Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1022 We are a 5-color team!

Chapter 1022 We are the five-color team! (It is broken, it has become a team.)
In the realm of the Meta Tower, Quan Nai didn't hold back at all, and almost fully exerted her current level of strength, suppressing ex Gomora to death.

He looks like he wants to destroy Gomora.

Because this is what Gennani told him, telling him not to hold back his hands, and let him go all out, let M1 see what choices humans will make at this time.

Therefore, in front of Quan Nai who was at full strength, ex Gomora was defeated at an extremely fast speed. In addition, Gomora's own consciousness was doing its best to resist, so Gomora was even more disadvantaged.

This was reflected in the battle. Gomora was able to counterattack several times, but in the end his own consciousness blocked his body, forcing it to stay in place.

This scene was also seen by Asuna.

As the first person to establish linkage with Gomora besides Dadi, Asuna's affection for Gomora is also very special.

Therefore, when Quan Nai opened the distance and was about to use the ultimate light-torrent to destroy Gomora, Asuna finally couldn't bear it and stood up.

With her hands open, she aimed her back at Gomora, while she herself stood in front of Quanna.

"Please stop!" The shout with all of its strength resounded almost throughout the Meta domain, and the thunder intertwined between the Nexus weapons in both hands also slowly dissipated.

Quanna lowered her head and stared at Asuna.

"I know... I know that Gomorra did cause a lot of damage, but it wasn't Gomorra's intention, was it? It was the dark thunderbolt that changed it, Gomorra... Gomorra shouldn't be like this at all Yes!" Asuna was crying, and the pain in her heart was quite heavy.

"For a long time, the earth has wanted to establish a world where humans and monsters coexist peacefully. I couldn't understand it in the past, because monsters and the like should be eliminated."

"But Dadi thinks so seriously, Gomora... Gomora is also so kind, so I gradually began to understand him, and I also know, what kind of consciousness Dadi has in this experiment!"

"Even if it's me, or everyone in Xio, in fact, they only regard Gomora as a useful weapon, and the headquarters is the same."

Sobbing and shouting, Asuna expressed her own feelings, telling everything that was buried deep in her heart, just to keep Gomora alive: "We all just think that way."

"But if the choice of the earth fails here, Gomorrah, isn't it dead for nothing!"

Quan Nai stared at that little person, the person standing in front of Gomora, the thunder between his hands did not disappear, but spread to the whole body, and spread to the entire Meita domain.

After a burst of mist dissipated, everyone immediately came out of the Meita domain and stood erect in the city again.

Seeing Asuna standing in front of Gomora, the Shenmu captain and vice-captain in the base didn't know what happened in the Meta domain, but they could roughly guess it by looking at this scene.


"Be careful behind!" However, in this solemn and sad atmosphere, Gomora waved his claws and patted Asuna.

Everyone was shocked, if this slap was slapped, Asuna would definitely die.

The shadow that covered the sky and the sun fell, completely engulfing Asuna.

It was an inescapable moment, and now that Asuna believed in Gomora, she seemed about to give her life for her rash move.

At the moment of crisis, a bright red light moved forward rapidly, falling on Asuna's body and setting up a red protective shield to protect Asuna inside.

But Gomora's paw stayed in the air, and it grabbed his hand with the other paw, and he was reluctant to fall down.


With a roar, Gomora kept backing away, slapping his head with his hands, and fell into pain again.

"Gomora... Its consciousness is still resisting, it doesn't want to hurt Asuna." Hayato and A'Du, who had pointed their pistols at Gomora, looked at each other, and they both saw guilt in each other's eyes. mood.

"Gomorrah...it still remembers Asuna, it remembers everything, but we..."

Gomora is unwilling to hurt Asuna, but they are already thinking about destroying Gomora.

In such a comparison, human beings are really ashamed creatures.

Just after Asuna stepped forward, coupled with Gomora's reaction, this witness has already got the answer.

"The answer has been revealed." Yuanyuan turned around and looked at the silent M1: "Maybe the guy who created and abandoned you back then is indeed the evil side of human beings, but the two sides of everything are quite complicated."

"The badness of human beings and the beauty of human beings exist in human beings themselves, and they are all in one thought."

"It would be biased to blame the entire human race for this reason."

Yuanyuan Nai spread his hands: "Can this matter come to an end?"

M1 sighed and snapped his fingers, releasing X from captivity and allowing him to return to Earth.

"You're right, it's really hard for me to look at human beings from a fair perspective." After releasing Aix, M1 did not turn around, but stared at the dark void in a daze: "Everything that happened to me made me feel sorry for him." Human beings, a race full of duplicity and morality, can't arouse the slightest favor at all."

"Perhaps, this is the reason why I want to come back here." M1 continued: "In this game, human beings have won my approval. I admit that human beings have two sides, and I also admit that I am unfair to human senses. "

"But I will look at the earth and human beings. Once human beings lose this duality and become extreme, at that time, I will come again." With a snap of his fingers, M1 turned its own existence into a floating shining man again I, wandering in the universe: "At that time, human beings should welcome the bitter fruit brewed by themselves."

"Yes." Yuanyuan Nai nodded: "If human beings lose that quality, then human beings are no longer worthy of Ultraman's protection. At that time, human beings are no different from cosmic moths."

It's not even your turn to make a move at that time, and Dración will naturally solve this problem.

"Master Savior, may you return to one body as soon as possible." M1 gave Yuanyuan... no, it was the blessing of Yuanquan, and he himself drifted away in the wandering cosmic storm, and finally disappeared in the dark universe middle.

Yuanyuan Nai stood outside the earth, staring at this splendid planet, his thoughts spread to the whole earth, to Canada, and found the man exactly.

"The peer of Gumen..." Seeing this face that has gone through a lot of vicissitudes, but it is exactly the same as in memory, Yuan Yuannai couldn't help but tremble a little.

"That alien beast...has really come here? Could it be that Nexus in the original plot is me?" Yuanyuan Naimoran suddenly made a decision.

The four-color body radiates light, four colors, four changes, and splits into four groups at the same time, clearly distinguishing each other.

As the radiance dissipated, the four pure-color rays of light gradually condensed into entities, and four Ultra warriors of different colors but with the same figure stood standing in the dark universe.

From left to right, they are red Nexus, purple Nexus, golden Nexus and silver Nexus.

Among them, the purple, gold, and silver reunited to form the figure of Yuan Nai again, while the red Nexus turned into a ray of light and entered the earth in an instant, chasing the strange beast-Baigba go with respect.

Lost the red, and the four-color became three-color, but it didn't matter to Gennai.

The figure shrunk and turned into a light cluster and fell into the forests in the suburbs of the earth, turning into a human appearance.

Unlike Quan Nai, who was recognizable at a glance, Gennai's human image still bears Yuan Quan's face and figure, but his temperament is colder and more silent.

It's a completely different style from Quanna.

Just after Yuan Yuanhuaren, black and golden light descended from the sky, and in front of Yuan, it condensed into the image of a spring.

(End of this chapter)

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