With the arrival of Li Yang, the avatar of divine power, Liu Xuan, who was the host, immediately stepped forward to greet them, and introduced to several people present: "Fourth Master, Ruolan, Mr. Zheng, this is Mr. Li, and also mine." Partner."

Hearing Liu Xuan's introduction, Mr. Zheng, who was short and funny in a leopard-print suit, suddenly burst out laughing.

"Mr. Li, he is now a celebrity in our industry. He spent 300 billion to buy the land in Qingluowan."

"Oh! You are still partners. I really doubt whether you are engaged in real estate. You are all vying to buy the sloping land in Qingluowan."

"It really made me laugh~~~"


Mr. Zheng, who was wearing a leopard print suit, couldn't stop laughing.

And fourth master who was on the side couldn't help but speak with meaning.

"Mr. Zheng, I don't agree with you when you say that."

"Although Mr. Li looks young, I believe that he bought Qingluowan not on impulse, but because of his deeper intentions."

"However, Mr. Li bought Qingluo Bay at a high price now. The surrounding property prices were too high for no reason, and we made 300 billion in vain."

"No matter what I say about this, I have to thank Mr. Li."

"Mr. Li, please accept my worship!"

Fourth Master arched his hands exaggeratedly, knelt on the ground with both knees, and saluted Li Yang.

In fact, although Si Ye's actions were exaggerated, today Li Yang bought Qingluo Bay at a sky-high price of more than 300 billion, which was indeed indirectly too high for the surrounding property prices.

And Li Ruolan's family's real estate company has several real estate properties around Qingluo Bay. Now this deal has indeed made Li Ruolan's family's real estate company earn 300 billion more for nothing.

Of course, these are only current values, these properties are valued so much.

Not really that much money has been sold.

However, to reach their level in real estate, it has long been no longer a simple real estate business, but stock speculation.

Now their real estate suddenly appreciates, which also raises the stock price of their company in disguise.

It is true that the valuation of their company's stock price has skyrocketed by tens of billions.

However, at this time, Li Yang, the avatar of divine power, accepted Fourth Master's exaggerated salute very calmly, and did not step forward to help him.

Instead, he said to him very calmly: "You really should thank me well. I accept your bow."

But the words of Li Yang, the divine power avatar, made fourth master a little embarrassed and at a loss.

After all, he is also an elder here, he can salute so exaggeratedly, but as a junior, shouldn't you know how to be humble?

It's good now, Li Yang not only didn't give in, he didn't even have any courtesy.

It directly made fourth master so embarrassed that he didn't know how to end it.

Fortunately, Liu Xuan who was on the side quickly rescued him.

"Come, come, fourth master, drink, drink!"

As Liu Xuan spoke, he also reached out to help him up.

And fourth master also took the donkey down the slope and returned to his seat without leaving a trace.

"Fourth Master Zheng, let me toast to everyone first.

After drinking a glass of wine, Liu Xuan didn't say anything polite and went straight to the point.

"Everyone, I invite everyone to come today. Besides drinking, I have one more thing I want to show you."

"What is it?" Mr. Zheng, who was wearing a leopard-print suit, also looked over curiously at this moment.

And Liu Xuan didn't answer, but directly handed him several documents next to him.

"What now?"

"Approval for land reclamation!"

"What?" Mr. Zheng, who was joking at first, heard the words of the land reclamation approval document, and immediately flipped through it carefully.

It turned out that the beginning of this document was the Qingluowan reclamation approval letter in large characters.

"Qingluo Bay is a conservation area. There are a large number of dolphins living there. Can you get approval for land reclamation?"

"But I heard the dolphins there are going to move."

Hearing these words, Mr. Zheng's face instantly became ugly.

"Hmph! I'm not drinking anymore, I'm not in the mood."

Mr. Zheng not only likes to wear leopard prints, but also has a violent temper.

And he never hides himself, saying what he doesn't like.

Now that Liu Xuan took out the approval document for land reclamation, let alone drinking Romantic Conti worth more than 100 million, he was not in the mood even for the most expensive wine.

On the other side, after seeing the approval document for land reclamation, the fourth master didn't walk away like Mr. Zheng did.

