status as a national teacher to have people hunt snakes for him to practice.

The last time I saw the snake demon Xiaobai, this demon was extremely excited.

Because compared to ordinary snakes, cultivating a human-shaped snake demon is more helpful to his cultivation.

Facing the threat from the demon way at this moment, the snake demon Xiaobai suddenly became violent: "The monster way sees the trick."

Seeing that Xiaobai, the snake demon, was full of monster aura, he immediately used his supernatural powers to attack the demon way.

"Overestimating one's abilities!!" Yaodao sneered, and the wind gusts all around, instantly blocking the snake demon Xiaobai's attack.

Soon after a very embarrassing attack, the snake demon Xiaobai's heart was bent, and he directly sacrificed the pearl hairpin on his head.

I saw the whole spiritual power of the cyan bead hairpin entangled, and the next second the cyan bead hairpin instantly turned into a green light and shot towards the demon way.

This pearl hairpin was specially given to her by the snake demon Xiaobai's master.

According to the red training snake demon master Xiaobai, the snake demon, as long as he is hit by this pearl hairpin, the demon will die on the spot.

Because this pearl hairpin is a special magic weapon that can absorb mana, the real purpose of the snake demon Xiaobai's master Chi Lian snake demon is to absorb the mana of this demon way.

However, after the supernatural avatar rescued the seriously injured snake demon Xiaobai before, he, who is familiar with the development of the plot, directly took action to modify the pearl hairpin.

Now the modified pearl hairpin is already the magic weapon of the snake demon Xiaobai.

It's just that the snake demon Xiaobai doesn't know about it.

But at this moment, when the pearl hairpin that turned into green light hit Yaodao, he who didn't have it but would take it seriously screamed out in horror in an instant.

"My mana!!!!!!!"

In an instant, the pearl hairpin that turned into a green glow was like a super vacuum cleaner, instantly sucking the magic power of the Yaodao Guoshi's whole body into the pearl hairpin.

Even the surrounding disciples who also practiced the same skills could not escape Zhuchai's devouring.

In just a few seconds, the originally mighty Yaodao national teacher and hundreds of disciples around him were all turned into mummies.

(End of this chapter)

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