Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1004 Chapter 996: Gina: Quan, you don't want this video to be known.

Chapter 1004 Chapter 996: Gina: Quan, you don't want this video to be known. (Shouldn't this be said by a man?)
"Hey, it's you." The worst thing in this world is that when you were thinking about killing someone just now, this person appeared in front of you the next second.

This is no less than the behavior of jumping face and mocking, and it is the most unacceptable.

Magma couldn't accept it either, especially when he turned around and saw the guy who drove up to the cliff with his car, and immediately rushed into anger.

"You guy, how dare you appear in front of me!"

"What do you mean, I seem to be afraid of you Magma?" After parking the car, Quan activated the suspension device of Athos to ensure that Athos could maintain a suspended posture and land slowly after the fight broke out. Instead of falling down and being thrown to pieces.

Gina stood in front of Magma, preventing Magma from saying what she hadn't said yet.

Stepping on the hard rock with leather shoes, with his hands in his belt, Quan approached step by step. As the distance between the two gradually narrowed, they finally looked at each other in the distance of less than five people.

"I heard Asuna said that there was a big sister who liked cosplay and suppressed her in martial arts, so I didn't kick her uniform off the line. That big sister is you." In terms of height, Quan must be Bijina He was tall, so he looked at the other party from a condescending perspective at this time, which brought a certain amount of pressure.

"Humans' fighting skills are indeed good, but their weak bodies limit their further possibilities." Although there is a little pressure, Gina feels that her advantage lies in her: "If she is willing to rely on me, it is not impossible for me to give her A long life, and a body at the top of the universe."

"Then it becomes neither human nor ghost, so it's called evolution, right." The technology controlled by Gu A understands a little bit.

The most important thing is the guarantee of the integrity of the three brothers and sisters.

"There is a corresponding price to be paid for the possession of any power. Do you have to maintain the appearance of this human being? What's the point?" Taking out the whip in hand, the confrontation of words has come to the last moment, Gina said In other words, it is natural to show what she can give.

That is, if Quan takes refuge in her, what kind of benefits she can give Quan.

From the first sentence of the two sides, this kind of hidden interest conversation is going on.

But it's a pity that at present, Gina's bargaining chip can't impress Quan.

That's why she took out her whip.

"Is that so? It seems that being a member of Gua is nothing special." Quan rubbed his chin with his fingers, and said pretendingly: "Is there anything else? Although it is only your family, but I also want to see if there are better ones that are hiding."

"Don't go too far! Earthlings!" Magma stood behind Gina, flashed out the hook sword, and pointed it at Quan: "Be loyal to Master Gina, take this planet, and restore the glory of Gua , this is the greatest luck you can have in your life, don't be ignorant!"

Quan ignored Magma, but still focused on Gina.

"Sister, is there really nothing else?"

"I want to know more, how did you find us so easily." Gina didn't ask for any more conditions, which means that the negotiation is no longer necessary.

Just like what Magma said, if you don't eat a toast, you will be punished, and you are a mere earthling, so go to hell.

"Please, this is the earth, is it really a satellite?" Quan pointed to the sky: "Even if your existence cannot be detected by the satellite because of the energy of the dark thunderstorm, but... my friends are also out. Take a shot."

As soon as the words fell, a private small satellite that flashed across the sky reflected a glimmer of brilliance, and then disappeared at an even faster speed.

On the other side of the earth, living alone in a room full of various electronic devices, the girl touched the gel cap on her head, manipulated more red tentacles, and controlled those free Small satellites in Earth's atmosphere.

"Connect the data of Baltan and the others. I have to let them see this battle." Quan's voice came from the headset, and the girl rolled her eyes, feeling a little helpless.

"Yes, yes, you have to remember your promise, don't forget it."

"I'll go find you after I finish dealing with the matter here, Nuoba."

"Remember to bring the caviar! I want a lot of caviar!"

"it is good."


After turning off the communication, Gina's face has become very ugly, but what Quan wants to see is her expression, this expression of obviously angry and wishing to kill him, but restraining herself.

"Damn it!" Although Gina restrained herself, Magma, the dog leg who wanted to show her loyalty, rushed up with a hook sword.

The black leather coat swallowed the light, and the long sword in his hand shone with an icy cold light.

Quan didn't take half a step back, but turned back with one hand. In Gina's frightened and puzzled eyes, a black sword appeared in Quan's hand, and he pulled it out out of thin air. With a sweep, Magma was forced back. .

"...Humans can't pull out a sword out of thin air." Gina finally noticed something wrong: "You bastard, who are you!"

"Xio's monster consultant, Quan, remember it for me." After making an OK gesture, holding the sword in his hand, Quan attacked with an attack. After that, he fell into a disadvantage and was forced to panic.

The black sword pressed down, forcing Magma's hook sword to fail to draw out in time, and Quan seized the opportunity to press the hook sword to the ground with strength.

Because the hook sword was completely connected to one of Magma's hands, the hook sword was suppressed, and Magma had to bend down and lie on the ground.

It was like Magma knelt down on his knees, with his hands spread out, as if he was going to kowtow to Quan Xing.

Before Magma recovered, Quan kicked Magma's head and turned him over. The whole person circled a few times in mid-air, and then landed on his knees and knelt down on the ground. .

The black sword swept across, Quan seized the opportunity, and tried to kill the Magma star with three moves.

But the blade of the black sword failed to touch Magma after all, a whip rope wrapped around Magma's body and pulled him back, saving his dog's life.

"Hey!" After bringing Magmara back, Gina jumped up and passed over Magmara's head, raising one hand high like a battle axe.

Quan didn't resist, and took a few steps back to avoid the blow, allowing Gina's hand knife to strike the ground, splitting the boulder into cracks.

"As expected of Gina, one of the three brothers and sisters of Gu A, she looks like a human being, but she is not human at all." Her footsteps changed again and again, dodging the attacks of gravel one after another. open.

A blow failed, and with a smile on the corner of Gina's mouth, the other hand slashed down sharply again.

And this hand was the hand that held the whip and rescued the Magma.

With Gina's own strength and the length of the whip, this blow was even more powerful.

Quan also knew that if this blow was carried out, the cliff would definitely be unstoppable, so he resisted with his body, wrapped the whip rope with a black sword, and circled on the edge of the sword, forming a stalemate with Gina.

"If I'm not a human being, what are you who can wrestle with me? Earthlings? Hahaha!" Gina laughed wantonly: "What a sad human being. They thought you were a human being, so they trusted you so much. You, let you act as a bridge of communication."

"But the people on Earth didn't expect that you are not human at all, they have been kept in the dark all the time!"

"Are you also interested in this planet?"

It seems that after Gina realized that Quan was not a human being, she felt that Quan was hiding on the human side for other purposes.

"Don't be embarrassing, I am a human being, indeed a human being." Quan Yin said with a gloomy face, "If I can wrestle with you, I am not a human anymore? Don't look down on people too much, you bastard!"

"How simple are human beings?"

"Do you still want to cover it up?" Gina smiled confidently: "Even if you say that, will people on earth who see you wrestle with me regard you as a human being?"

Sharpley put down the camera in his hand and made an OK gesture.

"Quan, you don't want this video to be known by humans, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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