Instead, he walked directly to Li Yang's side and looked at Li Yang attentively.

"Xiao Li, I don't know if you still need to invest or not, and the percentage is fine."

But as soon as Fourth Master spoke, Liu Xuan on the side interrupted him directly: "Fourth Master, we don't talk about business today, we only drink, come come, Fourth Master, I will toast you again.

And Li Ruolan on the side was also holding a wine glass at this time, looking at Li Yang with winking eyes: "Mr. Li, I also offer you a toast."

Li Yang, the clone of divine power, can not drink with the fourth master, but he can't help saving face with the beautiful woman Ruolan.

After all, the woman in front of him is one of his mission goals in this world.

According to the mission given to him by the deity, he needs to change the plot and conquer this world.

And to conquer this world, it is inevitable to conquer the heroine of this world.

Li Ruolan can be regarded as one of the heroines in this plot world.

As for the other one, Shanshan is a mermaid girl still living in Qingluo Bay.

But now Li Yang has not contacted the mermaid tribe, and since Ruolan here is so proactive, he will naturally not refuse.

About an hour later, the small reception at Liu Xuan's house officially ended.

As soon as the reception was over, the woman Li Ruolan came to Li Yang's side.

"Mr. Li, it's inconvenient for me to drive after drinking, can you give me a ride?"

The woman Li Ruolan said very charmingly.

This woman not only has capital, but also knows how to use her own capital.

Of course, at her level, it's not simply selling her body in exchange for some cooperation opportunities.

Instead, she used her own charm to make people fall under her pomegranate skirt.

Simply put, it's what you can't see.

And a woman like Li Ruolan doesn't show her charm to everyone.

For example, if she was asked to charm Mr. Zheng, she would definitely not do it.

After all, she is not short of money. For a woman at her level, in addition to her interests, what is more important is her liking.

Of course, if she meets a man she likes and can help her, she naturally doesn't mind throwing herself into his arms.

But it is not easy for a woman like Li Ruolan to conquer.

Even Liu Xuan in the original plot, although he can have a chance to embrace the beauty, he still has an inferiority complex in front of Li Ruolan.

Although Li Ruolan was indeed drunk at this time, it was not suitable for her to leave in her Ferrari.

But her own father came with a driver.

Obviously, this woman Li Ruolan has taken a fancy to Li Yang.

Not only did they fall in love with the Qingluowan project in his hand, but also Li Yang.

After all, the avatar Li Yang can be regarded as the incarnation of a perfect man.

For men, beautiful women are attractive.

And for women, the same goes for handsome and attractive men.

Li Ruolan was originally attracted by Li Yang during the previous auction.

Now seeing that Qingluowan in Li Yang's hands is a big money-making project, in order to avoid being preempted by others, of course Li Ruolan will not let go of such a good opportunity to meet alone.

Li Yang was riding in a commercial vehicle. This car looked ordinary on the outside, but it was extremely luxurious inside.

In the back row of the vehicle, Li Ruolan and Li Yang sat opposite each other.

Li Ruolan smiled and said, "President Li, let's cooperate."

"How much does Miss Ruolan want?"

"As long as you are not inferior to Liu Xuan." Li Ruolan understood that now that Li Yang had cooperated with Liu Xuan.

Then once she entered the game, it became a tripartite cooperation.

With the cooperation of the three parties, she is undoubtedly a minority shareholder.

But even if it is a minority shareholder, she cannot be the smallest one.

No matter what, you have to be a second shareholder.

As the vehicle drove slowly, after Li Yang and the woman Li Ruolan reached a verbal cooperation agreement, the atmosphere in the back row of the vehicle also became ambiguous.

Li Yang, the avatar of divine power, had a mission in the first place. Since Li Ruolan was so active, he naturally would not refuse.

So the vehicle drove directly to a manor villa that Li Yangcai bought.

After getting off the car, Li Ruolan asked knowingly, "Mr. Li, this doesn't seem to be my home, does it?"

"Just after tonight..."

Li Ruolan understood in an instant, and then the two went to the villa's room together.

The next day, Li Ruolan gave herself a day off and didn't even answer her father's phone call. It was obvious that Li Ruolan was too busy at that time.

