Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1009 Victory: Just the bond, he will pass it on again and again, and then...

Chapter 1009 Victory: Just a bond, he will pass it on again and again, and then...

In terms of hard power, Beyond Aix and Molde are actually at the same level.

But it wasn't long before Aix got beyond this stance, and the number of hands-on practice was limited, and he didn't have enough control over this brand-new stance, so he was obviously at the same level as Molde, but he was suppressed in the battle and fell behind. into the downwind.

Speaking of which, it's a bit wasteful for you to hold something like the Rainbow Knife to slash people, and it's not like Beibei Sword, which specializes in slashing and strengthening.

So surpassing X still failed, but during the scuffle, Xiang who woke up took advantage of the battle and no one noticed him, so he sneaked away and escaped from the cliff.

When I was fleeing, I met Dadi, but because my mouth was sealed (Xiao Xiushu: This Nima also pays tribute?) I couldn't speak, so I couldn't communicate with Dadi at all.

However, Dadi transformed into Aix in front of Ah Xiang, which also made Ah Xiang understand Dadi's identity.

It's just... As a master of swordsmanship and physical skills, Ah Xiang's blood pressure rose again and again after seeing Chao X's horrible sword skills and fighting.

If he didn't find the transformation device on his body, he might have to go up and fight for him.

Ah Xiang almost had a cerebral hemorrhage after watching this high blood pressure battle, but luckily at the end, Arisa, a team member who was teleported to this world, arrived in time and handed over the lost transformation period to Ah Xiang.

After getting the transformation device, Ah Xiang immediately used the monster materialized King Red to punch Molde, knocking him back.

And watching Ah Xiang get the transformation device, he knew that the knight who killed Zhou Da and purified his resentment would return in victory. That kind of special attack was not good for Molde, and something might happen if he insisted on fighting.

Molde chose to retreat temporarily, seeking more power to help him.

And Aix could only watch Molde leave, and canceled the transformation in embarrassment.

This is the second time he has used Beyond Aix, and the problem of lack of proficiency has been fully exposed.

After the war, Ah Xiang and Arisa came to the base of the defense force in this world. Compared with their Earth Defense Force, which doesn’t even have fighter planes, Xio’s professionalism and technology really blow them up a lot. , but the kind that can't even see the exhaust.

After removing the mask that locked Ah Xiang's mouth, everyone exchanged some information, but Ah Xiang's eyes were fixed on the ground, and he was furious watching the battle that made his blood pressure soar.

Therefore, Ah Xiang brought Dadi out to give Dadi Jinxing separate special training to help him quickly control the power beyond Aix.


"Om..." The sharp long sword chopped off a big tree, the incision was as smooth as a mirror, without the slightest roughness.

Ah Xiang withdrew his long sword, ignoring the tree behind him slowly falling down, but facing the ground, raised the sword: "You still can't fully control that sword, for you, it is what you need to control the most strength."

"But we don't have the time to take it slow, so let's be real."

The earth swallowed a mouthful of spit: "Arisa said that you are an underground person, which is different from ordinary earthlings. I finally understand what it means."

"That kind of thing is not important." A Xiang smiled happily: "I have also received this kind of training before, and it made me much stronger in a short period of time."

"When a life-threatening evil spirit is chasing after you, if he relaxes, he will kill you, and for you to survive, he will explode with all his strength."

Thinking of the flaming flying kick that descended from the sky, then shattered the ground, destroyed the forest, rolled up a storm of flames, and then turned into a doomsday scorched world, and the man standing in the center with the most disdainful hook Thinking about the provocative way of pointing his hands at him and Xiao Guang, Ah Xiang couldn't help shivering.

But although it was scary, Ah Xiang had to admit that this was indeed the best choice if he wanted to quickly improve his combat power in a short period of time.

Between life and death, one must either go one step further or die, there is no third way.

So he adhered to the will of that man, and also followed the idea that the man said: light will be passed on from generation to generation, and there will be future generations who need their teachings. Standing here, facing the earth, Ah Xiang expresses What he has learned from the old source.

"This kind of thing...it's too much anyway!" As a well-known weak chicken and a scientist, if Shikali's famous words are placed on the earth, it will become: I am just a scientist, without Shika This form of power is as powerful as Lee.

"It's not too much, it's not too much at all, I even think you're very happy." As he struck the blade of the sword, Ah Xiang said seriously: "It's only to this extent."

"You have to be thankful that it was me and not that guy who came into this world, otherwise, you should know what horror is by now."

Flying and kicking the ground is terror?Then Ah Xiang can only say that you are too naive.

He and Xiaoguang have experienced the degree of being kicked up to a height of more than 50 meters and then falling freely!
What the hell is the concrete floor below, how many things can the brain think about at that moment?
If the speed of the transformation is not fast, it will fall to the ground and become a puddle of meat!
The earth was dumb, he really didn't know what kind of pain Ah Xiang had experienced, and he couldn't imagine how terrible the hell he was in.

All he knew was that this man who crawled out of hell was going to drag him into hell...


"Giant God, please bless us, please..."

They fell down in front of a stone statue of a giant. Since they discovered the stone statue of this giant and lived here, those huge monsters and terrifying evil creatures never dared to attack them again. Given that this giant has a radius of hundreds of miles As the boundary, that is the safe zone.

For people living in the dark world, this is like a pure land.

Since the ancestors discovered this place and settled here, the reproduction of generations has allowed this small tribe to gradually expand and grow into a large-scale tribe.

Although the civilization is still primitive, everyone knows where this piece of pure land came from.

Every year at this time, the high priest will lead the whole family to worship under the giant's stone statue, praying for peace and blessings.

The grass and moss of the past have been removed, but the traces of the passage of time still remain on this stone statue. The wind and rain, the sun and the rain, the once lifelike stone statue has become much smoother now.

No one knows where the Goliath came from or how it came to be.

But it is also an indisputable fact that those evil dark creatures will be corroded and melted when they enter here.

Human beings in ancient times were on the verge of extinction at any time, and it was not easy to find such a pure land.

"Patriarch, please." The high priest handed the juice stone bowl containing all kinds of medicinal herbs to the patriarch. Under the eyes of everyone, the patriarch smeared the juice on his body and outlined the marks.

"Under the watchful eyes of the gods, I will accept the position of patriarch! I will lead the tribe, bravely open up, and drive away the darkness."

"Giant God, please watch me!"

"The giant gods please watch us!!"

People prostrate at the feet of giants. Even though it is just a stone statue, people will still enshrine it, because this piece of pure land cannot deceive people, and because the beauty of their lives throughout the ages cannot be faked.

But for something like desire, you want more, and when you have a place to live, you want more.

This safe zone with a radius of hundreds of miles will eventually be overcrowded.

At that time, will the concept of class that has not yet been derived be conceived in advance along with this?

This is the path followed by the birth of civilization. No one knows what a primitive civilization will become when it develops on its own.

The stone statue of the giant doesn't know either, he just stays here, looking at the sea all over the world, and the era has changed, so it has been going on for hundreds of millions of years.

(End of this chapter)

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