Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 103 The Devil's Trial

Chapter 103 The Devil's Trial

"Yuan is right, you really have been spying on the earth since a long time ago." Dodging the energy bullets aimed at his chest, Dagu raised the energy blaster and pointed it at the witch, and the other party would move Just plan to shoot.

"It's not from a long time ago, but this planet has been ours from the very beginning." The witch spread her hands, saying that she didn't want to attack: "Dagu, even after 3000 million years, human beings are not the same as before." progress, one day you will find that your existence is meaningless and useless.”

"Humans don't need giants of light, just like 3000 million years ago, they will make the same choice, and then die in pain." I have to say that the witch's plan succeeded, because Dagu really attracted attention, Start listening to what witches have to say about 3000 million years ago.
Although he didn't believe all of them, even if only one of them was true, that would be enough.

"What do you mean?" Dagu asked the witch.

"In the face of extreme darkness, the existence of the Giant of Light can't do anything, and even you yourself will fall into the darkness."

"Follow the god Kirierod and go to a brand new world. This is the path of salvation that mankind should embark on." As she spoke, the witch waved her big hand, and pulled a phantom from her arm under the black robe, and suddenly fired The energy bomb rushed towards Dagu very fast.

"You should be on our side."

"Humanity's future, human beings will use their own hands to create, instead of pinning their hopes on others, even the giants of light." These words of the witch can't shake Dagu's heart, who knows what happened 3000 million years ago? Can you know?
Even if it is true, 3000 million years have passed, which is already a distant time interval from now.

If you feel that you will perish if you do nothing, then what is the meaning of human existence?
"In ancient times, there were some people who had the same thoughts as you, but in the end they were all swallowed by the deep sea in the rising tide." Without letting go, the witch couldn't seize the opportunity to fight back, so she could only choose to leave here.

But even if she leaves, she will still have a big ancient mentality.

The moment of decisive battle is approaching, and this guy will definitely become Ultraman Tiga to stop it.

And once there is a problem with his mentality, Dijia will become much weaker.

Why not do such a convenient thing?

"Don't go!" Dagu subconsciously shouted this sentence, because he really wanted to continue listening to the story about 3000 million years ago.

Let alone a story.

But it's better than knowing nothing.

"I'm talking about saving something. I'm just doing what I can." Touching his chest and feeling the magic light stick placed in the inner lining, Dagu's eyes were very firm, and he was not overwhelmed by the witch's words. Words influence.

"I'm just doing what I can do as a human being."

————————Cut ————————

Itabashi Mitsuo wanted to go up to find the source of trouble, but firstly, the plan was still being implemented, and there could be no mistakes, and secondly, he also understood that he was the only one, and if he transformed alone, he would not be the opponent of Nexus .

So while yelling and cursing with the eminent monk Yuanquan, he was also stalling for time, waiting for the arrival of the witch.

It's just that he really doesn't know how the human body of Ultraman Tiga can make the witch spend so long.

Judging from his performance last time, isn't that guy good?
How long would it take to deal with that guy?
Could it be the witch, who wants to have a taste of Ultraman Tiga's human body?
Mitsuo Itabashi shook his head, and threw out the terrible thought in his head. You must know that the witch uses a body that has died long ago.It is only because the Kyriairods are spiritual life forms that they can enter the body of a dead person and manipulate the activities of the corpse.

Witches don't have that much taste, do they?
Amidst the yelling and cursing of the eminent monk Yuanquan, noon came to night unknowingly. When the moon hung high in the sky in the middle of the night, the dark clouds that came for no reason covered the last moonlight.

At the same time, the source of thought power scattered in the surrounding environment suddenly suffered strong pressure, and this external pressure made his thought power oppressed very severely.

If he was forced to hold on, there was a good chance that he would be bounced back and hit.

Will be forcibly entered into a stunned state, unable to select objects.

Mitsuo Banqiao couldn't hide such a change, and he also knew what this change represented.

The projection mirror and the searchlight both burst, and Yaohui was so scared that he ran away holding his head.On the contrary, the huge monk's projection also disappeared directly, leaving only the existence of the angel hanging in the sky.

"Tsk, here we come." The sudden increase in power was not because Mitsuo Itabashi had become stronger, but because the witch had come here.

The power of the two is stronger than the source, so it led to his sudden defeat.

But being able to last until this time is already a surprise.

"Brother, the people below are almost gone." Yao Hui sneaked out his head and looked down. Although he was a little dizzy, the people who gathered here during the day had all disappeared.

"I dragged on for so long, and I didn't hide it. The winning team is not the MAC team. Of course they know how to do it." Maybe the Kirielods used special methods, but the source was not concealed at all. mean.

So when the winning team traced back to the source and found the current location of the source because of this huge projection that suddenly appeared, they knew what to do.

The Kiriarods used miracles and religious means to fool people's trust, and the source also used the same method to resist, so that people who should have been manipulated by the Kiriarods and deeply immersed in it, None of them are controlled too deeply.

Itabashi Mitsuo has no time to take care of one aspect.

The miracle performed by Yuanquan is also one aspect.

When the miracle is not the only one, but another miracle exists, the so-called miracle becomes less valuable, or so rare.

Taking advantage of the time gained by Yuanquan, the Victory Team, together with the ground support force, called a large force to the scene, forcibly took away all the people gathered here, and sealed off the scene at an extremely fast speed.

This also led to the fact that there was no one in front of the angel at this moment.

Of course Mitsuo Banqiao didn't want to sit back and watch all this happen. He wanted to stop it, but the pressure from the source made him dare not act rashly.

But now, the witch has returned, and Yuanquan is no longer an opponent. Although Mitsuo Itabashi was annoyed that the arrival of the witch was too late, the time had come. The combined power of the two of them implanted those things almost instantly. The human beings with spiritual imprints are under control.

"Now, the noble gods are going to announce the name of the devil!" Itabashi Mitsuo glanced at the building not far away, where he could no longer feel the existence of that annoying light hero warrior.

Heh, now you know something is wrong and you want to run away?
Unfortunately, it's too late.

"The demons that bring disasters are Ultraman Nexus and Ultraman Tiga!" The witch lined up at the same time, standing beside Mitsuo Itabashi, and shouted loudly: "Let us welcome the coming of God, and come to fight for the gods!" This world, get rid of the demons that bring disaster!"



Countless whispers resounded all over the world. Although angels appeared in the center of the Japanese capital, Kirierod's beliefs were not limited to this one place.

People in Japan who have regained control of their minds are repeating the reading aloud, including other believers around the world.

These voices gather together to form countless ideas, which evoke the dark side of human hearts, and the terrifying power bred calls out the door from a different dimension.

In the sky of Tokyo, the purple clouds spread out like cotton, and the layers of thick clouds and mist completely covered the already dark night sky.

Darkness has come.

 When I was writing the outline, I mentioned that the main character had evolved. I heard the hero and the green fruit immediately ignited!
(End of this chapter)

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