Afterwards, because my body was too tired, I didn't have the energy to care about it.

So Li Ruolan was in a state of being unable to contact for a whole day.

This made fourth master, who had been waiting for news in the company, only anxious there.

He had already called Liu Xuan privately.

When he asked Liu Xuan for cooperation, Liu Xuan's reply was that Li Yang was in charge of the specific cooperation matters.

And last night, he knew that his daughter had gone to communicate with Li Yang.

It's just been a whole day, and he still can't contact his daughter.

It was not until the morning of the third day that Li Ruolan called him back.

"Ruolan, what's the matter?"

He knows his daughter well, although his daughter knows how to use her charm very well.

But if it wasn't for the man she fell in love with, she wouldn't really fall in her arms.

But now her daughter went to Li Yang's house for a full day before contacting him.

Obviously, his daughter is already in his arms.

And he worked hard all day.

Young people really don't know temperance.

Li Ruolan's father could only sigh secretly.

He has no objection to this, after all, his daughter will soon be 30 years old.

It's time to get married at this age.

"I've already done it myself, is there anything else I can't figure out?" Li Ruolan asked back.

And Li Ruolan's father thought that was indeed the case.

Now that my daughter is already in her arms, how can this cooperation be given to others?

He also didn't think of this for a while.

"It's me who was worrying too much. You have to do it yourself, so there's no way you can't handle it."

Listening to her father's emotion, Li Ruolan on the other side of the phone couldn't help but blushed with a charming little face.

Because in the past whole day, Li Ruolan has been strongly conquered by the divine power avatar.

After all, Li Ruolan is just an ordinary woman. Even if Li Yang, the avatar of divine power, only has planet-level physical fitness, she is still countless times stronger than an ordinary woman like Li Ruolan.

With such a strong physical quality, Li Ruolan couldn't resist even if she was seductive.

After the three parties reached a specific cooperation, the Qingluo Bay project was officially launched.

However, since there is still a group of dolphins living in Qingluo Bay, the reclamation project of the project needs to be officially started, and the dolphins need to be moved.

In fact, the main reason why dolphins make their home in Qingluowan is because of the mermaid clan.

Those dolphins who live in Qingluo Bay all year round are completely responsible for the fish tribe.

As for how to move the dolphins in Qingluo Bay, Li Yang directly took care of it.

So that night, Li Yang came to Qingluo Bay alone.

After arriving at Qingluo Bay, Li Yang quickly discovered a group of male and female mermaids playing in the sunken ship in the bay of Qingluo Bay through his spiritual thoughts.

However, when they saw a strange human appearing in the sunken ship, all the mermaids who were playing were stunned for an instant.

"It's not good to have humans."

"What to do, we seem to be seen by him."

"This person is suspended in the air. He is definitely not an ordinary person. Ask him first."

"Hey! Human, what are you doing here?"

Li Yang, who was suspended in mid-air, just looked around lightly, and soon he saw the mermaid Shanshan with only one head exposed in the water.

"I came here to tell you that Qingluo Bay has been bought by me, and I will develop real estate here next."

"And you will need to relocate elsewhere."

Hearing Li Yang's words, the mermaids present immediately exploded.


"Let us move out!"

"Impossible, I will never move away."

"Yes, the world is full of dangerous places nowadays. We have lived in Qingluo Bay for so many years, where can we move now?"

"No, we won't move."

A humanoid octopus suddenly appeared in the crowd.

Seeing this humanoid octopus, Li Yang immediately recognized the other person's identity.

And at this moment, an old-faced mermaid in the sea also paid the surface of the water at this time.

This old-faced mermaid is the leader of this mermaid tribe, and she is also the only mermaid in this mermaid tribe with mana.

Because this old-looking mermaid is a member of the mermaid clan born in the Ming Dynasty.

In the Ming Dynasty, there was still a trace of vitality between the heaven and the earth, and some lucky ones of humans and other races were able to cultivate mana and obtain special means.

And this old mermaid was the lucky one back then.

From the Ming Dynasty to the present, this old mermaid has lived for hundreds of years.

In today's era when the vitality of the earth is thin, there are not many existences like this.

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