Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1035 Lucifer: The Light of the Connaught Line and its heirs, have their hearts always been t

Chapter 1035 Lucifer: The Light of the Connaught Line and its heirs, have their hearts always been this dark?

Grizza exploded.

It died a terrible death.

But it doesn't matter, before it died, it ate a meal of the ultimate Zaladim light. It can be said that even if it died, it died after eating and being full. It can be said to be quite happy.

The one who killed Griza was X, not Quanna. After getting the Cosmic Needle, with X next to him, Rainbow Knife + Cosmic Needle, if Griza can survive It really is a ghost.

So Griza sent it without any suspense.

After Griza sent it, Quan Nai immediately returned to the human form, and in his hand, the dagger-like, shrunken Cosmic Needle still existed in his hand and had not disappeared.

Generally speaking, after the war, as an Ultra fighter who saves the world, he needs to identify himself with his teammates, and then everyone understands each other.

But Quan Nai didn't want to tell everyone in Xio that he was an Ultraman, he still wanted to blend in as an ordinary person.

Otherwise, if Aix is ​​defeated in the future, everyone will take it: why are you just watching and not helping? !Looking at him like this, Quan really couldn't stand it.

"This sword, do you want to try it?" Quan asked Yuan Yuannai after thinking about the dagger in his hand.

"You keep it, I'm busy here."


The story is divided into two parts, regardless of Quanna who is still on the earth for the time being, on the camera side, the Kingdom of Light is once again caught in a wave of invasion.

Seeing a certain monster walking on the streets of the Kingdom of Light again, you can't help expressing emotion, why the Kingdom of Light has been stolen again!

But fortunately, Showa Oku, who was wearing a red sheet for retirement, did not disappear, but responded quickly, killing all the guys who invaded the Kingdom of Light.

After finally calming down again, Hikari directly communicated to everyone via remote communication that the No. [-] armor in his laboratory: Kuuga, and the barcode storing the armor data were all taken away.

Everyone was shocked, and the kingdom of light immediately started to operate, and started to hunt down the guy who snatched things.

At this time, the second round of attacks came again.

And this time, the evil gods who abandoned their former bodies and regained their lives in the form of possessed bodies came to the Kingdom of Light in the form of evil kings and beasts, wreaking havoc.

The appearance of the evil king beast means that there is a powerful enough evil god behind the plot, and everyone in the Kingdom of Light knows who this evil god is.

When Gennai returned to the Showa universe, the first thing he encountered was hovering outside the shining planet of the Kingdom of Light, as if he had been waiting for a long time... Lucifer.

"Only you will choose to start a war at this time." The appearance of Lucifer is not surprising, although the title of the strongest evil god is resounding.

But how to be reborn under Grimd's pursuit, this is something every evil god has to consider.

It's a struggle for survival, and Lucifer will do whatever it takes to do it.

"Oh~ you're here." Lucifer turned around, and the shriveled body was no longer so withered at this moment, but became a little stronger, which means that Lucifer has used his strength during this period of time. The recovery was better, and he was one step closer to his peak combat power back then.

"I came here just to tell you one thing. Now I am already a member of the Beria Empire." Lucifer smiled, not feeling at all that he, as a veteran powerhouse, devoted himself to a newcomer. There's nothing wrong with calling him an adult under the command of his juniors.

"What are you planning?" But it is a pity that Yuanyuan already knew what kind of person Lucifer is, and he devoted himself to the Beria Empire. If there is no great benefit in it, Lucifer will say nothing would like to.

"Don't be like this, I'm just throwing myself into a certain power to seek shelter, that's all." Lucifer spread his hands and made an innocent look on his face.

"I'm afraid Beria doesn't know your true identity, otherwise would he dare to accept you?" Taking Lucifer as his subordinate means that Beria must always prepare for Grimd's visit.

And that kind of behemoth, not to mention the Beria Empire, even if Beria returns to its peak, there is nothing it can do about Grimud.

"You guessed wrong this time. Beria not only knows my identity, but even welcomes me to join." Taking a step forward, Lucifer's fixed expression turned into a smiling face.

"All of this is because of you, Yuan."

"Belia knows that if the Kingdom of Light has you around, it is absolutely impossible for him to win."

"He used to be one of the youngest leaders in Kingdom of Light, so he naturally knows many secrets."

"So, I appeared in front of him and told him that there are other transcendents in this universe."

"And you, leave it to me."

"It's not just you, it's also the blackened Tregia who got involved too." Yuan Yuannai didn't leave any bottom line for Lucifer, but said all the unsaid things that Lucifer hid .

"...Huh, I really can't hide anything from you." Lucifer was silent for a moment, and then continued: "What about you? I felt, at that moment, the reappearance of the savior."

"I thought you had already completed the fusion, and the real savior had come, but I didn't expect that it was you who appeared in front of my eyes."

"I'm really sorry to disappoint you, but you really should feel lucky." Yuanyuannai raised his hand, palm facing the sky, and the confidence in the body revealed in his words was completely undisguised: "If it is Yuanquan, how dare you?" Are you standing here?"

"Hahahaha! The savior of the universe is really very arrogant. Back then, Noah gave me a ray of light. I dared to go to the door at the end of time to ask for an explanation. The savior of the universe, how could I ever pay attention to it?" where?" As for the glorious historical story of that year, Lucifer said that he was not bad at all.

Although I went to Noah to ask for an explanation, but in the end, the old B refused to admit his account and even sealed him with a killer. It was not until the last era that he finally broke the seal, but no matter what, I, Lucifer, It was also the one who dared to come to ask for an explanation after being beaten by Noah.

Do you dare to change to ordinary ones? !
"Heh, I'm from the same era as Siao, a mere savior, in my eyes, but a junior." Lucifer crossed his arms and said, "I'm really disappointed to see that you haven't become a savior yet."

Yuanyuan Nai did not speak, but stretched out his finger to point to the back of Lucifer.

Lucifer sneered, didn't turn around, but stared at Yuanyuan Nai.

Trying to trick me with just this little trick?When I turn around, you are afraid that you will rush to beat me, right?

I, Lucifer, was fooled once, and I will never be fooled a second time!

Even though the last time I suffered from this was quite a long time ago, I still remember it vividly.

"Ao Wang is behind you."



On the main street of Kingdom of Light.

"This is..." Dijia, who became happy, raised King Airi with both hands, and after throwing it out, he keenly felt a specious wave coming from outside the planet.

"Source? No... no, it should be half of it." Taking a few steps back to avoid the impact of the monster, Tiga used the light beam in his palm to sweep away the cosmic man who wanted to rush up to hug him, switching from the strong type to the air type, instantly It turned into a purple phantom, dodged left and right in the battlefield, and flew towards the sky above the Kingdom of Light.

As soon as he arrived in the universe, he heard a roar resounding through the universe.

"You bastard!"

Covering his face, Lucifer was quite upset.

He really thought that King Ao was behind him, but when he turned around, there was nothing at all.

Lucifer knew bad things at that time.

Sure enough, Lucifer suffered a heavy blow on the face and was punched hard and flew out. His memory seemed to return to the upper end of the timeline. After being tricked by Noah's b, he punched him in the face and flew out , a scene that fell into the long river of time.

It can't be said to be too similar to the scene in front of me, it can only be said to be exactly the same.

Have the hearts of this Noah-type light and its owner always been so dark?

(End of this chapter)

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