Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1051 1042: Now, our God only needs one energy source to move, and that energy source is...

Chapter 1051 1042: Now, our God only needs one energy source to move, and that energy source is...

"Eh? Parent meeting?" During the meal, Yuan and Xiao Lu sat face to face, listening to what Xiao Lu told about the school.

"That's right, there was no way to do it before, but now..." Xiao Lu chuckled, and he could see that he was in a good mood: "Now I also have a family, brother, you must come to my parent meeting."

"Yes." Yuan nodded, just attending the parents' meeting, it's not a big deal.

You must know that when he was an instructor in the past, he was even a teacher who held a parent-teacher meeting.

Sitting in a row below are the parents of the little Ultra warriors who graduated from school.

"Do you want me to wear my most handsome outfit?" Yuan said in a teasing tone: "Just wear that outfit."

"Okay!" If it was the real world, such a statement would definitely not be allowed, but Xiao Lu would not have any dissatisfaction with this, and even looked forward to it.

Wearing a Kongwo leather case to go to school to attend the parent meeting or something, those guys will definitely be very envious of me!
Because their parents must not have the courage!

Yuan smiled, did not speak, and turned to ask another question.

"The last time I went to pick you up from school, those brats didn't bother you again." Yuan said that when I went to pick up Xiao Lu from school last time, I met Xiao Lu at the school gate and was surrounded by four people. Surrounded by five classmates, they made funny moves, while laughing at Xiao Lu's fatherless and motherless, while preaching.

Taking advantage of Mengya needing to be on duty tonight, and taking advantage of Mengya not having time to come out to stop them, they seized the opportunity and were finally able to laugh at Xiao Lu again.

Children are like this, once they have something that others don't, they will show it off crazily.

This is true even for parents.

That day, Yuan came to pick up Xiao Lu just after negotiating a business deal with someone, and he was in a good mood, but when he saw this scene, his face became uncontrollably gloomy.

Not only that, there was even a wave of anger that was about to burst out from the bottom of his heart, but... was firmly suppressed by him in the bottom of his heart.

This kind of emotion is called anger, and the calmness that suppresses this anger is called rationality.

Anger will make people do some irrational things, and reason is the cage that restrains beasts. This is the difference between humans and beasts.

After realizing this point, Yuan has a deeper understanding of human emotions.

Although the anger was still there, Yuan, who was strong enough to restrain him, stepped forward, grabbed those stinky brats, and in the process of these brats crying for their fathers and mothers, they couldn't escape, and sent them one by one into the teacher's room. room.

Reasoning calmly, taking evidence, standing on the moral high ground, and forcing these stinky brats to apologize to Xiao Lu.

Although their apologies may not be sincere, but Yuan also said that the matter was nothing more than three things.

If it's over three, things won't be so easy to solve.

Smelly brat... Anyway, it's someone else's child, and it's their family who did something wrong and unlucky.

To deal with this kind of little devil, just ignore it and let it kill itself in madness.

Restraining anger with rationality seems to be usually done by Quan, but Yuan, more often than not, this kind of anger will not appear in his heart.

So on him, it was anger that wanted to burn his reason.

Let the shackles be broken.

"No, they didn't dare to come to me after that." Speaking of this, Xiao Lu was still a little relieved: "They seem to recognize that my brother is the Kamen Rider Kuuga, so they are very afraid that my brother will become a Kamen Rider , so when you see me, you walk around far away."


It's okay to be a Kamen Rider.

"That's good. If you still meet such a guy, you can come and tell me."

"Yeah!" Xiao Lu nodded: "Actually, after that incident, Lao Mengya also knew about it, and then Mengya also vented her anger on me."

"Now, I really don't have any feelings for those guys."

"Mengya vented her anger for you?" Yuan's face was a little weird, but he became relieved instead.

Is this my childhood sweetheart?Mengya is protecting Xiaolu, and Xiaolu...

Yuan, who was smiling gently, suddenly changed his expression, because in his mind, he also recalled a scene, that was in the mountain behind the school, in the mountain forest with colorful leaves, he was chased by wild dogs and ran into the mountain in a panic of a girl.

And the boy who couldn't wait for the girl to leave school, headed towards the mountain alone, killed the vicious dog wandering at the foot of the mountain, dragged his exhausted body and shouted and searched in the mountain.

Finally, in a tree hole, I found the girl curled up and sobbing because of fear.

The boy who reaches out to lift the girl out of the tree hole is called Yuanquan.

Shaking her body, she let go of all her guard and fear after seeing the source, and the girl who threw herself into his arms and burst into tears was called Gou Keiko, also called...Xiao Hui.

His eyes dimmed for a moment, these memories belonged to Quan, to Yuanquan, but not to him.

At the beginning of splitting into two, these memories were divided into Quan's memory by Yuanquan.

Although he also knew these memories from Quan through shared memories, they were different after all.

Perhaps in Yuanquan's thinking, it belongs to the past of human beings, so it belongs to the half body of human beings.

As a god, he does not need to know these things.

...Well, Yuan didn't know what Yuanquan was thinking, so he could only guess wildly and use it to speculate.


Yuan didn't really wear the most expensive clothes, that is, Sora's armor went to some parents' meeting, but he went there in ordinary clothes, but even so, Yuan seemed too young, and he looked like a child among the parents. There are also some special ones.

But these are not as good as before. When they saw Xiao Lu holding someone's hand and coming to attend the parents' meeting, they were still a little dazed.

Although they already knew that Xiao Lu, who is an orphan, has a family, but everyone is from the parents' generation, and it's not suitable for you to be from the elder brother's generation?

So it is still true that Xiao Lu has no father and no mother?
I only dare to think about these words in my heart, saying that I would definitely not dare to say them.

After all, everyone has recognized it, this one is the master who can transform.

As soon as he entered the school gate, Yuan was surrounded by some children. The children who stretched out their hands kept pawing at Yuan, shouting words such as "Kuuga", "Kamen Rider" and "Five Generations". Obviously these children They have all seen the special photos of the source.

Although it was a late-night show, Kuraga's authenticity and story still attracted many people after all.

That's the same thing that The Flash is trying to convey.

Although the process is much more painful.

Xiao Lu really enjoyed the feeling of being watched by everyone, especially when the students knew that Yuan was Xiao Lu's elder brother, they even surrounded Xiao Lu and chatted about something.

This situation continued until the children's parents pulled their respective children back under control.

Because of this, Yuan also got in touch with these parents and started chatting.


"We can't find a core that can provide energy." On the planet where Yuanyuan Nai stayed, it has been a long time since Yuan Yuannai left after destroying the alien beast with absolute strength.

Perhaps Yuan Yuannai himself could not have imagined that what he got in return for his kindness was a coveting of power and indulgence of greed.

Looking at this statue from a distance, it has the same color and appearance as Yuan Yuannai, but his eyes are dim.

The energy supply device in the core of the bird has not yet found a suitable energy source.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

All they need is a strong enough energy source, and the god they created with their own hands can come alive!

In a corner that no one knew, King Ao raised his head and stared at the imitation body of Yuan Yuannai.

In his eyes, this imitation body of Yuanyuan Nai is not Yuanyuan Nai, but... Zaki.

Unlike ordinary Zaki, Zaki has a high degree of resemblance to the source, and almost exactly the same posture.

That hidden time string is about to move under the shadow of the main universe.

King Ao knew that Eryuan Zaki's return was imminent.

Just wait for... the completion of this medium in front of me.

(End of this chapter)

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