Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1014 Xiaoguang: Dazed by OMO's senior dog: JPG.

Chapter 1014 Xiaoguang: Dazed by OMO's senior dog: JPG.

It's a pity that the guy who also likes to play tricks fell into a deep sleep. Otherwise, calling him over should have a common language with Rainbow Knife.

"It's really a powerful force. It is indeed the strongest that Sai Luo said." Only by facing such a powerful enemy can Galaxy feel the pressure on its face.

It was as if I was rebelling in the palm of his hand, no matter what I did, I couldn't escape.

"Xiaoguang, can I fuse again?" Ah Xiang stood up holding his sword. There is only one way for the enemy to defeat him, and that is to fuse again to become a silver V. This is the only solution.

"No, our physical strength is not enough." Shaking his head, Xiaoguang raised his hand and summoned the trident in front of him: "Even if this is the case, we may not necessarily lose!"

"It's not time for despair yet!" Aix rallied, and the dissipated data flow returned to his body, turning the flickering timer into brilliant gold.

This means that he will be in a state of energy explosion in the next period of time.

Although it will usher in a more serious stage of weakness afterwards.

"Eradicate all Ultra fighters, this is my mission." The sword of the storm unfolded again, changing from a short sword to a long sword. Quan Nai aimed at the sky with one hand, and closed the other hand in his waist, and the endless torrent of darkness was absorbed On the red storm sword, in a very short period of time, quite terrifying power gathered.

"Aix, let's go too." The earth has no intention of backing down, this is his world, and he must protect it no matter what.

【Reading the Power of Ultraman Max】

Insert Max's card into the terminal, and Aix, who has extracted Max's power, also raises his hand, and the endless data flow gathers together. In the next second, Max Galaxy descends from the data flow, talking to Ike in his hands.

"Max Galaxy Cannon!" It's not the Max Galaxy Sword, but the Max Galaxy Cannon, which is the trick that defeated Jayden in the original plot.

Quan Nai didn't call out the name of the move, but slashed down suddenly, and the red storm sword slashed out a bright red sword aura and roared out.

This crescent shock wave was so powerful that the space it passed through along the way was shattered, and cracks appeared one after another.

The Max Galaxy Cannon hit the crescent shock wave in an instant, and the extreme light confronted the turbulent darkness, but in a moment, the two attacks exploded, and the resulting huge explosion destroyed everything around Zombie.

X used the shield to block the shock wave, while Quanna put her hands in front of her, not taking half a step back.

"Max's ultimate kill can only cancel each other out with him?" Da Da couldn't stand still: "Such a guy was actually made by someone?"

The smoke and dust filled the surroundings, and the purple light beam and the red light beam tore through the smoke and dust at the same time, attacking towards Quanna.

This is Galactic Daylight as well as Victory Shot.

He bent his arms, used the Nexus weapon to absorb and swallow all these two rays of light, and transformed them. But for a moment, the entire right fist, including the Nexus weapon, was emitting a hazy white light.

A single fist struck straight out, and the boiling white light formed a beam of light, which was also fed back by Quan Nai.

Galaxy and Victory, who were striding forward, had no time to react. They were hit by this ray of light. The two ran over at an extremely fast speed and flew back at an even faster speed. They hit the mountain behind again and fell down in embarrassment.

The timers of the two flickered faster and faster.

But thanks to Yinhe and Victor's desperate attraction, Aix, who was on the other side, finally made a big move.

Colorful beams of light were released from the top of the head, and the entangled unknown miracle light came mightily. Quan Nai dared not be careless, and spread her hands in front of her with a ripple shield to block it.

He can pretend to be as much as he wants in front of everyone, but he doesn't even want to touch the Aix head-marked ray released by the power of the rainbow knife.

As soon as he touched it, the dark energy gathered around Quan Nai suddenly seemed to dissipate, and it was an irresistible dissipation.

The corrugated shield was not pierced, but gradually faded and became somewhat transparent.

"This is... cut?" If the attack of Aix's head ray is not in frontal contact, you can't feel that feeling. Its power itself is not exaggerated, but this kind of terrifying purification power not only purifies Only negative forces, but all-encompassing energies.

Yes, all obstacles in front of this ray of light will be cut down, even if they are hit, they will be melted away.

Is this the power of the rainbow knife?

Taking a step back, Quan Nai already had a preliminary understanding of the characteristics of this attack.

He couldn't swallow the power of the rainbow knife into his body. Once he swallowed it rashly, it might cause unknown consequences, just like Griza was forced to materialize.

Yuan Yuannai’s words, I don’t know if he can swallow it in…

"Galactic piercing light!"


Knight Victory Ray! "

The killers belonging to Yinhe and Victor came one after the other, and also hit the ripple shield. The sudden increase in pressure made Quan Nai unbearable. She took a few steps back and gritted her teeth to support.

"Fuck, it's too big..." The three Ultra fighters used all their strength to put light on themselves. This kind of pressure exceeded the limit that they could bear at this stage of strength.

If you can't stand it, I'm afraid it will really blow up this time.

In times of crisis, Quan Nai didn't care to hide, and exploded all the energy in his body, not only the dark power that flowed on the surface, but also his real power was released immediately.

Under such super-strong pressure, he was also forced to make new changes.

Unleashing the violent power in his body, although the essence of the transcendent has not returned, Quanna's body is also the same as the Milky Way, so he bears one-third of the pressure of these three rays, and the rest of the pressure is all given to the ripple shield .

Although it is being gradually reduced, the hand behind the shield is a stronger supplement to the shield. Even though the power of the three rays of light is terrifying, it will not be able to break through the defense for a while.

But the three over there can't do it. They can't produce continuous high-power output for a long time. Originally, they lack strength, and the transformation time is more than half.

Quan Nai sensed the key point, felt the opponent's attack gradually weakening, and immediately punched the corrugated shield. When he smashed the corrugated shield, he also triggered a super powerful explosion.

The moment the explosion sounded, Yinhe, Victory, and Aix stopped emitting light at the same time. The three gasped and looked at the center of the explosion, for fear that the dark warrior would come out of it.

"Senior, senior, why hasn't he appeared until now!" The only Ultra fighters who still have combat effectiveness are seniors, but until now, Yinhe has not waited for Quan to appear.

Why on earth didn't it show up!
Unable to find the answer, Yinhe could only wait intently, staring intently at the smoke and dust over there, until... a certain dark warrior still walked out of the smoke and dust, causing his heart to sink immediately.

There were sparks all over his body, black smoke radiated from his body, and he even spoke intermittently.

"The body is broken...the plan failed..."

The vortex built by darkness appeared behind Quan Nai, swallowing it bit by bit.

Yinhe knows that the other party has been seriously injured, and now he only needs to work harder to finish the other party completely, but whether he, X, or Victory, everyone is out of strength. Judging by the speed at which the timer is flickering at present, it is afraid that it will be an emergency. There is a possibility of undoing the transformation at once.

...So what the hell are you doing at this time!Senior Quan ahhhhh!

Until the sparking dark Nexus in front of him was swallowed by the vortex and left here, Senior Quan, who was waiting for the galaxy, had no intention of appearing.

Yinhe sighed helplessly, turned over, and was forced to cancel the fusion.

Xiaoguang fell from mid-air, and he rolled on the ground unconsciously, lying on the lawn and motionless.

Xiaoguang: stunned by OMO's senior dog: JPG.

(End of this chapter)

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