Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1041 A 1cm Iron Rod Turned Yuanyuan into a Human

Chapter 1041 A 20cm Iron Rod Turned Yuanyuan into a Human (The Problem Is Not Broken)
After the universe was reset, the earth returned from destruction to the state before the Great War, that is, before the Allo descended to the earth and Beria launched the war here.

The earth has returned to peace again, and human beings have begun to live on this planet again, with their own footprints all over the place.

Minamoto carries a travel bag and walks in the human world in the form of a human being.

It is no longer the aloofness of the past, and it is no longer incomprehensible in the past. I live in the mundane world personally, and many things are completely different from the feelings I got when I looked down on the world in the past.

If it was in the past, looking at the dispute between two people, Yuan would feel bored and feel that such a dispute is meaningless at all.

But now, he will think about why the dispute broke out between the two.

Once he would issue: People really can't understand each other.Such emotion, and now, he will express such emotion, but at the same time, he also wants to try to understand the other side.

The gods fell into the human world, fell into the mortal world, no longer a god, and have put down their own body.

After walking a lot of places and looking at a lot of regions, after Ultraman and the cosmonauts all disappeared in this universe, this planet has returned to its former state.

The ugliness of human nature is fully exposed in the war waged in the barren desert area.

Under the deep world of flowers, those connected and dirty things, like the rats in the sewer, will never be exterminated.

Just because it's unknown doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Yuan's footsteps traveled all over these places, and he saw people who were struggling in the war.

Those civilians who were innocently affected had to give their lives under the deterrence of bullets at the muzzle.

The missile that flew across the sky fell on the ground, making the erasure of life so simple.

Yuan watched these with cold eyes, and lost the power of Ultraman, he was only qualified to watch.

Furthermore, with his character, it is normal to look at all this happening in a calm manner.

He sometimes wondered, if Quan was here, what would Quan do?If the main body was here, what choice would he make?

Watching children being taken from their parents.

Watch as the girl is pulled away from her family.

Watching the rumble of trucks carrying weeping people away.

Even if there are no aliens and monsters, human life still seems to be in dire straits.

Whether the monster appears or not, nothing seems to change.

Watching the truck gradually move away, Yuan remained silent, unable to speak.

Going around, he left that area and came to a new place. Here, he did not meet those people who were tortured in the war, but met...as the dominant side, that wonderful life.

Here, he once again met those kidnapped people, who were branded as trade names, pushed and pushed to the center of the town, marked with a price, and there for people to choose.

Yuan blended in the crowd, just watching everything like this, just watching.

There is no way for the giant of light to interfere with the choice of human beings. This is an unchanging truth, and it is also the choice of Yuanyuan.

He is not human, and he always remembers that he does not represent the human side.

Sadness, pain.

Desperate, unwilling.

Joy, contentment.

Greedy, demanding.

Negative and positive emotions stand out in this place, entrenched in the air, amidst the bustle and bustle, amidst the weeping and sobbing.

These have nothing to do with the source, he is still just looking at all this, with the eyes of a third party, the perspective of a third party.

Ultraman of Light cannot interfere with human choices, because Ultraman is all light.

Because I am the light.


But... what is this lingering anger?What is this impulse that lingers in my heart?
I... obviously don't belong to people.

What does it mean if I make a move?Human beings will never thank Ultraman, human beings...will never thank non-human beings for interfering in everything they do!
As a human?

But I... am obviously not human...

In the struggle of choice and hesitation, this carnival finally came to an end, the noisy hustle and bustle receded, those who had gained something looked forward to going home, and those who had not gained anything were waiting for the next opportunity.

People feel that this kind of life will continue.

There will be next time.

After the crowd dispersed, Dudu was still standing in the same place, especially standing out, and he was out of tune with the clothes of the people here. It seemed that he was from another place, and he seemed to have attracted the covetousness of some people who hadn't gained anything.

Even if an outlander disappears, no one here will care.

So, Yuan who was standing here alone in thought, someone who touched him from behind gave him a stick and beat him on the head.

Fresh blood dripped down from the hair, and flowed on the face, covering the vision in front of him, and also pulled Yuan back from his contemplation.

When he came back to his senses, he looked at the bright red world in front of him, the blood-stained world, a little dazed, a little at a loss.

Is this blood?

He stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and the bright red blood mixed on his hand, staining the entire palm.

It's not light particles, it's not scattered light, it's blood, it's gurgling, bright red blood.

I am human?I'm not a god. I'm a human?
I turned out to be human?
With trembling hands, no other colors can be seen from the bright red perspective.

This bright red blood is something that has never been experienced before.

God doesn't bleed, God...not like this.

I see, with that kind of power, no matter what kind of damage I receive, I won't be wounded, so Gennai will never be injured.

And because of me, I have never turned into a human a few times.

Coupled with the dominance of divinity, I thought I was...a god?
Is my transcendent essence the shackles that bind me?
Behind him, the sound of breaking wind caused by the raising of the iron rod resounded in his ears, Yuan raised his hand, and grabbed the iron rod, no matter how hard the opponent struggled, there was no way to get rid of the restraint.

"Tell me if I'm human." Turning his head, bright red blood trickled down his cheeks, and the faint eyes looked like an evil ghost.

"I don't care if you're human or not, let me go!" In resentment, the man punched Yuan hard in the chest a few times, trying to make Yuan let go.

But his attack landed on Yuan's body, but Yuan didn't retreat half a step.

"All this time, I have been misleading myself. The so-called god is just my self-righteousness." With force on his arm, Yuan crushed the iron rod under the latter's horrified eyes, and threw it aside casually.

The giants of light cannot interfere with human choice.

It's about who I used to be.

And now I am no longer Ultraman.

I am a human being, and I am a .human being named Yuan.

This blood is the proof!
I used to be light, but now, just human!

Raising his hand, he grasped the invisible dagger behind his back, Yuan held it in his hand, the blood still dripping down his cheeks never stopped, but this surging blood silently reminded Yuan, his identity, his identity at the moment.

The short sword came out of his hand, hit the back of the fleeing guy, penetrated the opponent's body, and nailed him to the ground.

The same bright red blood flowed out along the ground, and soon, it was all over the ground.

Yuan wobbled to the side of the corpse, bent down, and pulled out the dagger.

"I am a human being, so I should do what I can do as a human being."

Gennai, who was a god, has died, and what remains here is a human named Minamoto.

There is no need to suppress the anger in the heart, and there is no need to be obsessed with the so-called non-interference. Human beings can intervene in human affairs.

I am no longer Yuan Yuan, I am Yuan!
It is the half-body who used to be a wanderer, the source of the savior, not the so-called god!
The body disappeared into the darkness, and what he saw along the way, Yuan knew what he should do.

Along the way, he knows how beautiful the evil flower of human nature blooms here.

And he has already determined the meaning of his existence at this moment.

Therefore, he will destroy flowers with his hands.

Therefore, he will do what a human being should do.

(End of this chapter)

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